Musk to Publish Hunter Biden Story Suppression On Twitter Today - 5pm

The answer to your question is VERY complicated. The exact answer to the first two depend on precisely when you’re talking about. For much of 2021, the vaccine did indeed prevent people from getting and passing on COVID. Later in 2021, not so much. The data for the updated vaccine in late 2022 is not available yet, so that’s just a maybe.

The last question is easy. The vaccine prevents people from getting severely ill and dying from COVID. No doubt.

After all lies exposed, you still believe in that?

Like I said, it’s not going to stop you guys from pretending you have the facts.

It never has before.

I’m getting Durham flashbacks.
If it wasn't for Pretense then Democrats would have
nothing to stand on.Think an Old Our Gang Comedy.
Where Alfalfa is standing on a wooden crate to spiel
out the cost of Spankey's homemade Lemonade.
Where any Rascal worth their salt knows that sugar
is where it's at.I mean,that is what ants go fir.
Why not people.Same logic as yer garden variety Democrat.
All sugar coated and no fiber.No good for anything but
premature Diabetes then Dementia.
Look how long it took for the Drat democrats to find
Pelosi's replacement.A provable New York brat and bully.
This Hakeem Jeffries.Imagine traversing in and around
Brooklyn with that first name.I wonder what the
Sweathogs of - Welcome Back Kotter - { TV series }
woulda thunk.The series filmed in Bensonhurst,Brooklyn.
Where having a smart mouth is a must.
Haven't followed that story...
Back on topic... This is about the Hunter Biden story, and Twitter.

Remember, Hunter's laptop wasn't his laptop at first, then it was described to us as "Russian disinformation", signed by 51 former spies, and all Democrats, all the media, and Biden knew nothing about his son's dealings.

I think this is about Twitter interfering in 2020 elections.

Um ... and your the one talking the loudest about
facts.Jeffries has been voted in as Pelosi's replacement.
Or dint the Grapevine get off the couch the last couple
Facts pertaining to certain stories, but not that story. So uhhhhh if you say so I guess.
Remember, Hunter's laptop wasn't his laptop at first, then it was described to us as "Russian disinformation", signed by 51 former spies, and all Democrats, all the media, and Biden knew nothing about his son's dealings.

I think this is about Twitter interfering in 2020 elections.

I believe Jack Dorsey already somewhat admitted to
not handling this Twitter situation with due dilligence.
It that's of any help.Meaning the guy { dorsey }
Like suckersberg { Zuckerberg } found a comfortable
Lie to cover his butt.But Not In a Court Of law.
Unless handled like Pelosi's Stasi Hearings.
Which weren't authentic.Where No Cross examination
was applied to both sides.
You got an alert from me ? Hmmmm, not sure how you got an alert from me. What is your question ?
Dude an alert is like in this case where I just posted a smiley on your post. :abgg2q.jpg: Post #214 on page 13 was the question,when you gave me the thumbs up,that was an alert.Lol beagle9 lol
Facts pertaining to certain stories, but not that story. So uhhhhh if you say so I guess.
I say so only in the matter of saying so,If I may say.
It takes a lot to be a Democrat.Not to be confused with
being a brick layer or a Plumber.A roofer.A Tradesman.
Maybe a part time Librarian who had a recent trans gender
surgery and thought an Insurrection was like a facelift for
male penis enlargement.I mean,the Google world is all
agog with sexualizing everything and anything.
I'm waiting for Madame Cruella de Pelosi to use the
word " agog ". Like her going off to Italy and watching how
agog is made.Cuz she wants some.Like a whole batch of.
I say so only in the matter of saying so,If I may say.
It takes a lot to be a Democrat.Not to be confused with
being a brick layer or a Plumber.A roofer.A Tradesman.
Maybe a part time Librarian who had a recent trans gender
surgery and thought an Insurrection was like a facelift for
male penis enlargement.I mean,the Google world is all
agog with sexualizing everything and anything.
I'm waiting for Madame Cruella de Pelosi to use the
word " agog ". Like her going off to Italy and watching how
agog is made.Cuz she wants some.Like a whole batch of.
there was once i thought i was a cricket, but it turns out i
was wrong when i ate the popcorn uncooked. it burned my hand
when i ripped the tape off with a tractor beam plowing dreads
in jamaica during a snowstorm. it seems my feet weren't as tough
as watermellons in the frozen trunda making potato salad with
used ballbearings from a devils anus fruitcake.

oddly enough, that made as much sense.
Dude an alert is like in this case where I just posted a smiley on your post. :abgg2q.jpg: Post #214 on page 13 was the question,when you gave me the thumbs up,that was an alert.Lol beagle9 lol
Oh! were back to that word " Dude " again.
* George Hanson : " Dude?. What does he mean,dude?.
Dude ranch."

* - Easy Rider - { 1969 } Jack Nicholson character
there was once i thought i was a cricket, but it turns out i
was wrong when i ate the popcorn uncooked. it burned my hand
when i ripped the tape off with a tractor beam plowing dreads
in jamaica during a snowstorm. it seems my feet weren't as tough
as watermellons in the frozen trunda making potato salad with
used ballbearings from a devils anus fruitcake.

oddly enough, that made as much sense.
Stick to message boarding.You'd never make it as anything
but a failed baggy pants Burlesque comic that lives off
his Mom's { former Burlesque Queen } rather minuscule
old age pension that hasn't gotten a COLA since
the New Coke can was advertised about 10 years ago.
Well, here we are again with irrefutable PROOF that a presidential election was STOLEN, aside from ALL of the clues, despite the PROUD ADMISSION on Time Magazine of the steal and the year in planning for it that subversive idiots like Skylar and JackOfNoTrades can no longer deny.

Thanks to Elon Musk, we now know that on top of the lies, cheating, prevarication, gimpy machines, courtroom tricky, massive funding by Big Tech, support from MSM and dozens of secret leftwing societies, electioneering, and ballot harvesting by mules, that on top of all that, our intelligence agencies were working with Twitter executives to control and steer public awareness of facts, that high-ups at the FBI instead of doing their jobs protecting the American people, knowingly ran cover for the criminal Biden mob who were known to have corrupt ties with foreign governments protecting the bad guys taking in millions of dollars knowing they were a national security threat! And worst of all, it indicates that both Chris Wray and Bob Barr knew all this too, just as Trump warned us.

Most insidious is that Biden appears not to have been motivated by ideology, but PURELY OUT OF MONETARY GAIN! Literally SOLD OUT the USA for money, in the lowest most despicable fashion that any treasoner can do! I see a whole lot of criminal charges being filed and convictions coming as nothing would seem to be too harsh for such traitors but to line up the whole rotten bunch involved in stealing the 2020 election including the riff-raff at Twitter who were complicit but being shot at sunrise before a firing squad.

Worse, the DOJ has admitted that Trump had a defacto control on Russia that had he stayed in office, there never would have been this heinous invasion of Ukraine, so besides all the billions of dollars, EVERY SINGLE DEATH in Ukraine at the hands of Putin can be hung around the necks of those who defrauded the American people in a war that never should have happened all to install the illegal foreign criminal and traitor Joe Biden. And the entire drama of the J6 hearings has all been for show to distract the American people from this apparent truth that might involve half the federal government in the biggest criminal coverup and betrayal in U.S. History.

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Stick to message boarding.You'd never make it as anything
but a failed baggy pants Burlesque comic that lives off
his Mom's { former Burlesque Queen } rather minuscule
old age pension that hasn't gotten a COLA since
the New Coke can was advertised about 10 years ago.
you do that.
If you report a post on this forum that gets taken down, the mods aren’t working under your direction.

So no. Twitter wasn’t working under their direction
Tweets are showing you don't know what you are talking about.
Do yourself a favor and follow them closely.

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