Muslim Bakeries Refuse To Make Gay Wedding Cake...& No Rabid Protests From Liberals?

You couldn't just say the Muslim was wrong? Personally I support the Muslim in this case. That may very well be the first and only time I do

You'll only support a Muslim's right to be a bigot.

That is priceless.

No, you and your ilk are the ones who support the Muslim's right to be a bigot.

Prove it.
Your silence on the subject proves it dumbass.

Since I haven't been silent, you lose fuckwit.

Let me quote my own words from last August:

"oh, btw,

the Muslim cab drivers who demanded they not have to take fares carrying alcohol LOST their court battle. And rightly so."

You should know better by now, not to try to fuck with your betters.

lol, this is so easy.
Oh you get pissed when you are refused a ride home, how cute. You are silent on the Muslim baker refusing to cater a queer wedding, but are outraged when a christian does it.
I'm aware of the law. By what is the ethical justification for the law? Why should a person not be allowed to decline engaging in trade for whatever (albeit stupid) reason they choose?

Then you should really go after that Federal law, not state and local laws that have only added gays to already existing protections.

I can't deny service to a Christian in 50 out of 50 states, but he can deny me in over half. I can't fire someone because I find out they are Jewish in 50 out of 50 states, but that Jewish individual can fire me in over half.

What are you doing to get rid of Title II of the Civil Rights Act that requires gays to serve Christians?

I'm opposed to any law, federal, state, or local, that punishes a person for choosing not to engage in trade with someone. Why should a person not be allowed to decline engaging in trade for whatever reason they choose?

Because the country has decided it doesn't want to defend discrimination.

The country has decided that it will initiate force against a person for doing nothing. Doesn't seem particularly ethical, does it?

Equal rights are a core constitutional principle. Serving lunch to the white guy but not black guy, because one is white and one is black,

violates that principle.

What right is being denied?
That is the purpose and technique of a sting type operation.

The purpose of a sting operation is done by law enforcement to catch someone breaking the law.
Was that the purpose here?

There is what is legally right, and there is what is ethically right - they don't always mesh.

Hmmm . . the law says it's illegal for Muslims to discriminate against queers. So your distinction is irrelevant.
NOT in Michigan where this took place. Stupid OP and the rest of you don't get that.
How about the pizza place your kind tried to put out of business? Or chick fil a ? Your kind don't won't to get along, you want to be a pain in the ass. You have accomplished that, now seek your reward when you are told to fuck off.

That's the "free market" at work, right? Make up your mind. You don't like PA laws, but you don't like the "free market" either?
Just think you queers should be outraged equally if you want to be taken seriously. Just not at Christians.
HIDDEN CAM: #GayWeddingCakes at Muslim Bakeries?

Kind of looks like a "set up" situation doesn't it?

Someone deliberately looking for a baker of a specific religion in order to be refused?

Muslim bakers are most likely a tiny minority in this country, the vast majority are Christian. That's likely why less fuss is heard. The Muslim community is also much more conservative - I doubt a gay couple would look to a Muslim baker for their cake. Did this person SUE them? Has anyone sued a Muslim baker?

A baker that serves the public, should serve the public - regardless of who the wedding participants are as long as they can pay for the service and the requested item is within their ability to make. I don't think they should be forced to make anything lewd or pornographic.

Aside from that - there has also been a rash of cases of couples supposedly getting married and deliberately seeking out vendors they KNOW will be hostile to same-sex arrangements. I think that is wrong - maybe not legally wrong, but ethically wrong. In the original case, the couple sought out a baker they had used many times before and had good arrangements with, so they had the expectation their service would similarly be welcomed not rebuffed. Some of these other cases smack of set ups.

Conservative 'Comedian' Pretends to Be Gay, Asks Muslim Bakeries for Gay Wedding Cakes

Unfortunately for his thesis, several bakeries agreed to make the cake. At least according to his blog. But showcased are three bakeries that did not.

It doesn't take away the fact they refused now does it?

In a legal sense - no. But in an ethical sense - is it right to deliberately seek out someone to refuse you? Christian or Muslim?

Muslims bakeries (few as they may be) get a free pass on political correctness when Liberal Gay kids DEMAND capitulation by Christian bakeries to their ideology? That is, in common vernacular, JACKED UP. Why not apply the same standards across the board?
Because the core of the issue isn't cake. It's about anti CHRISTIAN ideology. The queers and the left are waging a war against Christians.
Any person should be able to refuse an offer to engage in an exchange. I don't see how anyone could argue otherwise, unless they are arguing in favor of servitude.

That's called "freedom of association, a principle that leftwingers reject."

Yeah, it's called liberty. I may not agree with people's choices, but I defend their right to do what they want with their own body and property but not with other people's bodies or property.

Live and let live is my motto.

Leftwing douche bags are opposed to liberty, no matter how they may deny it.
And that is the crux of the matter.
Righties constantly lie and misrepresent facts.

The "gay cake" was just a plain old wedding cake . Same as the bakery made 1000 times . But they denied the customer simply because they were gay.

And why should a person not be allowed to decline engaging in trade for whatever (albeit stupid) reason they choose?

Because we are allowed to regulate business . You can't just have businesses opt out of any rule they don't like . "Child labor laws ? Not for me ! Worker safety regs? No thanks !"
Righties constantly lie and misrepresent facts.

The "gay cake" was just a plain old wedding cake . Same as the bakery made 1000 times . But they denied the customer simply because they were gay.

And why should a person not be allowed to decline engaging in trade for whatever (albeit stupid) reason they choose?

Because we are allowed to regulate business . You can't just have businesses opt out of any rule they don't like . "Child labor laws ? Not for me ! Worker safety regs? No thanks !"

Safety regulations for employees and gay cakes are the same? WTF?

When you say "we" who are you talking about, Timmy! Where in the Constitution does it say that when you go into business, your property goes under the control of government with no due process required?
Righties constantly lie and misrepresent facts.

The "gay cake" was just a plain old wedding cake . Same as the bakery made 1000 times . But they denied the customer simply because they were gay.

And why should a person not be allowed to decline engaging in trade for whatever (albeit stupid) reason they choose?

Because we are allowed to regulate business . You can't just have businesses opt out of any rule they don't like . "Child labor laws ? Not for me ! Worker safety regs? No thanks !"

Safety regulations for employees and gay cakes are the same? WTF?

When you say "we" who are you talking about, Timmy! Where in the Constitution does it say that when you go into business, your property goes under the control of government with no due process required?

Timmy is a dimwit and trying to compare apples to oranges.
Righties constantly lie and misrepresent facts.

The "gay cake" was just a plain old wedding cake . Same as the bakery made 1000 times . But they denied the customer simply because they were gay.

And why should a person not be allowed to decline engaging in trade for whatever (albeit stupid) reason they choose?

Because we are allowed to regulate business . You can't just have businesses opt out of any rule they don't like . "Child labor laws ? Not for me ! Worker safety regs? No thanks !"

The question was why SHOULD, not if this is possible in a regressive society that you champion. I am sure it is...
It doesn't take away the fact they refused now does it?

In a legal sense - no. But in an ethical sense - is it right to deliberately seek out someone to refuse you? Christian or Muslim?

It's been reported homos deliberately sought out Christians. The fact remains the Muslims refused, you cannot condemn the Christians and not condemn the Muslims.

That is what I said - it's wrong to deliberately seek out someone in order to have them refuse you. IT DOESN"T MATTER WHAT RELIGION THEY ARE.

So condemn the Muslims.....waiting
I'm waiting for them to call Muslims homophobes like they do Christians.

Muslims that discrimminate against homosexuals are homophobes.

It's as simple as that.

You guys are trying to turn this into an issue about religions.
Righties constantly lie and misrepresent facts.

The "gay cake" was just a plain old wedding cake . Same as the bakery made 1000 times . But they denied the customer simply because they were gay.

And why should a person not be allowed to decline engaging in trade for whatever (albeit stupid) reason they choose?

Because we are allowed to regulate business . You can't just have businesses opt out of any rule they don't like . "Child labor laws ? Not for me ! Worker safety regs? No thanks !"

Safety regulations for employees and gay cakes are the same? WTF?

When you say "we" who are you talking about, Timmy! Where in the Constitution does it say that when you go into business, your property goes under the control of government with no due process required?

Commerce clause says you can regulate biz. They ain't taking property by the way .
Righties constantly lie and misrepresent facts.

The "gay cake" was just a plain old wedding cake . Same as the bakery made 1000 times . But they denied the customer simply because they were gay.

And why should a person not be allowed to decline engaging in trade for whatever (albeit stupid) reason they choose?

Because we are allowed to regulate business . You can't just have businesses opt out of any rule they don't like . "Child labor laws ? Not for me ! Worker safety regs? No thanks !"

Safety regulations for employees and gay cakes are the same? WTF?

When you say "we" who are you talking about, Timmy! Where in the Constitution does it say that when you go into business, your property goes under the control of government with no due process required?

Commerce clause says you can regulate biz. They ain't taking property by the way .

I am starting to understand why the regressives don't have a problem with muslims. After all the law of their land says gays should stoned. Clearly, if it is the law, it must be right!
Like I have repeated and will continue to say, the left do not stand for a thing.

All they are united about is finding any and all ways to stick a thumb in the eye of a white Christian American which includes anyone who stands united with Israel.

They are pathetic hypocrites. The fact that these losers cannot even acknowledge the double standards and blatant hypocrisy in regards to this issue proves my claims (our claims ) about them yet again.

Thety chide down from their pathetic "moral" platitudes as if they actually care about people's rights.

Trust me. They dont. They are pathetic slime balls and that is an insult to slime balls. They really do not deserve to be treated with respect.
Like I have repeated and will continue to say, the left do not stand for a thing.

All they are united about is finding any and all ways to stick a thumb in the eye of a white Christian American which includes anyone who stands united with Israel.

They are pathetic hypocrites. The fact that these losers cannot even acknowledge the double standards and blatant hypocrisy in regards to this issue proves my claims (our claims ) about them yet again.

The chide down from their pathetic "moral" platitudes as if they actually care about people's rights.

Trust me. They dont. They are pathetic slime balls and that is an insult to slime balls. They really do not deserve to be treated with respect.

A filthy libturd has no morals...they want a war give them the war. Deep inside a liberal is a coward, they'll fold
Righties constantly lie and misrepresent facts.

The "gay cake" was just a plain old wedding cake . Same as the bakery made 1000 times . But they denied the customer simply because they were gay.

And why should a person not be allowed to decline engaging in trade for whatever (albeit stupid) reason they choose?

Because we are allowed to regulate business . You can't just have businesses opt out of any rule they don't like . "Child labor laws ? Not for me ! Worker safety regs? No thanks !"

Safety regulations for employees and gay cakes are the same? WTF?

When you say "we" who are you talking about, Timmy! Where in the Constitution does it say that when you go into business, your property goes under the control of government with no due process required?

Commerce clause says you can regulate biz. They ain't taking property by the way .

Does it? I thought it said that congress has the power to regulate commerce among the several states.

A bakery isn't a state.
Righties constantly lie and misrepresent facts.

The "gay cake" was just a plain old wedding cake . Same as the bakery made 1000 times . But they denied the customer simply because they were gay.

And why should a person not be allowed to decline engaging in trade for whatever (albeit stupid) reason they choose?

Because we are allowed to regulate business . You can't just have businesses opt out of any rule they don't like . "Child labor laws ? Not for me ! Worker safety regs? No thanks !"

Yep, I know that government passes all sorts of laws and regulations. But what is the ethical justification for bringing the force of the government against a person for doing nothing?
Lol , you got it backwards Owl. It's the right that shits all over freedom of religion (other than Christianity).

And they only "stand with Israel " because they use them in a proxy fight with the Muslims in the Mid East .
Kind of looks like a "set up" situation doesn't it?

Someone deliberately looking for a baker of a specific religion in order to be refused?

Muslim bakers are most likely a tiny minority in this country, the vast majority are Christian. That's likely why less fuss is heard. The Muslim community is also much more conservative - I doubt a gay couple would look to a Muslim baker for their cake. Did this person SUE them? Has anyone sued a Muslim baker?

A baker that serves the public, should serve the public - regardless of who the wedding participants are as long as they can pay for the service and the requested item is within their ability to make. I don't think they should be forced to make anything lewd or pornographic.

Aside from that - there has also been a rash of cases of couples supposedly getting married and deliberately seeking out vendors they KNOW will be hostile to same-sex arrangements. I think that is wrong - maybe not legally wrong, but ethically wrong. In the original case, the couple sought out a baker they had used many times before and had good arrangements with, so they had the expectation their service would similarly be welcomed not rebuffed. Some of these other cases smack of set ups.

Conservative 'Comedian' Pretends to Be Gay, Asks Muslim Bakeries for Gay Wedding Cakes

Unfortunately for his thesis, several bakeries agreed to make the cake. At least according to his blog. But showcased are three bakeries that did not.
That is the purpose and technique of a sting type operation.

The purpose of a sting operation is done by law enforcement to catch someone breaking the law.
Was that the purpose here?

There is what is legally right, and there is what is ethically right - they don't always mesh.

Hmmm . . the law says it's illegal for Muslims to discriminate against queers. So your distinction is irrelevant.
NOT in Michigan where this took place. Stupid OP and the rest of you don't get that.
How about the pizza place your kind tried to put out of business? Or chick fil a ? Your kind don't won't to get along, you want to be a pain in the ass. You have accomplished that, now seek your reward when you are told to fuck off.

Boycots are a legit means of forcing social change - here are some of the boycotts "your kind" have engaged in:

Country Radio Boycotting Little Big Town’s ‘Girl Crush’ for Promoting a Gay Agenda
Franklin Graham: Boycott businesses that promote the gay agenda
Anti-gay groups call for Target boycott over retailer’s support for gay marriage
AFA Boycotts McDonald's For 'Promoting The Homosexual Agenda'
Home Depot tells anti-gay hate group AFA what they can do with their petition
One Million Moms: Boycott Mattel For "Promoting Sin" By Featuring Gay Adoptive Dads In Magazine - Joe.My.God.
SBC to Disney: Cease Gay Days for the boycott to be lifted

Kind of looks to me like you "don't want to get along" and you want to be "a pain in the ass".
Righties constantly lie and misrepresent facts.

The "gay cake" was just a plain old wedding cake . Same as the bakery made 1000 times . But they denied the customer simply because they were gay.

And why should a person not be allowed to decline engaging in trade for whatever (albeit stupid) reason they choose?

Because we are allowed to regulate business . You can't just have businesses opt out of any rule they don't like . "Child labor laws ? Not for me ! Worker safety regs? No thanks !"

Safety regulations for employees and gay cakes are the same? WTF?

When you say "we" who are you talking about, Timmy! Where in the Constitution does it say that when you go into business, your property goes under the control of government with no due process required?

Commerce clause says you can regulate biz. They ain't taking property by the way .

Does it? I thought it said that congress has the power to regulate commerce among the several states.

A bakery isn't a state.

The bakery violated state law .
That is the purpose and technique of a sting type operation.

The purpose of a sting operation is done by law enforcement to catch someone breaking the law.
Was that the purpose here?

There is what is legally right, and there is what is ethically right - they don't always mesh.

Hmmm . . the law says it's illegal for Muslims to discriminate against queers. So your distinction is irrelevant.
NOT in Michigan where this took place. Stupid OP and the rest of you don't get that.
How about the pizza place your kind tried to put out of business? Or chick fil a ? Your kind don't won't to get along, you want to be a pain in the ass. You have accomplished that, now seek your reward when you are told to fuck off.

Boycots are a legit means of forcing social change - here are some of the boycotts "your kind" have engaged in:

Country Radio Boycotting Little Big Town’s ‘Girl Crush’ for Promoting a Gay Agenda
Franklin Graham: Boycott businesses that promote the gay agenda
Anti-gay groups call for Target boycott over retailer’s support for gay marriage
AFA Boycotts McDonald's For 'Promoting The Homosexual Agenda'
Home Depot tells anti-gay hate group AFA what they can do with their petition
One Million Moms: Boycott Mattel For "Promoting Sin" By Featuring Gay Adoptive Dads In Magazine - Joe.My.God.
SBC to Disney: Cease Gay Days for the boycott to be lifted

Boycotts never work, America has the attention span of a gnat

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