Murder up 40% in Charleston; 77% of killers are....

You don't know what you are talking about and you are being very silly.

Apparently not you or Gracie or piglet know anything about the rules of engagement as far as rhetoric and argumentation go: you are the ones in denial. If you make a knowledge claim, no matter in what terms it is challenged, it is still your obligation to support the claim with concrete and reliable evidence. Period.
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If someone makes a knowledge claim, it is not up to me to look it up. When you make a knowledge claim, it is up to you to provide the evidence to support it. Any college or university freshman level composition student knows that, why don't you?

As well, your link does not change the challenge I made. The poster claimed that the average white convict did not re-offend. I believe that is not a factual claim. That is the claim I challenged. Your link has nothing to do with that claim. Find a link that supports the claim that the average white convict does not re-offend.
You are one stupid c**t.
No one advocates "ignoring black violence." I don't even disagree there is a cultural issue, although I do think that too can be traced to systemic discrimination and a resulting high poverty rate. What I don't advocate is treating black criminals and civilians alike differently, which is what happens.

From your criminals link...

Prison sentences of black men were nearly 20% longer than those of white men for similar crimes in recent years, an analysis by the U.S. Sentencing Commission found.

You want to know WHY THAT IS?
Because the average black criminal has been in and out of prison 4 to 5 times over the average white criminal who usually doesn't commit another crime after being released.
What bullshit. What absolute bullshit. Prove it. Provide concrete, verfiable evidence that white criminals don't commit crimes after being released. Your contention is laughable.
You stupid c***! The poster NEVER claimed Whites "don't commit crimes after being released". The poster said Whites don't commit "crime after crime" when released.
You're stupid. Permanent Ignore.
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You don't know what you are talking about and you are being very silly.

Apparently not you or Gracie or piglet know anything about the rules of engagement as far as rhetoric and argumentation go: you are the ones in denial. If you make a knowledge claim, no matter in what terms it is challenged, it is still your obligation to support the claim with concrete and reliable evidence. Period.
Bullshit. Once you essentially call someone a liar, it is up to you to prove that.
You don't know what you are talking about and you are being very silly.

Apparently not you or Gracie or piglet know anything about the rules of engagement as far as rhetoric and argumentation go: you are the ones in denial. If you make a knowledge claim, no matter in what terms it is challenged, it is still your obligation to support the claim with concrete and reliable evidence. Period.
Bullshit. Once you essentially call someone a liar, it is up to you to prove that.
Put the bitch on PI. She's a waste of bandwidth.
She's only here to get her empty day in looking for fights.
Well, actually, yes, guns are the problem, they abound in American society and have become a first response to slights, loss of face due to losing an argument, spurious perceptions of threat and self defence. It's something from the barbaric society.
They're BLACK

You see black lives sure as hell don't matter to blacks...Fact.

50% of all murder in this country are done by blacks. The left can't accept reality as it would be telling the truth to a solid voting bloc of their party.

It must be very comforting for you to have such a simple, uncomplicated view of life.
Well, actually, yes, guns are the problem, they abound in American society and have become a first response to slights, loss of face due to losing an argument, spurious perceptions of threat and self defence. It's something from the barbaric society.
So because some people who legally shouldn't be armed, are, and use weapons in defiance of societal norms, those of use who are responsible, legal gun owners should have our right to defend ourselves from that threat infringed?
Do you also believe that the best way to eliminate drunk driving accidents is to outlaw cars?
They're BLACK

You see black lives sure as hell don't matter to blacks...Fact.

50% of all murder in this country are done by blacks. The left can't accept reality as it would be telling the truth to a solid voting bloc of their party.

It must be very comforting for you to have such a simple, uncomplicated view of life.
No more so than it must be for you to ignore reality.
In debate, when you make an assertion, and someone asks you to prove it, generally the onus is on you to prove it. This is why it may be unwise to make numerous assertions, because you may not be able to prove them. On the other hand, when you call someone a liar, that's basically another assertion, and should be followed up with evidence/reasoning as to why that person is a liar. It wouldn't hurt if the one being called a liar also offered up some evidence as to why his or her own assertions are true, too.
No one called anyone a liar. I asserted that the knowledge claim made was not supported with reliable evidence. I used the term 'bullshit.' That's what bullshitting is, just going along saying whatever you want to believe as if it is fact.

In addition, you are wrong: even if someone calls you a liar, it is still up to you to prove your knowledge claims.

You too are making it up as you go along. Show me the evidence regarding the rules of argumentation and debate where it says if someone claims you are lying about facts it is up to the one challenging your facts to find the proof that disclaims your 'facts.' It is always is up to the person making knowledge claims to back them up. It is NOT up to the challenger to prove the claims are not factual.
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No one called anyone a liar. The assertion is that the knowledge claim made was not supported with reliable evidence. I said it was bullshit. That's what bullshitting is, just going along saying whatever as if it is fact. In addition, you are wrong: even if someone calls you a liar, it is still up to you to prove your knowledge claims. You too are making it up as you go along. Show me the evidence regarding the rules of argumentation and debate where it says if someone claims you are lying about facts it is up to the one challenging your facts to find the proof that disclaims your 'facts.' It is still and always up to the person making knowledge claims to back them up. It is NOT up to the challenger to prove the claims are not factual.

Do you not think, when you call someone a liar, you have any responsibility on your part to explain why? If that were true, in theory you could be bothered with a deluge of accusations over being a liar, while not one of them would have to say why they're calling you one, or provide any evidence as to why you are lying. How reasonable is that, Esmeralda? It isn't. There is responsibility on both parties. Each party should bring evidence and reason into the discussion, so that they and everyone else viewing the issue can make their minds up for themselves. To call someone a liar and then keep a distance in the background is, at best, lazy. In general I make sure to not call people liars unless I have darned good reason and/or evidence to back it up.
No one was called a liar. You obviously have not followed this issue from the beginning. Second, it is not a matter of what you or others feel, emotionally, what is a nice thing to do: the rules of debate and argumentation dictate that if someone makes a knowledge claim, asserts something as fact, it is up to that person so support the claim with verifiable, reliable evidence no matter in what language they are challenged. Period. End of. I've repeated this multiple times and will not repeat it again.

If you cannot accept this reality, go back and repeat English Composition 101.
So if most violence occurs in poor, diverse areas...and you are police chief...where do you deploy most cops? And do you tell them to ignore petty stuff...or be proactive and intervene BEFORE shootings occur? Remember. ...that'll involve stopping people of color...who happen in high crime areas.

The left wants the police to ignore black crime and let them live in their own shit. If it floods over into our areas = too fucking bad!

That's what the Agenda is all about. Turn all of America into Detroit, make all the white people want to leave like they did in Detroit after the riots. This is what the racist Progressives want most of all.
They're BLACK

You see black lives sure as hell don't matter to blacks...Fact.

50% of all murder in this country are done by blacks. The left can't accept reality as it would be telling the truth to a solid voting bloc of their party.

It must be very comforting for you to have such a simple, uncomplicated view of life.
No more so than it must be for you to ignore reality.

Uh-huh.....the reality of shallow simpletons.
No one was called a liar. You obviously have not followed this issue from the beginning. Second, it is not a matter of what you or others feel, emotionally, what is a nice thing to do: the rules of debate and argumentation dictate that if someone makes a knowledge claim, asserts something as fact, it is up to that person so support the claim with verifiable, reliable evidence no matter in what language they are challenged. Period. End of. I've repeated this multiple times and will not repeat it again.

If you cannot accept this reality, go back and repeat English Composition 101.

When speaking to right wing racist types it's always a safe bet to assume they're lying.
They're BLACK

You see black lives sure as hell don't matter to blacks...Fact.

50% of all murder in this country are done by blacks. The left can't accept reality as it would be telling the truth to a solid voting bloc of their party.

It must be very comforting for you to have such a simple, uncomplicated view of life.
No more so than it must be for you to ignore reality.

Uh-huh.....the reality of shallow simpletons.
Talking about Democrats are you? You could be barred from Massachusetts talking like that
No one was called a liar. You obviously have not followed this issue from the beginning. Second, it is not a matter of what you or others feel, emotionally, what is a nice thing to do: the rules of debate and argumentation dictate that if someone makes a knowledge claim, asserts something as fact, it is up to that person so support the claim with verifiable, reliable evidence no matter in what language they are challenged. Period. End of. I've repeated this multiple times and will not repeat it again.

If you cannot accept this reality, go back and repeat English Composition 101.
You shouted "Bullshit". You used the word twice in one reply. THAT is most definitely, calling someone a liar.
No one was called a liar. You obviously have not followed this issue from the beginning. Second, it is not a matter of what you or others feel, emotionally, what is a nice thing to do: the rules of debate and argumentation dictate that if someone makes a knowledge claim, asserts something as fact, it is up to that person so support the claim with verifiable, reliable evidence no matter in what language they are challenged. Period. End of. I've repeated this multiple times and will not repeat it again.

If you cannot accept this reality, go back and repeat English Composition 101.

When speaking to right wing racist types it's always a safe bet to assume they're lying.
When calling someone racist, it would be nice if you had facts to prove it.

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