Leftists Working Overtime to Frame the Narrative on George Floyd Riots


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Leftists Working Overtime to Frame the Narrative on George Floyd Riots

31 May 2020 ~~ By Christopher Paslay
On May 28, MSNBC reporter Ali Velshi said something just as mind-bogglingly absurd. As violent riots erupted in sections of Minneapolis over the death of George Floyd, Velshi insisted that the protests were basically peaceful.
"I wanna be clear on how I characterize this," Velshi said, as buildings literally burned to the ground in the background of the broadcast. "This is mostly a protest. It is not, it is not, generally speaking, unruly."
It's interesting to watch Velshi struggle to find the words to shape the narrative he's trying so desperately to tell: that the violence and upheaval unfolding around him aren't really happening. That the burning buildings are somehow not indicative of what is really taking place on the ground. That the whole scene is really just a peaceful protest, so please don't misinterpret the fires, the destruction and evacuation of Minneapolis's 3rd police precinct, the vandalism of police vehicles, and the looting of the Target and arson of the AutoZone as "unruly."
According to the Saint Paul Police Department, more than 170 businesses were damaged or looted that night, and there were dozens of fires.
Liberals are so obsessed with controlling the narrative on race, so immersed in their own self-serving propaganda, that they actually believe that society is going to accept their bald-faced lies over reality itself — over the television footage of the destruction, over the police reports documenting the property damage, over the cries from governors and mayors urging citizens to please stop the looting and rioting.
CNN peddled this same nonsense with a recent article headlined "The protest pictures alone tell the story of America's racial hierarchy," which used selectively edited pictures to suggest that callous white cops were needlessly throwing tear gas at innocent black teens for protesting peacefully, while dangerous white protesters were left alone by police at the Michigan State Capitol, despite the fact they were putting everyone in danger by carrying long guns and refusing to social distance and wear masks.
This narrative is a lie — and the captions under the CNN pictures revealed the truth for anyone who wanted to look past the misleading headline to the fine print. Cops were throwing tear gas not at innocent black teens peacefully protesting the death of George Floyd on a quiet Minneapolis street, but because rioters had first vandalized, and then burned down, the Third Police Precinct. Likewise, police stood down at the Michigan Capitol not because the protesters were white or conservative, but because they weren't breaking any laws. In fact, the contrast between the George Floyd protests erupting in big cities across America and those protests against the lockdowns happening at state capitols couldn't be more stark.
Not that liberal journalists care about truth or accuracy of information. Leftist media outlets, like CNN and MSNBC, care only about forwarding a political narrative of racial grievance and unrest, and will do so even if it involves Soviet-style propaganda and the telling of bald-faced lies.
MSNBC host Joy Reid is a bald-faced liar, and she recently proceeded to tell a bald-faced lie on MSNBC's All In with Chris Hayes:
And it's the same thing with these armed white men who can get armed up and walk into a state capitol and that's okay. And the police are benign. They don't even act afraid. But let black people show up and protest the death of an innocent black man and suddenly, you know what, we need tear gas. We've got to go full force.
Yep. That's it exactly, Joy. The tear gas wasn't for the rioters vandalizing police stations and burning down buildings, but for the black teens peacefully protesting. Uh-huh. And Washington, D.C. is the safest city in America.

What we have seen taking place since 2009 is the culmination of decades of Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Political Correctness, Tolerance, Diversity, and eight years of Hope and Change.
It seems that White supremacists were held responsible for the protests against Governor Whitmer's actions. Yet there was no looting, destruction of property or burning down of businesses in the State capital of Michigan.
When the media attempts to equate anarchist Antifa actions with "white Supremacists it becomes ridiculous.
As we have repeatedly seen, the destruction of towns and cities have not been the results of rioting white supremacists, it's all been attributed and factually so to the anarchist Marxist Socialist Left. Whether they're named #OWS, #BLM or #Antifa they are one and the same.
Shouldn't we stop and think about the fact that these bulk of these cities are Deep Blue where politicians have for generations made promises to citizens and never kept them.
While foisting Raw hatred, insanity, opportunism and virtue signaling backed by thuggery have been key components of all incarnations of the Progressive Democrat Party
AG has recently put into effect the enforcement of federal law regarding those individual and groups that come from out of state to incite mobs, rioting and looting. Now if we can get the Blue city politicians to follow up and enforce those laws perhaps we can reduce the destruction of those cities.
I find it quite funny that politicians and media talking heads that condone these riots are similar to Robespierre who gladly sent thousands to the guillotine only to face madam guillotine too.
Do you think the right is sitting passively by, while all this shit is going down?
I can understand a voter that doesn't have the time nor the inclination to wade through adam shitt's industrial grade lying to determine the facts, but ALL voters know when cities are being pillaged and burned to the ground. And they know who's doing it. They don't need a marxist Dim shitstain to interpret that for them.

I say this goes in DJT's win column. Again. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Meanwhile, I shot a 75 today from the back tees and I'm heading for my pool. It's about 90 here in N. Texas. Keep burning your shit. I couldn't care less.
I can understand a voter that doesn't have the time nor the inclination to wade through adam shitt's industrial grade lying to determine the facts, but ALL voters know when cities are being pillaged and burned to the ground. And they know who's doing it. They don't need a marxist Dim shitstain to interpret that for them.

I say this goes in DJT's win column. Again. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Meanwhile, I shot a 75 today from the back tees and I'm heading for my pool. It's about 90 here in N. Texas. Keep burning your shit. I couldn't care less.

Nice score!
Enjoy your swim.
I can understand a voter that doesn't have the time nor the inclination to wade through adam shitt's industrial grade lying to determine the facts, but ALL voters know when cities are being pillaged and burned to the ground. And they know who's doing it. They don't need a marxist Dim shitstain to interpret that for them.

I say this goes in DJT's win column. Again. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Meanwhile, I shot a 75 today from the back tees and I'm heading for my pool. It's about 90 here in N. Texas. Keep burning your shit. I couldn't care less.

Fuck you and your 75!!!!!
I'm lucky to break 100!!!
Always watched golf as a young buck and saw all these old dudes playing. Figured this should be a piece of cake!!!!
I can understand a voter that doesn't have the time nor the inclination to wade through adam shitt's industrial grade lying to determine the facts, but ALL voters know when cities are being pillaged and burned to the ground. And they know who's doing it. They don't need a marxist Dim shitstain to interpret that for them.

I say this goes in DJT's win column. Again. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Meanwhile, I shot a 75 today from the back tees and I'm heading for my pool. It's about 90 here in N. Texas. Keep burning your shit. I couldn't care less.

Fuck you and your 75!!!!!
I'm lucky to break 100!!!
Always watched golf as a young buck and saw all these old dudes playing. Figured this should be a piece of cake!!!!

Yeah....2-Iron can be a royal A-Hole sometimes.
never let a good crisis go to waste…

… And when that crisis starts to go to waste, START AN NEW CRISIS!!!

I am quite confident that all this shit is nothing more then a leftist push for insurrection to affect the economy and general public's will, ahead of the 2020 election.

I have long passed being shocked of what propaganda the weak minded will believe. Orwell didn't exaggerate. Yes these media elites can stand in front of burning buildings and tell their serfs that its a peaceful and non violent protest. They will believe it. Just like they believed Turkey would slaughter all the Kurds and Iran would annihilate our military and Russia helped Trump etc etc etc.

Liberalism is NOT a political condition! You have to understand that first. It is a mental illness which power hungry leaders take advantage of so thats where you often see it. These mentally ill and gullible serfs form a mob in waiting that is always there for whichever group may pick them up and use them as a weapon.

And Ill tell you something else...or, rather, I'll quote from a classic written over a century ago...keep in mind that "crowd" in this context can be translated as "mob".

"For instance, the difference between a Latin and an Anglo-Saxon crowd is striking....Crowds [mobs] are everywhere distinguished by feminine characteristics, but Latin crowds are the most feminine of all. Whoever trusts in them may rapidly attain a lofty destiny, but to do so is to be perpetually skirting the brink of a Tarpeian rock, with the certainty of one day being precipitated from it.

When defining crowds, we said that one of their general characteristics was an excessive
..a fact which explains the rapid turning of the sentiments of a crowd in a definite
direction. However indifferent it may be supposed, a crowd, as a rule, is in a state of expectant
attention, which renders suggestion easy....Whether the act is that of setting fire to a palace, or
involves self-sacrifice, a crowd lends itself to it with equal facility...a crowd perpetually hovering on the borderland of unconsciousness, readily yielding to all suggestions, having all the violence of feeling peculiar to beings who cannot appeal to the influence of reason, deprived of all critical faculty, cannot be otherwise than excessively credulous. The improbable does not exist for a crowd"

Gustave LeBon
never let a good crisis go to waste…

… And when that crisis starts to go to waste, START AN NEW CRISIS!!!

I am quite confident that all this shit is nothing more then a leftist push for insurrection to affect the economy and general public's will, ahead of the 2020 election.


It has to be!
As race relations sure ain"t gonna change.
Blacks vs. Whites, Hispanics vs. Blacks, and Everyone vs. Jews.
This unsolvable shit gets old, especially if you experienced the 60's.
But this time it's gonna be different....:blues:.

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