Murdered rancher gets road named after him...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011

Finicum was an Arizona rancher who was murdered as he was leaving a peaceful protest at the Malheur Refuge in Oregon. He was in a car full of people who were headed to a public meeting in Grant County. In the car with him was Ryan Bundy, Shawna Cox and an 18 year old girl who was scheduled to perform at the Grant County gathering.

Finicum was never detained or arrested during the Malheur protest. There was never a warrant for his arrest. He met with law enforcement and others at the refuge and off the property throughout the protest. He and other protesters moved freely around the town of Burns and surrounding area at will, as did their families. Members of the community came to the refuge to visit with them, and brought them supplies and gifts while they were there.

On the day of the murder, the protesters were dispersing from the refuge. Finicum's vehicle was fired upon as they neared the Grant County border by FBI agents (who were prosecuted for lying about shooting) and various state agencies, who were lying in wait. Finicum drove through the first barricade, after realizing there were snipers shooting at the car. He stopped at the second, and when agents fired upon the car he exited, and was gunned down. Ryan Bundy also was shot.

The last 4 to leave the refuge barricaded themselves in when agents prevented them from leaving. One of the stragglers, David Frey, managed to get a live feed out and it is believed that if he had not, all four of the "Malheur Four" would also have been killed.

BLM, FBI and state agents, and the Governor of Oregon in a widely publicized call for violence against the protesters, maintained the protesters themselves were violent and dangerous. However it was revealed in recent trial proceedings in Nevada that the agents consistently lied and manipulated, and withheld, evidence that confirmed the defendant testimonies. Among the materials denied to the defense were risk studies completed at the time of the protests..which confirmed that the protesters were not a risk for violence.

Protesters were acquitted en masse (19 were charged) in Oregon, and a mistrial was declared in the Bundy's Nevada trial (where Bundy family members were tried for events that took place in Nevada, where they refused to surrender cattle to the BLM).

"The Mohave County Board of Supervisors this week voted to rename another remote stretch of road after Finicum, calling him a patriot who died defending his beliefs.

“They wanted it to be named to honor a native son.”

Mohave County Supervisor Hildy Angius
"I am moved by people who stand up for what they believe in," Mohave County Supervisor Hildy Angius said Friday. "He died for what he believed in, did he not?"

"Angius said she was honored to bring forward a vote to rename a two-mile section of Yellowstone Road near the community of Cane Beds and call it LaVoy Finicum Road.

"Residents in the area overwhelmingly supported the name change. Angius said the petition for the change was brought forward by community members.."
Mohave County renames road after LaVoy Finicum, militia member killed by officers
Public comments and *leaks* released by government internet trolls (operating out of government offices) and moles inside the protest led the public to believe there were stockpiles of weapons and militia drills taking place at the Malheur refuge protest. In reality, the images released showed weapons that agents later testified were brought to the refuge by themselves, in their capacity of agent *moles*, and the *drills* consisted of the agents teaching protest visitors how to use the weapons.

In all, there were about 15 agents who flooded the grounds during the protest. The fact that neither the protesters nor local law enforcement at any time restricted access to the refuge made it possible for them to establish a huge presence at the refuge, and it is believed that if not for their presence, the protest would have ended of it's own accord with no violence and no arrests on the day of Finicum's murder.

It is believed that the agents were aware of this, and that is why they hurriedly carried out the deadly ambush. They knew that once the protesters crossed into Grant county, their authority and firepower would not be tolerated.

At both trials (in Oregon and at the Bundy trial in Nevada) the actions of the agents and prosecutors involved were so egregiously inappropriate and illegal that it resulted in acquittals (Oregon) and a mistrial in Nevada.
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