Muslim beheads shopper in Ikea store in Sweden; look what Ikea is doing in response

Again, in effort to be clear, the Allen West article has been disqualified as news beginning with the title.

Wow: Muslim beheads shopper in IKEA store; look what IKEA is doing in response

For starters, there is no evidence that there was a beheading. Real news doesn't start off with a "wow".

A REAL news story only reports FACTS, without opinions, assumptions, characterizations, or emotions. That is what makes it NEWS, rather than a dramatic interpretation of news.

A right-wing biased report is "Yesterday just as innocent children were getting off their school bus, a Democrat exposed himself to the whole busload by setting himself on fire, thus burning all his clothes off right in front of them. I think this is just the logical conclusion of Liberal/Progressive values. Watch out -- the Liberals may set YOU on fire next!!"

A left-wing biased report says "In an apparent hate crime, a victim of the crassly wealthy bankers of Wall Street who illegally foreclosed on his home was burned at the stake in a public park yesterday by armed Tea Party thugs, bused in by The Koch Brothers and Rupert Murdoch. We will be covering tonight's candlelight vigil for the murdered man at 8 pm."

A real news reporter says "At 3 pm yesterday afternoon, a man in Times Square burst into flames in what is being called "spontaneous human combustion" by police. More information to come as the incident is investigated."

Any so-called news story that characterizes people in any way, such as "The Obamite re-invigoration ", or "dangerous" or "short-sighted" or " tyrannical" or any other term is not NEWS. Any so-called news story that puts any layer of approval or disapproval on the reporting of an incident is not NEWS, it is a dramatic performance. Even when covering stories of murder or rape or child abuse... actual NEWS does not use emotional terms about victims or abusive terms about suspects, because that is not in the realm of real NEWS. It only reflects the opinion that the news-reader is trying to project at you.

News is what happened. Bias is the spin put on it by celebrity performers who want to tell you what to think about what happened, tell you what emotion you should experience according to their perception, not your own.

Can I be any clearer than that?

The article from Reuters that was posted was actual news.

What was reported by Reuters was no different than what was Allen West article in fact West cited the Rueters article as a source.
You dont get to add onto a source with your opinion and expect intelligent people to consider your opinion credible. No where in the Reuters article does it say anyone was beheaded. You cant really be that stupid can you?

I have read your posts many times and they are laced with hate and bias. I would not expect you to look at a source which may not have the information you wish to see and be objective. I have seen pictures that have been offered as proof of the beheadings which has prompted me to research the article and proposition further. In other words just because a corporate puppet like Reuters reports something it does not make it true.

I'd like a link to those pictures please.
1. They are graphic and I will not post such material;

2. Even if they were not graphic I have a real problem doing you research for you.

I don't blame you for being too embarrassed to reveal your sources. Is it a blog or a tabloid?
Again, in effort to be clear, the Allen West article has been disqualified as news beginning with the title.

Wow: Muslim beheads shopper in IKEA store; look what IKEA is doing in response

For starters, there is no evidence that there was a beheading. Real news doesn't start off with a "wow".

A REAL news story only reports FACTS, without opinions, assumptions, characterizations, or emotions. That is what makes it NEWS, rather than a dramatic interpretation of news.

A right-wing biased report is "Yesterday just as innocent children were getting off their school bus, a Democrat exposed himself to the whole busload by setting himself on fire, thus burning all his clothes off right in front of them. I think this is just the logical conclusion of Liberal/Progressive values. Watch out -- the Liberals may set YOU on fire next!!"

A left-wing biased report says "In an apparent hate crime, a victim of the crassly wealthy bankers of Wall Street who illegally foreclosed on his home was burned at the stake in a public park yesterday by armed Tea Party thugs, bused in by The Koch Brothers and Rupert Murdoch. We will be covering tonight's candlelight vigil for the murdered man at 8 pm."

A real news reporter says "At 3 pm yesterday afternoon, a man in Times Square burst into flames in what is being called "spontaneous human combustion" by police. More information to come as the incident is investigated."

Any so-called news story that characterizes people in any way, such as "The Obamite re-invigoration ", or "dangerous" or "short-sighted" or " tyrannical" or any other term is not NEWS. Any so-called news story that puts any layer of approval or disapproval on the reporting of an incident is not NEWS, it is a dramatic performance. Even when covering stories of murder or rape or child abuse... actual NEWS does not use emotional terms about victims or abusive terms about suspects, because that is not in the realm of real NEWS. It only reflects the opinion that the news-reader is trying to project at you.

News is what happened. Bias is the spin put on it by celebrity performers who want to tell you what to think about what happened, tell you what emotion you should experience according to their perception, not your own.

Can I be any clearer than that?

The article from Reuters that was posted was actual news.

What was reported by Reuters was no different than what was Allen West article in fact West cited the Rueters article as a source.
You dont get to add onto a source with your opinion and expect intelligent people to consider your opinion credible. No where in the Reuters article does it say anyone was beheaded. You cant really be that stupid can you?

Alex says the Allen West article cites Reuters, but it in fact does not. It links to Breitbart. Its sad that people are so ignorant on what real news is supposed to look like.

From Allen West.

Yes, we really do want to protect those migrant communities from “dark forces in society” like IKEA who have on display $2 bud vases and $3 placemats and little yellow pencils EVERYWHERE that just compel people to do dastardly deeds. We certainly don’t want to upset them.

Let’s just pretend it all never happened, shall we? Seems like that’s exactly what Sweden is trying to do.

Wow Muslim beheads shopper in IKEA store look what IKEA is doing in response - Allen B. West -

News only reports facts, without opinions, assumptions, characterizations, or emotions. That is what makes it NEWS!

An little research does wonders Miss Danger :itsok:

"Vastmanland police spokesman Per Agren said, as quoted by Reuters." As incorporated in Mr. West's piece.

There is no link to Reuters in the Allen West article. Breitbart, a completely different article linked to Reuters.
Well Miss Danger in RL that is called "Incorporation by Reference".
Again, in effort to be clear, the Allen West article has been disqualified as news beginning with the title.

Wow: Muslim beheads shopper in IKEA store; look what IKEA is doing in response

For starters, there is no evidence that there was a beheading. Real news doesn't start off with a "wow".

A REAL news story only reports FACTS, without opinions, assumptions, characterizations, or emotions. That is what makes it NEWS, rather than a dramatic interpretation of news.

A right-wing biased report is "Yesterday just as innocent children were getting off their school bus, a Democrat exposed himself to the whole busload by setting himself on fire, thus burning all his clothes off right in front of them. I think this is just the logical conclusion of Liberal/Progressive values. Watch out -- the Liberals may set YOU on fire next!!"

A left-wing biased report says "In an apparent hate crime, a victim of the crassly wealthy bankers of Wall Street who illegally foreclosed on his home was burned at the stake in a public park yesterday by armed Tea Party thugs, bused in by The Koch Brothers and Rupert Murdoch. We will be covering tonight's candlelight vigil for the murdered man at 8 pm."

A real news reporter says "At 3 pm yesterday afternoon, a man in Times Square burst into flames in what is being called "spontaneous human combustion" by police. More information to come as the incident is investigated."

Any so-called news story that characterizes people in any way, such as "The Obamite re-invigoration ", or "dangerous" or "short-sighted" or " tyrannical" or any other term is not NEWS. Any so-called news story that puts any layer of approval or disapproval on the reporting of an incident is not NEWS, it is a dramatic performance. Even when covering stories of murder or rape or child abuse... actual NEWS does not use emotional terms about victims or abusive terms about suspects, because that is not in the realm of real NEWS. It only reflects the opinion that the news-reader is trying to project at you.

News is what happened. Bias is the spin put on it by celebrity performers who want to tell you what to think about what happened, tell you what emotion you should experience according to their perception, not your own.

Can I be any clearer than that?

The article from Reuters that was posted was actual news.

What was reported by Reuters was no different than what was Allen West article in fact West cited the Rueters article as a source.
You dont get to add onto a source with your opinion and expect intelligent people to consider your opinion credible. No where in the Reuters article does it say anyone was beheaded. You cant really be that stupid can you?

Alex says the Allen West article cites Reuters, but it in fact does not. It links to Breitbart. Its sad that people are so ignorant on what real news is supposed to look like.

From Allen West.

Yes, we really do want to protect those migrant communities from “dark forces in society” like IKEA who have on display $2 bud vases and $3 placemats and little yellow pencils EVERYWHERE that just compel people to do dastardly deeds. We certainly don’t want to upset them.

Let’s just pretend it all never happened, shall we? Seems like that’s exactly what Sweden is trying to do.

Wow Muslim beheads shopper in IKEA store look what IKEA is doing in response - Allen B. West -

News only reports facts, without opinions, assumptions, characterizations, or emotions. That is what makes it NEWS!

An little research does wonders Miss Danger :itsok:

"Vastmanland police spokesman Per Agren said, as quoted by Reuters." As incorporated in Mr. West's piece.

There is no link to Reuters in the Allen West article. Breitbart, a completely different article linked to Reuters.

You are correct, there is no Reuters link in the "Wow" chop piece, but there was a real News link to UK's Sunday Express:

Ikea stabbing Main suspect of double murder attack was soon to be deported World News Daily Express
Last edited:
I'll settle for news without a biased spin. How's that?

Here's an example from the ridiculous Allen West website.

The United States is not the only Western “civilized” nation suffering from an acute case of PC delusion.

Wow Muslim beheads shopper in IKEA store look what IKEA is doing in response - Allen B. West -

Hell, you can't even get past the first sentence without biased spin. I don't know about you, but I don't like being told how to feel about the news I'm reading. And I don't give a shit about the authors opinion. I'd rather read the news and form my own opinion.

Now here's what real news looks like.

A man and a woman were killed and a third injured in a knife attack at an IKEA store in the Swedish city of Vasteras on Monday and two suspects were arrested, police said.

One of the suspects was apprehended at the scene and the second, who was seriously injured, was picked up at a hospital a few hours later, commanding police officer Per Agren said at a press conference. How he was injured was not clear.

UPDATE 3-Two killed in knife attack at IKEA in Sweden two arrested Reuters

Hope that helped.

Well no it did not, as you can see there is a bias spin to Reuters

"Anglophone bias in the world media
It has been observed that the world's principal suppliers of news, the news agencies, and the main buyers of news are Anglophone corporations and this gives an Anglophone bias to the selection and depiction of events. Anglophone definitions of what constitutes news are paramount; the news provided originates in Anglophone capitals and responds first to their own rich domestic markets.

Despite the plethora of news services, most news printed and broadcast throughout the world each day comes from only a few major agencies, the three largest of which are the Associated Press, Reuters and Agence France-Presse. Although these agencies are 'global' in the sense of their activities, they each retain significant associations with particular nations, namely France (AFP), the United States (AP) and the United Kingdom (Reuters).[59] Chambers and Tinckell suggest that the so-called global media are agents of Anglophone values which privilege norms of 'competitive individualism, laissez-faire capitalism, parliamentary democracy and consumerism.' They see the presentation of the English language as international as a further feature of Anglophone dominance."

Media bias - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I have yet to see a news agency/outlet that is not bias.

“The problem of journalism is simple. Journalists are rarely in a position to establish the truth of an issue themselves, since they didn’t’ witness it personally. They are entirely dependent on self-interested sources to supply their facts. Every part of the news-making process is defined by this relationship; everything is colored by this reality.” — Edward Jay Epstein,

Again, in effort to be clear, the Allen West article has been disqualified as news beginning with the title.

Wow: Muslim beheads shopper in IKEA store; look what IKEA is doing in response

For starters, there is no evidence that there was a beheading. Real news doesn't start off with a "wow".

A REAL news story only reports FACTS, without opinions, assumptions, characterizations, or emotions. That is what makes it NEWS, rather than a dramatic interpretation of news.

A right-wing biased report is "Yesterday just as innocent children were getting off their school bus, a Democrat exposed himself to the whole busload by setting himself on fire, thus burning all his clothes off right in front of them. I think this is just the logical conclusion of Liberal/Progressive values. Watch out -- the Liberals may set YOU on fire next!!"

A left-wing biased report says "In an apparent hate crime, a victim of the crassly wealthy bankers of Wall Street who illegally foreclosed on his home was burned at the stake in a public park yesterday by armed Tea Party thugs, bused in by The Koch Brothers and Rupert Murdoch. We will be covering tonight's candlelight vigil for the murdered man at 8 pm."

A real news reporter says "At 3 pm yesterday afternoon, a man in Times Square burst into flames in what is being called "spontaneous human combustion" by police. More information to come as the incident is investigated."

Any so-called news story that characterizes people in any way, such as "The Obamite re-invigoration ", or "dangerous" or "short-sighted" or " tyrannical" or any other term is not NEWS. Any so-called news story that puts any layer of approval or disapproval on the reporting of an incident is not NEWS, it is a dramatic performance. Even when covering stories of murder or rape or child abuse... actual NEWS does not use emotional terms about victims or abusive terms about suspects, because that is not in the realm of real NEWS. It only reflects the opinion that the news-reader is trying to project at you.

News is what happened. Bias is the spin put on it by celebrity performers who want to tell you what to think about what happened, tell you what emotion you should experience according to their perception, not your own.

Can I be any clearer than that?

The article from Reuters that was posted was actual news.

What was reported by Reuters was no different than what was Allen West article in fact West cited the Rueters article as a source.
You dont get to add onto a source with your opinion and expect intelligent people to consider your opinion credible. No where in the Reuters article does it say anyone was beheaded. You cant really be that stupid can you?

I have read your posts many times and they are laced with hate and bias. I would not expect you to look at a source which may not have the information you wish to see and be objective. I have seen pictures that have been offered as proof of the beheadings which has prompted me to research the article and proposition further. In other words just because a corporate puppet like Reuters reports something it does not make it true.
Yet you said West used it in his article which would make his article untrue then? I think you are confusing yourself son. Go outside and play.
What was reported by Reuters was no different than what was Allen West article in fact West cited the Rueters article as a source.
You dont get to add onto a source with your opinion and expect intelligent people to consider your opinion credible. No where in the Reuters article does it say anyone was beheaded. You cant really be that stupid can you?

Alex says the Allen West article cites Reuters, but it in fact does not. It links to Breitbart. Its sad that people are so ignorant on what real news is supposed to look like.

From Allen West.

Yes, we really do want to protect those migrant communities from “dark forces in society” like IKEA who have on display $2 bud vases and $3 placemats and little yellow pencils EVERYWHERE that just compel people to do dastardly deeds. We certainly don’t want to upset them.

Let’s just pretend it all never happened, shall we? Seems like that’s exactly what Sweden is trying to do.

Wow Muslim beheads shopper in IKEA store look what IKEA is doing in response - Allen B. West -

News only reports facts, without opinions, assumptions, characterizations, or emotions. That is what makes it NEWS!

An little research does wonders Miss Danger :itsok:

"Vastmanland police spokesman Per Agren said, as quoted by Reuters." As incorporated in Mr. West's piece.

There is no link to Reuters in the Allen West article. Breitbart, a completely different article linked to Reuters.
Well Miss Danger in RL that is called "Incorporation by Reference".

I'm sure it was by accident. Anyhoot, the article by Reuters says nothing about a beheading. It provides known details of the stabbings, without biased opinions, or ridiculous red herring arguments, such as...

Whether IKEA will now seek to take rolling pins and cast-iron frying pans off the shelves on the strength of this data is presently unknown.
Again, in effort to be clear, the Allen West article has been disqualified as news beginning with the title.

Wow: Muslim beheads shopper in IKEA store; look what IKEA is doing in response

For starters, there is no evidence that there was a beheading. Real news doesn't start off with a "wow".

A REAL news story only reports FACTS, without opinions, assumptions, characterizations, or emotions. That is what makes it NEWS, rather than a dramatic interpretation of news.

A right-wing biased report is "Yesterday just as innocent children were getting off their school bus, a Democrat exposed himself to the whole busload by setting himself on fire, thus burning all his clothes off right in front of them. I think this is just the logical conclusion of Liberal/Progressive values. Watch out -- the Liberals may set YOU on fire next!!"

A left-wing biased report says "In an apparent hate crime, a victim of the crassly wealthy bankers of Wall Street who illegally foreclosed on his home was burned at the stake in a public park yesterday by armed Tea Party thugs, bused in by The Koch Brothers and Rupert Murdoch. We will be covering tonight's candlelight vigil for the murdered man at 8 pm."

A real news reporter says "At 3 pm yesterday afternoon, a man in Times Square burst into flames in what is being called "spontaneous human combustion" by police. More information to come as the incident is investigated."

Any so-called news story that characterizes people in any way, such as "The Obamite re-invigoration ", or "dangerous" or "short-sighted" or " tyrannical" or any other term is not NEWS. Any so-called news story that puts any layer of approval or disapproval on the reporting of an incident is not NEWS, it is a dramatic performance. Even when covering stories of murder or rape or child abuse... actual NEWS does not use emotional terms about victims or abusive terms about suspects, because that is not in the realm of real NEWS. It only reflects the opinion that the news-reader is trying to project at you.

News is what happened. Bias is the spin put on it by celebrity performers who want to tell you what to think about what happened, tell you what emotion you should experience according to their perception, not your own.

Can I be any clearer than that?

The article from Reuters that was posted was actual news.

What was reported by Reuters was no different than what was Allen West article in fact West cited the Rueters article as a source.
You dont get to add onto a source with your opinion and expect intelligent people to consider your opinion credible. No where in the Reuters article does it say anyone was beheaded. You cant really be that stupid can you?

I have read your posts many times and they are laced with hate and bias. I would not expect you to look at a source which may not have the information you wish to see and be objective. I have seen pictures that have been offered as proof of the beheadings which has prompted me to research the article and proposition further. In other words just because a corporate puppet like Reuters reports something it does not make it true.

I'd like a link to those pictures please.
1. They are graphic and I will not post such material;

2. Even if they were not graphic I have a real problem doing you research for you.

Come on Alex, we are not children. You do not need to post actual
photos here, but a link to your supporting evidence would assist your integrity.
Well no it did not, as you can see there is a bias spin to Reuters

"Anglophone bias in the world media
It has been observed that the world's principal suppliers of news, the news agencies, and the main buyers of news are Anglophone corporations and this gives an Anglophone bias to the selection and depiction of events. Anglophone definitions of what constitutes news are paramount; the news provided originates in Anglophone capitals and responds first to their own rich domestic markets.

Despite the plethora of news services, most news printed and broadcast throughout the world each day comes from only a few major agencies, the three largest of which are the Associated Press, Reuters and Agence France-Presse. Although these agencies are 'global' in the sense of their activities, they each retain significant associations with particular nations, namely France (AFP), the United States (AP) and the United Kingdom (Reuters).[59] Chambers and Tinckell suggest that the so-called global media are agents of Anglophone values which privilege norms of 'competitive individualism, laissez-faire capitalism, parliamentary democracy and consumerism.' They see the presentation of the English language as international as a further feature of Anglophone dominance."

Media bias - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I have yet to see a news agency/outlet that is not bias.

“The problem of journalism is simple. Journalists are rarely in a position to establish the truth of an issue themselves, since they didn’t’ witness it personally. They are entirely dependent on self-interested sources to supply their facts. Every part of the news-making process is defined by this relationship; everything is colored by this reality.” — Edward Jay Epstein,

Again, in effort to be clear, the Allen West article has been disqualified as news beginning with the title.

Wow: Muslim beheads shopper in IKEA store; look what IKEA is doing in response

For starters, there is no evidence that there was a beheading. Real news doesn't start off with a "wow".

A REAL news story only reports FACTS, without opinions, assumptions, characterizations, or emotions. That is what makes it NEWS, rather than a dramatic interpretation of news.

A right-wing biased report is "Yesterday just as innocent children were getting off their school bus, a Democrat exposed himself to the whole busload by setting himself on fire, thus burning all his clothes off right in front of them. I think this is just the logical conclusion of Liberal/Progressive values. Watch out -- the Liberals may set YOU on fire next!!"

A left-wing biased report says "In an apparent hate crime, a victim of the crassly wealthy bankers of Wall Street who illegally foreclosed on his home was burned at the stake in a public park yesterday by armed Tea Party thugs, bused in by The Koch Brothers and Rupert Murdoch. We will be covering tonight's candlelight vigil for the murdered man at 8 pm."

A real news reporter says "At 3 pm yesterday afternoon, a man in Times Square burst into flames in what is being called "spontaneous human combustion" by police. More information to come as the incident is investigated."

Any so-called news story that characterizes people in any way, such as "The Obamite re-invigoration ", or "dangerous" or "short-sighted" or " tyrannical" or any other term is not NEWS. Any so-called news story that puts any layer of approval or disapproval on the reporting of an incident is not NEWS, it is a dramatic performance. Even when covering stories of murder or rape or child abuse... actual NEWS does not use emotional terms about victims or abusive terms about suspects, because that is not in the realm of real NEWS. It only reflects the opinion that the news-reader is trying to project at you.

News is what happened. Bias is the spin put on it by celebrity performers who want to tell you what to think about what happened, tell you what emotion you should experience according to their perception, not your own.

Can I be any clearer than that?

The article from Reuters that was posted was actual news.

What was reported by Reuters was no different than what was Allen West article in fact West cited the Rueters article as a source.
You dont get to add onto a source with your opinion and expect intelligent people to consider your opinion credible. No where in the Reuters article does it say anyone was beheaded. You cant really be that stupid can you?

Alex says the Allen West article cites Reuters, but it in fact does not. It links to Breitbart. Its sad that people are so ignorant on what real news is supposed to look like.

From Allen West.

Yes, we really do want to protect those migrant communities from “dark forces in society” like IKEA who have on display $2 bud vases and $3 placemats and little yellow pencils EVERYWHERE that just compel people to do dastardly deeds. We certainly don’t want to upset them.

Let’s just pretend it all never happened, shall we? Seems like that’s exactly what Sweden is trying to do.

Wow Muslim beheads shopper in IKEA store look what IKEA is doing in response - Allen B. West -

News only reports facts, without opinions, assumptions, characterizations, or emotions. That is what makes it NEWS!

An little research does wonders Miss Danger :itsok:

"Vastmanland police spokesman Per Agren said, as quoted by Reuters." As incorporated in Mr. West's piece.
From your link dummy.

"A man and a woman were killed in a knife attack at an IKEA store in the city of Vasteras on Monday."

Nothing mentioned about beheading. Tell West to stop being a drama queen and I would advise you to take the same advice.
What was reported by Reuters was no different than what was Allen West article in fact West cited the Rueters article as a source.
You dont get to add onto a source with your opinion and expect intelligent people to consider your opinion credible. No where in the Reuters article does it say anyone was beheaded. You cant really be that stupid can you?

Alex says the Allen West article cites Reuters, but it in fact does not. It links to Breitbart. Its sad that people are so ignorant on what real news is supposed to look like.

From Allen West.

Yes, we really do want to protect those migrant communities from “dark forces in society” like IKEA who have on display $2 bud vases and $3 placemats and little yellow pencils EVERYWHERE that just compel people to do dastardly deeds. We certainly don’t want to upset them.

Let’s just pretend it all never happened, shall we? Seems like that’s exactly what Sweden is trying to do.

Wow Muslim beheads shopper in IKEA store look what IKEA is doing in response - Allen B. West -

News only reports facts, without opinions, assumptions, characterizations, or emotions. That is what makes it NEWS!

An little research does wonders Miss Danger :itsok:

"Vastmanland police spokesman Per Agren said, as quoted by Reuters." As incorporated in Mr. West's piece.

There is no link to Reuters in the Allen West article. Breitbart, a completely different article linked to Reuters.

You are correct, there is no link in the "Wow" chop piece, but there was a real News link to UK's Sunday Express:

Ikea stabbing Main suspect of double murder attack was soon to be deported World News Daily Express

And that link actually IS reporting the news. Still, no report on any beheading. lol
What was reported by Reuters was no different than what was Allen West article in fact West cited the Rueters article as a source.
You dont get to add onto a source with your opinion and expect intelligent people to consider your opinion credible. No where in the Reuters article does it say anyone was beheaded. You cant really be that stupid can you?

I have read your posts many times and they are laced with hate and bias. I would not expect you to look at a source which may not have the information you wish to see and be objective. I have seen pictures that have been offered as proof of the beheadings which has prompted me to research the article and proposition further. In other words just because a corporate puppet like Reuters reports something it does not make it true.

I'd like a link to those pictures please.
1. They are graphic and I will not post such material;

2. Even if they were not graphic I have a real problem doing you research for you.

Come on Alex, we are not children. You do not need to post actual
photos here, but a link to your supporting evidence would assist your integrity.
He is embarrassed to admit he got played or was lying.
Lets see if Alex can find any other photo besides this...


Again, in effort to be clear, the Allen West article has been disqualified as news beginning with the title.

Wow: Muslim beheads shopper in IKEA store; look what IKEA is doing in response

For starters, there is no evidence that there was a beheading. Real news doesn't start off with a "wow".

A REAL news story only reports FACTS, without opinions, assumptions, characterizations, or emotions. That is what makes it NEWS, rather than a dramatic interpretation of news.

A right-wing biased report is "Yesterday just as innocent children were getting off their school bus, a Democrat exposed himself to the whole busload by setting himself on fire, thus burning all his clothes off right in front of them. I think this is just the logical conclusion of Liberal/Progressive values. Watch out -- the Liberals may set YOU on fire next!!"

A left-wing biased report says "In an apparent hate crime, a victim of the crassly wealthy bankers of Wall Street who illegally foreclosed on his home was burned at the stake in a public park yesterday by armed Tea Party thugs, bused in by The Koch Brothers and Rupert Murdoch. We will be covering tonight's candlelight vigil for the murdered man at 8 pm."

A real news reporter says "At 3 pm yesterday afternoon, a man in Times Square burst into flames in what is being called "spontaneous human combustion" by police. More information to come as the incident is investigated."

Any so-called news story that characterizes people in any way, such as "The Obamite re-invigoration ", or "dangerous" or "short-sighted" or " tyrannical" or any other term is not NEWS. Any so-called news story that puts any layer of approval or disapproval on the reporting of an incident is not NEWS, it is a dramatic performance. Even when covering stories of murder or rape or child abuse... actual NEWS does not use emotional terms about victims or abusive terms about suspects, because that is not in the realm of real NEWS. It only reflects the opinion that the news-reader is trying to project at you.

News is what happened. Bias is the spin put on it by celebrity performers who want to tell you what to think about what happened, tell you what emotion you should experience according to their perception, not your own.

Can I be any clearer than that?

The article from Reuters that was posted was actual news.

What was reported by Reuters was no different than what was Allen West article in fact West cited the Rueters article as a source.
You dont get to add onto a source with your opinion and expect intelligent people to consider your opinion credible. No where in the Reuters article does it say anyone was beheaded. You cant really be that stupid can you?

Alex says the Allen West article cites Reuters, but it in fact does not. It links to Breitbart. Its sad that people are so ignorant on what real news is supposed to look like.

From Allen West.

Yes, we really do want to protect those migrant communities from “dark forces in society” like IKEA who have on display $2 bud vases and $3 placemats and little yellow pencils EVERYWHERE that just compel people to do dastardly deeds. We certainly don’t want to upset them.

Let’s just pretend it all never happened, shall we? Seems like that’s exactly what Sweden is trying to do.

Wow Muslim beheads shopper in IKEA store look what IKEA is doing in response - Allen B. West -

News only reports facts, without opinions, assumptions, characterizations, or emotions. That is what makes it NEWS!

An little research does wonders Miss Danger :itsok:

"Vastmanland police spokesman Per Agren said, as quoted by Reuters." As incorporated in Mr. West's piece.
From your link dummy.

"A man and a woman were killed in a knife attack at an IKEA store in the city of Vasteras on Monday."

Nothing mentioned about beheading. Tell West to stop being a drama queen and I would advise you to take the same advice.
Asclepias: "dummy"

sez the man who calls himself asslips.

Read my post in that clown boy and stop putting words in my mouth.
Lets see if Alex can find any other photo besides this...



Did he mention the source for that lousy photo?
Obviously, it was not reputable.

I think Alex pulled a cut n run. lol

That photo is the only one I found, and it's from Bare Naked Islam. It's not graphic, you can't even tell what it is.
No Miss Danger I am doing something in RL. I have seen other photos.

You're just too embarrassed to provide a link from the blog or tabloid, I know and completely understand.

You've got nothing.
Shit happens. There are bad people in this world. They did lock up Peter Mangs, a Swedish gunman, so that's good.
It is just dumb statement after dumb statement with you. Your response to serious crime like murder being brought in by immigrants who shouldn't be there to begin with is "shit happens". You have zero credibility and have exposed yourself as not a serious person I am sorry to tell you.

The response is to stop the immigration from those countries bringing in murderers, rapists, and other criminals. Sweden does not need mass immigration and it is so clearly a net negative in many ways. That is the solution.

I don't have any say in Sweden's immigration laws and neither do you. Idiot.
If you don't have a say(whatever that means, this isn't a parliamentary debtate, this is a discussion on current events), than stop commenting and shut up with your simplistic and idiotic statements like "shit happens, hur dur".

I agree; this thread appears to be a discussion about current events, but some people are not sticking to the facts.
The fact is that one upset Eritrean immigrant out of 18,000 in Sweden went bonkers.

Shit like that happens in the US and other countries too. Shit happens.
Unfortunately it does happen far to often. But that can be stopped by not letting these people in to begin with. So the murder is totally avoidable and the result of left wing open immigration policy from incredibly third world places like Eritrea.

Crime has exploded in Sweden due to Muslim immigration. This is a face that cannot be denied or debated. And it could have been avoided by not letting them in to begin with.

does any one here read Swedish?
for all we know that could be the farm report.
What was reported by Reuters was no different than what was Allen West article in fact West cited the Rueters article as a source.
You dont get to add onto a source with your opinion and expect intelligent people to consider your opinion credible. No where in the Reuters article does it say anyone was beheaded. You cant really be that stupid can you?

I have read your posts many times and they are laced with hate and bias. I would not expect you to look at a source which may not have the information you wish to see and be objective. I have seen pictures that have been offered as proof of the beheadings which has prompted me to research the article and proposition further. In other words just because a corporate puppet like Reuters reports something it does not make it true.

I'd like a link to those pictures please.
1. They are graphic and I will not post such material;

2. Even if they were not graphic I have a real problem doing you research for you.

Come on Alex, we are not children. You do not need to post actual
photos here, but a link to your supporting evidence would assist your integrity.
besides can any of you by eye only spot a photo shopped image?
You dont get to add onto a source with your opinion and expect intelligent people to consider your opinion credible. No where in the Reuters article does it say anyone was beheaded. You cant really be that stupid can you?

I have read your posts many times and they are laced with hate and bias. I would not expect you to look at a source which may not have the information you wish to see and be objective. I have seen pictures that have been offered as proof of the beheadings which has prompted me to research the article and proposition further. In other words just because a corporate puppet like Reuters reports something it does not make it true.

I'd like a link to those pictures please.
1. They are graphic and I will not post such material;

2. Even if they were not graphic I have a real problem doing you research for you.

Come on Alex, we are not children. You do not need to post actual
photos here, but a link to your supporting evidence would assist your integrity.
besides can any of you by eye only spot a photo shopped image?

I can tell that my wedding photo with George Clooney is photo shopped. lol
I have read your posts many times and they are laced with hate and bias. I would not expect you to look at a source which may not have the information you wish to see and be objective. I have seen pictures that have been offered as proof of the beheadings which has prompted me to research the article and proposition further. In other words just because a corporate puppet like Reuters reports something it does not make it true.

I'd like a link to those pictures please.
1. They are graphic and I will not post such material;

2. Even if they were not graphic I have a real problem doing you research for you.

Come on Alex, we are not children. You do not need to post actual
photos here, but a link to your supporting evidence would assist your integrity.
besides can any of you by eye only spot a photo shopped image?

I can tell that my wedding photo with George Clooney is photo shopped. lol
I have one with Stephan Spielberg that isn't ,but lots of people swear it is.

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