Muslim Bakeries Refuse To Make Gay Wedding Cake...& No Rabid Protests From Liberals?

Has anyone actually been denied service at a "Muslim bakery" because they wanted a wedding cake for a gay couple's wedding?

If so, where?

Not a candid camera show. A real case. Anything?

Another question is, where are the liberals who say Muslim business owners/operators should be exempt from anti-discrimination laws?

Name some.
Muslims bakeries (few as they may be) get a free pass on political correctness when Liberal Gay kids DEMAND capitulation by Christian bakeries to their ideology? That is, in common vernacular, JACKED UP. Why not apply the same standards across the board?
So a cake with a pic of two hairy ballsacks rubbing together would be a reasonable request?
Any person should be able to refuse an offer to engage in an exchange. I don't see how anyone could argue otherwise, unless they are arguing in favor of servitude.
Any person should be able to refuse an offer to engage in an exchange. I don't see how anyone could argue otherwise, unless they are arguing in favor of servitude.

That's called "freedom of association, a principle that leftwingers reject."
If I was a baker, I would bake a wedding cake for gays, in much the same way I would anyone else that pays the bills, Nazis, pedophiles, Right handed one eyed ham eating polygamists, I would shut down my critical mind and bake you a bloody freeking cake. Is that a moral victory MAKING people do something against their will for your cause?
Any person should be able to refuse an offer to engage in an exchange. I don't see how anyone could argue otherwise, unless they are arguing in favor of servitude.

That's called "freedom of association, a principle that leftwingers reject."

Yeah, it's called liberty. I may not agree with people's choices, but I defend their right to do what they want with their own body and property but not with other people's bodies or property.

Live and let live is my motto.
It's a shame how people use religion as a ruse to justify their bigotry.
Any person should be able to refuse an offer to engage in an exchange. I don't see how anyone could argue otherwise, unless they are arguing in favor of servitude.

That's called "freedom of association, a principle that leftwingers reject."

Yeah, it's called liberty. I may not agree with people's choices, but I defend their right to do what they want with their own body and property but not with other people's bodies or property.

Live and let live is my motto.

Leftwing douche bags are opposed to liberty, no matter how they may deny it.
LWNJ's hate it when their own tactics are used against them.

I am going to call every bakery in West Hollywood - a super gay enclave of fabulous gay people doing fabulous gay things with their fabulous gay lives!! I am going to ask for a birthday cake...with a message.

Me: Hello, do you bake birthday cakes?
Bakery: Yes
Me: Do you write special messages using icing?
Bakery: Of course! That's a no-brainer. We do it every day.
Me: Ok. I'd like a white cake with pineapple filling, and lemon frosting. do you make those?
Bakery: Yes we do. Square or Round?
Me: I'd like the square - do you make a 12" square?
Bakery: Of course. What message would you like on the cake?
Me: Great. I want it to say "Happy Birthday! Faggot. God hates you!
Bakery: We can't do that.
Me: See you in court.

Righties constantly lie and misrepresent facts.

The "gay cake" was just a plain old wedding cake . Same as the bakery made 1000 times . But they denied the customer simply because they were gay.
Righties constantly lie and misrepresent facts.

The "gay cake" was just a plain old wedding cake . Same as the bakery made 1000 times . But they denied the customer simply because they were gay.

And the customer targeted that bakery hoping the bakery would refuse.
HIDDEN CAM: #GayWeddingCakes at Muslim Bakeries?

Kind of looks like a "set up" situation doesn't it?

Someone deliberately looking for a baker of a specific religion in order to be refused?

Muslim bakers are most likely a tiny minority in this country, the vast majority are Christian. That's likely why less fuss is heard. The Muslim community is also much more conservative - I doubt a gay couple would look to a Muslim baker for their cake. Did this person SUE them? Has anyone sued a Muslim baker?

A baker that serves the public, should serve the public - regardless of who the wedding participants are as long as they can pay for the service and the requested item is within their ability to make. I don't think they should be forced to make anything lewd or pornographic.

Aside from that - there has also been a rash of cases of couples supposedly getting married and deliberately seeking out vendors they KNOW will be hostile to same-sex arrangements. I think that is wrong - maybe not legally wrong, but ethically wrong. In the original case, the couple sought out a baker they had used many times before and had good arrangements with, so they had the expectation their service would similarly be welcomed not rebuffed. Some of these other cases smack of set ups.

Conservative 'Comedian' Pretends to Be Gay, Asks Muslim Bakeries for Gay Wedding Cakes

Unfortunately for his thesis, several bakeries agreed to make the cake. At least according to his blog. But showcased are three bakeries that did not.

Set up like Ms Davis''LMAO"

Righties constantly lie and misrepresent facts.

The "gay cake" was just a plain old wedding cake . Same as the bakery made 1000 times . But they denied the customer simply because they were gay.

And the customer targeted that bakery hoping the bakery would refuse.

And ? If there's a law saying they can't discriminate against them, well that's the law .
Righties constantly lie and misrepresent facts.

The "gay cake" was just a plain old wedding cake . Same as the bakery made 1000 times . But they denied the customer simply because they were gay.

And the customer targeted that bakery hoping the bakery would refuse.

And ? If there's a law saying they can't discriminate against them, well that's the law .

Nevermind that it was a set up to shove the gay agenda down Christian's throats?
Righties constantly lie and misrepresent facts.

The "gay cake" was just a plain old wedding cake . Same as the bakery made 1000 times . But they denied the customer simply because they were gay.

And the customer targeted that bakery hoping the bakery would refuse.

And ? If there's a law saying they can't discriminate against them, well that's the law .

Nevermind that it was a set up to shove the gay agenda down Christian's throats?

Who says they are Christians ? Does anyone ever actually look to see if they are even religious people?

Do they deny divorcees cakes ? Tatooed people cakes ? Do they deny alternate religions cakes ?
Righties constantly lie and misrepresent facts.

The "gay cake" was just a plain old wedding cake . Same as the bakery made 1000 times . But they denied the customer simply because they were gay.

And why should a person not be allowed to decline engaging in trade for whatever (albeit stupid) reason they choose?

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