Muslim controversy at WOMEN'S World Chess Championship

They're catching up with the men though. There was a time when there were no women chessmasters. Now there are grandmasters like Susan Polgar

The feminist movement is 50 years old. They should have caught up with the men long ago. Fact is women simply don't have the ability of men so stop prattling about this giant conspiracy to keep women down.
Double Whammy!

Coyote? Where are you, hon?
Most people don't even know that women have their own chess league, but the ladies insist on it , because they know they can't compete with the men.

I belonged to the USCF when I was in high school. It was a lot of fun playing matches.


I was in the chess club in high school too, and at one match, at Menlo-Atherton High, I played to a draw, but our guest was Edward Teller, and I got his signature on my ribbon.
Why in the world would they have the world chess championship in Iran anyway. If they wanted it in a Muslim or middle eastern country, they could have done in Dubai or Qatar. At least the women there aren't forced to wear hijab.

Iran is such an odd place.

Your question has already been addressed and Iran is run by misogynist Moslems. Women are severely restricted.

Women’s Rights in Iran

women who venture outdoors must wear a headscarf, known as the “rusari”, and a long overcoat, known as the “manteau”; alternatively, they can wear a black cloak known as the “chador”.

Iran's big woman problem: All of the things Iranian women aren't allowed to do
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Why in the world would they have the world chess championship in Iran anyway. If they wanted it in a Muslim or middle eastern country, they could have done in Dubai or Qatar. At least the women there aren't forced to wear hijab.

Iran is such an odd place.

Think Deep Blue. :cool:
Once I was in a 10k race. I THOUGHT I was a good runner. I was a little embarrassed when a girl about 5 feet tall passed me so easily. I finished, but she left me in her dust! I couldn't imagine someone so small passing me so easily.

Yeah, there's ALWAYS someone better than you -- at EVERYTHING.

What does a foot race have to do with chess, you simpleton?
I've never played chess in my life but i bet i could beat this girl if i studied chess for a week. Girls are so dumb.

I had a ban bet with someone like you around six years ago. The bet was with SimiustheMonkey. I am not sure if I formatted that right. :lol:

I was sure I would win or at least have a good chance, even though I have not played a serious game of chess for 35 years. I could have sworn if I was careful, I would last more than five or six moves, but wouldn't I be damned, he checkmated me in less than seven moves.

I thought beforehand he would be honest and play his own game, but it was obvious to me anyway, he cheated and used a program to aid him in his moves. I lost. :(

I got banned for three months. :eek:

BTW, I was the one who suggested we play chess for a ban bet.

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