Murderer Chauvin loses appeal

This is what's purporting to be Christian nowadays folks.

Read it and weep.

You created this reality. Black folks are suffering and getting slaughtered by other black folks because cockroaches like you are eager to crucify white cops who naturally don't want to do their jobs. I commend their self preservation. The monolithic crime and murder rates in black shitholes isn't my problem. If you don't like it get off your ass and off of this forum and go fix it, asshole.
You created this reality. Black folks are suffering and getting slaughtered by other black folks because cockroaches like you are eager to crucify white cops who naturally don't want to do their jobs. I commend their self preservation. The monolithic crime and murder rates in black shitholes isn't my problem. If you don't like it get off your ass and off of this forum and go fix it, asshole.
And they wonder why America is declining in Christianity, when you have self-proclaimed frauds like this running around sullying up the Christian name.

Well, Chauvin never should have stopped a black person for breaking the law, at least not in a Democratic shithole. Smart white cops let black criminals continue to murder, rape, and rob poor black folks so that they don't end up like Chauvin. Besides, why risk your neck for a segment of people that hate you? If I was a white cop and a black dude started shooting up a black kindergarten class next to where I was standing, I would walk away. And the fact of the matter is that most white cops ignore black crime. Congratulations.
Nowdays police are not allowed to pull cars on federal interstates that have lights burnt out. Been kept Very quiet
It’s called deescalation The real name is criminal catering .
Nowdays police are not allowed to pull cars on federal interstates that have lights burnt out. Been kept Very quiet
It’s called deescalation The real name is criminal catering .
Yes, and to think we have this horrible wave of the disgusting crime of... having a headlight out.
You are the only joke here. Autopsy reports show that Floyd died of drugs and not due to any pressure on his neck restricting either his airway or carotid blood flow.

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And they wonder why America is declining in Christianity, when you have self-proclaimed frauds like this running around sullying up the Christian name.


Lol. You've always hated and despised Christians. I'll throw you a bone. Just consider that the plethora of black folks getting murdered by other black folks are just late-term.abortions and then you'll no longer give a fuck. You're welcome.

kamala-harris-laughing (1).gif
This is a good time to remind all of our resident right wingers of something :

You all like to call george floyd a scumbag. Well at best he was only the second biggest scumbag there that day. A murderer was there, too.
This is a good time to remind all of our resident right wingers of something :

You all like to call george floyd a scumbag. Well at best he was only the second biggest scumbag there that day. A murderer was there, too.

Well, Chauvin never should have stopped a black person for breaking the law, at least not in a Democratic shithole. Smart white cops let black criminals continue to murder, rape, and rob poor black folks so that they don't end up like Chauvin. Besides, why risk your neck for a segment of people that hate you? If I was a white cop and a black dude started shooting up a black kindergarten class next to where I was standing, I would walk away. And the fact of the matter is that most white cops ignore black crime. Congratulations.
I am not a black man but I believe the evidence of my own eyes. Your racism seems to blind you to the rights and wrongs of this case.

It has always been difficult to convict a white man for killing a black man. Most of Americas shoddy past this has been true.

Maybe you are gutted that this is no longer the case in some places.

Well cry me a river. I am fucking loving it.
Well, Chauvin never should have stopped a black person for breaking the law, at least not in a Democratic shithole. Smart white cops let black criminals continue to murder, rape, and rob poor black folks so that they don't end up like Chauvin. Besides, why risk your neck for a segment of people that hate you? If I was a white cop and a black dude started shooting up a black kindergarten class next to where I was standing, I would walk away. And the fact of the matter is that most white cops ignore black crime. Congratulations.
Once committed police turn into the machismo mode. So, it can only escalate. They cannot be made to look weak. And this than creates hate. Pure hate. Floyd was a lifetime bum costing the taxpayers a lot of resources. He even has children that most likely continued that. Now our nation is converting to vengeance through true terrorism. While many Americans are still in western machismo mode. So, if someone get screwed with that person can go eliminate as many as he can with many not caring if they die. A percentage of these people are crazy as we know. Chauvin did what a machismo cop does. And he was recorded and Floyed was indeed drugged and in a precarious position to die because of it. The city took a long time to respond to that situation to attempt to move if from public view. Four police paid the price and Floyd's family got paid off.

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