Musim woman sues......

Muslim Woman Sues Police In Yonkers, New York, For Forced Hijab Removal
In an exclusive interview with HuffPost, a Muslim woman talks about the trauma she faced after police confiscated and photographed her without her hijab.

Really bitch?

This is America, not Saudi Arabia.
Get over it.

Imagine that: You having to tell a radical left-wing liberal like tigerred59 to be more tolerant and inclusive of others.

I think this Shanghai Shivers is making me delirious with hallucinations.

She's thinking she's gonna get rich quick because police told her to remove a head scarf.

She's claiming she "felt" naked when they took off her headscarf. What a crock of crap.

Your post didn’t age well, as you pretended that asking her to remove her hijab was legal and she won.
As far as I know, EVERYONE regardless of their beliefs or religions, must remove any head or face covering for a police booking picture. She should be treated like anyone else.
As far as DigitalDrifted knew, he knows nothing about law and he got egg on his face:
Brilliant. If asked to, nuns remove their habits and Jews remove their yamakas.

Of course, why would they be asked to; they don't hide their identities under these covers.
The woman lost the lawsuit, and that’s not the only part that embarrassed you. Pretending that you were invited to witness the booking of a nun and a Jewish person to remove anything is beyond laughable.
Your post didn’t age well, as you pretended that asking her to remove her hijab was legal and she won.
I wrote that last April before the facts were known. We're nearing the last week of November now when some but not all the facts are known. I'm guilty of not liking large groups of people who hate America and dance in the streets when we lose citizens to their murderous America-hater societies.
She should have a right to wear it in custody but not for the photograph. Thats just stupid.
Entitled people sheesh

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