Musk's Fascism

This is a good chron to study in comparison to other chrons:

Official List of Changes by Month
The above report is the Musk-Neuralink Michelle420 mentioned earlier.
Musk's move to exclude non-members of X to view posts is fascist and comparable with the anti-semitic background of the grandfather, this article being also fascisized by a subscription wall:

Elon Musk's Anti-Semitic, Apartheid-Loving Grandfather
Oh so you don't like your tactics used against you. Get use to it
Oh so you don't like your tactics used against you. Get use to it
No higher IQ should get used to Musk's fascism. You don't seem to know how to debate the objective material in this thread. Not surprising. Enjoy your symptom.
Further scrutiny of AHZ's reference to Neuralink have revealed some very interesting links to the pathology. We are now aligning the chron for these forthcoming additions to the Muskan file.
Bitch you don't like fascism stop supporting it.
Your cracker ass suffers from pellagra due to Southern diet. You can't show the rest of us the reasoning that proves any poster supports fascism in this thread. You have to understand the definition of fascism first and prove that you understand.Thusfar, we only have proof of a mouthy, punk-ass cracker.
Your cracker ass suffers from pellagra due to Southern diet. You can't show the rest of us the reasoning that proves any poster supports fascism in this thread. You have to understand the definition of fascism first and prove that you understand.Thusfar, we only have proof of a mouthy, punk-ass cracker.
Granulysin is the link to Musk's monkey brain chips:

17 Feb 2022

Chakraborty and de Fougerolles file for the granulysin patent on 12 Dec 2015:
'218. Tirtha Chakraborty, Antonin de Fougerolles, Modified Polynucleotides Encoding Granulysin, US Patent US9216205B2, Dec 12, 2015'
(Huff, The Truth About Wuhan, p. 287)

Biden mouths off in the media on 22 Oct 2020:

Post #22 Influence Peddling Timeline p-and-shutdown.1063812/page-2
'(Scroll down to 22 Oct 2020 video) Biden: I have not taken a penny....My son has not made any money....the only guy is President Trump.'

Reinforcing the granulysin link to Musk's monkey chips is this Jul 2020 report which links to E.C. Holmes, who is Visiting Professor of Fudan University and first human outside of China to see the SARS2 genome given to him by the first human in the world to sequence it, Beijing CDC's Yong-Zhen Zhang:

Jul 2020 Fudan University / Granulysin-Furin / RayBiotech, Norcross, Georgia / RayBiotech, Guangzhou, China / South China Biochip Research, Shenzhen, China

Events close to 22 Oct 2020 mouth should be added to the chron, especially for any links to Musk's contracts with the US Military.

The granulysin link is also an anthrax link for UTMB Galveston, Baric's crony @ UNC, Menachery:

Jun 2009 UTMB Galveston / Bacillus anthracis Granulysin

RFK Jr. warned about transhumanism and Wired's Neurotribes (2015) in his 2021 publication, The Real Anthony Fauci, p. 410)
Because It Affects the Mind, Boycott Pellagra-Inducing Southern Diets
In post #96, the first blocking gesture was fascist towards Twitter members (to block members from posting the Burisma-Pozharsky email), followed by unblocking. The first Twitter gesture was reactionary fascism and it seems this article dated 17 Oct also did not go far enough to mention the eternally damning part of the Pozharsky email: the initial Guttieri email to Hunter Biden, which Pozharsky was answering to.
In our schizoanalysis of Musk's fascism, a look at the Jul 2023 chron brings up two items:

1. Fascist Concept: Manipulation

1 Jul 2023 Rate Limits to Fight Scam and Bots

' address extreme levels of data scraping and system manipulation.'

This first item requires clarified definitions of 'scam' 'bots' and 'data scraping,' noting here that Musk will be the judge of the concept "extreme levels," and judgment comes this after his dad kills three humans with two bullets and their names remain unknown.

2. Fascist Concept: Restrictions of Transparency in Time and Space

12 Jul 2023 Freedom of Speech Not Reach
'Freedom of Speech Not Reach launched 17 Ap 2023':
'....restricting the reach of tweets that violate our policies by making the content less discoverable....'

Though getting closer, there is as yet nothing found about the (precise fascism [italics]) that establishes the topic of this thread: non-members cannot view the current posts of members, which takes crony capitalist heists to a new level in screenal space.

Thus to understand Biden-Musk videos, we must go back a ways to grasp the pathology of these mutations. Indeed, literal virus mutations that we can include in the year 2009, when the Arab son fronting as a black decided to get ecological.

'Obama's Green Energy Capers: Crony Capitalist Larceny
'The fiscal Noah's Ark erected on Capitol Hill during the first twenty-two days of the Obama administration contained upward of $60 billion for green energy and was additive to about $30 billion of loan guarantee authority already in place

Yet every dime involved an unnecessary and inappropriate fleecing of American taxpayers and constituted a warning sign of the nation's true fiscal peril. Indeed, corporate welfare this egregious, sponsored by a purportedly left-wing White House and promoted by famous venture investors like John Doerr, virtually proves that free market capitalism has been abandoned in the United States.'
(Stockman, The Great Deformation, Chapter 29)
What did Biden's handlers think would happen when he was ordered to critique X?
'Propublica's John Harwood: "What about what Elon Musk has done to Twitter, lowering guardrails about misinformation, does that contribute to it (threats facing America)?"

Biden: "Yeah it does." '

On 2 Oct 2023, Harwood-Biden toy with the fascist "bundle," relying on pandemic-era internet fascisms that called it (stigmatized it) as being "misinformation." Note the opportunism of the media to stigmatize while the SARS2 story (remained esoterica [italics]). Musk's current fascist X sets the stage for more fascism, more esoterica.

1. Twitter, apparently too loose.

2. X, definitely too tight.

We sense the opportunists doing theologian imitations in this Marionette Theater:

American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language

'Religion. 5. Obsolete. Sacred rites or practices [Middle English religioun, from Old French religion, from Latin religio, 'bond between man and the gods,' perhaps from religare 'to bind back: re-, 'back' + ligare, 'to bind, fasten. Old German Leig 'to bind.'
This Washington Times story has been scrubbed.
that's right.

fascism is the union of state and corporate power, like supply side, or green energy.

Noting that Joe Biden is a Catholic puppet, not simply a CIA puppet.

'The corporate system was not a Fascist idea; it was a contribution of one of the Nationalist leaders, Alfredo Rocco, who took the idea from the French Catholic theorists, particularly Rene Charles Humbert, Marquis de la Tour du Pin Chambly la Charce, who in turn gave credit for it to the then pretender to the French throne, the Comte du CHambord.

The corporate system had become the classical Catholic suggestion of the way to insure economic coordination and labor peace. The theory was that economic self-interest should be subject to controls in the interest of the community as a whole in the same way that individual interests were controlled, and that economic groups as well as territorial groups should be the basis of the state and should be represented in its institutions.
The institution of the corporate system served two purposes for the Fascists. For the first time they could claim to be making an innovation of social importance and consequently had something to ballyhoo. It also gave them a strangle hold on economic life of the country and permitted them to create thousands of additional soft jobs for deserving Fascists.
In Feb 1929, the Lateran Treaties were signed, making peace and an alliance with the Vatican, on terms highly favorable to the latter. It was at this time that Pius XI called the Duce a man sent by Providence.'
(Adams and Barile, The Government of Republican Italy, 1961)
The Adams-Barile citations for The Corporate System and the Lateran Pacts are:

15. Rene Charles Humbert, Marquis de la Tour du Pin Chambly la Charce, Vers un ordre social certien. Jalons de route 1882-1907, 5th ed. (Paris, 1929). The major essay on the corporate system was first published in 1883.

16. Alfredo Rocco, "Crisi dello stato e sindicati," Politica, VII (1920), pp. 1-14, La transformazione dello stato (Rome, 1027), and "Politica e diritto nelle vecchie e nuove consezioni dello stato," Nuova antologia, CCCLVIII (1931), pp. 356-390. Contra, Gaetan Pirou, Essais sur le corporatisme (Paris: Felix Alcan, 1938) who holds the corporate system is intrinsically undemocratic. For accounts in English of the pre-Fascist corporate theories see John Clarke Adams, "Some Antecedents of the Theory of the Corporate System," Journal of the History of Ideas, III (1942), pp. 182-189, and Svend Ranulf, "Scholarly Forerunners of Fascism," Ethics, L (1939), pp.16-34.
(The Government of Republican Italy, pp. 46-7)

'Good European that he was, he realized early in life that the road to power led directly through the doors of a newspaper office....He had already tasted the surprise and satisfaction in the effects of his amateur writings on the mass mind, both in Switzerland and in his native province, and the elevation to Avanti had confirmed every thought about the power of the press. He was free. He was independent.
First and most important is the fact that the chief propaganda agency of Fascism, the aforementioned Stefani bureau, had and still has an exclusive contract with the Associated Press of America. And, although this may appear unbelievable to laymen, the Associated Press correspondent for the entire first decade of Fascism was an Italian journalist who loved Fascism, hated the Opposition, and (upon the authority of his American assistants) refused to even read the Opposition press, let alone send out Opposition views. If the Associated Press had employed Karl Radek, NO. 1 Bolshevik propagandist in Moscow, the situation would have been paralleled.'
(Seldes G, Sawdust Caesar: The Untold History of Mussolini and Fascism, pp. 11 & 328)

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