Musk's Fascism

My definition gets to the heart of the problem.

the revised defintion tries to equate fascism with nationalism, and that's not true anymore.

the most virulent and destructive fascism is internationalist in nature in -current year-.
No, we disagree with your claim of ahistoricism. Firstly, we should collect various definitions from dictionaries. This one is a two-part definition that includes a nationalism, a nationalism that by default must mean each branch (each individual) that comprises a bundle:

'fascism. 1. A philosophy or system of government that advocates or exercises a dictatorship of the extreme right, typically through the merging of state and business leadership, together with an ideology of belligerant nationalism.

2. Capital F. The government system of Italy under Benito Mussolini from 1922-1943. Ital. fascismo, from fascio 'bundle, group, assemblage,' Lat. fascis 'bundle.'
(The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language)

There is no philosophy without individual belief. There is no nationalism without individual belief. This is akin to 2024 Trump once again playing the religious card to attract christian voters as their avatar.
Musk was not content to manipulate data-to-come but also archived data, data which H. sapiens was relying on during the pandemic to try to make sense of the violence of an American-assisted Chinese communist virus rampant across the world.

An example is plasmid contamination, first reported by Kevin McKernan:

Musk's maipulations began at the change from Twitter to X, ~ 23 Jul 2023. McKernan's page shown above: '11:30 PM 14 Ap 2023'. This is not what the original archived page looks like, which is only this date with no year: 14 Ap.

The actual plasmid contamination study is from 2022, so there is now in place a fascist machine to further confound any investigations. Musk's ahistoricism Musk's fascism. The reader is forced to (hunt for [italics]) the pertinent post to verify that what we are saying is true.
Some texts on fascism.

Wolff, The Nature of Fascism

Griffin, The Nature of Fascism

Victoria de Grazia, How Fascism Ruled Women

Deakin, A Brutal Friendship

'Last but not least, the major enemy, the strategic adversary is fascism. And not only historical fascism, the fascism of Hitler and Mussolini - which was able to mobilize and use the desire of the masses so effectively -- but also the fascism in us all, in our heads and in our everyday behavior, the fascism that causes us to love power, to desire the very thing that dominates and exploits us.'
(Michael Foucault, Preface to Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia)
No, we disagree with your claim of ahistoricism. Firstly, we should collect various definitions from dictionaries. This one is a two-part definition that includes a nationalism, a nationalism that by default must mean each branch (each individual) that comprises a bundle:

'fascism. 1. A philosophy or system of government that advocates or exercises a dictatorship of the extreme right, typically through the merging of state and business leadership, together with an ideology of belligerant nationalism.

2. Capital F. The government system of Italy under Benito Mussolini from 1922-1943. Ital. fascismo, from fascio 'bundle, group, assemblage,' Lat. fascis 'bundle.'
(The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language)

There is no philosophy without individual belief. There is no nationalism without individual belief. This is akin to 2024 Trump once again playing the religious card to attract christian voters as their avatar.
i want to talk about the union of government and corporate power, whatever you wish to call it.

from public/private partnerships to the banker bailouts, the spectre of fascism shimmies down the aisles all houses, lords and commoners alike.
Musk's move to exclude non-members of X to view posts is fascist and comparable with the anti-semitic background of the grandfather, this article being also fascisized by a subscription wall:

Elon Musk's Anti-Semitic, Apartheid-Loving Grandfather
The United States Constitution does not allow a child to be punished for his other family members' wrongs. You wouldn't be judging Elon'for something his grandpa did, now would you? :rolleyes-41:

The way I see it, Elon Musk assessed America and decided some unfairness needed to be equalized, and he did what he could to make sure conservatives had a voice when they were being punished for having the privilege of exercising their free speech, again and again. You wouldn't be giving freedom of speech to one political party's members while trying to extinguish another, now would you?

Oh, wait. I think I know your answer is the usual deny, deny, deny that the left declared silence to the right, just a little, hm?
How did you perversely twist the OP subject over to a dead xian mafia avatar? The question is the relationship of Musk's paranoid nazi tendencies with the grandfather. The first thing that should be established is Michelle's question: What Muskan DNA? Familial DNA or adopted DNA?
Provide me with Elon Musk's membership card to the Nazi Party, Rasputin. :cranky:
The un-named secret child of the father, the un-named three he shot to death, and Oedipus:

'So it is that psychoanalysis has much difficulty extracting itself from an infinite regression: the father must have been a child, but was able to be a child only in relation to a father, who was himself a child, in relation to another father.'
(Anti-Oedipus, p. 274)

So the FTC asks the son for names:

'....FTC Twitter Investigation Sought Elon Musk's Internal Communications, Journalist Names....'identifying all journalists' granted access to company records....'
So we're not taking the bait the Elon was actually miffed at the father's apparent incest with the stepdaughter. In fact, we doubt that either father nor son thinks that Oedipus is of much value, lest if be in duping and manipulating their subjects. Errol and Elon are much alike when it comes to impregnations.

D&G provide more on fascism:

'The case of fascism ("national socialism") is distinct from totalitarianism. It coincides with the totalitarian pole in the collapse of the domestic market and the reduction in the number of axioms. However, the promotion of the foreign sector does not at all take place through an appeal to foreign sources of capital and through export industries, but through a war economy, which entails an expansion foreign to totalitarianism and an autonomous fabrication of capital.

As for the domestic market, it is effectuated in a specific production of the Ersatz. This means that fascism, too, brings a proliferation of axioms, which explains why it has often been compared to a Keynesian economy. Fascism, however, is a tautological or fictitious proliferation, a multiplication by subtraction; this makes it a very special case.

In our opinion, one of the best analyses of the Nazi economy is Jean-Pierre Faye's Langages totalitaires (Paris: Hermann, 1972), pp. 664-676, Faye shows that Nazism is indeed a totalitarianism, precisely because of its minimal State, its refusal of any statification of the economy, its reduction of wages, its hostility toward large-scale public works.

But at the same time he shows that Nazism carries out the creation of domestic capital, strategic construction, and the building of an arms industry, which makes it rival or sometimes even meld with an economy of socialist leaning ("something that seems to resemble the Swedish loans praised by Myrdal with a view to large-scale projects, but which is in fact and immediately its opposite, the writing of an arms economy and a war economy," and the corresponding difference between "the public works entrepreneur" and the "army supplier"; pp. 668, 674).'
(AO, pp. 463 &571)

We have thus shown the problematic with simply a state and corporate definition of fascism, as was projected by another poster, above.
So we're not taking the bait the Elon was actually miffed at the father's apparent incest with the stepdaughter. In fact, we doubt that either father nor son thinks that Oedipus is of much value, lest if be in duping and manipulating their subjects. Errol and Elon are much alike when it comes to impregnations.

D&G provide more on fascism:

'The case of fascism ("national socialism") is distinct from totalitarianism. It coincides with the totalitarian pole in the collapse of the domestic market and the reduction in the number of axioms. However, the promotion of the foreign sector does not at all take place through an appeal to foreign sources of capital and through export industries, but through a war economy, which entails an expansion foreign to totalitarianism and an autonomous fabrication of capital.

As for the domestic market, it is effectuated in a specific production of the Ersatz. This means that fascism, too, brings a proliferation of axioms, which explains why it has often been compared to a Keynesian economy. Fascism, however, is a tautological or fictitious proliferation, a multiplication by subtraction; this makes it a very special case.

In our opinion, one of the best analyses of the Nazi economy is Jean-Pierre Faye's Langages totalitaires (Paris: Hermann, 1972), pp. 664-676, Faye shows that Nazism is indeed a totalitarianism, precisely because of its minimal State, its refusal of any statification of the economy, its reduction of wages, its hostility toward large-scale public works.

But at the same time he shows that Nazism carries out the creation of domestic capital, strategic construction, and the building of an arms industry, which makes it rival or sometimes even meld with an economy of socialist leaning ("something that seems to resemble the Swedish loans praised by Myrdal with a view to large-scale projects, but which is in fact and immediately its opposite, the writing of an arms economy and a war economy," and the corresponding difference between "the public works entrepreneur" and the "army supplier"; pp. 668, 674).'
(AO, pp. 463 &571)

We have thus shown the problematic with simply a state and corporate definition of fascism, as was projected by another poster, above.
I wouldn't bank on a mythological story to have relevance in reality, doll. The story of Oedipus Rex was a tall tale. See how false narratives get popular? :eek:
Musk's move to exclude non-members of X to view posts is fascist and comparable with the anti-semitic background of the grandfather, this article being also fascisized by a subscription wall:

Elon Musk's Anti-Semitic, Apartheid-Loving Grandfather
Title "Musk's facism "is generational my interpretation. Look at the musk brother.

Business Insider claims that between 2011 and 2012, Kimbal dated a woman who Epstein set him up with. She was an Eastern European model who had previously dated Epstein himself and was part of his "entourage." That so-called entourage (along with Jeffrey Epstein himself) ended up being granted a private tour of SpaceX in 2012, and many people think Kimbal was responsible.
The Musk brother. Can you add anything to this notion of the brother? There is resonance here with Cain and Abel.
No I don't know their relationship but Whitney Webb said on redacted that the brother dated women that epstein hooked him up with. The thing is all those Musks lived in South Africa during apartheid which went into the 90's I mean environmental conditioning going on there. Segregation. That would be weird. The brother does vertical gardening where you can grow anything all year round.

The title is Musks Facism. I suppose all three are.

If mythology then Musk is electriciy perhaps Zeus, no cain and able.

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Title "Musk's facism "is generational my interpretation. Look at the musk brother.

No I don't know their relationship but Whitney Webb said on redacted that the brother dated women that epstein hooked him up with. The thing is all those Musks lived in South Africa during apartheid which went into the 90's I mean environmental conditioning going on there. Segregation. That would be weird. The brother does vertical gardening where you can grow anything all year round.

The title is Musks Facism. I suppose all three are.

If mythology then Musk is electriciy perhaps Zeus, no cain and able.

Cain and Abel maybe not, though buddies with Jeffrey Epstein is a Metabiota link, which is a Hunter Biden link. So i'ts strange that Hunter's father investigated Elon though forgot about Hunter's link to Epstein.
Cain and Abel maybe not, though buddies with Jeffrey Epstein is a Metabiota link, which is a Hunter Biden link. So i'ts strange that Hunter's father investigated Elon though forgot about Hunter's link to Epstein.
Biden is as corrupt as Obama and the clintons.
Biden is as corrupt as Obama and the clintons.
It gets creepy with a Metabiota link to Kimbal. Metabiota collects dangerous viruses. This would be an excellent reason for Elon's fascist manipulations of future pandemic media and the exclusionary X we now see in place. Pandemic media on X will be exclusive for members only. In other words, esoteric. All others will be left out.
It gets creepy with a Metabiota link to Kimbal. Metabiota collects dangerous viruses. This would be an excellent reason for Elon's fascist manipulations of future pandemic media and the exclusionary X we now see in place. Pandemic media on X will be exclusive for members only. In other words, esoteric. All others will be left out.
What did Biden's handlers think would happen when he was ordered to critique X?
'Propublica's John Harwood: "What about what Elon Musk has done to Twitter, lowering guardrails about misinformation, does that contribute to it (threats facing America)?"

Biden: "Yeah it does." '

On 2 Oct 2023, Harwood-Biden toy with the fascist "bundle," relying on pandemic-era internet fascisms that called it (stigmatized it) as being "misinformation." Note the opportunism of the media to stigmatize while the SARS2 story (remained esoterica [italics]). Musk's current fascist X sets the stage for more fascism, more esoterica.

1. Twitter, apparently too loose.

2. X, definitely too tight.

We sense the opportunists doing theologian imitations in this Marionette Theater:

American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language

'Religion. 5. Obsolete. Sacred rites or practices [Middle English religioun, from Old French religion, from Latin religio, 'bond between man and the gods,' perhaps from religare 'to bind back: re-, 'back' + ligare, 'to bind, fasten. Old German Leig 'to bind.'

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