Murder suspect trained at alt right terrorism camp .

Good try...but REAL evil is a Democrat trademark....
Woman, live-in girlfriend charged with forcing children to eat dog feces in new 'house of horrors'
Woman, live-in girlfriend charged with forcing children to eat dog feces in new 'house of horrors'

This is what the Left is all about
Thanks for the racist garbage, racist dupe.

See....if you point out criminal Leftist waste product....the imbeciles call it "Racist"


(Notice the flaming hypocrite doesn't give a shit about the abused children)
We have this thing about truth Nazi propaganda... I have a masters in history with a concentration on Nazism and it is right wing totalitarianism. That's why the Nazis loved corporate aristocrats and corporations unless they were Jewish.

Bullshit Che.
Any actual stupid BS argument? You dopes don't even know the most basic political science or history, just total crap.

LOL, projection boy. The Nazi's indeed co-opted the word and system of Socialism. It helped them get the people to be, and remain pliable. The Treaty of Versailles had prepared them for the delusion. The nation had been financially raped (as it should have been) and the people were ready to blindly follow Hitler. C'mon Che, you had to have known that.....I mean as 'edumacated" as you claim to be?
Actually, as opposed to the French who paid back huge amounts of money after the franco-prussian war, the Germans refused to pay with the help of American financiers, and it was only the GOP corrupt World depression that caused the chaos that led to the rise of nationalists and militarists in Germany and Japan. Great job, and much like what we have seen in the chaos of Africa and the Middle East. GOP World depressions are always such fun. You goddamn GOP dupes are a disgrace and a horror.

C'mon Che, try dealing with what I posted and not engage in deflection. The German economy (as I keep showing you) was in tatters for a great many reasons which is the MAIN reason the Nazi's "appropriated" the term "Socialist", AND instituted a great many "Socialist" programs. You do realize that after the War ended France occupied the Ruhr and raped it to pay the reparations Hitler refused to pay, you did know that right? The "militarists" rose because Hitler truly saw himself as a World ruler. Tell me Che, how was he able to rearm so secretly (am I'm not asking about his underground works)?
You are a clueless brainwashed functional moron. The French occupied the Ruhr in 1923 and it didn't work and they never tried to do anything unilaterally again... Thanks UK and America. Hitler didn't come into power until 10 years afterwards. After the chaos of the corrupt GOP World depression brought chaos, much like there is now in Africa and the Middle East. Great job again!
The acronym "NAZI" stands for nationalist socialist. Sane people today don't equate nazi cults with any political movement but if you consider that democrats ran a socialist in the primaries, democrats rioted in the streets on inauguration day, democrats support the purification of the races with abortion at any stage and democrats have been undermining Christian religious beliefs for decades it stands to reason that any nazi training camp would have left wing leanings.
Bullshit Che.
Any actual stupid BS argument? You dopes don't even know the most basic political science or history, just total crap.

LOL, projection boy. The Nazi's indeed co-opted the word and system of Socialism. It helped them get the people to be, and remain pliable. The Treaty of Versailles had prepared them for the delusion. The nation had been financially raped (as it should have been) and the people were ready to blindly follow Hitler. C'mon Che, you had to have known that.....I mean as 'edumacated" as you claim to be?
Actually, as opposed to the French who paid back huge amounts of money after the franco-prussian war, the Germans refused to pay with the help of American financiers, and it was only the GOP corrupt World depression that caused the chaos that led to the rise of nationalists and militarists in Germany and Japan. Great job, and much like what we have seen in the chaos of Africa and the Middle East. GOP World depressions are always such fun. You goddamn GOP dupes are a disgrace and a horror.

C'mon Che, try dealing with what I posted and not engage in deflection. The German economy (as I keep showing you) was in tatters for a great many reasons which is the MAIN reason the Nazi's "appropriated" the term "Socialist", AND instituted a great many "Socialist" programs. You do realize that after the War ended France occupied the Ruhr and raped it to pay the reparations Hitler refused to pay, you did know that right? The "militarists" rose because Hitler truly saw himself as a World ruler. Tell me Che, how was he able to rearm so secretly (am I'm not asking about his underground works)?
You are clueless brainwashed functional moron. The French occupied the Ruhr in 1923 and it didn't work have they never tried to do anything unilaterally again... Thanks UK and America. Hitler didn't come into power until 10 years afterwards. After the chaos of the corrupt GOP World depression brought chaos, much like there is now in Africa and the Middle East. Great job again!

LOL, YOU brought up German Reparations and now you deflect again. You can't talk about Hitler and his Socialist platform without talking about WW1. You are not an intelligent man Che. You're still hiding from how Hitler kept his rearming secret.
Good try...but REAL evil is a Democrat trademark....
Woman, live-in girlfriend charged with forcing children to eat dog feces in new 'house of horrors'
Woman, live-in girlfriend charged with forcing children to eat dog feces in new 'house of horrors'

This is what the Left is all about
Thanks for the racist garbage, racist dupe.

See....if you point out criminal Leftist waste product....the imbeciles call it "Racist"


(Notice the flaming hypocrite doesn't give a shit about the abused children)
Thanks for the Pander to the rich tax policies and rates that have ruined the non-rich for 35 years now, Idiot.
Any actual stupid BS argument? You dopes don't even know the most basic political science or history, just total crap.

LOL, projection boy. The Nazi's indeed co-opted the word and system of Socialism. It helped them get the people to be, and remain pliable. The Treaty of Versailles had prepared them for the delusion. The nation had been financially raped (as it should have been) and the people were ready to blindly follow Hitler. C'mon Che, you had to have known that.....I mean as 'edumacated" as you claim to be?
Actually, as opposed to the French who paid back huge amounts of money after the franco-prussian war, the Germans refused to pay with the help of American financiers, and it was only the GOP corrupt World depression that caused the chaos that led to the rise of nationalists and militarists in Germany and Japan. Great job, and much like what we have seen in the chaos of Africa and the Middle East. GOP World depressions are always such fun. You goddamn GOP dupes are a disgrace and a horror.

C'mon Che, try dealing with what I posted and not engage in deflection. The German economy (as I keep showing you) was in tatters for a great many reasons which is the MAIN reason the Nazi's "appropriated" the term "Socialist", AND instituted a great many "Socialist" programs. You do realize that after the War ended France occupied the Ruhr and raped it to pay the reparations Hitler refused to pay, you did know that right? The "militarists" rose because Hitler truly saw himself as a World ruler. Tell me Che, how was he able to rearm so secretly (am I'm not asking about his underground works)?
You are clueless brainwashed functional moron. The French occupied the Ruhr in 1923 and it didn't work have they never tried to do anything unilaterally again... Thanks UK and America. Hitler didn't come into power until 10 years afterwards. After the chaos of the corrupt GOP World depression brought chaos, much like there is now in Africa and the Middle East. Great job again!

LOL, YOU brought up German Reparations and now you deflect again. You can't talk about Hitler and his Socialist platform without talking about WW1. You are not an intelligent man Che. You're still hiding from how Hitler kept his rearming secret.
You have no idea what year anything happened and are totally full of s***. You are referring to Liberal fascism, a total mess of propaganda, or some crap you get from the BS and Hate GOP propaganda machine. You're a joke. Like the new BS GOP, an imaginary planet...
The claim that the Nazis actually were leftists or socialists in any generally accepted sense of those terms flies in the face of historical reality.
You guys need to stop pushing this. This is State vs Individualism. Government control over "subjects" is what makes National SOCIALISTS, socialists.

AMERICANS don't divide idiotology the way Europeans do.

For us, Left and Right refer to how much government rules your life. AMERICANS believe the INDIVIDUAL is above the State.

Europeans are Progressives. They only know life as SUBJECTS. They divide L v R different.
We are NOT Europe.
You GOP brainwashed functional morons think socialism is communism, while the rest of the world knows that socialism is always democratic and it's basically Fair capitalism with a good safety net. You idiots think the rich pay too much in taxes LOL! and the poor are lazy and leeches, gee whiz I wonder what that is code for... You're a racist disgrace and fool of the greedy idiot brainwashing thieving GOP rich. But at least you're in the white party right? Idiot!
you should let the historians know.
LOL, projection boy. The Nazi's indeed co-opted the word and system of Socialism. It helped them get the people to be, and remain pliable. The Treaty of Versailles had prepared them for the delusion. The nation had been financially raped (as it should have been) and the people were ready to blindly follow Hitler. C'mon Che, you had to have known that.....I mean as 'edumacated" as you claim to be?
Actually, as opposed to the French who paid back huge amounts of money after the franco-prussian war, the Germans refused to pay with the help of American financiers, and it was only the GOP corrupt World depression that caused the chaos that led to the rise of nationalists and militarists in Germany and Japan. Great job, and much like what we have seen in the chaos of Africa and the Middle East. GOP World depressions are always such fun. You goddamn GOP dupes are a disgrace and a horror.

C'mon Che, try dealing with what I posted and not engage in deflection. The German economy (as I keep showing you) was in tatters for a great many reasons which is the MAIN reason the Nazi's "appropriated" the term "Socialist", AND instituted a great many "Socialist" programs. You do realize that after the War ended France occupied the Ruhr and raped it to pay the reparations Hitler refused to pay, you did know that right? The "militarists" rose because Hitler truly saw himself as a World ruler. Tell me Che, how was he able to rearm so secretly (am I'm not asking about his underground works)?
You are clueless brainwashed functional moron. The French occupied the Ruhr in 1923 and it didn't work have they never tried to do anything unilaterally again... Thanks UK and America. Hitler didn't come into power until 10 years afterwards. After the chaos of the corrupt GOP World depression brought chaos, much like there is now in Africa and the Middle East. Great job again!

LOL, YOU brought up German Reparations and now you deflect again. You can't talk about Hitler and his Socialist platform without talking about WW1. You are not an intelligent man Che. You're still hiding from how Hitler kept his rearming secret.
You have no idea what year anything happened and are totally full of s***. You are referring to Liberal fascism, a total mess of propaganda, or some crap you get from the BS and Hate GOP propaganda machine. You're a joke. Like the new BS GOP, an imaginary planet...

I'm asking you a very simple question Che, why won't you answer it? I'm referring to History and have used sources to back it up. You simply spout lies and expect everyone to take your lying word for it. You're on the run Che, you're afraid and it's showing. HOW DID HITLER KEEP HIS REARMING SECRET?
The acronym "NAZI" stands for nationalist socialist. Sane people today don't equate nazi cults with any political movement but if you consider that democrats ran a socialist in the primaries, democrats rioted in the streets on inauguration day, democrats support the purification of the races with abortion at any stage and democrats have been undermining Christian religious beliefs for decades it stands to reason that any nazi training camp would have left wing leanings.
So you believe all right wing and Nazi propaganda.... I'm shocked LOL!
The acronym "NAZI" stands for nationalist socialist. Sane people today don't equate nazi cults with any political movement but if you consider that democrats ran a socialist in the primaries, democrats rioted in the streets on inauguration day, democrats support the purification of the races with abortion at any stage and democrats have been undermining Christian religious beliefs for decades it stands to reason that any nazi training camp would have left wing leanings.
So you believe all right wing and Nazi propaganda.... I'm shocked LOL!

Now you're in full panic mode. Everything you don't like is "propaganda".
The claim that the Nazis actually were leftists or socialists in any generally accepted sense of those terms flies in the face of historical reality.
You guys need to stop pushing this. This is State vs Individualism. Government control over "subjects" is what makes National SOCIALISTS, socialists.

AMERICANS don't divide idiotology the way Europeans do.

For us, Left and Right refer to how much government rules your life. AMERICANS believe the INDIVIDUAL is above the State.

Europeans are Progressives. They only know life as SUBJECTS. They divide L v R different.
We are NOT Europe.
You GOP brainwashed functional morons think socialism is communism, while the rest of the world knows that socialism is always democratic and it's basically Fair capitalism with a good safety net. You idiots think the rich pay too much in taxes LOL! and the poor are lazy and leeches, gee whiz I wonder what that is code for... You're a racist disgrace and fool of the greedy idiot brainwashing thieving GOP rich. But at least you're in the white party right? Idiot!
you should let the historians know.
I am a historian, dupe. They already know, unless they are bought off by the right-wing propaganda machine...
Anyone notice that EVERY post by Franco starts off by calling the opposition "Racist" or "Bigoted" or "Nazi" ?

Typical Plantation dwelling, ankle chain loving slave to the Democrats

A self-help video for DNC slaves
The acronym "NAZI" stands for nationalist socialist. Sane people today don't equate nazi cults with any political movement but if you consider that democrats ran a socialist in the primaries, democrats rioted in the streets on inauguration day, democrats support the purification of the races with abortion at any stage and democrats have been undermining Christian religious beliefs for decades it stands to reason that any nazi training camp would have left wing leanings.
So you believe all right wing and Nazi propaganda.... I'm shocked LOL!

Now you're in full panic mode. Everything you don't like is "propaganda".
Because Nazis Never Lie LOL actually they never stop... You're on your way, super dupe. Arggh!
The claim that the Nazis actually were leftists or socialists in any generally accepted sense of those terms flies in the face of historical reality.
You guys need to stop pushing this. This is State vs Individualism. Government control over "subjects" is what makes National SOCIALISTS, socialists.

AMERICANS don't divide idiotology the way Europeans do.

For us, Left and Right refer to how much government rules your life. AMERICANS believe the INDIVIDUAL is above the State.

Europeans are Progressives. They only know life as SUBJECTS. They divide L v R different.
We are NOT Europe.
You GOP brainwashed functional morons think socialism is communism, while the rest of the world knows that socialism is always democratic and it's basically Fair capitalism with a good safety net. You idiots think the rich pay too much in taxes LOL! and the poor are lazy and leeches, gee whiz I wonder what that is code for... You're a racist disgrace and fool of the greedy idiot brainwashing thieving GOP rich. But at least you're in the white party right? Idiot!
you should let the historians know.
I am a historian, dupe. They already know, unless they are bought off by the right-wing propaganda machine...

You're no Historian, you're a fake (as has been shown) Che. Even the simplest of arguments confuses you, the moment you get cornered everything becomes "propaganda". That's called a "tell" Che.
The acronym "NAZI" stands for nationalist socialist. Sane people today don't equate nazi cults with any political movement but if you consider that democrats ran a socialist in the primaries, democrats rioted in the streets on inauguration day, democrats support the purification of the races with abortion at any stage and democrats have been undermining Christian religious beliefs for decades it stands to reason that any nazi training camp would have left wing leanings.
So you believe all right wing and Nazi propaganda.... I'm shocked LOL!

Now you're in full panic mode. Everything you don't like is "propaganda".
Because Nazis Never Lie LOL actually they never stop... You're on your way, super dupe. Arggh!

Run You're a fraud, and not a very good one.
Anyone notice that EVERY post by Franco starts off by calling the opposition "Racist" or "Bigoted" or "Nazi" ?

Typical Plantation dwelling, ankle chain loving slave to the Democrats

A self-help video for DNC slaves

Actually, I just call you brainwashed functional morons just off the farm LOL.

After 35 years of cutting all the programs that help people get an education or training so they can improve themselves, now you blame Democrats for good safety net to help the victims. Like yourselves and your family and friends. Brainwashed functional morons. And it's about to get worse...
The acronym "NAZI" stands for nationalist socialist. Sane people today don't equate nazi cults with any political movement but if you consider that democrats ran a socialist in the primaries, democrats rioted in the streets on inauguration day, democrats support the purification of the races with abortion at any stage and democrats have been undermining Christian religious beliefs for decades it stands to reason that any nazi training camp would have left wing leanings.
So you believe all right wing and Nazi propaganda.... I'm shocked LOL!

Now you're in full panic mode. Everything you don't like is "propaganda".
Because Nazis Never Lie LOL actually they never stop... You're on your way, super dupe. Arggh!

Run You're a fraud, and not a very good one.
And you believe that privatization is the same thing as nationalization. LOL! Please read something, brainwash functional moron farm boy or whatever LOL!
The acronym "NAZI" stands for nationalist socialist. Sane people today don't equate nazi cults with any political movement but if you consider that democrats ran a socialist in the primaries, democrats rioted in the streets on inauguration day, democrats support the purification of the races with abortion at any stage and democrats have been undermining Christian religious beliefs for decades it stands to reason that any nazi training camp would have left wing leanings.
So you believe all right wing and Nazi propaganda.... I'm shocked LOL!

Now you're in full panic mode. Everything you don't like is "propaganda".
Because Nazis Never Lie LOL actually they never stop... You're on your way, super dupe. Arggh!

Run You're a fraud, and not a very good one.
And you believe that privatization is the same thing as nationalization. LOL! Please read something, brainwash functional moron farm boy or whatever LOL!

You're on the run Che.

How did Hitler keep his rearmament secret Che?
Distraction... How can you possibly believe that nationalization is the same thing as privatization, or that Nazis are leftists? SMH. You live on a really ignorant imaginary planet. The longer you listen to Fox or Rush or liberal fascism, the more ignorant you get.

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