Muslim Brotherhood controlled Egypt will be a Nuclear Power in a Few Years

No. they have *some* support in Egypt. But Egyptians are generally secular and generally don't want a bunch of fundies telling them what to do. Egypt also likes its tourists and doesn't want to drive normal people away like the fundie countries. As to your assertion about nukes, according to the Federation of American Scientists,

Nuclear Weapons Program - Egypt

Tell that to the Iranians. They thought they'd have a secular government too.

No they didn't. The iranian revolution WAS a religious movement.

I expect you to be able to distinguish between countries.
Not true. The Iranian revolution started out for similar reasons and the Islamist hijacked the movement.
If Egypt becomes an Islamic theocracy they can kiss their tourist trade goodbye, people aren't exactly banging on the doors to visit a strict Islamic state.
Even if Egypt becomes a strict Islamic state.

There will always be tourists wanting to visit the Pyramids and other historical sites.

I am sure the government will keep that area open for tourists and their money. :cool:
Change?? But what kind of change? That's the most important question at this point. I wouldn't start those celebrations just yet. What replaces Mubarak could end up being much much worse. Keep in mind,the Shah of Iran was a cuddly pussycat compared to the brutal Mullah Nazis who replaced him. I would definitely take a 'Wait & See' attitude on this one. However i do know our Government should not be involved with creating Egypt's new Government. That will prove to be a huge blunder someday.
Not true. The Iranian revolution started out for similar reasons and the Islamist hijacked the movement.
I was living there before and during the revolution, the Ayatollah Khomeini's messages where spread by cassette tapes
Cassette copies of his lectures fiercely denouncing the Shah as (for example) "... the Jewish agent, the American serpent whose head must be smashed with a stone",[53] became common items in the markets of Iran,[54] helped to demythologize the power and dignity of the Shah and his reign.
Ruhollah Khomeini - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If Egypt becomes an Islamic theocracy they can kiss their tourist trade goodbye, people aren't exactly banging on the doors to visit a strict Islamic state.

that's true. and i don't think anyone is going to make the same mistakes in regard to egypt that were made with regard to iran.

let me rephrase that... i hope they won't be.

but as of right now, there is little popular support for a theocracy in egypt.

Jillian I hope Egypt doesn't turn into a theocracy too just because the problems of the Egyptian people won't be addressed, there are no Islamic theocracys that exist that have a booming economy with alot of job ops.
If Egypt becomes an Islamic theocracy they can kiss their tourist trade goodbye, people aren't exactly banging on the doors to visit a strict Islamic state.
Even if Egypt becomes a strict Islamic state.

There will always be tourists wanting to visit the Pyramids and other historical sites.

I am sure the government will keep that area open for tourists and their money. :cool:

If Egypt turns into an Islamic fundamentalist state you will see the tourism trade disintegrate, why would Euro and American tourists want to go to a country where you could recieve lashings for wearing your skirt too low?
The Shah of Iran was certainly no angel but the deranged Mullah Nazis who replaced him are far worse. They ushered in a deeply depressing Dark Age of brutal Islamic Terrorism all over the World. So was the Shah bad? Sure he was. But a mere pussycat compared to what replaced him.
The Shah of Iran was certainly no angel but the deranged Mullah Nazis who replaced him are far worse. They ushered in a deeply depressing Dark Age of brutal Islamic Terrorism all over the World. So was the Shah bad? Sure he was. But a mere pussycat compared to what replaced him.

Exactly my man, after the Shah fell thousands of Iranians were executed in the streets and 1 million Iranians died in the war with Iraq, the Shah was a choir boy compared to the lunatic Mullahs.
Why build nuke plants that you have to pay for when you can declare your going green and have other people foot the bill to build water mills in the Nile and solar panels that can take advantage of the heat?
If Egypt becomes an Islamic theocracy they can kiss their tourist trade goodbye, people aren't exactly banging on the doors to visit a strict Islamic state.

All that money the Mossad spent training sharks would have been wasted.

Never under estimate the stoopudity of large crowds of people. People can get worked up to vote against what they truly want and need.
The Shah of Iran was actually quite peaceful and pragmatic. He didn't threaten his neighbors. He actually got along quite well with them and he certainly didn't promote brutal Islamic Terrorism. The Mullah Nazis in Iran were the inspiration for radical Muslim Terrorism all over the World. They were and still are a menace to the entire World. The Shah was nothing like that. So hold off on your celebrations. We just don't know what will replace Mubarak in Egypt. Stay tuned i guess.
Exactly my man, after the Shah fell thousands of Iranians were executed in the streets and 1 million Iranians died in the war with Iraq, the Shah was a choir boy compared to the lunatic Mullahs.
Again, the Mullahs didn't start the war with Iraq.

Iraq's Saddam invaded Iran with U.S. backing.
Also keep in mind,The Muslim Brotherhood does not support peace with Israel. So things really could get crazy over there. Just like in Iran,the Shah was actually very peaceful with his neighbors. As soon as the Mullah Nazis took over there,they immediately had a brutal War with Iraq. And now they have Nukes and are threatening Israel & the U.S. on a daily basis. So the Shah was Gandhi compared to these loons in Iran. Things could be about to explode over there. I'm very pessimistic on this.
Exactly my man, after the Shah fell thousands of Iranians were executed in the streets and 1 million Iranians died in the war with Iraq, the Shah was a choir boy compared to the lunatic Mullahs.
Again, the Mullahs didn't start the war with Iraq.

Iraq's Saddam invaded Iran with U.S. backing.

When the Iranians gained the upper hand, Saddam offered a truce but Khomeini said he would not stop until Baghdad fell, which basically pro longed the war for years. Iran did not start the war but once it got going Khomeini wanted Najaf and to take Baghdad, he felt passionatly about this.
No they didn't. The iranian revolution WAS a religious movement.

I expect you to be able to distinguish between countries.

The revolution didn't start off as religious though.

When the Shah left iran, he left a power vacuum. The Ayatollah Khomeini and his boys stepped into the void because there was chaos. The Shah's army was overtaken by military who opposed him. None of that is happening in Egypt. Mubarak isn't leaving a power vacuum for them to walk into. And Mubarak has the army for now and should keep them so long as it appears that he is actually going to leave and is making the necessary transition.

Different circumstances.

Love that magic word, "should".
The revolution didn't start off as religious though.

When the Shah left iran, he left a power vacuum. The Ayatollah Khomeini and his boys stepped into the void because there was chaos. The Shah's army was overtaken by military who opposed him. None of that is happening in Egypt. Mubarak isn't leaving a power vacuum for them to walk into. And Mubarak has the army for now and should keep them so long as it appears that he is actually going to leave and is making the necessary transition.

Different circumstances.

Love that magic word, "should".

you'd like guarantees maybe?

your point?
If Egypt becomes an Islamic theocracy they can kiss their tourist trade goodbye, people aren't exactly banging on the doors to visit a strict Islamic state.
Even if Egypt becomes a strict Islamic state.

There will always be tourists wanting to visit the Pyramids and other historical sites.

I am sure the government will keep that area open for tourists and their money. :cool:

Didn't the theocracy that took over in Iran destroy any cultural relics that implied there was another religion besides islam? I think it was a valley of pottery soldiers that was ruined. Maybe they will do the same to prove there was no "Egyptian" culture before islam.

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