Muslim Bakeries Refuse To Make Gay Wedding Cake...& No Rabid Protests From Liberals?

The liberals are still flummoxed and all over the map trying to defend the Muslims.....priceless
I'm getting tired of these sexual perverts wanting "rights" due to their sick desires to suck a hairy ball sack.
Muslim bakeries don't make western style wedding cakes for anyone, straight or gay. Because they do not advertise of produce wedding cakes they are not obligated to produce a product they do not normally produce. Their employees have neither the skills, tools or knowledge to produce the product. A western styled Muslim wedding cake is one that comes in the image of a mosque.
Should all bakers be forced to make cakes in the shape of a penis, vagina, tits, or an asshole?

Why not?

They don't have to make penis cakes . But if u do make penis cakes , you can't turn away a penis cake buying customer just because she is gay.

Why not? I want a c unt-cake. This one is a real beauty!


But if you don't regularly offer sexually themed cakes, I can understand that...


What if I simply want the regular cake with the words H A P P Y - B I R T H D A Y- C U N T in Frosting? Like this one...


If you make birthday cakes, and you write any words on them, EVER!! . You should be forced to write whatever words I demand. Right?
Ok, everyone knows the story of the Christian-owned bakery whose owners refused to make a wedding cake for a same-sex wedding. They argued businesses should / do have the right to refuse to support certain events when those events are against their religious or moral beliefs.

Liberals saw things differently, people lost their minds, Christians were demonized, the govt got involved, and they wanted to force the owners to make the cake or be punished.

So, did / are they getting fair and equal treatment?

Didja hear about the Muslim bakarieS (yes, plural) that refuse to make same-Sex wedding cakes? Of course you didn't! My phone won't allow me to post the specific link, but - if you aren't lazy - go to and watch the video of this guy going into numerous Muslim bakeries and getting rejected everytime he asked them to make a same-sex wedding cake.

Funny, you would think this would be all over the news and that Obama & his DOJ would be all over this, right? :p

The libs & govt aren't all over this because they believe in appeasing Muslims while targeting Christians unfairly. Why? Maybe 1 reason is they know, unlike with Christians, Muslims (Islamic Extremists) will cut your head off or blow your ass up if you mess with them

This isn't a major problem anyway because hardly any homosexuals go into Muslim bakeries. Why? Because they know these same people burn, behead, and hang gays in their country where they came from. So if they don't want to serve gays, no problem - just stay the hell away from them, leave them alone, and 'pick' on the Christians. They are easier targets...
HIDDEN CAM: #GayWeddingCakes at Muslim Bakeries?

Kind of looks like a "set up" situation doesn't it?

Someone deliberately looking for a baker of a specific religion in order to be refused?

Muslim bakers are most likely a tiny minority in this country, the vast majority are Christian. That's likely why less fuss is heard. The Muslim community is also much more conservative - I doubt a gay couple would look to a Muslim baker for their cake. Did this person SUE them? Has anyone sued a Muslim baker?

A baker that serves the public, should serve the public - regardless of who the wedding participants are as long as they can pay for the service and the requested item is within their ability to make. I don't think they should be forced to make anything lewd or pornographic.

Aside from that - there has also been a rash of cases of couples supposedly getting married and deliberately seeking out vendors they KNOW will be hostile to same-sex arrangements. I think that is wrong - maybe not legally wrong, but ethically wrong. In the original case, the couple sought out a baker they had used many times before and had good arrangements with, so they had the expectation their service would similarly be welcomed not rebuffed. Some of these other cases smack of set ups.

Conservative 'Comedian' Pretends to Be Gay, Asks Muslim Bakeries for Gay Wedding Cakes

Unfortunately for his thesis, several bakeries agreed to make the cake. At least according to his blog. But showcased are three bakeries that did not.

Liberals and gays are inherently neurotic and conflicted, that is the basis of their ideology and their neurosis. They hate and they say they are loving. They are intolerant in the name of tolerance. They despise diversity although they promote it. They are anti religion but they pander to Islam.

How many gays have refused you service in their places of business?
The liberals are still flummoxed and all over the map trying to defend the Muslims.....priceless
Where their defense in is indeed warranted, from the ignorance, hate, stupidity, and bigotry exhibited by you and most others on the right.

Muslims as a class of persons have done nothing wrong, Islam as a religion has done nothing wrong, and neither are responsible for the crimes committed by terrorists who misappropriated the tenets of the faith in an effort to ‘justify’ their criminal acts.

To condemn Muslims as a whole for the crimes of terrorists is as ridiculous as it is wrong, and fails as a composition fallacy.
Should all bakers be forced to make cakes in the shape of a penis, vagina, tits, or an asshole?

Why not?

They don't have to make penis cakes . But if u do make penis cakes , you can't turn away a penis cake buying customer just because she is gay.

Why not? I want a c unt-cake. This one is a real beauty!


But if you don't regularly offer sexually themed cakes, I can understand that...


What if I simply want the regular cake with the words H A P P Y - B I R T H D A Y- C U N T in Frosting?****.jpg

If you make birthday cakes, and you write any words on them, EVER!! . You should be forced to write whatever words I demand. Right?

Not if they refuse that to everyone.
The liberals are still flummoxed and all over the map trying to defend the Muslims.....priceless
Where their defense in is indeed warranted, from the ignorance, hate, stupidity, and bigotry exhibited by you and most others on the right.

Muslims as a class of persons have done nothing wrong, Islam as a religion has done nothing wrong, and neither are responsible for the crimes committed by terrorists who misappropriated the tenets of the faith in an effort to ‘justify’ their criminal acts.

To condemn Muslims as a whole for the crimes of terrorists is as ridiculous as it is wrong, and fails as a composition fallacy.

Ahhh shaddup, your opinion means nothing, troll. You comment and run
How many cases of Muslim cake bakers beheading gays can you list?
About the same number of Christian bakers beheading gays you can list. That was a really stupid response
nycarbineer wasn't trying to respond to the OP's point. He was trying to change the subject and put the OP on the defensive, so the OP would waste time arguing over who beheads whom instead of the real topic: Muslim bakeries refusing service to gays for religious reason (some thing that got a bakery run by Christians, prosecuted and fined).

nycarbineer knew he didn't have a leg to stand on regarding the real topic, so he tried to hijack the thread instead of debating honestly.
Should all bakers be forced to make cakes in the shape of a penis, vagina, tits, or an asshole?

Why not?

They don't have to make penis cakes . But if u do make penis cakes , you can't turn away a penis cake buying customer just because she is gay.

Why not? I want a c unt-cake. This one is a real beauty!


But if you don't regularly offer sexually themed cakes, I can understand that...


What if I simply want the regular cake with the words H A P P Y - B I R T H D A Y- C U N T in Frosting?****.jpg

If you make birthday cakes, and you write any words on them, EVER!! . You should be forced to write whatever words I demand. Right?

Not if they refuse that to everyone.

They refuse to write words on ALL CAKES? or just words they find offensive?
How many cases of Muslim cake bakers beheading gays can you list?
About the same number of Christian bakers beheading gays you can list. That was a really stupid response
nycarbineer wasn't trying to respond to the OP's point. He was trying to change the subject and put the OP on the defensive, so the OP would waste time arguing over who beheads whom instead of the real topic: Muslim bakeries refusing service to gays for religious reason (some thing that got a bakery run by Christians, prosecuted and fined).

nycarbineer knew he didn't have a leg to stand on regarding the real topic, so he tried to hijack the thread instead of debating honestly.

The OP claimed that Muslim bakers behead people who complain about them. I simply asked for some examples.

It WAS the topic.
"Muslim Bakeries Refuse To Make Gay Wedding Cake...& No Rabid Protests From Liberals?"

No, just liberals laughing at the ignorance and stupidity common to most on the right, particularly those who bought into the OP’s lie.
Should all bakers be forced to make cakes in the shape of a penis, vagina, tits, or an asshole?

Why not?

They don't have to make penis cakes . But if u do make penis cakes , you can't turn away a penis cake buying customer just because she is gay.

Why not? I want a c unt-cake. This one is a real beauty!


But if you don't regularly offer sexually themed cakes, I can understand that...


What if I simply want the regular cake with the words H A P P Y - B I R T H D A Y- C U N T in Frosting?****.jpg

If you make birthday cakes, and you write any words on them, EVER!! . You should be forced to write whatever words I demand. Right?

Not if they refuse that to everyone.

They refuse to write words on ALL CAKES? or just words they find offensive?

If you don't sell a certain product to anyone, or perform a certain service for anyone, it's not discrimination.
I want this on a cake.


If you have ever baked a cake and put words on it, you should be forced to comply. just because you find these words offensive is not an excuse. Right LWNJ's?
"Muslim Bakeries Refuse To Make Gay Wedding Cake...& No Rabid Protests From Liberals?"

No, just liberals laughing at the ignorance and stupidity common to most on the right, particularly those who bought into the OP’s lie.

They lost this argument in threads months ago, but in the RWnut tradition, they have to bring it back up. They crave the punishment I guess.
Has anyone actually been denied service at a "Muslim bakery" because they wanted a wedding cake for a gay couple's wedding?

If so, where?

Not a candid camera show. A real case. Anything?
Where is it written that "standing up for their principles" means posting a sign on their store?

Not surprisingly, you wouldn't understand that waiting until someone comes into the store and asks to place the order so you can smirk at them and say "We don't serve your kind here" is known as cowardice.

No, that's common sense. Posting a sign is making yourself a target for the GAYstapo.

IOW, cowardice. Thank you.

"No shirt, no shoes, no service" hasn't gotten anyone killed AFAIK. "No dogs allowed except for service dogs," ditto.

Your people are cowards, plain and simple. You jump up and down and spout obscenities on message boards, but you're scared of the consequences IRL.

Go on now, spout obscenities. It's what you do.

So if you don't put your finger in a light socket after I triple dare you, that means you're a coward?

These are the kinds of infantile arguments that leftwing douche bags like you resort to nowadays.

"No shirt, no shoes, no service" doesn't make you a target for the GAYstapo. Assholes like you pretending you are ignorant of the consequences of such action only prove that these laws should be rescinded. The totalitarian instinct is why the are on the books. That much is obvious. Your attitude is that anyone who doesn't think like you deserves a beating.

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