Murderous HAMAS threatens Israel with gates of hell opening

Well, Israel could attempt to find and punish the kidnappers (now killers), but instead they will slaughter innocents. That's how Nazi Jews operate...

The innocents who were targeted and tortured were Israeli children.. You can't change that narrative as hard as your terrorist bleeding heart tries..
The message Israel is sending, is simple. If you hide terrorists and murderers amongst the village, the village will be punished. Maybe next time the villagers will think twice.

As if that has ever worked, and that is collective punishment which creates hatred, as it should...

Slaughtering children will bring a heavy price AS IT SHOULD.

Do you think that maybe the Palestinians would feel the same way when their children are slaughtered? Or is it different then?

Personally....a pox on both their houses.....blood begets blood begets blood begets blood....
Do any of you know why Israel is so important to the US? Do any of you know why you are so unwaveringly loyal to Israel despite Israeli human rights violations against Palestinians?
Israeli missing teenagers: Hamas warns 'gates of hell will open' as Israel bombs Gaza strip - Middle East - World - The Independent

Hamas has warned Israel against waging war on the Gaza strip in retaliation for the deaths of three kidnapped Israeli youths, threatening that "the gates of hell will open" should action be taken.

In other words, "We will slaughter anyone we choose to and you're not allowed to do a damn thing about it."

Gotta love the mind of a terrorist.. thoroughly insane.

What is new?

I hope Hamas and the Middle East hate nations attack Israel, that way we can justifiably rid the world of these killer muslim idiots.

I feel the same way about the race war and revolution idiot Teapers keep on threatening...bring it so we can rid ourselves of the cancer.

The big difference being Israel will whip the shit out of the muslims.
In the race war you keep calling for ....? You'll get your ass handed to you.
Careful what you wish for.....assleper.
A better response by Israel would be, You murder our innocent civiliians and we assasinate one Hammas leader for everyone you kill. Bombing Gaza is going to get other innocent people killed and create more Hammas soldiers.
A better response by Israel would be, You murder our innocent civiliians and we assasinate one Hammas leader for everyone you kill. Bombing Gaza is going to get other innocent people killed and create more Hammas soldiers.

That's a load.. the moment a Muslim Arab is born he begins the journey of programming and it's well documented. That line is a self serving propaganda piece and nothing more.
A better response by Israel would be, You murder our innocent civiliians and we assasinate one Hammas leader for everyone you kill. Bombing Gaza is going to get other innocent people killed and create more Hammas soldiers.

That's good. I think Israel has enough bombs to exterminate them.
A better response by Israel would be, You murder our innocent civiliians and we assasinate one Hammas leader for everyone you kill. Bombing Gaza is going to get other innocent people killed and create more Hammas soldiers.

That's a load.. the moment a Muslim Arab is born he begins the journey of programming and it's well documented. That line is a self serving propaganda piece and nothing more.

I dont see why thats a propaganda piece. Israel has assasinated targets before. I think it would be more effective .Who do you think ordered their kidnapping? Keep your propaganda
to yourself.
Do any of you know why Israel is so important to the US? Do any of you know why you are so unwaveringly loyal to Israel despite Israeli human rights violations against Palestinians?

Underground labs?

Because we see ourselves in Israel? We put our indigenous population in, er, reservations, yeah reservations.

Israel's a beachhead for the long war against the Muslim dogs?

It was a land without people for a people without.........?

Blooming deserts?

Strategic import during the cold war.

I give up, Why?
The message Israel is sending, is simple. If you hide terrorists and murderers amongst the village, the village will be punished. Maybe next time the villagers will think twice.

As if that has ever worked, and that is collective punishment which creates hatred, as it should...

Slaughtering children will bring a heavy price AS IT SHOULD.

A price paid for by more innocents. Nice version of justice there Christian.
Well, Israel could attempt to find and punish the kidnappers (now killers), but instead they will slaughter innocents. That's how Nazi Jews operate...

1,000 Palestinians = 1 Jew

Looks like a bill is due for 3,000.
Sounds about right. That's Nazi accounting for you, and why all the world hates the Jews known as the Israeli Zionists. The sooner they are pushed into the sea, the better off we all are.
Israeli missing teenagers: Hamas warns 'gates of hell will open' as Israel bombs Gaza strip - Middle East - World - The Independent

Hamas has warned Israel against waging war on the Gaza strip in retaliation for the deaths of three kidnapped Israeli youths, threatening that "the gates of hell will open" should action be taken.

In other words, "We will slaughter anyone we choose to and you're not allowed to do a damn thing about it."

Gotta love the mind of a terrorist.. thoroughly insane.

What is new?

I hope Hamas and the Middle East hate nations attack Israel, that way we can justifiably rid the world of these killer muslim idiots.

I feel the same way about the race war and revolution idiot Teapers keep on threatening...bring it so we can rid ourselves of the cancer.

The big difference being Israel will whip the shit out of the muslims.
In the race war you keep calling for ....? You'll get your ass handed to you.
Careful what you wish for.....assleper.

I'm not calling for a race war...I am waiting for the idiots who are threatening it (You know, racist Teapers) to start shooting...they will get their asses wiped off the face of the earth, very quickly.
Do any of you know why Israel is so important to the US? Do any of you know why you are so unwaveringly loyal to Israel despite Israeli human rights violations against Palestinians?

Underground labs?

Because we see ourselves in Israel? We put our indigenous population in, er, reservations, yeah reservations.

Israel's a beachhead for the long war against the Muslim dogs?

It was a land without people for a people without.........?

Blooming deserts?

Strategic import during the cold war.

I give up, Why?
Because they do the dirty work and ship the arms can't be caught being involved with. They are our little Jewish hired-killers, and they have been for decades.
A better response by Israel would be, You murder our innocent civiliians and we assasinate one Hammas leader for everyone you kill. Bombing Gaza is going to get other innocent people killed and create more Hammas soldiers.

That's a load.. the moment a Muslim Arab is born he begins the journey of programming and it's well documented. That line is a self serving propaganda piece and nothing more.

Right, and they think the moment an Israeli is born he is a Zionist and needs to be exterminated. But nothing makes you want to kill more than one someone in your immediate
family is killed, nothing will radicalize you more than that. No matter what they are taught as kids. So if i had the choice to take out one of their leaders or drop bombs on a neighbor hood,
Id choose to kill the leaders maybe then they would put a stop to it.
Do any of you know why Israel is so important to the US? Do any of you know why you are so unwaveringly loyal to Israel despite Israeli human rights violations against Palestinians?

Underground labs?

Because we see ourselves in Israel? We put our indigenous population in, er, reservations, yeah reservations.

Israel's a beachhead for the long war against the Muslim dogs?

It was a land without people for a people without.........?

Blooming deserts?

Strategic import during the cold war.

I give up, Why?
Because they do the dirty work and ship the arms can't be caught being involved with. They are our little Jewish hired-killers, and they have been for decades.

The smell of terrorist laden propaganda stench from Paint.. Nothing new.
Underground labs?

Because we see ourselves in Israel? We put our indigenous population in, er, reservations, yeah reservations.

Israel's a beachhead for the long war against the Muslim dogs?

It was a land without people for a people without.........?

Blooming deserts?

Strategic import during the cold war.

I give up, Why?
Because they do the dirty work and ship the arms can't be caught being involved with. They are our little Jewish hired-killers, and they have been for decades.
The smell of terrorist laden propaganda stench from Paint.. Nothing new.
It's well-known history little lady, just not to you...
Does anyone find it funny that Israel is the number 1 recipient of US foreign arms shipments, and modern US missiles were designed by Nazi rocket scientists smuggled into America during Project Paperclip after the fall of the Third Reich?

Israeli Jews firing Nazi rockets at Palestinians in the name of peace and freedom?

That's kind of funny, except for the hundreds and thousands of people constantly dying for no real reason at all.

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