Musk hands over trump personal messages

Musk's 666: Kuklos Exothen

At first glance it may appear that Musk was following the dictates of the court by handing over Trump's messages. More covertly, state agent Musk was already handing himself a promotion by eliminating potential scrutiny and critique by non-members of Twitter. So what Musk's machine gives with the one hand, it may take away with the other.

Since any plans for a COVID replay align with the forthcoming 2024 elections, techniques of filtering criticism could be pre-accomplished if the dynamics of Twitter were off the radar of non-members. This would be the mechanism we call here, kuklos exothen. It's defined as an exclusionary process by which the unequal is expelled, or in capitalist jargon, the establishment of class difference. Musk's operations can be used to influence the 2024 elections if the fascism of kuklos exothen is practiced across a wide enough field.

'Intensity is the uncancellable in difference of quantity, but this difference of quantity is cancelled by extension, extension being precisely the process by which intensive difference is turned inside out and distributed in such a way as to be dispelled, compensated, equalised and suppressed in the extensity it creates. Nevertheless, how many necessary operations must intervene in this process!

Admirable pages in the Timaeus bring together the divisible and indivisible. The important point is that the divisible is defined as that which bears in itself the unequal, whereas the indivisible (the Same or the One) seeks to impose an equality upon it, and thereby render it docile. God begins by making a mixture of the two elements. However precisely because the divisible, B, escapes the mixture and shows its inequality and oddness, God obtains only A = B/2 + C - in other words, A + B/2 + (A + B/2).

This mixture, however, also rebels, and he must avert the rebellion: he distributes it into two parts according to two arithmetic progressions, one whose principle is 2, which refers to the element A (1,2,4,8): and the other whose principle is 3, which refers to C and recognizes the oddness of B (1,3,9,27). Now God is faced with intervals, with (distances [italics]) to fill: he does this with two intermediates, one of which is arithmetic (corresponding to A), while the other is harmonic (corresponding to C).

From this may be derived the relations, and the relations between these relations, which pursue the task of tracking the unequal in the divisible throughout the entire mixture. Furthermore, God must cut the whole in two, cross over the two halves and then bend them into two circles, such that the outer circle contains the equal in the form of the movement of the Same, while the other, inner circle, orientated along a diagonal, retains what subsists of inequality in the divisible by distributing it among secondary circles.

Finally, God has not defeated the unequal in itself but only separated it from the divisible and enclosed it within an outer circle, (kuklos exothen [it.]) He has equalised the divisible in this extension which is the extension of the Soul of the world, but underneath, at the deepest layer of the divisible, the unequal still rumbles in intensity. This is of little consequence to God, for he fills the entire expanse of the soul with the extensity of bodies and their qualities. He covers everything. Nevertheless, he dances upon a volcano. Never have so many, so diverse and such demented operations been multiplied in order to draw from the depths of an intensive (spatium[it.]) a serene and docile extensity, and to dispel a Difference which subsists in itself even when it is cancelled outside itself. The labour of God is always threatened by the third hypothesis of the Parmenides, that of the differential or intensive instant.'
(Deleuze, Difference and Repetition, pp.233-4 Asymmetrical Synthesis of the Sensible)

This internet fascist cancellation is what state agent Musk has done to those who do not become members of Twitter. This non-democracy takes away Twitter messages and privatizes them, refies them, at an important time of presidential election politics.
In this Tammy's now-defunct thread, we'll be referring to post # 38 & 41 from time to time from another thread.

' "Why is there no study on that new lineage within SL CoVs?" (A clade is a group of creatures and their common biological ancestor.) Dr. Daszak's response was to block Ribera on Twitter.'
(Chan and Wridley, Viral, p. 233)

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