Music that today's teens are listening to

Can't be any worse than the 1960's to now..

Actually, no, it's worse.

In the sixties, yes, there was immaturity, hedonism, sexuality, and feminism but it was mixed with a sense of hope and honor. There was always an undercurrent of respect and love.

Today, it is different. Today in much of what we hear it is laced with an undercurrent if division, violence, hopelessness, and most of all, NIHILISM.

Now, so much of the music lacks what you would call, soul.

My kid is a teen, and I have to listen to A LOT OF IT.

I have two rules.

No drum machines, and no auto-tune. I don't mind listening to anything else.

I remember once when the movie "The Commitments" came to the Netflix instant queue, I told him we were going to sit down and watch it. By the end of the movie, he was up out of his seat dancing around the place. I had made a rhythm and soul fan for life. To this day he is baffled as to why there is no such thing today as true new soul music being made. There's just pathetic imitation of what they claim is soul, at least the popular stuff. It's nothing like they used to do.

I don't mind the immaturity, hedonism or sexuality. The feminism kinda bothers me though.
This is what I was listening to in high school. Lots of good rock in the period too but pop music was as bad as it is today.

any worse than this?

Good lord, much worse.

How about a peak into Dante's inferno? :FIREdevil:

Taylor Swift - Look What You Made Me Do

This is a picture of Rothschild's Satan Worshiping. . .

1977 the Eagles released Hotel California, in the jacket images is the interior of the hotel and on the balcony is Anton Levey, head of the Satanic Church. Or so the story goes.

Believe, or Not.
1977 the Eagles released Hotel California, in the jacket images is the interior of the hotel and on the balcony is Anton Levey, head of the Satanic Church. Or so the story goes.

Believe, or Not.

Well, at least they didn't turn around and sue their producer for exploiting them as part of a satanic sex cabal after they did the album. :badgrin:

The New Satanism: Ke$ha's Amazing Occult Ritual Sex-Magick Video
The New Satanism: Ke$ha's Amazing Occult Ritual Sex-Magick Video

However, you are right, Hollyweird and the Illuminutty have been intertwined with the Lucifarians, Satanists, and pedophiles going back quite some time now. It's all about corrupting the morality and ethos of the nation making them more weak minded, weak willed, weak in spirit, more susceptible to propaganda and easier to manipulate and rule.

The average movie goer/ TV viewer is pretty dim witted. IN just another thread some leftist was using South Park as a piece of anecdotal evidence to support a political theme as one of his arguments. So here you have a victim of propaganda not even aware they are a victim of it? smh. :bang3:

I will never understand what people find so fascinating about that Kelsi Ballerini girl.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. To me, some of the best are those who aren't even here anymore. I wish that I could marry the lead guy of this song, I love him so much.


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