Muslim Bakeries Refuse To Make Gay Wedding Cake...& No Rabid Protests From Liberals?

Righties constantly lie and misrepresent facts.

The "gay cake" was just a plain old wedding cake . Same as the bakery made 1000 times . But they denied the customer simply because they were gay.

And the customer targeted that bakery hoping the bakery would refuse.

And ? If there's a law saying they can't discriminate against them, well that's the law .

Nevermind that it was a set up to shove the gay agenda down Christian's throats?

Who says they are Christians ? Does anyone ever actually look to see if they are even religious people?

Do they deny divorcees cakes ? Tatooed people cakes ? Do they deny alternate religions cakes ?

The bakery that got sued? Yeah, they're christians.
Ok, everyone knows the story of the Christian-owned bakery whose owners refused to make a wedding cake for a same-sex wedding. They argued businesses should / do have the right to refuse to support certain events when those events are against their religious or moral beliefs.

Liberals saw things differently, people lost their minds, Christians were demonized, the govt got involved, and they wanted to force the owners to make the cake or be punished.

So, did / are they getting fair and equal treatment?

Didja hear about the Muslim bakarieS (yes, plural) that refuse to make same-Sex wedding cakes? Of course you didn't! My phone won't allow me to post the specific link, but - if you aren't lazy - go to and watch the video of this guy going into numerous Muslim bakeries and getting rejected everytime he asked them to make a same-sex wedding cake.

Funny, you would think this would be all over the news and that Obama & his DOJ would be all over this, right? :p

The libs & govt aren't all over this because they believe in appeasing Muslims while targeting Christians unfairly. Why? Maybe 1 reason is they know, unlike with Christians, Muslims (Islamic Extremists) will cut your head off or blow your ass up if you mess with them

This isn't a major problem anyway because hardly any homosexuals go into Muslim bakeries. Why? Because they know these same people burn, behead, and hang gays in their country where they came from. So if they don't want to serve gays, no problem - just stay the hell away from them, leave them alone, and 'pick' on the Christians. They are easier targets...

Ah poor bigot.

No Muslim bakery refused to bake any cake- except of course the bakery that doesn't bake cakes.

You were lied to.

Crowder lied- and if you watch the video you can see exactly how he lied.

Frankly the bakeries were all very polite to him.

Poor little whiney bigot- recycling the same old anti-muslim and anti-gay lies from years ago- guess you are out of new material.
Ok, everyone knows the story of the Christian-owned bakery whose owners refused to make a wedding cake for a same-sex wedding. They argued businesses should / do have the right to refuse to support certain events when those events are against their religious or moral beliefs.

Liberals saw things differently, people lost their minds, Christians were demonized, the govt got involved, and they wanted to force the owners to make the cake or be punished.

So, did / are they getting fair and equal treatment?

Didja hear about the Muslim bakarieS (yes, plural) that refuse to make same-Sex wedding cakes? Of course you didn't! My phone won't allow me to post the specific link, but - if you aren't lazy - go to and watch the video of this guy going into numerous Muslim bakeries and getting rejected everytime he asked them to make a same-sex wedding cake.

Funny, you would think this would be all over the news and that Obama & his DOJ would be all over this, right? :p

The libs & govt aren't all over this because they believe in appeasing Muslims while targeting Christians unfairly. Why? Maybe 1 reason is they know, unlike with Christians, Muslims (Islamic Extremists) will cut your head off or blow your ass up if you mess with them

This isn't a major problem anyway because hardly any homosexuals go into Muslim bakeries. Why? Because they know these same people burn, behead, and hang gays in their country where they came from. So if they don't want to serve gays, no problem - just stay the hell away from them, leave them alone, and 'pick' on the Christians. They are easier targets...

People started pointing out the disparity as soon as Christian bakeries became targets. It went unnoticed because baking has nothing to do with this. It is a Christian bashing agenda that is at work here.

It is a Christian bashing agenda that is at work here.

Muslims don't bash gays?

Gays don't bash Muslims. Just Christians.

And by 'bash' you mean asking that business's follow the law.
Righties constantly lie and misrepresent facts.

The "gay cake" was just a plain old wedding cake . Same as the bakery made 1000 times . But they denied the customer simply because they were gay.

And why should a person not be allowed to decline engaging in trade for whatever (albeit stupid) reason they choose?

Because they said so!

Yep. To them, might makes right. If they want to violate someone's body or property, they make it a "law" and then do it. No compunction about the rights of others. The ends justify the means.

Very uncivilized.
Righties constantly lie and misrepresent facts.

The "gay cake" was just a plain old wedding cake . Same as the bakery made 1000 times . But they denied the customer simply because they were gay.

And why should a person not be allowed to decline engaging in trade for whatever (albeit stupid) reason they choose?

Because they said so!

Yep. To them, might makes right. If they want to violate someone's body or property, they do it. No compunction about the rights of others. The ends justify the means.

Very uncivilized.

They love using laws to force their beliefs on everyone, but when it happens to them they get pussy as he'll about it.
Ok, everyone knows the story of the Christian-owned bakery whose owners refused to make a wedding cake for a same-sex wedding. They argued businesses should / do have the right to refuse to support certain events when those events are against their religious or moral beliefs.

Liberals saw things differently, people lost their minds, Christians were demonized, the govt got involved, and they wanted to force the owners to make the cake or be punished.

So, did / are they getting fair and equal treatment?

Didja hear about the Muslim bakarieS (yes, plural) that refuse to make same-Sex wedding cakes? Of course you didn't! My phone won't allow me to post the specific link, but - if you aren't lazy - go to and watch the video of this guy going into numerous Muslim bakeries and getting rejected everytime he asked them to make a same-sex wedding cake.

Funny, you would think this would be all over the news and that Obama & his DOJ would be all over this, right? :p

The libs & govt aren't all over this because they believe in appeasing Muslims while targeting Christians unfairly. Why? Maybe 1 reason is they know, unlike with Christians, Muslims (Islamic Extremists) will cut your head off or blow your ass up if you mess with them

This isn't a major problem anyway because hardly any homosexuals go into Muslim bakeries. Why? Because they know these same people burn, behead, and hang gays in their country where they came from. So if they don't want to serve gays, no problem - just stay the hell away from them, leave them alone, and 'pick' on the Christians. They are easier targets...

People started pointing out the disparity as soon as Christian bakeries became targets. It went unnoticed because baking has nothing to do with this. It is a Christian bashing agenda that is at work here.

It is a Christian bashing agenda that is at work here.

Muslims don't bash gays?

Gays don't bash Muslims. Just Christians.

And by 'bash' you mean asking that business's follow the law.

What law says a bakery has to bake a cake for anyone who walks through the door?
LWNJ's hate it when their own tactics are used against them.

I am going to call every bakery in West Hollywood - a super gay enclave of fabulous gay people doing fabulous gay things with their fabulous gay lives!! I am going to ask for a birthday cake...with a message.

Me: Hello, do you bake birthday cakes?
Bakery: Yes
Me: Do you write special messages using icing?
Bakery: Of course! That's a no-brainer. We do it every day.
Me: Ok. I'd like a white cake with pineapple filling, and lemon frosting. do you make those?
Bakery: Yes we do. Square or Round?
Me: I'd like the square - do you make a 12" square?
Bakery: Of course. What message would you like on the cake?
Me: Great. I want it to say "Happy Birthday! Faggot. God hates you!
Bakery: We can't do that.
Me: See you in court.

You should do that...let us know how it goes.
nycarbineer knew he didn't have a leg to stand on regarding the real topic, so he tried to hijack the thread instead of debating honestly.
The OP claimed that Muslim bakers behead people who complain about them. I simply asked for some examples.
It WAS the topic.
As usual, nycarbineer doubles down on his dishonesty rather than admit the OP has a valid point: That liberals who get outraged and excited when Christian-owned bakeries refuse service to gays on religious grounds, don't get the least bit outraged when Muslim-owned bakeries do the same thing for the same reason.

He's still tryng to pretend the "real topic" was beheadings, despite obvious evidence to the contrary.

Liberals lie as naturally as they breathe. They can't exist without lies, because otherwise people would realize how pointless and dishonest their agenda is.
Ok, everyone knows the story of the Christian-owned bakery whose owners refused to make a wedding cake for a same-sex wedding. They argued businesses should / do have the right to refuse to support certain events when those events are against their religious or moral beliefs.

Liberals saw things differently, people lost their minds, Christians were demonized, the govt got involved, and they wanted to force the owners to make the cake or be punished.

So, did / are they getting fair and equal treatment?

Didja hear about the Muslim bakarieS (yes, plural) that refuse to make same-Sex wedding cakes? Of course you didn't! My phone won't allow me to post the specific link, but - if you aren't lazy - go to and watch the video of this guy going into numerous Muslim bakeries and getting rejected everytime he asked them to make a same-sex wedding cake.

Funny, you would think this would be all over the news and that Obama & his DOJ would be all over this, right? :p

The libs & govt aren't all over this because they believe in appeasing Muslims while targeting Christians unfairly. Why? Maybe 1 reason is they know, unlike with Christians, Muslims (Islamic Extremists) will cut your head off or blow your ass up if you mess with them

This isn't a major problem anyway because hardly any homosexuals go into Muslim bakeries. Why? Because they know these same people burn, behead, and hang gays in their country where they came from. So if they don't want to serve gays, no problem - just stay the hell away from them, leave them alone, and 'pick' on the Christians. They are easier targets...

People started pointing out the disparity as soon as Christian bakeries became targets. It went unnoticed because baking has nothing to do with this. It is a Christian bashing agenda that is at work here.

It is a Christian bashing agenda that is at work here.

Muslims don't bash gays?

Gays don't bash Muslims. Just Christians.

And by 'bash' you mean asking that business's follow the law.

When does someone that wants to start a business have to be at the mercy of whom ever walks in the door? Was the business there before the gay Law was established?
Ok, everyone knows the story of the Christian-owned bakery whose owners refused to make a wedding cake for a same-sex wedding. They argued businesses should / do have the right to refuse to support certain events when those events are against their religious or moral beliefs.

Liberals saw things differently, people lost their minds, Christians were demonized, the govt got involved, and they wanted to force the owners to make the cake or be punished.

So, did / are they getting fair and equal treatment?

Didja hear about the Muslim bakarieS (yes, plural) that refuse to make same-Sex wedding cakes? Of course you didn't! My phone won't allow me to post the specific link, but - if you aren't lazy - go to and watch the video of this guy going into numerous Muslim bakeries and getting rejected everytime he asked them to make a same-sex wedding cake.

Funny, you would think this would be all over the news and that Obama & his DOJ would be all over this, right? :p

The libs & govt aren't all over this because they believe in appeasing Muslims while targeting Christians unfairly. Why? Maybe 1 reason is they know, unlike with Christians, Muslims (Islamic Extremists) will cut your head off or blow your ass up if you mess with them

This isn't a major problem anyway because hardly any homosexuals go into Muslim bakeries. Why? Because they know these same people burn, behead, and hang gays in their country where they came from. So if they don't want to serve gays, no problem - just stay the hell away from them, leave them alone, and 'pick' on the Christians. They are easier targets...
Typical of the hypocrisy of progressives…
Ok, everyone knows the story of the Christian-owned bakery whose owners refused to make a wedding cake for a same-sex wedding. They argued businesses should / do have the right to refuse to support certain events when those events are against their religious or moral beliefs.

Liberals saw things differently, people lost their minds, Christians were demonized, the govt got involved, and they wanted to force the owners to make the cake or be punished.

So, did / are they getting fair and equal treatment?

Didja hear about the Muslim bakarieS (yes, plural) that refuse to make same-Sex wedding cakes? Of course you didn't! My phone won't allow me to post the specific link, but - if you aren't lazy - go to and watch the video of this guy going into numerous Muslim bakeries and getting rejected everytime he asked them to make a same-sex wedding cake.

Funny, you would think this would be all over the news and that Obama & his DOJ would be all over this, right? :p

The libs & govt aren't all over this because they believe in appeasing Muslims while targeting Christians unfairly. Why? Maybe 1 reason is they know, unlike with Christians, Muslims (Islamic Extremists) will cut your head off or blow your ass up if you mess with them

This isn't a major problem anyway because hardly any homosexuals go into Muslim bakeries. Why? Because they know these same people burn, behead, and hang gays in their country where they came from. So if they don't want to serve gays, no problem - just stay the hell away from them, leave them alone, and 'pick' on the Christians. They are easier targets...
Ok, everyone knows the story of the Christian-owned bakery whose owners refused to make a wedding cake for a same-sex wedding. They argued businesses should / do have the right to refuse to support certain events when those events are against their religious or moral beliefs.

Liberals saw things differently, people lost their minds, Christians were demonized, the govt got involved, and they wanted to force the owners to make the cake or be punished.

So, did / are they getting fair and equal treatment?

Didja hear about the Muslim bakarieS (yes, plural) that refuse to make same-Sex wedding cakes? Of course you didn't! My phone won't allow me to post the specific link, but - if you aren't lazy - go to and watch the video of this guy going into numerous Muslim bakeries and getting rejected everytime he asked them to make a same-sex wedding cake.

Funny, you would think this would be all over the news and that Obama & his DOJ would be all over this, right? :p

The libs & govt aren't all over this because they believe in appeasing Muslims while targeting Christians unfairly. Why? Maybe 1 reason is they know, unlike with Christians, Muslims (Islamic Extremists) will cut your head off or blow your ass up if you mess with them

This isn't a major problem anyway because hardly any homosexuals go into Muslim bakeries. Why? Because they know these same people burn, behead, and hang gays in their country where they came from. So if they don't want to serve gays, no problem - just stay the hell away from them, leave them alone, and 'pick' on the Christians. They are easier targets...

first of All I live in the state that this happen ... the laws say if you own a business that sells to the public, then you must sell to all of the public ... the difference here is they can't refuse you .. the problem the Muslims have here is they are set themselves up for legal action ... this person was only interested in stating up trouble ..... nothing else ...the difference here is the people who protested them in colorado were gay people, with some of the people strait people supported them and they took the owner to court... in your thread nobody went to court ...nobody filed a suit against them for violation their rights ... nobody protested against them ... all that happen is some right wing whack job went in to store to start trouble so they can say see the liberals did nothing... another right wing bull shit story
Ok, everyone knows the story of the Christian-owned bakery whose owners refused to make a wedding cake for a same-sex wedding. They argued businesses should / do have the right to refuse to support certain events when those events are against their religious or moral beliefs.

Liberals saw things differently, people lost their minds, Christians were demonized, the govt got involved, and they wanted to force the owners to make the cake or be punished.

So, did / are they getting fair and equal treatment?

Didja hear about the Muslim bakarieS (yes, plural) that refuse to make same-Sex wedding cakes? Of course you didn't! My phone won't allow me to post the specific link, but - if you aren't lazy - go to and watch the video of this guy going into numerous Muslim bakeries and getting rejected everytime he asked them to make a same-sex wedding cake.

Funny, you would think this would be all over the news and that Obama & his DOJ would be all over this, right? :p

The libs & govt aren't all over this because they believe in appeasing Muslims while targeting Christians unfairly. Why? Maybe 1 reason is they know, unlike with Christians, Muslims (Islamic Extremists) will cut your head off or blow your ass up if you mess with them

This isn't a major problem anyway because hardly any homosexuals go into Muslim bakeries. Why? Because they know these same people burn, behead, and hang gays in their country where they came from. So if they don't want to serve gays, no problem - just stay the hell away from them, leave them alone, and 'pick' on the Christians. They are easier targets...
Typical of the hypocrisy of progressives…
how is setting up a bakery hypocrisy of progressive??? when didn't the person take them to court ??? when did that person expose them to the media, they didn't ....could it be the bakery is a muslim bakery and like hobby lobby they get to put their religion choice ... the bakery in colorado wasn't a christian own company ... it was a public bakery that sold to every body ... being a publican bakery they can't refuse on their religious beliefs ... where do you guys get this crap from ???
Ok, everyone knows the story of the Christian-owned bakery whose owners refused to make a wedding cake for a same-sex wedding. They argued businesses should / do have the right to refuse to support certain events when those events are against their religious or moral beliefs.

Liberals saw things differently, people lost their minds, Christians were demonized, the govt got involved, and they wanted to force the owners to make the cake or be punished.

So, did / are they getting fair and equal treatment?

Didja hear about the Muslim bakarieS (yes, plural) that refuse to make same-Sex wedding cakes? Of course you didn't! My phone won't allow me to post the specific link, but - if you aren't lazy - go to and watch the video of this guy going into numerous Muslim bakeries and getting rejected everytime he asked them to make a same-sex wedding cake.

Funny, you would think this would be all over the news and that Obama & his DOJ would be all over this, right? :p

The libs & govt aren't all over this because they believe in appeasing Muslims while targeting Christians unfairly. Why? Maybe 1 reason is they know, unlike with Christians, Muslims (Islamic Extremists) will cut your head off or blow your ass up if you mess with them

This isn't a major problem anyway because hardly any homosexuals go into Muslim bakeries. Why? Because they know these same people burn, behead, and hang gays in their country where they came from. So if they don't want to serve gays, no problem - just stay the hell away from them, leave them alone, and 'pick' on the Christians. They are easier targets...

first of All I live in the state that this happen ... the laws say if you own a business that sells to the public, then you must sell to all of the public ... the difference here is they can't refuse you .. the problem the Muslims have here is they are set themselves up for legal action ... this person was only interested in stating up trouble ..... nothing else ...the difference here is the people who protested them in colorado were gay people, with some of the people strait people supported them and they took the owner to court... in your thread nobody went to court ...nobody filed a suit against them for violation their rights ... nobody protested against them ... all that happen is some right wing whack job went in to store to start trouble so they can say see the liberals did nothing... another right wing bull shit story
This Muslim bakery story keeps coming up, despite the facts involved make it a non-story. The Christians who refused to make a cake actually made traditional wedding cakes as part of their business. They refused to make the same kind of traditional cake with some minor adjustments that would make it "gay", but still a traditional cake like the ones they always made and advertised to make. The Muslim bakery did not produce or sell traditional wedding cakes and never did. See the difference? It is a big difference. Christian bakery refused a regular service and the Muslim bakery refused a service they did not provide under normal or regular conditions.
Ok, everyone knows the story of the Christian-owned bakery whose owners refused to make a wedding cake for a same-sex wedding. They argued businesses should / do have the right to refuse to support certain events when those events are against their religious or moral beliefs.

Liberals saw things differently, people lost their minds, Christians were demonized, the govt got involved, and they wanted to force the owners to make the cake or be punished.

So, did / are they getting fair and equal treatment?

Didja hear about the Muslim bakarieS (yes, plural) that refuse to make same-Sex wedding cakes? Of course you didn't! My phone won't allow me to post the specific link, but - if you aren't lazy - go to and watch the video of this guy going into numerous Muslim bakeries and getting rejected everytime he asked them to make a same-sex wedding cake.

Funny, you would think this would be all over the news and that Obama & his DOJ would be all over this, right? :p

The libs & govt aren't all over this because they believe in appeasing Muslims while targeting Christians unfairly. Why? Maybe 1 reason is they know, unlike with Christians, Muslims (Islamic Extremists) will cut your head off or blow your ass up if you mess with them

This isn't a major problem anyway because hardly any homosexuals go into Muslim bakeries. Why? Because they know these same people burn, behead, and hang gays in their country where they came from. So if they don't want to serve gays, no problem - just stay the hell away from them, leave them alone, and 'pick' on the Christians. They are easier targets...

first of All I live in the state that this happen ... the laws say if you own a business that sells to the public, then you must sell to all of the public ... the difference here is they can't refuse you .. the problem the Muslims have here is they are set themselves up for legal action ... this person was only interested in stating up trouble ..... nothing else ...the difference here is the people who protested them in colorado were gay people, with some of the people strait people supported them and they took the owner to court... in your thread nobody went to court ...nobody filed a suit against them for violation their rights ... nobody protested against them ... all that happen is some right wing whack job went in to store to start trouble so they can say see the liberals did nothing... another right wing bull shit story
This Muslim bakery story keeps coming up, despite the facts involved make it a non-story. The Christians who refused to make a cake actually made traditional wedding cakes as part of their business. They refused to make the same kind of traditional cake with some minor adjustments that would make it "gay", but still a traditional cake like the ones they always made and advertised to make. The Muslim bakery did not produce or sell traditional wedding cakes and never did. See the difference? It is a big difference. Christian bakery refused a regular service and the Muslim bakery refused a service they did not provide under normal or regular conditions.
thats the problem with the right they're too single minded ... the see bakery refusing wedding cakes and are all over it with out doing any research
Righties constantly lie and misrepresent facts.

The "gay cake" was just a plain old wedding cake . Same as the bakery made 1000 times . But they denied the customer simply because they were gay.

And the customer targeted that bakery hoping the bakery would refuse.

And ? If there's a law saying they can't discriminate against them, well that's the law .

Nevermind that it was a set up to shove the gay agenda down Christian's throats?

Who says they are Christians ? Does anyone ever actually look to see if they are even religious people?

Do they deny divorcees cakes ? Tatooed people cakes ? Do they deny alternate religions cakes ?

No, they don't. But that's because this isn't about religion, it's about hating gays.

Bakery Will Do Pagan, Cloning, and Divorce Cakes But Not Gay Weddings
This Muslim bakery story keeps coming up, despite the facts involved make it a non-story. The Christians who refused to make a cake actually made traditional wedding cakes as part of their business. They refused to make the same kind of traditional cake with some minor adjustments that would make it "gay", but still a traditional cake like the ones they always made and advertised to make. The Muslim bakery did not produce or sell traditional wedding cakes and never did. See the difference? It is a big difference. Christian bakery refused a regular service and the Muslim bakery refused a service they did not provide under normal or regular conditions.


Just a minor technical correction.

If you review the court documents and the "Findings of Fact" to which both parties agreed to in the cases, there was never any discussion as to design or "minor adjustments that would make it "gay""

As soon as Mr. Klein (Oregon) and Mr. Phillips (Colorado) found out at the beginning of the meeting the couple was of the same-sex, service was refused. They never got to design considerations.

Both Mr. Klein and Mr. Phillips refused to sell them ANY wedding cakes, even a standard one from their portfolio (such as the one above) this didn't need any "minor adjustments that would make it "gay"".

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I support the muslims, yet i also hope they dont want to exterminate gays like ted cruz'a religious leader does.

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