Murder suspect trained at alt right terrorism camp .

The claim that the Nazis actually were leftists or socialists in any generally accepted sense of those terms flies in the face of historical reality.
You guys need to stop pushing this. This is State vs Individualism. Government control over "subjects" is what makes National SOCIALISTS, socialists.

AMERICANS don't divide idiotology the way Europeans do.

For us, Left and Right refer to how much government rules your life. AMERICANS believe the INDIVIDUAL is above the State.

Europeans are Progressives. They only know life as SUBJECTS. They divide L v R different.
We are NOT Europe.
Besides, who gives a shit if its left or right? They are all totalitarian.
We have this thing about truth Nazi propaganda... I have a masters in history with a concentration on Nazism and it is right wing totalitarianism. That's why the Nazis loved corporate aristocrats and corporations unless they were Jewish.

Bullshit Che.
Any actual stupid BS argument? You dopes don't even know the most basic political science or history, just total crap.

LOL, projection boy. The Nazi's indeed co-opted the word and system of Socialism. It helped them get the people to be, and remain pliable. The Treaty of Versailles had prepared them for the delusion. The nation had been financially raped (as it should have been) and the people were ready to blindly follow Hitler. C'mon Che, you had to have known that.....I mean as 'edumacated" as you claim to be?
Besides, who gives a shit if its left or right? They are all totalitarian.
We have this thing about truth Nazi propaganda... I have a masters in history with a concentration on Nazism and it is right wing totalitarianism. That's why the Nazis loved corporate aristocrats and corporations unless they were Jewish.
they behaved just like the stalinists though. how do you explain that? in fact, the stalinists actually killed three times the humans on the planet. How do you explain that? Lucy, you got a lot of splaining to do.
They did not change the economy so that the state owned all businesses and industries, in fact they only took over or confiscated businesses that were run by Jews or people who fought them. That is what makes them fascists and right wing duh. They were totalitarian capitalists. And despite using confiscated Jewish assets they were so much in Debt that they had to start Conquests to pay off their mess...

" The changes included privatization of state industries"

Economy of Nazi Germany - Wikipedia

You're busted as a fraud Che.
Besides, who gives a shit if its left or right? They are all totalitarian.
We have this thing about truth Nazi propaganda... I have a masters in history with a concentration on Nazism and it is right wing totalitarianism. That's why the Nazis loved corporate aristocrats and corporations unless they were Jewish.
they behaved just like the stalinists though. how do you explain that? in fact, the stalinists actually killed three times the humans on the planet. How do you explain that? Lucy, you got a lot of splaining to do.
They did not change the economy so that the state owned all businesses and industries, in fact they only took over or confiscated businesses that were run by Jews or people who fought them. That is what makes them fascists and right wing duh. They were totalitarian capitalists. And despite using confiscated Jewish assets they were so much in Debt that they had to start Conquests to pay off their mess...
the hell they didn't. what the fk are you talking about? dude, you live in an alternate world.
Since they were totalitarian they made sure that everybody followed their strategy for the economy, that is a war economy, but they were still based on the capitalist economic model. ever heard of Messerschmitt, Todt, heinkel, Krupp, etc etc etc? Duh!
Besides, who gives a shit if its left or right? They are all totalitarian.
We have this thing about truth Nazi propaganda... I have a masters in history with a concentration on Nazism and it is right wing totalitarianism. That's why the Nazis loved corporate aristocrats and corporations unless they were Jewish.
they behaved just like the stalinists though. how do you explain that? in fact, the stalinists actually killed three times the humans on the planet. How do you explain that? Lucy, you got a lot of splaining to do.
They did not change the economy so that the state owned all businesses and industries, in fact they only took over or confiscated businesses that were run by Jews or people who fought them. That is what makes them fascists and right wing duh. They were totalitarian capitalists. And despite using confiscated Jewish assets they were so much in Debt that they had to start Conquests to pay off their mess...

" The changes included privatization of state industries"

Economy of Nazi Germany - Wikipedia

You're busted as a fraud Che.
You are an idiot... Do you know what privatization means? LOL! It's exactly what right-wingers always want to do with State Industries The capitalist Nazi economy was a scam based on confiscation of Jewish assets and so much debt they had to go on the warpath...
Besides, who gives a shit if its left or right? They are all totalitarian.
We have this thing about truth Nazi propaganda... I have a masters in history with a concentration on Nazism and it is right wing totalitarianism. That's why the Nazis loved corporate aristocrats and corporations unless they were Jewish.

Bullshit Che.
Any actual stupid BS argument? You dopes don't even know the most basic political science or history, just total crap.

LOL, projection boy. The Nazi's indeed co-opted the word and system of Socialism. It helped them get the people to be, and remain pliable. The Treaty of Versailles had prepared them for the delusion. The nation had been financially raped (as it should have been) and the people were ready to blindly follow Hitler. C'mon Che, you had to have known that.....I mean as 'edumacated" as you claim to be?
The Nazi economy was capitalist d u h. It appeared socialist as it included full employment Etc but it was a scam and inevitably ended with huge debt and Ensuing War. But thanks for the brainwashed liberal fascism idiocy, super dupe
Besides, who gives a shit if its left or right? They are all totalitarian.
We have this thing about truth Nazi propaganda... I have a masters in history with a concentration on Nazism and it is right wing totalitarianism. That's why the Nazis loved corporate aristocrats and corporations unless they were Jewish.

Bullshit Che.
Any actual stupid BS argument? You dopes don't even know the most basic political science or history, just total crap.

LOL, projection boy. The Nazi's indeed co-opted the word and system of Socialism. It helped them get the people to be, and remain pliable. The Treaty of Versailles had prepared them for the delusion. The nation had been financially raped (as it should have been) and the people were ready to blindly follow Hitler. C'mon Che, you had to have known that.....I mean as 'edumacated" as you claim to be?
The Nazi economy was capitalist d u h. It appeared socialist as it included full employment Etc but it was a scam and inevitably ended with huge debt and Ensuing War. But thanks for the brainwashed liberal fascism idiocy, super dupe

I've shown you don't have any knowledge of this Che, slink away.
Besides, who gives a shit if its left or right? They are all totalitarian.
We have this thing about truth Nazi propaganda... I have a masters in history with a concentration on Nazism and it is right wing totalitarianism. That's why the Nazis loved corporate aristocrats and corporations unless they were Jewish.
they behaved just like the stalinists though. how do you explain that? in fact, the stalinists actually killed three times the humans on the planet. How do you explain that? Lucy, you got a lot of splaining to do.
They did not change the economy so that the state owned all businesses and industries, in fact they only took over or confiscated businesses that were run by Jews or people who fought them. That is what makes them fascists and right wing duh. They were totalitarian capitalists. And despite using confiscated Jewish assets they were so much in Debt that they had to start Conquests to pay off their mess...

" The changes included privatization of state industries"

Economy of Nazi Germany - Wikipedia

You're busted as a fraud Che.
You are an idiot... Do you know what privatization means? LOL! It's exactly what right-wingers always want to do with State Industries The capitalist Nazi economy was a scam based on confiscation of Jewish assets and so much debt they had to go on the warpath...

" The changes included privatization of state industries"

Do you really think that just ignoring what I've proven helps you somehow? They Nationalized almost ALL industry, not just Jewish Industry. You have been shown to be a fraud Che.
We have this thing about truth Nazi propaganda... I have a masters in history with a concentration on Nazism and it is right wing totalitarianism. That's why the Nazis loved corporate aristocrats and corporations unless they were Jewish.

Bullshit Che.
Any actual stupid BS argument? You dopes don't even know the most basic political science or history, just total crap.

LOL, projection boy. The Nazi's indeed co-opted the word and system of Socialism. It helped them get the people to be, and remain pliable. The Treaty of Versailles had prepared them for the delusion. The nation had been financially raped (as it should have been) and the people were ready to blindly follow Hitler. C'mon Che, you had to have known that.....I mean as 'edumacated" as you claim to be?
The Nazi economy was capitalist d u h. It appeared socialist as it included full employment Etc but it was a scam and inevitably ended with huge debt and Ensuing War. But thanks for the brainwashed liberal fascism idiocy, super dupe

I've shown you don't have any knowledge of this Che, slink away.
You think that privatization is socialism? You have absolutely no clue.
We have this thing about truth Nazi propaganda... I have a masters in history with a concentration on Nazism and it is right wing totalitarianism. That's why the Nazis loved corporate aristocrats and corporations unless they were Jewish.
they behaved just like the stalinists though. how do you explain that? in fact, the stalinists actually killed three times the humans on the planet. How do you explain that? Lucy, you got a lot of splaining to do.
They did not change the economy so that the state owned all businesses and industries, in fact they only took over or confiscated businesses that were run by Jews or people who fought them. That is what makes them fascists and right wing duh. They were totalitarian capitalists. And despite using confiscated Jewish assets they were so much in Debt that they had to start Conquests to pay off their mess...

" The changes included privatization of state industries"

Economy of Nazi Germany - Wikipedia

You're busted as a fraud Che.
You are an idiot... Do you know what privatization means? LOL! It's exactly what right-wingers always want to do with State Industries The capitalist Nazi economy was a scam based on confiscation of Jewish assets and so much debt they had to go on the warpath...

" The changes included privatization of state industries"

Do you really think that just ignoring what I've proven helps you somehow? They Nationalized almost ALL industry, not just Jewish Industry. You have been shown to be a fraud Che.
Privatization is the exact opposite of nationalization you goddamn brainwashed functional moron. LOL!
Besides, who gives a shit if its left or right? They are all totalitarian.
We have this thing about truth Nazi propaganda... I have a masters in history with a concentration on Nazism and it is right wing totalitarianism. That's why the Nazis loved corporate aristocrats and corporations unless they were Jewish.

Bullshit Che.
Any actual stupid BS argument? You dopes don't even know the most basic political science or history, just total crap.

LOL, projection boy. The Nazi's indeed co-opted the word and system of Socialism. It helped them get the people to be, and remain pliable. The Treaty of Versailles had prepared them for the delusion. The nation had been financially raped (as it should have been) and the people were ready to blindly follow Hitler. C'mon Che, you had to have known that.....I mean as 'edumacated" as you claim to be?
Actually, as opposed to the French who paid back huge amounts of money after the franco-prussian war, the Germans refused to pay with the help of GOP financiers, and it was only the GOP corrupt World depression that caused the chaos that led to the rise of nationalists and militarists in Germany and Japan. Great job, and much like what we have seen in the chaos of Africa and the Middle East. GOP World depressions are always such fun. You goddamn GOP dupes are a disgrace and a horror.
The perp was a socialist. Nothing good ever came from socialism whether it be neo-Nazi based or post-modern, .neo-Marxist, left wing based.
Besides, who gives a shit if its left or right? They are all totalitarian.
We have this thing about truth Nazi propaganda... I have a masters in history with a concentration on Nazism and it is right wing totalitarianism. That's why the Nazis loved corporate aristocrats and corporations unless they were Jewish.
they behaved just like the stalinists though. how do you explain that? in fact, the stalinists actually killed three times the humans on the planet. How do you explain that? Lucy, you got a lot of splaining to do.
They did not change the economy so that the state owned all businesses and industries, in fact they only took over or confiscated businesses that were run by Jews or people who fought them. That is what makes them fascists and right wing duh. They were totalitarian capitalists. And despite using confiscated Jewish assets they were so much in Debt that they had to start Conquests to pay off their mess...
the hell they didn't. what the fk are you talking about? dude, you live in an alternate world.
Since they were totalitarian they made sure that everybody followed their strategy for the economy, that is a war economy, but they were still based on the capitalist economic model. ever heard of Messerschmitt, Todt, heinkel, Krupp, etc etc etc? Duh!
nope, no one was allowed to own property. you're just spouting off nonsense that no one will follow.
Besides, who gives a shit if its left or right? They are all totalitarian.
We have this thing about truth Nazi propaganda... I have a masters in history with a concentration on Nazism and it is right wing totalitarianism. That's why the Nazis loved corporate aristocrats and corporations unless they were Jewish.

Bullshit Che.
Any actual stupid BS argument? You dopes don't even know the most basic political science or history, just total crap.

LOL, projection boy. The Nazi's indeed co-opted the word and system of Socialism. It helped them get the people to be, and remain pliable. The Treaty of Versailles had prepared them for the delusion. The nation had been financially raped (as it should have been) and the people were ready to blindly follow Hitler. C'mon Che, you had to have known that.....I mean as 'edumacated" as you claim to be?
Actually, as opposed to the French who paid back huge amounts of money after the franco-prussian war, the Germans refused to pay with the help of American financiers, and it was only the GOP corrupt World depression that caused the chaos that led to the rise of nationalists and militarists in Germany and Japan. Great job, and much like what we have seen in the chaos of Africa and the Middle East. GOP World depressions are always such fun. You goddamn GOP dupes are a disgrace and a horror.

C'mon Che, try dealing with what I posted and not engage in deflection. The German economy (as I keep showing you) was in tatters for a great many reasons which is the MAIN reason the Nazi's "appropriated" the term "Socialist", AND instituted a great many "Socialist" programs. You do realize that after the War ended France occupied the Ruhr and raped it to pay the reparations Hitler refused to pay, you did know that right? The "militarists" rose because Hitler truly saw himself as a World ruler. Tell me Che, how was he able to rearm so secretly (am I'm not asking about his underground works)?
We have this thing about truth Nazi propaganda... I have a masters in history with a concentration on Nazism and it is right wing totalitarianism. That's why the Nazis loved corporate aristocrats and corporations unless they were Jewish.
they behaved just like the stalinists though. how do you explain that? in fact, the stalinists actually killed three times the humans on the planet. How do you explain that? Lucy, you got a lot of splaining to do.
They did not change the economy so that the state owned all businesses and industries, in fact they only took over or confiscated businesses that were run by Jews or people who fought them. That is what makes them fascists and right wing duh. They were totalitarian capitalists. And despite using confiscated Jewish assets they were so much in Debt that they had to start Conquests to pay off their mess...
the hell they didn't. what the fk are you talking about? dude, you live in an alternate world.
Since they were totalitarian they made sure that everybody followed their strategy for the economy, that is a war economy, but they were still based on the capitalist economic model. ever heard of Messerschmitt, Todt, heinkel, Krupp, etc etc etc? Duh!
nope, no one was allowed to own property. you're just spouting off nonsense that no one will follow.

he's been revealed and now he's deflecting to cover it up.
The claim that the Nazis actually were leftists or socialists in any generally accepted sense of those terms flies in the face of historical reality.
You guys need to stop pushing this. This is State vs Individualism. Government control over "subjects" is what makes National SOCIALISTS, socialists.

AMERICANS don't divide idiotology the way Europeans do.

For us, Left and Right refer to how much government rules your life. AMERICANS believe the INDIVIDUAL is above the State.

Europeans are Progressives. They only know life as SUBJECTS. They divide L v R different.
We are NOT Europe.
You GOP brainwashed functional morons think socialism is communism, while the rest of the world knows that socialism is always democratic and it's basically Fair capitalism with a good safety net. You idiots think the rich pay too much in taxes LOL! and the poor are lazy and leeches, gee whiz I wonder what that is code for... You're a racist disgrace and fool of the greedy idiot brainwashing thieving GOP rich. But at least you're in the white party right? Idiot!
Good try...but REAL evil is a Democrat trademark....
Woman, live-in girlfriend charged with forcing children to eat dog feces in new 'house of horrors'
Woman, live-in girlfriend charged with forcing children to eat dog feces in new 'house of horrors'

This is what the Left is all about

Not to worry, a liberal judge will punish them severely with 2 months of harsh probation (partying at home every night getting high) and then order they be moved to a new home in an upscale neighborhood with granite countertops and a that they won't feel so left out and discriminated against, all paid for by hard working American taxpayers

And believe it or not, there are leftist imbeciles who think it's all "funny"
Last edited:
they behaved just like the stalinists though. how do you explain that? in fact, the stalinists actually killed three times the humans on the planet. How do you explain that? Lucy, you got a lot of splaining to do.
They did not change the economy so that the state owned all businesses and industries, in fact they only took over or confiscated businesses that were run by Jews or people who fought them. That is what makes them fascists and right wing duh. They were totalitarian capitalists. And despite using confiscated Jewish assets they were so much in Debt that they had to start Conquests to pay off their mess...
the hell they didn't. what the fk are you talking about? dude, you live in an alternate world.
Since they were totalitarian they made sure that everybody followed their strategy for the economy, that is a war economy, but they were still based on the capitalist economic model. ever heard of Messerschmitt, Todt, heinkel, Krupp, etc etc etc? Duh!
nope, no one was allowed to own property. you're just spouting off nonsense that no one will follow.

he's been revealed and now he's deflecting to cover it up.
Read anything but liberal fascism drivel, my goodness no material is thicker than GOP ignoramus skull. Privatization is now nationalization SMH... How do you exactly get this ignorant? Of course we all know listening to Fox or Rush etc etc etc... Absolutely Clueless.
They did not change the economy so that the state owned all businesses and industries, in fact they only took over or confiscated businesses that were run by Jews or people who fought them. That is what makes them fascists and right wing duh. They were totalitarian capitalists. And despite using confiscated Jewish assets they were so much in Debt that they had to start Conquests to pay off their mess...
the hell they didn't. what the fk are you talking about? dude, you live in an alternate world.
Since they were totalitarian they made sure that everybody followed their strategy for the economy, that is a war economy, but they were still based on the capitalist economic model. ever heard of Messerschmitt, Todt, heinkel, Krupp, etc etc etc? Duh!
nope, no one was allowed to own property. you're just spouting off nonsense that no one will follow.

he's been revealed and now he's deflecting to cover it up.
Read anything but liberal fascism drivel, my goodness no material is thicker than GOP ignoramus skull. Privatization is now nationalization SMH... How do you exactly get this ignorant? Of course we all know listening to Fox or Rush etc etc etc... Absolutely Clueless.

I'm running rings around you and we both know it. Now, how did Hitler keep the rearming secret? Stop running in circles and deflecting Che.

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