Murphy:We're Closer Than Ever Before On Bipartisan Gun Legislation, deal will likely not include background checks despite GOP Sen Toomey being for it

And you're full of shit as usual. Lotsa talk from your side. Not much in the way of action.
But, take comfort, no one is coming for your guns. They're not coming for mine either.
If you want to work yourself into a lather over people trying to figure out ways to stop needless gun related
deaths..feel free. We'll just write you off as being part of the problem. ^Shrug^.
I have the 2A on my side....What part of "shall not be infringed" don't you understand?

All you people have are feels and, on the whole, you are not much of a much.

Your ilk are the ones that have promoted most forms of deviant behavior as "normal" and something that should be accepted. Indeed you try to force others to accept your clown world views under all kinds of threats.

So reap the fuckin' whirlwind.....Deserves has everything to do with it.
"Investing in mental health"? How is that going to work?

Modern society is expensive, complex, and not well advertised or traditional as to what is available for support.
Almost everyone has angst, fears, angers, etc. they could benefit from talking to a professional, as well as a professional knowing how to get government subsidies, etc., that can help people.
There is almost no end to the advantages of having government paid resources like this for mental health in all our communities.
Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), who has been leading bipartisan talks in the Senate on gun control legislation, said more Republicans are at the table working toward changing gun laws and investing in mental health than “at any time since Sandy Hook.”

.....shall not be infringed

I have the 2A on my side....What part of "shall not be infringed" don't you understand?

All you people have are feels and, on the whole, you are not much of a much.

Your ilk are the ones that have promoted most forms of deviant behavior as "normal" and something that should be accepted. Indeed you try to force others to accept your clown world views under all kinds of threats.

So reap the fuckin' whirlwind.....Deserves has everything to do with it.

Unfortunately, to get people to understand the advantage of the 2nd amendment, you have to get them to realize the government, like the military and police, are not the good guys.
The police are guilty of crimes like Prohibition, the War on Drugs, asset forfeiture, mandatory sentences, etc., and the military is destroying democracies around the world, like Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Nicaragua, Grenada, Egypt, etc.
Until you fix the background check problems, requiring them is a waste of time.
The cult wants to take the ability to defend themselves away from women and minorities…..both victims of evil white men.

The cult is misogynist and racist.
Be afraid, be very afraid when the crazy democrat party decides to include "mental health" issues in legislation that pertains to the Bill of Rights. Fly a confederate flag? You must be mentally ill and you need to turn over your firearms to authorities.
I have the 2A on my side....What part of "shall not be infringed" don't you understand?

All you people have are feels and, on the whole, you are not much of a much.

Your ilk are the ones that have promoted most forms of deviant behavior as "normal" and something that should be accepted. Indeed you try to force others to accept your clown world views under all kinds of threats.

So reap the fuckin' whirlwind.....Deserves has everything to do with it.
I have the 2A on my side too. I'm just partial to trying to solve this constant cycle of people getting shot in supposedly safe places by semi-automatic weapons freely available. I tried explaining this to a family member this morning after I mistakenly bought up the subject of why there will be no measures coming out of this latest spate of mass shootings. :) After outrage ensued, I calmly told this person why and repeated those four words verbatim. And then explained DOC vs Heller. I told them that is why NO legislation (outside of mental health funding) will come out of this latest round of shootings. The only way change comes is to vote enough people beholden to the carnage out of office. And that will be a tall task given the amount of gerrymandering and voter suppression in key states.

Finally, it is a LIFETIME of space between now and November. And Republicans so far seem to be doing their usual job of attempting to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. :)
Only a dumb fucking cult member would relinquish their right to defend themselves and rely on police to protect them.

The cult hates police. The cult says police hunt down and murder black people.

Now the cult wants us all to rely on the racist murderous cops to protect you from being raped or robbed or murdered?

How does that make any sense?

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