Murdoch's News of the World hacks dead teenager's phone

The party decides what the public should be told - the NY Times and MSNBC spread the words of the party. don't think I would defend MSNBC and the NYT do you? Second...before 1996, The NYT wasn't anywhere near as biased as they are now. Since then, all their decent conservative editorial writers went to work for somewhere within Rupert Murdoch's conservative echo chamber.

THEN BAM, Fox comes along and tells the other side - NOT EVEN APPROVED OF BY THE PARTY.
You're just parrotting the justification for advocacy journalism that conservative media provides. I was actualy alive in the 70's and watching/reading news. If something like Watergate happened in 2006...Fox News would have been involved in the cover up if they were the first to uncover it. Woddward (Conservative) and Bernstein (Liberal) worked together to bring down the Nixon the criminal. Media was biased to the left a bit back then. But Fox/Rush and MSNBC/NYT are nothing but "yes men" for the ideologies of their intended audiences.

Silencing the opposition is the primary goal of you fascist democrats - silencing Fox is a good start.
That's really retarded...nobody is proposing Fox be're such a drama queen.

BTW, do you think all fucking thugs are as impotent as you?
That statement is just more proof that people who have a head full of toxic mush from exposure to things like Fox and MSNBC say some pretty incoherant and hostile things.
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If the BSkyB deal doesn't go through for Murdoch, because of this criminal activity, it will be a major body blow to NewsCorp lol

Yeah, I'm sure it will cause Fox News to fold and all dissent from the holy word of Dear Leader to stop, Scheiß Maus....
Your problem - too hysterical, not enough logic.
Fox focus groups, like the ones Franl Lunz put together, figured out early on that audiences who were angry stayed tuned in longer than audiences who were thinking. You were hsyterical enough to tell me to "fuck off" for my short little post, when logic would dictate that disacknowlegment might be the better approach.

You're hysterically angry, and it's natural for one to hate the most in others, the thing they like the least about themselves.
Your problem - too hysterical, not enough logic.
Fox focus groups, like the ones Franl Lunz put together, figured out early on that audiences who were angry stayed tuned in longer than audiences who were thinking. You were hsyterical enough to tell me to "fuck off" for my short little post, when logic would dictate that disacknowlegment might be the better approach.

You're hysterically angry, and it's natural for one to hate the most in others, the thing they like the least about themselves.

No, I'm just more interested in the actual topic than stupid whiners turning every fucking thread in the Media forum into a whine about Fox.

Fucking idiot. The topic..... NotW journalists hacking into people's phones. Not Fox. Focus. Fool. don't think I would defend MSNBC and the NYT do you?

Only with your life.

(Well, your neighbor's life - yer a lefty after all, charity begins in the pocket of another...)

Second...before 1996, The NYT wasn't anywhere near as biased as they are now.


The NY Times has been a propaganda outlet for the DNC since FDR. All that has changed is that alternates to the state run media expose and highlight the absurd bias.

Since then, all their decent conservative editorial writers went to work for somewhere within Rupert Murdoch's conservative echo chamber.

Newscorp isn't the entire position media. Freedom Press has dozens of papers which also publish non-party writers and stories.

You're just parrotting the justification for advocacy journalism that conservative media provides.

I'm just stating the facts. From 1930 to 1990, America had a managed media that makes the USSR look open by comparison.

Sure, a few dissenters like National Review existed, but the major media worked for the party. All three networks and the main sources of print were 100% in the bag for the DNC.

I was actualy alive in the 70's and watching/reading news.

As was I - and there was nothing other than the rubber stamping of stories which favored the democratic party. ABC, NBC and CBS all broadcast exactly the same stories with exactly the same left-wing spin.

If something like Watergate happened in 2006...Fox News would have been involved in the cover up

If something like the Clinton obstruction of justice happened in 1972, the public would have never heard about it. The party press would have buried the story

if they were the first to uncover it. Woddward (Conservative) and Bernstein (Liberal)

Do you think Woodward was a tad more or less conservative than Michael Moore?

See, that is a tell - the assigned "conservatives" WERE people like Bob Woodward - who was a McGovern supporter and wrote four books trashing Bush. It would be akin to naming Glen Beck as the "liberal" on Fox.

But the left thinks that this is "balance."

That's really retarded...nobody is proposing Fox be silenced...

Try again.

{Obama White House Tries to Ban FOX News From Press Pool … MSM Backs Fox and Obama WH Backs Down}

Obama White House Tries to Ban FOX News From Press Pool … MSM Backs Fox and Obama WH Backs Down | Scared Monkeys

{Liberal Democrat Senator Rockefeller: Ban Fox News, MSNBC }

Marquette Warrior: Liberal Democrat Senator Rockefeller: Ban Fox News, MSNBC

I could go on for pages, as you know. The left is dedicated to crushing liberty and silencing opposition voices, it's easy to find calls to silence Fox.
LONDON (AP) — Britain's voracious tabloids may have hit a new low: The News of the World was facing claims Tuesday that it hacked into an abducted teenager's phone messages, possibly hampering a police inquiry into her murder.

Britons are used to seeing their press harass royals, sports stars and celebrities, constantly eavesdropping and paying even the most tangential sources for information about stars' sex lives and drug problems.

Yet the hacking case involving 13-year-old Milly Dowler has horrified everyone, from British Prime Minister David Cameron to the hundreds of comments from people on Twitter.

Dowler's abduction in 2002 while walking home from school in Surrey, south of London, transfixed Britain until her decomposing body was found in the woods by mushroom pickers six months later.

But while police were pursuing all leads and Milly's parents were making dramatic appeals for any tidbit of information that could be useful, a private investigator working for the News of the World tabloid allegedly hacked into her cell phone, listened to her messages, and even deleted some to make room for possible new ones.

Mark Lewis, a lawyer representing Dowler's parents, said Tuesday the suspected hacking may have hampered the police investigation and he plans to sue the tabloid for its interference after Dowler went missing.

It was never determined how long Dowler was alive after being abducted but the tabloid's actions reportedly came in the days right after her disappearance. Police realized some messages had been deleted, giving them and Milly's parents false hope that she was still alive.

Pressure mounted Tuesday on Rebekah Brooks, editor of the tabloid when Dowler disappeared and now a top Murdoch executive in the U.K., to resign.

Britain shocked by hacking into slain girl's phone - Yahoo! News

I can forgive them for hacking into her phone, I can forgive them for listening to her messages, but deleting possible evidence? The person responsible should to jailtime.
LONDON (AP) — Britain's voracious tabloids may have hit a new low: The News of the World was facing claims Tuesday that it hacked into an abducted teenager's phone messages, possibly hampering a police inquiry into her murder.

Britons are used to seeing their press harass royals, sports stars and celebrities, constantly eavesdropping and paying even the most tangential sources for information about stars' sex lives and drug problems.

Yet the hacking case involving 13-year-old Milly Dowler has horrified everyone, from British Prime Minister David Cameron to the hundreds of comments from people on Twitter.

Dowler's abduction in 2002 while walking home from school in Surrey, south of London, transfixed Britain until her decomposing body was found in the woods by mushroom pickers six months later.

But while police were pursuing all leads and Milly's parents were making dramatic appeals for any tidbit of information that could be useful, a private investigator working for the News of the World tabloid allegedly hacked into her cell phone, listened to her messages, and even deleted some to make room for possible new ones.

Mark Lewis, a lawyer representing Dowler's parents, said Tuesday the suspected hacking may have hampered the police investigation and he plans to sue the tabloid for its interference after Dowler went missing.

It was never determined how long Dowler was alive after being abducted but the tabloid's actions reportedly came in the days right after her disappearance. Police realized some messages had been deleted, giving them and Milly's parents false hope that she was still alive.

Pressure mounted Tuesday on Rebekah Brooks, editor of the tabloid when Dowler disappeared and now a top Murdoch executive in the U.K., to resign.

Britain shocked by hacking into slain girl's phone - Yahoo! News

I can forgive them for hacking into her phone, I can forgive them for listening to her messages, but deleting possible evidence? The person responsible should to jailtime.

It's not about what you might or might not forgive them for. It is about the fact that Britain has laws against intercepting communications - and that includes hacking into people's voicemail.

and it's not just one murdered girl. They hacked the phones of the parents of two other murdered children, they hacked the phones of the families of the victims of the London terrorist attacks on 7/72005, they hacked the phones of the families of Britain's war dead from Afghanistan and Iraq. And it is not just the NotW, it is not just the Murdoch media empire, this appears to be SOP for the British tabloid press... and.... the police who investigated the original charges from 2006, they are being investigated themselves.

This much more than one or two people..... and it is not just one person who's gonna go to prison.
Only with your life.

(Well, your neighbor's life - yer a lefty after all, charity begins in the pocket of another...)
I'm not a lefty or a liberal. I'm a fiscal conservative and a social libertarian. Your assumption that anyone who criticizes Fox News is a liberal lefty is just a symptom of your disease.


The NY Times has been a propaganda outlet for the DNC since FDR. All that has changed is that alternates to the state run media expose and highlight the absurd bias.
"State run media"....that explains alot. Rush listeners are the most severely afflicted of all conservative media victims. You would have loved a thread I started on another forum called "Lies Rush Limbaugh told today".

Newscorp isn't the entire position media. Freedom Press has dozens of papers which also publish non-party writers and stories.
Okay...I left out Clearchannel.

I'm just stating the facts. From 1930 to 1990, America had a managed media that makes the USSR look open by comparison.

Sure, a few dissenters like National Review existed, but the major media worked for the party. All three networks and the main sources of print were 100% in the bag for the DNC.
Once again...if the media was so debilitatingly biased to the did Eisnehower, Nixon, Reagan, Bush1, and Bush2 get elected?

As was I - and there was nothing other than the rubber stamping of stories which favored the democratic party. ABC, NBC and CBS all broadcast exactly the same stories with exactly the same left-wing spin.
Any examples?

Do you think Woodward was a tad more or less conservative than Michael Moore?

See, that is a tell - the assigned "conservatives" WERE people like Bob Woodward - who was a McGovern supporter and wrote four books trashing Bush. It would be akin to naming Glen Beck as the "liberal" on Fox.

But the left thinks that this is "balance."
Another example of your think any conservative writer is not a conservative writer if he ever strays off GOP message. Woodward never liked Republican idiots and criminals, it just shows his journalistic integrity when he challenges his own party. I know this must seem very strange to you in your condition.

Try again. The left is dedicated to crushing liberty and silencing opposition voices, it's easy to find calls to silence Fox.
How completely irrational.
I'm not a lefty or a liberal. I'm a fiscal conservative and a social libertarian.

So, you voted for Obama then?

Your assumption that anyone who criticizes Fox News is a liberal lefty is just a symptom of your disease.

Anyone who claims the MSM is unbiased is a lefty.

"State run media"....that explains alot. Rush listeners are the most severely afflicted of all conservative media victims. You would have loved a thread I started on another forum called "Lies Rush Limbaugh told today".

I work during the day - I haven't listened to Limbaugh in decades. Also, he pissed me off many years ago when he accused everyone in my party of being drug addicts. (Talk about irony!)

Okay...I left out Clearchannel.

Do you think Clear Channel should be forcibly shut down?

Once again...if the media was so debilitatingly biased to the did Eisnehower, Nixon, Reagan, Bush1, and Bush2 get elected?

Are you claiming that Eisenhower was "conservative?" Seriously. Dick fucking price caps Nixon?

Come on..

The press was dead set against Reagan, they just couldn't overcome the anti-Carter sentiment of the nation - just as they may not be able to overcome the anti-Obama (Carter the II) sentiment.

Another example of your think any conservative writer is not a conservative writer if he ever strays off GOP message.

Yep, those who fail to follow McGovern conservatives have a "disease."

Woodward never liked Republican idiots and criminals,

Democrat idiots and criminals are fine with him, though...

it just shows his journalistic integrity when he challenges his own party.

Unabridged leftist dictionary: "Journalistic Integrity" - attacking Republicans while protecting democrats.

How completely irrational.

That you ignore the citations, including Dear Leader himself, trying to ban Fox.

Yep, that is irrational - but yer a lefty, so no surprise.

BTW, I voted for Bob Barr. You do realize that Barack Obama was NOT the Libertarian candidate, right?
LONDON (AP) — Britain's voracious tabloids may have hit a new low: The News of the World was facing claims Tuesday that it hacked into an abducted teenager's phone messages, possibly hampering a police inquiry into her murder.

Britons are used to seeing their press harass royals, sports stars and celebrities, constantly eavesdropping and paying even the most tangential sources for information about stars' sex lives and drug problems.

Yet the hacking case involving 13-year-old Milly Dowler has horrified everyone, from British Prime Minister David Cameron to the hundreds of comments from people on Twitter.

Dowler's abduction in 2002 while walking home from school in Surrey, south of London, transfixed Britain until her decomposing body was found in the woods by mushroom pickers six months later.

But while police were pursuing all leads and Milly's parents were making dramatic appeals for any tidbit of information that could be useful, a private investigator working for the News of the World tabloid allegedly hacked into her cell phone, listened to her messages, and even deleted some to make room for possible new ones.

Mark Lewis, a lawyer representing Dowler's parents, said Tuesday the suspected hacking may have hampered the police investigation and he plans to sue the tabloid for its interference after Dowler went missing.

It was never determined how long Dowler was alive after being abducted but the tabloid's actions reportedly came in the days right after her disappearance. Police realized some messages had been deleted, giving them and Milly's parents false hope that she was still alive.

Pressure mounted Tuesday on Rebekah Brooks, editor of the tabloid when Dowler disappeared and now a top Murdoch executive in the U.K., to resign.

Britain shocked by hacking into slain girl's phone - Yahoo! News

I can forgive them for hacking into her phone, I can forgive them for listening to her messages, but deleting possible evidence? The person responsible should to jailtime.

No. There is no forgiveness, because deleting evidence wasn't the problem. The NoW reporter was deleting messages to make room for more. The unforgivable and despicable point about this was that when Milly Dowler's phone became active, it gave investigating police the false premise that it was HER using the phone and that she must therefore be alive! These fucking pond life journos clearly had no regard for giving the police and parents false hope. There only concern was a fucking story!

And who was the editor at this time? The only person to escape unscathed and keep her job...Rebekah Brooks! The woman who was denying phone hacking by News International as far back as 2009! In a corporation, responsibilty is top down...not bottom up!
This is HUGE in the U.K. They had a Special Session of Parliament w/ Q & A to the AG asking for answers. This won't just blow over. His stock-holders have to be pissed :)
Will the conservatives lose their one-and-only channel for echo-chamber, marching-orders? :(
am radio waves only travel so far. How will conservatives get their talking-points?
LONDON (AP) — Britain's voracious tabloids may have hit a new low: The News of the World was facing claims Tuesday that it hacked into an abducted teenager's phone messages, possibly hampering a police inquiry into her murder.

Britons are used to seeing their press harass royals, sports stars and celebrities, constantly eavesdropping and paying even the most tangential sources for information about stars' sex lives and drug problems.

Yet the hacking case involving 13-year-old Milly Dowler has horrified everyone, from British Prime Minister David Cameron to the hundreds of comments from people on Twitter.

Dowler's abduction in 2002 while walking home from school in Surrey, south of London, transfixed Britain until her decomposing body was found in the woods by mushroom pickers six months later.

But while police were pursuing all leads and Milly's parents were making dramatic appeals for any tidbit of information that could be useful, a private investigator working for the News of the World tabloid allegedly hacked into her cell phone, listened to her messages, and even deleted some to make room for possible new ones.

Mark Lewis, a lawyer representing Dowler's parents, said Tuesday the suspected hacking may have hampered the police investigation and he plans to sue the tabloid for its interference after Dowler went missing.

It was never determined how long Dowler was alive after being abducted but the tabloid's actions reportedly came in the days right after her disappearance. Police realized some messages had been deleted, giving them and Milly's parents false hope that she was still alive.

Pressure mounted Tuesday on Rebekah Brooks, editor of the tabloid when Dowler disappeared and now a top Murdoch executive in the U.K., to resign.

Britain shocked by hacking into slain girl's phone - Yahoo! News

I can forgive them for hacking into her phone, I can forgive them for listening to her messages, but deleting possible evidence? The person responsible should to jailtime.

No. There is no forgiveness, because deleting evidence wasn't the problem. The NoW reporter was deleting messages to make room for more. The unforgivable and despicable point about this was that when Milly Dowler's phone became active, it gave investigating police the false premise that it was HER using the phone and that she must therefore be alive! These fucking pond life journos clearly had no regard for giving the police and parents false hope. There only concern was a fucking story!

And who was the editor at this time? The only person to escape unscathed and keep her job...Rebekah Brooks! The woman who was denying phone hacking by News International as far back as 2009! In a corporation, responsibilty is top down...not bottom up!
Oh really?

Phone hacking: Police probe suspected deletion of emails by NI executive | Media | The Guardian

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