Muslim Bakeries Refuse To Make Gay Wedding Cake...& No Rabid Protests From Liberals?

People started pointing out the disparity as soon as Christian bakeries became targets. It went unnoticed because baking has nothing to do with this. It is a Christian bashing agenda that is at work here.
Did you know that that muslim bakery is in Michigan? Do you know why that is important? Or are you as stupid as the OP?

Thing is, there is a very simple way for one group to stand beside their convictions without being penalized, and the other to get a cake. Go to one of the many other bakeries. Geography has nothing to do with it. This is an agenda.

That would work only if bakeries would at least post signs indicating that they do not serve same sex weddings. Otherwise, they have to go in, be rebuffed and humiliated, and find another. Why should they have to be put through that? Or, what happened to the couple here: Sweet Cakes by Melissa Didn’t Just Deny a Lesbian Couple Service, They Also Doxxed Them and Their Kids

If they posted such a sign they would became targets for harassment from the GAYstapo.

So? If they don't post such signs, then anyone who complains could become targets for harrassment from the Christianstapo. Like what Sweetcakes did.

What would they complain about if discrimination was legal? Furthermore, the business can't move. We know where it is. How does anyone know where some anonymous disgruntled customer lives?

How did Sweetcakes "harass" anyone?
There have been a handful of legitimate court cases, but also a lot of "set ups" by "citizen journalists" who then spread the videos and that has brought down a
of course, these cases are always set-ups. there are plenty gay bakers who would be just overjoyed to make a gay wedding cake, but they chose the ones that they know are Christian or Muslim to make an issue of their gayness.

with the gays its all about in-your-face.

There are plenty of Christian bakers that would make a gay wedding cake (as well as Muslim bakers according to articles about Crowder's video). MOST gays it is not about "in your face" at all. Who in the hell wants their wedding to be contentious and unpleasant? Who would want someone participating who hates them? Not many people and not any of the gay couples I know. In fact, the one wedding I went to recently, they had a difficulties, and it was very sensitive - finding a venue, finding people who would support their union to provide services. They did, and non-discrimmination laws would help (this was in PA and I'm not sure what the law is there) - but even with such laws, they are not going to seek out people they know will object. It's a wedding - not a court case - that they want.

The queers have turned weddings into court cases.

Not really - there have only been a handful of court cases.

That's all it takes.

They deserved those cases.

Not. Every business has a right to serve whomever it wants to serve.
Did you know that that muslim bakery is in Michigan? Do you know why that is important? Or are you as stupid as the OP?

Thing is, there is a very simple way for one group to stand beside their convictions without being penalized, and the other to get a cake. Go to one of the many other bakeries. Geography has nothing to do with it. This is an agenda.

That would work only if bakeries would at least post signs indicating that they do not serve same sex weddings. Otherwise, they have to go in, be rebuffed and humiliated, and find another. Why should they have to be put through that? Or, what happened to the couple here: Sweet Cakes by Melissa Didn’t Just Deny a Lesbian Couple Service, They Also Doxxed Them and Their Kids

If they posted such a sign they would became targets for harassment from the GAYstapo.

So? If they don't post such signs, then anyone who complains could become targets for harrassment from the Christianstapo. Like what Sweetcakes did.

What would they complain about if discrimination was legal? Furthermore, the business can't move. We know where it is. How does anyone know where some anonymous disgruntled customer lives?

How did Sweetcakes "harass" anyone?

It's in the article I posted above.
There have been a handful of legitimate court cases, but also a lot of "set ups" by "citizen journalists" who then spread the videos and that has brought down a
There are plenty of Christian bakers that would make a gay wedding cake (as well as Muslim bakers according to articles about Crowder's video). MOST gays it is not about "in your face" at all. Who in the hell wants their wedding to be contentious and unpleasant? Who would want someone participating who hates them? Not many people and not any of the gay couples I know. In fact, the one wedding I went to recently, they had a difficulties, and it was very sensitive - finding a venue, finding people who would support their union to provide services. They did, and non-discrimmination laws would help (this was in PA and I'm not sure what the law is there) - but even with such laws, they are not going to seek out people they know will object. It's a wedding - not a court case - that they want.

The queers have turned weddings into court cases.

Not really - there have only been a handful of court cases.

That's all it takes.

They deserved those cases.

Not. Every business has a right to serve whomever it wants to serve.

Not true.
The queers have turned weddings into court cases.

Not really - there have only been a handful of court cases.

That's all it takes.

They deserved those cases.

Not. Every business has a right to serve whomever it wants to serve.

Not true.

in practice it is true. If I try to go to a bar in the lower ninth ward at 1AM, I will be told to leave or get the shit beat out of me. If a muslim went to that same bar and ordered a cup of tea, he would get his ass kicked.

To claim that every business has to serve whoever shows up at its door is simply naïve and foolish.

Now, are you going to force that black bar to serve me and Abdul? I think not.
Most on the right are as reckless as they are ignorant.

Unlike the lie posted in the OP, there was an actual incident where a Muslim bakery in Michigan refused to accommodate a gay patron.

Needless to say, idiotic conservatives launched into a whine-fest accusing ‘liberals’ of ‘hypocrisy,’ wondering why Christian bakers in Oregon were subject to a lawsuit for refusing to accommodate a gay patron but the Muslim bakers in Michigan were not.

If rightwing morons had bothered to research the law on the issue, they would have learned that unlike Oregon, Michigan public accommodations laws have no provision for sexual orientation, where businesses in Michigan are allowed to discriminate against gay Americans with impunity.
Thing is, there is a very simple way for one group to stand beside their convictions without being penalized, and the other to get a cake. Go to one of the many other bakeries. Geography has nothing to do with it. This is an agenda.

That would work only if bakeries would at least post signs indicating that they do not serve same sex weddings. Otherwise, they have to go in, be rebuffed and humiliated, and find another. Why should they have to be put through that? Or, what happened to the couple here: Sweet Cakes by Melissa Didn’t Just Deny a Lesbian Couple Service, They Also Doxxed Them and Their Kids

If they posted such a sign they would became targets for harassment from the GAYstapo.

So? If they don't post such signs, then anyone who complains could become targets for harrassment from the Christianstapo. Like what Sweetcakes did.

What would they complain about if discrimination was legal? Furthermore, the business can't move. We know where it is. How does anyone know where some anonymous disgruntled customer lives?

How did Sweetcakes "harass" anyone?

It's in the article I posted above.
The queers did it to themselves. If they hadn't filed a lawsuit then no one would have ever heard of them. The whole point of the lawsuit was to intimidate any business that might choose to exercise its First Amendment rights.

Live by the sword, die by the sword.
Most on the right are as reckless as they are ignorant.

Unlike the lie posted in the OP, there was an actual incident where a Muslim bakery in Michigan refused to accommodate a gay patron.

Needless to say, idiotic conservatives launched into a whine-fest accusing ‘liberals’ of ‘hypocrisy,’ wondering why Christian bakers in Oregon were subject to a lawsuit for refusing to accommodate a gay patron but the Muslim bakers in Michigan were not.

If rightwing morons had bothered to research the law on the issue, they would have learned that unlike Oregon, Michigan public accommodations laws have no provision for sexual orientation, where businesses in Michigan are allowed to discriminate against gay Americans with impunity.

Nevertheless, you and your ilk are attacking the guy who proved their bigotry rather than attacking the bigots.
I support FILL IN THE BLANK cakes---------to be boxed with a tube of cake writing
stuff---------choice of colors available-----including pink
If someone doesn't want to bake or cook me anything then I am glad they told me and I will move on. I certainly don't want them forced to cook for me.
Ok, everyone knows the story of the Christian-owned bakery whose owners refused to make a wedding cake for a same-sex wedding. They argued businesses should / do have the right to refuse to support certain events when those events are against their religious or moral beliefs.

Liberals saw things differently, people lost their minds, Christians were demonized, the govt got involved, and they wanted to force the owners to make the cake or be punished.

So, did / are they getting fair and equal treatment?

Didja hear about the Muslim bakarieS (yes, plural) that refuse to make same-Sex wedding cakes? Of course you didn't! My phone won't allow me to post the specific link, but - if you aren't lazy - go to and watch the video of this guy going into numerous Muslim bakeries and getting rejected everytime he asked them to make a same-sex wedding cake.

Funny, you would think this would be all over the news and that Obama & his DOJ would be all over this, right? :p

The libs & govt aren't all over this because they believe in appeasing Muslims while targeting Christians unfairly. Why? Maybe 1 reason is they know, unlike with Christians, Muslims (Islamic Extremists) will cut your head off or blow your ass up if you mess with them

This isn't a major problem anyway because hardly any homosexuals go into Muslim bakeries. Why? Because they know these same people burn, behead, and hang gays in their country where they came from. So if they don't want to serve gays, no problem - just stay the hell away from them, leave them alone, and 'pick' on the Christians. They are easier targets...


If you want the DOJ to get involved, than the moronic Republicans who filmed this prank would have to make a formal claim of discrimination, at which time they would be unmasked not as gays but as a bunch of idiots with poor acting skills.
Ok, everyone knows the story of the Christian-owned bakery whose owners refused to make a wedding cake for a same-sex wedding. They argued businesses should / do have the right to refuse to support certain events when those events are against their religious or moral beliefs.

Liberals saw things differently, people lost their minds, Christians were demonized, the govt got involved, and they wanted to force the owners to make the cake or be punished.

So, did / are they getting fair and equal treatment?

Didja hear about the Muslim bakarieS (yes, plural) that refuse to make same-Sex wedding cakes? Of course you didn't! My phone won't allow me to post the specific link, but - if you aren't lazy - go to and watch the video of this guy going into numerous Muslim bakeries and getting rejected everytime he asked them to make a same-sex wedding cake.

Funny, you would think this would be all over the news and that Obama & his DOJ would be all over this, right? :p

The libs & govt aren't all over this because they believe in appeasing Muslims while targeting Christians unfairly. Why? Maybe 1 reason is they know, unlike with Christians, Muslims (Islamic Extremists) will cut your head off or blow your ass up if you mess with them

This isn't a major problem anyway because hardly any homosexuals go into Muslim bakeries. Why? Because they know these same people burn, behead, and hang gays in their country where they came from. So if they don't want to serve gays, no problem - just stay the hell away from them, leave them alone, and 'pick' on the Christians. They are easier targets...


If you want the DOJ to get involved, than the moronic Republicans who filmed this prank would have to make a formal claim of discrimination, at which time they would be unmasked not as gays but as a bunch of idiots with poor acting skills.

And how would you unmask them as not gay?

Your tired "culture war" garbage is great for mobilizing low-information voters, but when it becomes the center of your campaign, you run the risk of losing the most winnable election in history, against the weakest Democrat to run for president in my lifetime.

Because . . . people want to know your actual policies

... you never talk about tough issues that actually impact people's lives, like how to repair the lower & middle class job markets in a world that has shifted production to Asian sweatshops.

You get this, right? Nike investors/owners make higher profits when their sneaks are made for pennies by oppressed Taiwanese peasants in freedom-hating tyrannies. Walmart - known for its Republican activism - created the Chinese Production Model, which pairs 3rd world dictatorships with American Capital (see cheap raw material / labor).

You get this right? The flow of capital into productive ventures is increased by the promise of higher returns, that is, the cheaper labor offered by freedom hating tyrannies (where workers eat dog food and sleep on dirt floors) maintains higher profits, i.e., incentives. Unfortunately, the extremely profitable low-wage system that emerged after the high-wage postwar years (1945-75) has decimated American Workers, who were given credit cards and dangerous debt instruments to make up for stagnant/declining wages.

So, maybe you should talk about trade liberalization, which was supported heavily by Reagan, Bush and Clinton? -especially because Hillary is weak on this. Yes, Trump is talking about bringing the jobs back, but he doesn't explain how capital is going to give up the profitability of our low-wage production system, nor does he address how corporations are going to continue to invest/grow much less offer competitive pricing in the face of rising labor costs. He doesn't do any heavy lifting. He just makes promises to desperate people, like all politicians - Left/Right/Center.

These are extremely complicated problems, and neither side has good answers.

Rather than addressing the massive discontent and unrest or all the hard working American families who have been left behind by globalization, we are playing pathetic political games by exploiting and channeling that rage into gay married terrorists.

easyt65 should turn off the seductive and masturbatory muse of his rightwing noisemakers and go to a library. Maybe he could study the policies that transformed textile trade laws in the 80s or the history of tort reform and its impact on medical costs. At least by doing this he would finally have something interesting to say.
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HIDDEN CAM: #GayWeddingCakes at Muslim Bakeries?

Kind of looks like a "set up" situation doesn't it?

Someone deliberately looking for a baker of a specific religion in order to be refused?

Muslim bakers are most likely a tiny minority in this country, the vast majority are Christian. That's likely why less fuss is heard. The Muslim community is also much more conservative - I doubt a gay couple would look to a Muslim baker for their cake. Did this person SUE them? Has anyone sued a Muslim baker?

A baker that serves the public, should serve the public - regardless of who the wedding participants are as long as they can pay for the service and the requested item is within their ability to make. I don't think they should be forced to make anything lewd or pornographic.

Aside from that - there has also been a rash of cases of couples supposedly getting married and deliberately seeking out vendors they KNOW will be hostile to same-sex arrangements. I think that is wrong - maybe not legally wrong, but ethically wrong. In the original case, the couple sought out a baker they had used many times before and had good arrangements with, so they had the expectation their service would similarly be welcomed not rebuffed. Some of these other cases smack of set ups.

Conservative 'Comedian' Pretends to Be Gay, Asks Muslim Bakeries for Gay Wedding Cakes

Unfortunately for his thesis, several bakeries agreed to make the cake. At least according to his blog. But showcased are three bakeries that did not.

That is the purpose and technique of a sting type operation.

The purpose of a sting operation is done by law enforcement to catch someone breaking the law.
Was that the purpose here?

There is what is legally right, and there is what is ethically right - they don't always mesh.

Hmmm . . the law says it's illegal for Muslims to discriminate against queers. So your distinction is irrelevant.

NOT in Michigan where this took place. Stupid OP and the rest of you don't get that.
Kind of looks like a "set up" situation doesn't it?

Someone deliberately looking for a baker of a specific religion in order to be refused?

Muslim bakers are most likely a tiny minority in this country, the vast majority are Christian. That's likely why less fuss is heard. The Muslim community is also much more conservative - I doubt a gay couple would look to a Muslim baker for their cake. Did this person SUE them? Has anyone sued a Muslim baker?

A baker that serves the public, should serve the public - regardless of who the wedding participants are as long as they can pay for the service and the requested item is within their ability to make. I don't think they should be forced to make anything lewd or pornographic.

Aside from that - there has also been a rash of cases of couples supposedly getting married and deliberately seeking out vendors they KNOW will be hostile to same-sex arrangements. I think that is wrong - maybe not legally wrong, but ethically wrong. In the original case, the couple sought out a baker they had used many times before and had good arrangements with, so they had the expectation their service would similarly be welcomed not rebuffed. Some of these other cases smack of set ups.

Conservative 'Comedian' Pretends to Be Gay, Asks Muslim Bakeries for Gay Wedding Cakes

Unfortunately for his thesis, several bakeries agreed to make the cake. At least according to his blog. But showcased are three bakeries that did not.
That is the purpose and technique of a sting type operation.

The purpose of a sting operation is done by law enforcement to catch someone breaking the law.
Was that the purpose here?

There is what is legally right, and there is what is ethically right - they don't always mesh.

Hmmm . . the law says it's illegal for Muslims to discriminate against queers. So your distinction is irrelevant.

What specific law?

The law that says Christian bakers have to bake a wedding cake for queers, obviously. If it wasn't for that law, we wouldn't be having this discussion.
Christian bakers have to bake cakes for non-queers too. See? Equal.
Kind of looks like a "set up" situation doesn't it?

Someone deliberately looking for a baker of a specific religion in order to be refused?

Muslim bakers are most likely a tiny minority in this country, the vast majority are Christian. That's likely why less fuss is heard. The Muslim community is also much more conservative - I doubt a gay couple would look to a Muslim baker for their cake. Did this person SUE them? Has anyone sued a Muslim baker?

A baker that serves the public, should serve the public - regardless of who the wedding participants are as long as they can pay for the service and the requested item is within their ability to make. I don't think they should be forced to make anything lewd or pornographic.

Aside from that - there has also been a rash of cases of couples supposedly getting married and deliberately seeking out vendors they KNOW will be hostile to same-sex arrangements. I think that is wrong - maybe not legally wrong, but ethically wrong. In the original case, the couple sought out a baker they had used many times before and had good arrangements with, so they had the expectation their service would similarly be welcomed not rebuffed. Some of these other cases smack of set ups.

Conservative 'Comedian' Pretends to Be Gay, Asks Muslim Bakeries for Gay Wedding Cakes

Unfortunately for his thesis, several bakeries agreed to make the cake. At least according to his blog. But showcased are three bakeries that did not.
That is the purpose and technique of a sting type operation.

The purpose of a sting operation is done by law enforcement to catch someone breaking the law.
Was that the purpose here?

There is what is legally right, and there is what is ethically right - they don't always mesh.
If you do not like the word "sting" you can substitute whatever term suits you the result is the same. It is either wrong for everyone to refuse to make gay cakes or it is o for everyone to refuse to make gay cakes, not just some.

Agree, in terms of the law.

But is it right to seek out and entrap someone for that purpose (regardless of their religion)?

There are real live homosexuals in Dearborn, MI and they could go to a Muslim bakery and file a federal discrimination lawsuit when and if they were refused. The intent to entrap would have to be proven, and that would be extremely difficult..
They can't...BECAUSE Michigan doesn't include sexual orientation in their PA laws while Oregon does. It's really quite simple....but still over the head of the OP.
It's been reported homos deliberately sought out Christians. The fact remains the Muslims refused, you cannot condemn the Christians and not condemn the Muslims.

That is what I said - it's wrong to deliberately seek out someone in order to have them refuse you. IT DOESN"T MATTER WHAT RELIGION THEY ARE.

So condemn the Muslims.....waiting

I thought I did. I'll dumb it down.

If a same sex couple seeks out a wedding cake from a Muslim baker, and is refused - I condemn that Muslim baker.
If a same sex couple seeks out a wedding cake from a Christian baker, and is refused - I condemn that Christian baker.

If a person claiming to be a participant in a same sex wedding seeks out a Muslim baker, and in order to be refused and is refused - I condemn that person, not the baker.
If a person claiming to be a participant in a same sex wedding seeks out a Christian baker, and in order to be refused and is refused - I condemn that person, not the baker.

Does that clarify my stance on this sufficiently?

You couldn't just say the Muslim was wrong? Personally I support the Muslim in this case. That may very well be the first and only time I do

You'll only support a Muslim's right to be a bigot.

That is priceless.
She's hoping for Christer Sharia law so she can support throwing gays off of buildings. But the funny thing is, she's a Bi poser...would she be thrown off half a building?
WHAT specific law - you are being awfully vague.

You aren't as ignorant as you're pretending to be.

What law are you referring to?

Here are what I find in terms of cases involving lawsuits related to same sex marriage accommodations:
Court Rules Bakery Illegally Discriminated Against Gay Couple - ACLU - Colorado
Sweet Cakes by Melissa Didn’t Just Deny a Lesbian Couple Service, They Also Doxxed Them and Their Kids

These seem to be state law specific.

Yes, they are state laws. So?

What's Michigan's law?

Indiana has no PA laws....that didn't stop the left from going after the pizza joint did it?
Indiana most certainly has PA laws....why do you lie so glibly? Lot's of practice?

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