Muslim bearded 'cop' prohibits German woman with kids and dog entering Muslim zone

So a German woman can't walk her dog in a neighborhood that Muslims also live in. Very interesting sample of Muslim "coexistence".
Europeans should quickly find a way to repatriate these undesirable people.

I don't know how to take you sometimes.

You gloated how ISIS was destroying historical sites in lands it conquered, you seem content to limit freedom in areas where your umma congregates such as in Dearborn, and unwilling to relinquish archaic customs or assimilate but you oppose the political party that enables you?

You do realize if the SHTF and democrooks lose the culture war you will be deported via trebuchet right?

I don't know how to take you sometimes.

You gloated how ISIS was destroying historical sites in lands it conquered, you seem content to limit freedom in areas where your umma congregates such as in Dearborn, and unwilling to relinquish archaic customs or assimilate but you oppose the political party that enables you?

You do realize if the SHTF and democrooks lose the culture war you will be deported via trebuchet right?
Yea, I am kinda complicated. .... :eusa_angel:
Yea, I am kinda complicated. .... :eusa_angel:

I hope your daughters marry pollacks, convert to Christianity, and you don't kill them.

I don't think you would...

but it's not like it hasn't happened.
Germany isn't "their neighborhood", they have to abide by the laws and regulations of the state they live in, which they constantly refuse to so, even though they benefit from the generosity of the country that lets them in.

Germany is run by hard core communists who persecute any free thinking and freedom.
A wrong post in Facebook and you can be thrown behind bar for 3 years with being fined by $5m
Muslims know it and poop Germans on their heads.
It is cool for German politician to convert to Islam. Carrier and kudos are sure.
thx 4 the 2-minute hate, russian troll.
I don't trust anyone who doesn't like dogs
Hatred of dogs is in the Koran, their prophet also hated dogs. In fact, you will find that many Muslim men consider torturing and killing dogs a religious duty. As young boys they develop a sadism towards dogs and then this anger and violence is transferred towards women and non Muslims.
It's especially disgusting on the part of Germany since this Islam they love so much is the most praised-by-Hitler, Jew-exterminating hate ideology of all time. Mohammed himself bragged about beheading 600 Jewish prisoners in one day. And they've been mass-beheading Jews ever since.

Basically it proves that Germany's Holocaust guilt is faker than a $6 bill - once a Nazi, always a Nazi. Nobody deserves their muslim problems more than that nation of fanatically American-hating pigs we should have nuked. I have the same hatred of German filth as they do of Americans.
Today's situation with Germany is based on Leftist / socialist / globalist ideology, mixed with a modern version of German inferiority complex that caused WWII.

They are trying to control and dictate to the European Union and the rest of the world using their economy and banks, and as we can see they have succeeded to a great extent.
That doesn't look like a very good place to walk a dog anyway. It would probably be nicer to walk the dogs somewhere else.

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