Muslim cleric: If Muslims “rise to power through democracy, they will not allow an infidel...

What he says is all very true. However, I fail to see the tie in to our representatives other than they are Muslim.

Big brother
Muslim brother hood
you can't see the connection...........

Arab spring

Clntons ................

They are ALL CONNECTED.......

ppl njust don't
want to believe any of it.
Every major social and political issue has one single culprit in the midst of it....Jews.
You clowns are so busy chasing Muslims that you can't see the merchant standing in the middle of the fray handing out clubs.
What he says is all very true. However, I fail to see the tie in to our representatives other than they are Muslim.

feel free to ask questions. I know people who did live under Islamic law from countries that teach their kids-----that muslims NEVER ENGAGE IN COERCION
and even have constitutions claiming RIGHTS FOR ALL Somalia is a shariah
shit hole. The entire Jewish population that was once there PRE-islam---is gone --
there are a few Christian missionary types that HANG IN for the sake of heaven
I have lived in Muslim countries as well. However, Muslims nations, Muslim theocracies and a few representatives in the US Congress are far comparisons.
It seems very funny to me that we can suddenly become alarmist about a few Muslims is legislative office while literally the entire legislature kow tows to Israel like their shit cures cancer and..."Meh...they're our GREATEST ally...ya hear that?" ""

Yeah just a few


Over 90 Muslims in U.S., almost all of them Democrats, are running for public offices this year - Geller Report News

Just a few LOL


SAN DIEGO – More than 90 American Muslims, nearly all of them Democrats, young, and politically fresh, will run for public offices across the US this year.

What he says is all very true. However, I fail to see the tie in to our representatives other than they are Muslim.

feel free to ask questions. I know people who did live under Islamic law from countries that teach their kids-----that muslims NEVER ENGAGE IN COERCION
and even have constitutions claiming RIGHTS FOR ALL Somalia is a shariah
shit hole. The entire Jewish population that was once there PRE-islam---is gone --
there are a few Christian missionary types that HANG IN for the sake of heaven
I have lived in Muslim countries as well. However, Muslims nations, Muslim theocracies and a few representatives in the US Congress are far comparisons.
It seems very funny to me that we can suddenly become alarmist about a few Muslims is legislative office while literally the entire legislature kow tows to Israel like their shit cures cancer and..."Meh...they're our GREATEST ally...ya hear that?" ""

Yeah just a few

View attachment 270725

Over 90 Muslims in U.S., almost all of them Democrats, are running for public offices this year - Geller Report News

Just a few LOL

View attachment 270726
SAN DIEGO – More than 90 American Muslims, nearly all of them Democrats, young, and politically fresh, will run for public offices across the US this year.

Get back with me when 90 win.
yes-----idiots do it-----it is history-----not present day reality, but it is ALL THEY GOT

When Muslims become the majority in England and France, do you believe that those nations will continue to be democratic societies? Do you believe that they will continue to support gay rights, for instance?
There's only ONE guy that could get such strange bedfellows like Muslims and western liberals to stand together, united against his eternal enemies of Christianity and Israel and that is Satan. How else could such a union take place if not for them being his unwitting minions. The atheist left doesn't believe in him. Muslims believe in him, but don't realize that Satan has deceived him with his false religion that calls for the death and destruction of Christians, Jews and Israel.
Jihad Watch ^ | 7/20/19

Moderate Muslim spokesmen in the West should kindly explain how Sheikh Ahmad Badran is getting Islam all wrong. But they wont.

“Friday Sermon in Jatt, Israel by Sheikh Ahmad Badran: Once Muslims Come to Power, They Will Never Allow Infidels to Rule over Muslims,” MEMRI, June 28, 2019:

Sheikh Ahmad Badran said in a June 28, 2019 Friday sermon in Jatt, Israel that was uploaded to the Internet that the infidels should know that when the Muslims rule over them according to Islam, there will not be a single law that is not Islamic. He said that Muslims will never allow non-Muslims to rule over Muslims because Allah said infidels will never have sway over Muslims. Referring to Muslims who say that they are exploiting democracy in order to come to power, Badran advised infidels to not be fooled and explained that once these Muslims come to power, they, too, will never allow infidels to rule over Muslims. He also explained that when the Muslim Brotherhood “flirts” with infidels by saying they support alternation of power, they are just putting on an act in order to rise to power. He added that Muslims do not accept under any circumstances a pluralistic system that combines Islam and heresy.

Sheikh Ahmad Badran: “We should say to the infidels that when we rule according to Islam, there will not be a single law that will not be Islamic. That’s not all. We will never allow a non-Muslim to rule over Muslims. We should be clear about it. Some of our brothers say: ‘We exploit democracy in order to come to power.’ I am saying to the infidels: Don’t let yourselves be fooled. Our Muslim brothers – although we think they have chosen a wrong path… If they rise to power through democracy, and manage to consolidate their power, they will not allow an infidel to rule over them ever again. You can be sure about it. I am referring to Erdogan or Mohamed Morsi, may Allah have mercy on his soul. It’s all the same. Anywhere that Muslims come to power, by any method, they will not allow an infidel to rule over Muslims ever again. We do not accept a pluralistic system that combines Islam and heresy. There is only Islam.


“Infidels cannot rule over Muslims, because Allah says: ‘Allah will never grant the infidels sway over Muslims.’ If our Islamist brothers [from the Muslim Brotherhood] flirt with you, and tell you that they support alternation of power – they are just pretending to be miserable in order to rise to power. If they rise to power, they will not allow an infidel to rule over Muslims. There are no two ways about it.”



Islam and democracy don't mix. Send Omar and her ilk back!


*slam is a political system whose goal is the establishment of a religion.
*slam is a religion whose goal is the establishment of a political system.

Yes, they want to take over the world, and they’re telling us very clearly. Their own words
This is why the Muslims "voluntarily" left the newly created state of Israel after the UN Security Council, granted its right to exist. The Jews/Hebrews only got back a small portion of what they originally created and because of the Koran's teachings, the Jews/Hebrews are considered occupiers, even though it was the Muslims who were the actual occupiers. This Islamic nonsense is what we can expect, should Islam gain a majority status in law-making in the US.
Seriously? The right has been losing their shit over these crazy assed broads since they got into office.

Well, AOC did cost NYC 25,000 good-paying jobs with Amazon. She'll probably be replaced in 20' by another Democrat who isn't so fucking stupid. Then she'll get hired by CNN.
Muslims are by definition insane; they tend to kill each other as often or more so than they do 'infidels', and with so many heavily armed Baptists running around they can never really win anything here, outside of a few slums in the cities.

In case all you dope addled meth head antisemites have forgotten, Israel beat the Arabs because their 'armies' were nothing but mobs of asshole cretins that disintegrate into roving bands of looters and rapist almost immediately after crossing borders, i.e. about the same 'quality' of 'soldiers' as your average skinhead or black street gang.
Last edited:
What he says is all very true. However, I fail to see the tie in to our representatives other than they are Muslim.

feel free to ask questions. I know people who did live under Islamic law from countries that teach their kids-----that muslims NEVER ENGAGE IN COERCION
and even have constitutions claiming RIGHTS FOR ALL Somalia is a shariah
shit hole. The entire Jewish population that was once there PRE-islam---is gone --
there are a few Christian missionary types that HANG IN for the sake of heaven
I have lived in Muslim countries as well. However, Muslims nations, Muslim theocracies and a few representatives in the US Congress are far comparisons.
It seems very funny to me that we can suddenly become alarmist about a few Muslims is legislative office while literally the entire legislature kow tows to Israel like their shit cures cancer and..."Meh...they're our GREATEST ally...ya hear that?" ""

Yeah just a few

View attachment 270725

Over 90 Muslims in U.S., almost all of them Democrats, are running for public offices this year - Geller Report News

Just a few LOL

View attachment 270726
SAN DIEGO – More than 90 American Muslims, nearly all of them Democrats, young, and politically fresh, will run for public offices across the US this year.


Well, I can't say I wouldn't laugh my ass off when the first Senator or Congressman gets his ass beheaded over a highway bill or something.
Every major social and political issue has one single culprit in the midst of it....Jews.
You clowns are so busy chasing Muslims that you can't see the merchant standing in the middle of the fray handing out clubs.

What did the Jews do now?
Every major social and political issue has one single culprit in the midst of it....Jews.
You clowns are so busy chasing Muslims that you can't see the merchant standing in the middle of the fray handing out clubs.

What did the Jews do now?

Another one graduated from high school, without having to get a GED in prison, which makes the fake 'Aryan' all mad n shit.
fear not-------there will always be places to go if the WORST happens
(gawd forbid) There are millions of people right here in the Western
Hemisphere to stamp out DA FILTH
Hopefully the number of voices within the religion calling for a Reformation will continue to increase.

Mosques are popping up all over Nassau County and they are getting permits to be higher than the Churches next door.
You know they’re spitting in your Christian faces.
Mosques are popping up all over Nassau County and they are getting permits to be higher than the Churches next door.
You know they’re spitting in your Christian faces.

nothing new-----its been going on for 1400 years----here and there "corrections"

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