Murderous HAMAS threatens Israel with gates of hell opening


Conservative Babe
Feb 6, 2011
Well, Israel could attempt to find and punish the kidnappers (now killers), but instead they will slaughter innocents. That's how Nazi Jews operate...
Israeli missing teenagers: Hamas warns 'gates of hell will open' as Israel bombs Gaza strip - Middle East - World - The Independent

Hamas has warned Israel against waging war on the Gaza strip in retaliation for the deaths of three kidnapped Israeli youths, threatening that "the gates of hell will open" should action be taken.

In other words, "We will slaughter anyone we choose to and you're not allowed to do a damn thing about it."

Gotta love the mind of a terrorist.. thoroughly insane.

They've actually been open since the early 7th Century, when Mohammed was born.
Well, Israel could attempt to find and punish the kidnappers (now killers), but instead they will slaughter innocents. That's how Nazi Jews operate...

The innocent blood shed was that of Israeli children..

So you think an eye for an eye is how modern democracies operate eh? You'd make a good Zionist. Oh wait, you already are one...

Cry me a river.. Your terrorist sympathies are duly noted. I am a Zionist-Rivka Liron Bat Cohen..

I wake up

To the rock covered hills

To the olive trees and lined caravans

To a sunrise in Samaria

My empty sleep has ceased

Truth has ended slumber’s term

Is there anything more beautiful

Than this land, these people, these rock covered hills

These olive trees and lined caravans

This sunrise in Samaria

Awake, my soul, from your slumber

Sing out Modeh Ani

A new morning has come

I join my spiritual nation

Am Yisrael

The marriage of our two souls seeks out the fruits of its consummation

The people of Israel and the land

Combine under the Chuppah of Heaven

And make a house for their kingdom
Tuesday's events prompted the United Nations' human rights office to urge Israelis and Palestinians to "exercise maximum restraint and to prevent the situation from worsening further".

"We reiterate our call for strict adherence to international law by all relevant actors to avoid further loss of life, injuries and negative impact on human rights," UN human rights spokeswoman Ravina Shamdasani said in Geneva.

"We urge all parties to refrain from punishing individuals for offences they have not personally committed or by imposing collective penalties."

Israel bombs Gaza after settlers found killed - Middle East - Al Jazeera English
Tuesday's events prompted the United Nations' human rights office to urge Israelis and Palestinians to "exercise maximum restraint and to prevent the situation from worsening further".

"We reiterate our call for strict adherence to international law by all relevant actors to avoid further loss of life, injuries and negative impact on human rights," UN human rights spokeswoman Ravina Shamdasani said in Geneva.

"We urge all parties to refrain from punishing individuals for offences they have not personally committed or by imposing collective penalties."

Israel bombs Gaza after settlers found killed - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Where was the UN warning to HAMAS about the missing teens?
UN= United Nazis

No one but you leftists and your terrorist allies support the UN.
Tuesday's events prompted the United Nations' human rights office to urge Israelis and Palestinians to "exercise maximum restraint and to prevent the situation from worsening further".

"We reiterate our call for strict adherence to international law by all relevant actors to avoid further loss of life, injuries and negative impact on human rights," UN human rights spokeswoman Ravina Shamdasani said in Geneva.

"We urge all parties to refrain from punishing individuals for offences they have not personally committed or by imposing collective penalties."

Israel bombs Gaza after settlers found killed - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Where was the UN warning to HAMAS about the missing teens?

Rare: UN High Commissioner details abuses of PA & Hamas against Palestinians « View from Geneva

When it comes to UN reporting on the Israel-Palestinian conflict, it is usually the case that Israel is mostly criticized, with a brief reference in the end calling for Hamas to stop firing missiles and rockets against Israeli civilians. However, a recent report of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, apart from listing Israel’s alleged violations, it dealt in great detail on the serious human rights violations of Hamas and the Palestinian Authority against their own people, regular Palestinian civilians. Some of the main findings are provided below.
Well, Israel could attempt to find and punish the kidnappers (now killers), but instead they will slaughter innocents. That's how Nazi Jews operate...

The innocent blood shed was that of Israeli children..

And an American child but no one cares about that. Hamas is protecting those killers. The killers are HEROES to Hamas.


Rachel Corrie
Less than two months after her arrival,[5] on March 16, 2003, Corrie was killed after a three-hour confrontation between two bulldozers and eight ISM activists.[3][8] Wearing a bright orange fluorescent jacket and, until shortly before her death, using a megaphone, she was killed while standing in the path of a bulldozer that she believed was about to demolish the house of local pharmacist Samir Nasralla's family whom she had befriended.[9] She was run over twice by the bulldozer resulting in a fractured skull, shattered ribs and punctured lungs.


Tom, 22, died Tuesday night in a London hospital due to complications with pneumonia. He had spent the past nine months in a vegetative state after being shot in the head by an Israeli sniper on April 11, 2003, while trying to escort children to safety in Rafah, Gaza Strip, Occupied Palestine.
As Tom’s mother, Jocelyn, wrote recently in the UK Guardian, “It seems that life is cheap in the occupied territories. Different value attached to life depends on whether the victim happens to be Israeli, international or Palestinian.”

What excuse will you offer up for these children?
Tuesday's events prompted the United Nations' human rights office to urge Israelis and Palestinians to "exercise maximum restraint and to prevent the situation from worsening further".

"We reiterate our call for strict adherence to international law by all relevant actors to avoid further loss of life, injuries and negative impact on human rights," UN human rights spokeswoman Ravina Shamdasani said in Geneva.

"We urge all parties to refrain from punishing individuals for offences they have not personally committed or by imposing collective penalties."

Israel bombs Gaza after settlers found killed - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Where was the UN warning to HAMAS about the missing teens?

Rare: UN High Commissioner details abuses of PA & Hamas against Palestinians « View from Geneva

When it comes to UN reporting on the Israel-Palestinian conflict, it is usually the case that Israel is mostly criticized, with a brief reference in the end calling for Hamas to stop firing missiles and rockets against Israeli civilians. However, a recent report of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, apart from listing Israel’s alleged violations, it dealt in great detail on the serious human rights violations of Hamas and the Palestinian Authority against their own people, regular Palestinian civilians. Some of the main findings are provided below.

Exactly.. Nothing at all to do with the atrocities committed by these animals against the Israelis.. Thanks for pointing that out!
Well, Israel could attempt to find and punish the kidnappers (now killers), but instead they will slaughter innocents. That's how Nazi Jews operate...

The message Israel is sending, is simple. If you hide terrorists and murderers amongst the village, the village will be punished. Maybe next time the villagers will think twice.

Rachel Corrie
Less than two months after her arrival,[5] on March 16, 2003, Corrie was killed after a three-hour confrontation between two bulldozers and eight ISM activists.[3][8] Wearing a bright orange fluorescent jacket and, until shortly before her death, using a megaphone, she was killed while standing in the path of a bulldozer that she believed was about to demolish the house of local pharmacist Samir Nasralla's family whom she had befriended.[9] She was run over twice by the bulldozer resulting in a fractured skull, shattered ribs and punctured lungs.

What excuse will you offer up for these children?

Natural selection
UN= United Nazis

No one but you leftists and your terrorist allies support the UN.

President Bush(41) is not a leftist last I checked

"Going in and occupying Iraq, thus unilaterally exceeding the U.N.'s mandate, would have destroyed the precedent of international response to aggression we hoped to establish."

Reasons Not to Invade Iraq,

Actually he is a leftist.. a RINO piece of shit .. I've never liked him - or any of the Bush Dynasty.
Well, Israel could attempt to find and punish the kidnappers (now killers), but instead they will slaughter innocents. That's how Nazi Jews operate...

The message Israel is sending, is simple. If you hide terrorists and murderers amongst the village, the village will be punished. Maybe next time the villagers will think twice.

As if that has ever worked, and that is collective punishment which creates hatred, as it should...
Well, Israel could attempt to find and punish the kidnappers (now killers), but instead they will slaughter innocents. That's how Nazi Jews operate...

The message Israel is sending, is simple. If you hide terrorists and murderers amongst the village, the village will be punished. Maybe next time the villagers will think twice.

As if that has ever worked, and that is collective punishment which creates hatred, as it should...

Slaughtering children will bring a heavy price AS IT SHOULD.
Israeli missing teenagers: Hamas warns 'gates of hell will open' as Israel bombs Gaza strip - Middle East - World - The Independent

Hamas has warned Israel against waging war on the Gaza strip in retaliation for the deaths of three kidnapped Israeli youths, threatening that "the gates of hell will open" should action be taken.

In other words, "We will slaughter anyone we choose to and you're not allowed to do a damn thing about it."

Gotta love the mind of a terrorist.. thoroughly insane.

What is new?

I hope Hamas and the Middle East hate nations attack Israel, that way we can justifiably rid the world of these killer muslim idiots.

I feel the same way about the race war and revolution idiot Teapers keep on threatening...bring it so we can rid ourselves of the cancer.

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