Muscovite’s Slaughter of Indigenous People in Alaska Tells Us Something Important About Ukraine


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017

Muscovite’s Slaughter of Indigenous People in Alaska Tells Us Something Important About Ukraine​

so this topic about

Alaska under Moscow occupation
Ukranien war

all crap off topic WILL BE REPORTED !

"the Russian one. As Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov recently claimed, Russia has “not stained itself with the bloody crimes of colonialism.”... Russians to effectively “enslave” local populations. Demanding “furs in exchange for [the] lives” of women and children, Russians would “sexually exploit the hostages” — and even “execute the hostages” should the fur intake fall short. All of it, just “to set an example” for other recalcitrant Indigenous populations....the broader crimes of Russian colonialism in Alaska, have been largely ignored."
SOUNDS LIKE the colonial WAR IN Ukraine....

It tells us that the Kyiv Nazis have taken a terrible beating in Ukey Land and that Nazi Winkle has nothing more to say of any interest or relevance .

Wave goodbye to the Troll , folk
It tells us nothing. Every civilization is guilty of slaughtering indigenous people at some point in history.
the Muscovite enslaving the indigenous peoples , sex trafficking their women or the attempts at murderous genocide the Muscovite 🇷🇺 hordesmen did all that. + Muscovites SUCK AT COLONIZATION, at the end, 🇷🇺they had only 2 000 Muscovites ( white - mixed race Orthodox subjects ) in Alaska . and They knew about the gold as well, but 🇷🇺they didn´t want American - Europeans (difficult to control ) miners in Alaska .... and 🇷🇺 they want Alaska and Northern California "back " today :auiqs.jpg: ....


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