Musk & Politics


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
Elon Musk is, IMO, a real liberal. He created an interest in an electric car industry (which supports leftist climate change proponents) then he buys Twitter and, like a true liberal, drops the far left, woke, 'cancel' algorithm and brings back free speech in which true liberals say they believe. Maybe it's time to drop political labels?
Elon Musk is, IMO, a real liberal. He created an interest in an electric car industry (which supports leftist climate change proponents) then he buys Twitter and, like a true liberal, drops the far left, woke, 'cancel' algorithm and brings back free speech in which true liberals say they believe. Maybe it's time to drop political labels?

Not so fast. Has Musk closed the backdoor in Twitter that the government has been using to "clean up" the comments about Joe Biden?
Elon Musk is, IMO, a real liberal. He created an interest in an electric car industry (which supports leftist climate change proponents) then he buys Twitter and, like a true liberal, drops the far left, woke, 'cancel' algorithm and brings back free speech in which true liberals say they believe. Maybe it's time to drop political labels?

I'm cautiously optimistic and appreciate what he has done thus far. If he can drop the Truth Nuke on all things Covid and Fauci, all the better. But I proceed with caution.
Elon Musk is, IMO, a real liberal. He created an interest in an electric car industry (which supports leftist climate change proponents) then he buys Twitter and, like a true liberal, drops the far left, woke, 'cancel' algorithm and brings back free speech in which true liberals say they believe. Maybe it's time to drop political labels?
True liberals are called "Classical liberals" not to be confused with social Liberals. Yes, labels can become tricky to identify properly when assigned to individuals due to morphing, RINOing, media rope-a-doping, double agenting plus smoke & mirrors. Now a days with all the hoaxing, double speak & back stabbing going on the only viable label to pin on another person is one that is printed with the word "TARGET".
Musk is a mercurial, free-thinking, unpredictable dreamer. I don't have to agree with everything he does to appreciate that. And we need far more of them, and far fewer ideological, cowardly partisan sheep who don't have the balls to jump out of the box.

I wonder what his aim is with this political stuff. Politics is sludge and spoils just about everything it touches, so I don't understand him going down this road. It's difficult to imagine that he didn't think this through before jumping in. Maybe he has a long term play in mind. Who knows.

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Elon Musk is, IMO, a real liberal. He created an interest in an electric car industry (which supports leftist climate change proponents) then he buys Twitter and, like a true liberal, drops the far left, woke, 'cancel' algorithm and brings back free speech in which true liberals say they believe. Maybe it's time to drop political labels?
Electric cars and trains existed before Elon Musk existed. If Elon has free speech why is he banning people from using it?
Elon Musk is, IMO, a real liberal. He created an interest in an electric car industry (which supports leftist climate change proponents) then he buys Twitter and, like a true liberal, drops the far left, woke, 'cancel' algorithm and brings back free speech in which true liberals say they believe. Maybe it's time to drop political labels?

Maybe he just 'read' where the insane liberals wete going to drag this country, abandoning fossil fuels and pushing EVs, and got the jump on everyone...

Since he bought Twitter, sent liberal / Democrat / liberal govt extremists who attempted to impose censorship into an absolute melt down by 'peeing' on their plans a dexposing massive govt criminal / Un-Constitutional crimes (the US govt violating the US Constitution,stripping Americans of their 1st Amendment Rights, and attempting - and succeeding - in altering election outcomes), I would highly question if Musk is indeed a 'real liberal'.
Electric cars and trains existed before Elon Musk existed. If Elon has free speech why is he banning people from using it?
Electric cars were never viable. Elon only made them marginally viable because of government subsidies. Who is Elon banning?

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