Muslim Cleric Reignites Call for Education (to prove Earth rotates or men really went to the Moon)


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
RE: Reforms of the curricula are urgently needed for future scholars in hermeneutics and critical analysis


I'm going to lead this thread with a link to a serious call for Education in response to a youtube video
that went viral recently. (I don't want this thread moved to conspiracy theory, but maybe it
belongs under MEDIA? under Religion? Not sure what the problem or solution is to this!)

Lessons learned from the ‘Earth does not rotate’ debacle

I don't think the problem is purely that Religious adherents need Scientific education;
but that psychologically they are rejecting it for SPIRITUAL reasons. And this rejection
and division is part of a SPIRITUAL process.

The curious part to me, and which also has other Muslim Scholars left to jawdropping and "facepalming"
is that it isn't a Christian saying this because God's words in the Bible says the world doesn't turn;
THIS time it's a MUSLIM cleric preaching it. So this seems a bit more "universal" in terms of a religious or spiritual phenomena of "outting Science as being equally Faith Based" (ie relying on faith to accept science that we have not directly processed with our own eyes or other empirical senses but only through our minds).

Watch: Saudi cleric tells students 'Earth does not rotate'

NOTE: I also have a friend who was secular, and suddenly transformed into a believer that the Bible is true,
and questions the Science behind the earth being more than just a curved disc (or a pear-shaped nonsphere) and "Hollywood media" for portrayals of the earth being "perfectly round" and of man going to the moon

I am seriously considering a public online fundraiser to raise enough money to send my friend
(and maybe this Muslim Cleric) to the Moon so they can see the shape of the Earth as it turns.
With their own eyes. And film their reaction when it dawns on them they were wrong to condemn others
over this. How many donors would be happy to chip in to send these people to the Moon!

Thanks for moving this.

I have been debating with a friend/neighbor whether the Bible/God made the Earth stationary
where it does NOT turn. Or, as another friend stated, Job in the Bible refers to the Earth being round and/or turning or something.

Has anyone debated this regarding Biblical authority or scripture?

I think just sending them up in the air long and far enough to see the Earth is round and turning would be faster
though it's prohibitively more expensive.

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