Murder Up 20% in NYC in 2015

Murders up 20 in 2015 in year-to-year comparison NYPD says - NY Daily News

And clueless Mayor De Blasio is directly to blame. His ending of stop and frisk and is war against the police have turned back the clock on all the great things Mayor Giuliani accomplished.

The murder rate in NYC in 2014 was the lowest since 1963.

Thanks to Rudy's policies which were continued by Mayor Mike, but now discontinued by DeBalsio

Eh, not really. Crime was already falling.


You could also compare that trend nationally.


There is a slight apples to oranges comparison as the second chart is specifically for murder rates while the NYC chart is property and violent crimes.

Eh, lived here my whole life, Jackass. Without Rudy, NY would be in worst shape than Detroit and Baltimore today. We were on a Progressive Death Spiral
weird, looks like the cops were right all along and we have a serious thug problem in this country.

You want to see more dead blacks? Keep forcing the cops to back off and you will see plenty!

Stop goddamn fucking progressive morons.

Blacks commit already 50% of all murders every year....Don't let them be unpoliced. Jeezzz.

Who commits the other 50% professor?

Another lib who doesn't believe in math. Or demographics.

If blacks kill 5000 people and whites kill 5000 people annually , then why is black crime the more urgent problem?
Murders up 20 in 2015 in year-to-year comparison NYPD says - NY Daily News

And clueless Mayor De Blasio is directly to blame. His ending of stop and frisk and is war against the police have turned back the clock on all the great things Mayor Giuliani accomplished.

The murder rate in NYC in 2014 was the lowest since 1963.

Thanks to Rudy's policies which were continued by Mayor Mike, but now discontinued by DeBalsio

Eh, not really. Crime was already falling.


You could also compare that trend nationally.


There is a slight apples to oranges comparison as the second chart is specifically for murder rates while the NYC chart is property and violent crimes.

Eh, lived here my whole life, Jackass. Without Rudy, NY would be in worst shape than Detroit and Baltimore today. We were on a Progressive Death Spiral

Did you live in Los Angeles while their crime rates went down at the same time as New York's? Did you live outside of New York at all and see that nationally crime rates went down?

Jackass? You're a cute little fucker.
weird, looks like the cops were right all along and we have a serious thug problem in this country.

You want to see more dead blacks? Keep forcing the cops to back off and you will see plenty!

Stop goddamn fucking progressive morons.

Blacks commit already 50% of all murders every year....Don't let them be unpoliced. Jeezzz.

Who commits the other 50% professor?

Another lib who doesn't believe in math. Or demographics.

If blacks kill 5000 people and whites kill 5000 people annually , then why is black crime the more urgent problem?

First of all, because the whites don't kill 50%. You neglected to consider ALL other ethnic groups, such as Hispanics, which while often counted as racial white for FBI crime stats, are a different ethnic and cultural group.

Second of all, blacks, because their murder rates are so high as to seen inflated by something, thus effort there should be able to get faster results than lowering the already low white murder rate.
Murders up 20 in 2015 in year-to-year comparison NYPD says - NY Daily News

And clueless Mayor De Blasio is directly to blame. His ending of stop and frisk and is war against the police have turned back the clock on all the great things Mayor Giuliani accomplished.

The murder rate in NYC in 2014 was the lowest since 1963.

Thanks to Rudy's policies which were continued by Mayor Mike, but now discontinued by DeBalsio

Yup and Rudy had a very good working relationship with NYPD. I doubt DeBlasio would get the time of day from the NYPD.
Murders up 20 in 2015 in year-to-year comparison NYPD says - NY Daily News

And clueless Mayor De Blasio is directly to blame. His ending of stop and frisk and is war against the police have turned back the clock on all the great things Mayor Giuliani accomplished.

The murder rate in NYC in 2014 was the lowest since 1963.

Thanks to Rudy's policies which were continued by Mayor Mike, but now discontinued by DeBalsio

Eh, not really. Crime was already falling.


You could also compare that trend nationally.


There is a slight apples to oranges comparison as the second chart is specifically for murder rates while the NYC chart is property and violent crimes.

Eh, lived here my whole life, Jackass. Without Rudy, NY would be in worst shape than Detroit and Baltimore today. We were on a Progressive Death Spiral

Did you live in Los Angeles while their crime rates went down at the same time as New York's? Did you live outside of New York at all and see that nationally crime rates went down?

Jackass? You're a cute little fucker.

It's NY rates coming down that drove the national average.
Murders up 20 in 2015 in year-to-year comparison NYPD says - NY Daily News

And clueless Mayor De Blasio is directly to blame. His ending of stop and frisk and is war against the police have turned back the clock on all the great things Mayor Giuliani accomplished.

The murder rate in NYC in 2014 was the lowest since 1963.

Thanks to Rudy's policies which were continued by Mayor Mike, but now discontinued by DeBalsio

Eh, not really. Crime was already falling.


You could also compare that trend nationally.


There is a slight apples to oranges comparison as the second chart is specifically for murder rates while the NYC chart is property and violent crimes.



freaky coincidence?

Oh, top chart is sunspot activity
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weird, looks like the cops were right all along and we have a serious thug problem in this country.

You want to see more dead blacks? Keep forcing the cops to back off and you will see plenty!

Stop goddamn fucking progressive morons.

Blacks commit already 50% of all murders every year....Don't let them be unpoliced. Jeezzz.

Who commits the other 50% professor?

Another lib who doesn't believe in math. Or demographics.

If blacks kill 5000 people and whites kill 5000 people annually , then why is black crime the more urgent problem?

First of all, because the whites don't kill 50%. You neglected to consider ALL other ethnic groups, such as Hispanics, which while often counted as racial white for FBI crime stats, are a different ethnic and cultural group.

Second of all, blacks, because their murder rates are so high as to seen inflated by something, thus effort there should be able to get faster results than lowering the already low white murder rate.

Oh, so it's the dirty Mexicans doing the murdering and not the whites. I see.
Bullshit. Show me the "already low white murder rate". The murder rate for blacks and whites is nearly the same. Only a point or two difference. Those murdered by whites are just as dead as those murdered by blacks. There is no reason for blaming blacks for rising crime rates other than the perception that blacks are more criminal than whites. That simply isn't true. Whites commit more of every crime than any other race.

FBI Table 43
weird, looks like the cops were right all along and we have a serious thug problem in this country.

You want to see more dead blacks? Keep forcing the cops to back off and you will see plenty!

Stop goddamn fucking progressive morons.

Blacks commit already 50% of all murders every year....Don't let them be unpoliced. Jeezzz.

Who commits the other 50% professor?

Another lib who doesn't believe in math. Or demographics.

If blacks kill 5000 people and whites kill 5000 people annually , then why is black crime the more urgent problem?

First of all, because the whites don't kill 50%. You neglected to consider ALL other ethnic groups, such as Hispanics, which while often counted as racial white for FBI crime stats, are a different ethnic and cultural group.

Second of all, blacks, because their murder rates are so high as to seen inflated by something, thus effort there should be able to get faster results than lowering the already low white murder rate.

Oh, so it's the dirty Mexicans doing the murdering and not the whites. I see.
Bullshit. Show me the "already low white murder rate". The murder rate for blacks and whites is nearly the same. Only a point or two difference. Those murdered by whites are just as dead as those murdered by blacks. There is no reason for blaming blacks for rising crime rates other than the perception that blacks are more criminal than whites. That simply isn't true. Whites commit more of every crime than any other race.

FBI Table 43

1. Murder rates? NO, the table you connect to shows absolute numbers NOT adjusted for population sizes. This is you not understanding math. Black are 12% fo the population and kill more people that whites at 63% of the population. That is huge.

2. Hispanic murders are lumped in with whites. As they are 17% of the population, and tend to have far higher rates of gang and criminal activity, they are certainly pumping up the "white murder numbers".
Bullshit. Show me the "already low white murder rate". The murder rate for blacks and whites is nearly the same. Only a point or two difference.

All that data shows is that whites and blacks commit roughly the same number of homicides. Per capita, blacks commit homicide at a much higher rate than whites.
Saying "up 20%" is a lot more dramatic than saying "there have been 9 more murders this year than last in a city of 9 million people".

Yet both are true.

Murder is the most commonly tracked violent crime.

But if Murder is up 20%, it is almost assured that other violent crime is showing a similar rise.

And there are a lot more of those crimes.

People aren't dead, but they are hurt, sometimes very badly.

You could have bothered to read the article:

"But overall, crime has dropped 11% in most major crime categories, including burglary, robbery, rape, grand larceny and auto theft."
Yep, but media always like to hype incidents of crime, even though the national crime rate has been dropping for several years now.
Saying "up 20%" is a lot more dramatic than saying "there have been 9 more murders this year than last in a city of 9 million people".

Yet both are true.

And if a crazed gunman had entered a building and killed 8 people, you guys would be up in arms. Since the murders were committed by everyday criminals on the streets of NYC who were unaffected by gun laws, we get silence from the left.
Bullshit. Show me the "already low white murder rate". The murder rate for blacks and whites is nearly the same. Only a point or two difference.

All that data shows is that whites and blacks commit roughly the same number of homicides. Per capita, blacks commit homicide at a much higher rate than whites.

Hutch and Delta refuse to think about the importance of comparing Murder RATES, and like to compare absolute numbers so they can deny there is a big problem with black crime.

They are very serious about this, and will refuse to hear your words when it comes to the math of rates per percentage of population.
Bullshit. Show me the "already low white murder rate". The murder rate for blacks and whites is nearly the same. Only a point or two difference.

All that data shows is that whites and blacks commit roughly the same number of homicides. Per capita, blacks commit homicide at a much higher rate than whites.

Correct. When minorities make up a small percent and keep up with the majority, it means a larger percent of minorities are criminals. Don't jump on me, lefties. I am just stating facts.
Bullshit. Show me the "already low white murder rate". The murder rate for blacks and whites is nearly the same. Only a point or two difference.

All that data shows is that whites and blacks commit roughly the same number of homicides. Per capita, blacks commit homicide at a much higher rate than whites.

Correct. When minorities make up a small percent and keep up with the majority, it means a larger percent of minorities are criminals. Don't jump on me, lefties. I am just stating facts.

Their state of psychological denial prevents them from accepting that painfully obvious implication that a smaller group, in order to commit the same number of murders, must have a higher rate of murderers.

YOu are discussing facts that are out of their reach.
Who commits the other 50% professor?

Another lib who doesn't believe in math. Or demographics.

If blacks kill 5000 people and whites kill 5000 people annually , then why is black crime the more urgent problem?

First of all, because the whites don't kill 50%. You neglected to consider ALL other ethnic groups, such as Hispanics, which while often counted as racial white for FBI crime stats, are a different ethnic and cultural group.

Second of all, blacks, because their murder rates are so high as to seen inflated by something, thus effort there should be able to get faster results than lowering the already low white murder rate.

Oh, so it's the dirty Mexicans doing the murdering and not the whites. I see.
Bullshit. Show me the "already low white murder rate". The murder rate for blacks and whites is nearly the same. Only a point or two difference. Those murdered by whites are just as dead as those murdered by blacks. There is no reason for blaming blacks for rising crime rates other than the perception that blacks are more criminal than whites. That simply isn't true. Whites commit more of every crime than any other race.

FBI Table 43

1. Murder rates? NO, the table you connect to shows absolute numbers NOT adjusted for population sizes. This is you not understanding math. Black are 12% fo the population and kill more people that whites at 63% of the population. That is huge.

2. Hispanic murders are lumped in with whites. As they are 17% of the population, and tend to have far higher rates of gang and criminal activity, they are certainly pumping up the "white murder numbers".

Forget population size THEY KILL THE SAME NUMBERS!!!!!
Six of one or half a dozen. It's all in how you see it.
Your bias is allowing you to discount white crime by putting it on minorities.
Look at the stats for every other crime. Whites far outpace the other races. Is that all Mexicans too?
Just given the overall number of crimes committed by whites, we should stop and frisk every white guy.
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Bullshit. Show me the "already low white murder rate". The murder rate for blacks and whites is nearly the same. Only a point or two difference.

All that data shows is that whites and blacks commit roughly the same number of homicides. Per capita, blacks commit homicide at a much higher rate than whites.

Yes but 5000 killed by blacks and 5000 killed by whites is an equal problem with murder for society.
Look at all of the other crimes on the link.
Whites commit twice as many rapes as blacks. We don't label whites as rapists.

Good read for those who care
White People Commit the Most Heinous Crimes So Why Is America Terrified of Black Men Alternet

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