Chauvin lives !!

My brother was a US Marshal.
Often times he had to prevent himself from getting angry when arresting a suspect.
They spit on you and scream expletives at you.

You cannot allow yourself to be triggered.

I remember when I was in Real Estate school I sat next to a cop.....and he had the worst attitude. He was getting out of law-enforcement because he had problems with anger management.

Was the maneuver Chauvin used to supposedly subdue Floyd approved by the Minneapolis PD?

Most of the time they have plenty of reasons to go-off on a suspect.
Many times they don't, some cops like the power trip they are on, we have the same in the UK, there have been several cases with the Met police in London who are rapists and murderers, and it's well know in years gone by some high ranking police were in bed with London gangsters, i have always been law abiding but these days find it hard to trust the police without question like i once did.

Was the maneuver Chauvin used to supposedly subdue Floyd approved by the Minneapolis PD?

Was the maneuver Chauvin used to supposedly subdue Floyd approved by the Minneapolis PD?

I heard it was.
That doesn't mean he must use it.
Holding someone down by pressing on the back of their neck with your knee and most of your body weight probably would cause injury to the suspect.

I think you'd have to ask someone who's done it before to get a valid assessment.

To me it seemed like they were just looking for this kind of situation to happen so they could carry out their planned riots during the Summer of 2020.
Many times they don't, some cops like the power trip they are on, we have the same in the UK, there have been several cases with the Met police in London who are rapists and murderers, and it's well know in years gone by some high ranking police were in bed with London gangsters, i have always been law abiding but these days find it hard to trust the police without question like i once did.

That's what makes a police officer and not a vigilante.
So why don't we lower the standards and hire vigilantes, right?
Get a grip, Tam. Fentanyl and poor health assisted the shortening of F's lifespan.
The guy was a criminal.....does Tammy Tainent know his criminal history...threatening to kill the unborn baby in the mother's womb... but i forget....killing the unborn is nothing anymore.
I heard it was.
That doesn't mean he must use it.
Holding someone down by pressing on the back of their neck with your knee and most of your body weight probably would cause injury to the suspect.

I think you'd have to ask someone who's done it before to get a valid assessment.

To me it seemed like they were just looking for this kind of situation to happen so they could carry out their planned riots during the Summer of 2020.

Your last line is probably true. They just got lucky in the fact that Floyd's overdose death didn't happen ten minutes sooner.

I wonder how the Floyd family is doing with the money that was paid to them. Was it a payoff to keep the floyds off the city's back.

Your last line is probably true. They just got lucky in the fact that Floyd's overdose death didn't happen ten minutes sooner.

They were looking for an excuse. They would have used someone else, but Georgie Boy is the one who got the gold casket.

Isnt that great news ?
Everybodys favourite racist thug is likely to survive his recent misfortune. His detractors have only another 20 years to get him.
20 years more than he gave Mr Floyd.
Floyd was a thug. He doesn't deserve being called Mr. STFU commie brit
Floyd was a thug. He doesn't deserve being called Mr. STFU commie brit
I thought they called him Black Jesus.


So, their culture has a Jesus who points a gun at pregnant women. What a sacrament.

Democrat fools, you get what you vote for. Here's hoping that each dem gets to feel the fear.

The reality of it all evades you. It's Chauvins fault he's locked up. He lost and gave up his control. Anywhere and everywhere he goes, he's a huge mark. Quit making false accusations and dumbass statements.
I guess you didn't hear that george floyd died from his own drugs....drug overdose... yet the left had to have their victory. I predict Mr. Chauvin will eventually be exonerated and someone is going to have to reimburse him for false imprisonment.

and isn't it quite a coincidence that Chauvin was stabbed? by whom? after evidence was obtained that exonerates Chauvin. Was this a deep state hit?
If that is the case why was Chauvin convicted (twice) of his murder? Oh he was the one that gave him the drugs, I missed that part.

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