Murrietta, the Nation's John Paul Jones- stood their ground

I took all day yesterday to feel the deep wound of loss and felt for the first time in my life, ashamed of my country. I had made a decision to leave the political scene altogether and just chill, move on. This morning after the immense fog of pain had cleared I began to realize something.. NOT once did Barack Obama garner above the 50% approval rating.. Most of the time it stayed around 47%.. So how is it that he won with over 50% of the vote? Secondly.. Some time back, this dictator President by Executive fiat, gave amnesty to MILLIONS and registered them at the same time- ALL UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Our elected republican goons all stood by with their thumbs up their asses as our constitution was USURPED. This amounted to MILLIONS of stolen votes. We know from all of the statistics nationwide that only 21% of the population claim to liberal. THAT STILL makes them the minority DESPITE the stolen vote. Throw a RINO candidate in to the mix that we all ended up supporting, so afraid this Marxist would get back in to office, and it all spelled disaster. I believe we can take our nation back but it has to begin TODAY in electing and supporting TRUE conservatives.

In closing, I'd like to ask all of my conservative friends who posted here prior to this election to come back.. FUCK A BET.. Liberals don't own this forum.. that bet does ONE THING and one thing only- play in to their cheating hands. Liberals have never played fair but know we do.. I didn't make any bet to leave this forum.. I had bet Short Bus Bod my signature at one time but withdrew it well before the election.. Even if I had not withdrawn it, FUCK HER AND FUCK LIBERALS. We have work to do.. we're not quitters and it's going to take all of us. So... COME HOME.. this is our forum too. Zombies don't make rules.. they drool, shit, and feed off of the government.
Go, Gumslinger, go! You just can't wait for the shit to hit the fan, can you? You're obviously a good Kristian.

Interesting that all of the "supporters" of these dolts haven't put down their keyboards long enough to go join them....

It truly reveals what type of fair-weather supporters they are; does it not?

Interesting that all the people cheering the government bringing illegals into the country haven't volunteered to take any of those children into their homes...

It truly reveals what type of lazy, uncompassionate, selfish, hypocritical supporters they are; does it not?
Murrietta, the Nation's John Paul Jones- stood their ground

(1) John Paul Jones was a naval officer not a ground forces officer.

(2) Criminal are blocking the buses.

(3) 5000 federal and state police are being positioned for the next attempt.

(4) All those blocking the buses go to jail, children go to state shelters. And since it will be done on a Friday, the three days in the lock up will break up the nonsense.
And the mindless statist cheerleader chimes in.
Murrietta, the Nation's John Paul Jones- stood their ground

(1) John Paul Jones was a naval officer not a ground forces officer.

(2) Criminal are blocking the buses.

(3) 5000 federal and state police are being positioned for the next attempt.

(4) All those blocking the buses go to jail, children go to state shelters. And since it will be done on a Friday, the three days in the lock up will break up the nonsense.

It would be great if the "principled" opposition would go and make a statement of their beliefs by getting locked up. Somehow, I'm sure they are too busy posting on a message board to have principles...
I dunno about the others, but I have something called a "job".

Might wanna look into it someday.
You and every other half-brained idiot here seems to claim they stand for X,Y, and Z...yet you won't get off your size 32 ass to go anywhere near the action is.

Basically, like the bet you made back in 2012, your words mean zilch Lady Cum-Chugger.

So in other words, NONE, ZIP ZERO.. You've not done a damn thing for your President's policies that has children living in putrefied camps.. This is the face of leftism.. It wreaks havoc everyone it goes... Like Detroit.. and then runs some place else to destroy yet another city, person..

I don't have the problem here, bitch.

You do.

Yet, here you are sitting at your computer doing Nothing, Zip, Zero to rectify the situation. You're really the worst kind of person--but you already know this of course--someone who is all talk when they are being "attacked".

When you going to put your ass on the line (poor line) and stand up for what you believe in? Oh, that's right....just like the bet you made to leave the board; your words are meaningless.
Why the fuck are you throwing that on her? YOU get your ass out there and be the loving humanitarian willing to take care of these people. We are telling you to send them back home and you pronounce we are the assholes for not caring while you sit on your ass and look for someone else (we are the else) TO PAY FOR THEM.

You want to prove you are compassionate let's set up an adopt an illegal day and people like you can wander the fucking holding cells like you were at the pound looking for a stray dog and YOU adopt one of these 35 year old illegal aliens and take them home with you.

Don't fucking tell us we aren't compassionate when your fucking compassion ends at having these people stay here at someone else's expense. YOU are the bitch not stepping up to the plate!

YOU want them here YOU fucking pay their way. We are busy trying to keep a country from fucking dying off and paying your 17 trillion in debt. Stop adding to it as an expense someone else will pay you fucking feel good freeloading piece of shit.
So in other words, NONE, ZIP ZERO.. You've not done a damn thing for your President's policies that has children living in putrefied camps.. This is the face of leftism.. It wreaks havoc everyone it goes... Like Detroit.. and then runs some place else to destroy yet another city, person..

I don't have the problem here, bitch.

You do.

Yet, here you are sitting at your computer doing Nothing, Zip, Zero to rectify the situation. You're really the worst kind of person--but you already know this of course--someone who is all talk when they are being "attacked".

When you going to put your ass on the line (poor line) and stand up for what you believe in? Oh, that's right....just like the bet you made to leave the board; your words are meaningless.
Why the fuck are you throwing that on her? YOU get your ass out there and be the loving humanitarian willing to take care of these people. We are telling you to send them back home and you pronounce we are the assholes for not caring while you sit on your ass and look for someone else (we are the else) TO PAY FOR THEM.

You want to prove you are compassionate let's set up an adopt an illegal day and people like you can wander the fucking holding cells like you were at the pound looking for a stray dog and YOU adopt one of these 35 year old illegal aliens and take them home with you.

Don't fucking tell us we aren't compassionate when your fucking compassion ends at having these people stay here at someone else's expense. YOU are the bitch not stepping up to the plate!

YOU want them here YOU fucking pay their way. We are busy trying to keep a country from fucking dying off and paying your 17 trillion in debt. Stop adding to it as an expense someone else will pay you fucking feel good freeloading piece of shit.
Candycorn can't be bothered to un-ass the couch. She's too busy "raising awareness" (posting mindless progressive talking points on message boards) to actually DO anything.
Go, Gumslinger, go! You just can't wait for the shit to hit the fan, can you? You're obviously a good Kristian.

Interesting that all of the "supporters" of these dolts haven't put down their keyboards long enough to go join them....

It truly reveals what type of fair-weather supporters they are; does it not?

Interesting that all the people cheering the government bringing illegals into the country haven't volunteered to take any of those children into their homes...

It truly reveals what type of lazy, uncompassionate, selfish, hypocritical supporters they are; does it not?
They aren't puppies, you can't just bring one home. There are rules here, like it or not...
They aren't puppies, you can't just bring one home. There are rules here, like it or not...
The US Gov't is looking at all kinds of places to house the Illegals including and old run down WalMart.

Why don't you show us some good, non-christian, Liberal compassion and house a few of them?
They aren't puppies, you can't just bring one home. There are rules here, like it or not...
The US Gov't is looking at all kinds of places to house the Illegals including and old run down WalMart.

Why don't you show us some good, non-christian, Liberal compassion and house a few of them?

There are 14 million vacant housing units in this country currently. How about you learn to do some math?
So in other words, NONE, ZIP ZERO.. You've not done a damn thing for your President's policies that has children living in putrefied camps.. This is the face of leftism.. It wreaks havoc everyone it goes... Like Detroit.. and then runs some place else to destroy yet another city, person..

I don't have the problem here, bitch.

You do.

Yet, here you are sitting at your computer doing Nothing, Zip, Zero to rectify the situation. You're really the worst kind of person--but you already know this of course--someone who is all talk when they are being "attacked".

When you going to put your ass on the line (poor line) and stand up for what you believe in? Oh, that's right....just like the bet you made to leave the board; your words are meaningless.
Why the fuck are you throwing that on her? YOU get your ass out there and be the loving humanitarian willing to take care of these people. We are telling you to send them back home and you pronounce we are the assholes for not caring while you sit on your ass and look for someone else (we are the else) TO PAY FOR THEM.

You want to prove you are compassionate let's set up an adopt an illegal day and people like you can wander the fucking holding cells like you were at the pound looking for a stray dog and YOU adopt one of these 35 year old illegal aliens and take them home with you.

Don't fucking tell us we aren't compassionate when your fucking compassion ends at having these people stay here at someone else's expense. YOU are the bitch not stepping up to the plate!

YOU want them here YOU fucking pay their way. We are busy trying to keep a country from fucking dying off and paying your 17 trillion in debt. Stop adding to it as an expense someone else will pay you fucking feel good freeloading piece of shit.

Wrong again loserboy.

You aren't doing anything except arguing with a stranger on the Internet.

Again loserboy, I don't have the problem. You and the other sissies who think the world is about to end, the sky is falling, blah blah blah sit around and bitch 24/7/365 about things but never get off your ass and do jack shit about it.

Seriously fuckwad; if you really though we were in any sort of trouble as a nation, would you be sitting in mama's basement on the Internet or would you be doing something about it?

Man up and do something fuckwad if you really think there is a problem that is serious enough. Oh, let me guess, you've got better things to do....yeah, tell us another joke.
They aren't puppies, you can't just bring one home. There are rules here, like it or not...
The US Gov't is looking at all kinds of places to house the Illegals including and old run down WalMart.

Why don't you show us some good, non-christian, Liberal compassion and house a few of them?

There are 14 million vacant housing units in this country currently. How about you learn to do some math?

Then give them to homeless vets and other Americans .
5000 government goons won't show up. No one is going to jail and no American children are going to state shelters.

The buses will continue to be turned away.
Wouldn't mind seeing some la raza trash get thumped by some government goons. That would be entertaining. The left is hoping some American citizen taxpayers get thumped. Oh, and they also claim to be Americans, but they smell like pig shit commies.
Murrietta, the Nation's John Paul Jones- stood their ground

(1) John Paul Jones was a naval officer not a ground forces officer.

(2) Criminal are blocking the buses.

(3) 5000 federal and state police are being positioned for the next attempt.

(4) All those blocking the buses go to jail, children go to state shelters. And since it will be done on a Friday, the three days in the lock up will break up the nonsense.
And the mindless statist cheerleader chimes in.

He is good apparatchik. He wery wery faithful.
Interesting that all of the "supporters" of these dolts haven't put down their keyboards long enough to go join them....

It truly reveals what type of fair-weather supporters they are; does it not?

Interesting that all the people cheering the government bringing illegals into the country haven't volunteered to take any of those children into their homes...

It truly reveals what type of lazy, uncompassionate, selfish, hypocritical supporters they are; does it not?
They aren't puppies, you can't just bring one home. There are rules here, like it or not...
Pffft. Since when do liberals give a shit about the rules? If they did, Obama's Admin wouldn't be such a failure.
They aren't puppies, you can't just bring one home. There are rules here, like it or not...
The US Gov't is looking at all kinds of places to house the Illegals including and old run down WalMart.

Why don't you show us some good, non-christian, Liberal compassion and house a few of them?

There are 14 million vacant housing units in this country currently. How about you learn to do some math?
In other words, you can't be bothered to un-ass the couch.

Exactly like I said.

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