Muslim Extremists Force Jews From Temple Mount

Weren't you just posting about what was going on in Egypt and talking about democracies? My advice to you, Phillip, is not to go wandering in any area where radical Muslims are operating. They wouldn't care that you are an atheist who is always dissing Israel.
Unitarians are Deists in nature, like our founding fathers...We preach Peace always and leave alone whatever gods maybe!
Well then, Phillip, you are the perfect fellow to hop around and teach the Muslims to be tolerant of the religious beliefs of others. I am sure that you, as a civilized guy, must twinge when you read about them killing others because of their beliefs. If you can get your message through, many people in several countries will breathe a sigh of relief. By the way, you might find this interesting.
The Founding Fathers Were Not Deists
I preach it every day to my fellow Muslims and Jews...We're all in the same boat as we sail through space together!
Unitarians are Deists in nature, like our founding fathers...We preach Peace always and leave alone whatever gods maybe!
Well then, Phillip, you are the perfect fellow to hop around and teach the Muslims to be tolerant of the religious beliefs of others. I am sure that you, as a civilized guy, must twinge when you read about them killing others because of their beliefs. If you can get your message through, many people in several countries will breathe a sigh of relief. By the way, you might find this interesting.
The Founding Fathers Were Not Deists
I preach it every day to my fellow Muslims and Jews...We're all in the same boat as we sail through space together!
By the way, the leading Founding Fathers were children of the Elightment...They seperated Religion from Governance. They thanked Voltaire's knowledge of Humanism, and that can be seen in our Constitution. Religious States are a hinderence to Human Development, especially when they influence Politics....
What makes them Muslim "extremists"? The media?

How are people anything BUT extremists for refusing to allow others to pray in peace? The Jewish worshippers weren't trying to go inside the mosque OR to interfere with Muslims praying........

no, and i have never ever heard a jew or israeli scream "destroy the dome. the temple mount belongs to the people of israel."

if jews did something like that, over and over and over again, well, it might provoke an appropriate extreme reaction but thank Y-HW-H jews are benevolent, the heart of the world, and shine their light onto these muslim gentiles and do not engage in such infuriating behaviour.

you guys are just swell.

One lunatic's words do not compare to the masses of hooligans calling to drive Jews away and keep them from the Temple Mount.

One day, though, the situation will change. The good Jewish believers will get fed up and then we will see if they'll have the power to scare them off.
How are people anything BUT extremists for refusing to allow others to pray in peace? The Jewish worshippers weren't trying to go inside the mosque OR to interfere with Muslims praying........

no, and i have never ever heard a jew or israeli scream "destroy the dome. the temple mount belongs to the people of israel."

if jews did something like that, over and over and over again, well, it might provoke an appropriate extreme reaction but thank Y-HW-H jews are benevolent, the heart of the world, and shine their light onto these muslim gentiles and do not engage in such infuriating behaviour.

you guys are just swell.

One lunatic's words do not compare to the masses of hooligans calling to drive Jews away and keep them from the Temple Mount.

One day, though, the situation will change. The good Jewish believers will get fed up and then we will see if they'll have the power to scare them off.

And whether the Israeli police will back the Jewish believers up, or be frightened of yet another intifada starting as a result. A chance worth taking, in my opinion.
no, and i have never ever heard a jew or israeli scream "destroy the dome. the temple mount belongs to the people of israel."

if jews did something like that, over and over and over again, well, it might provoke an appropriate extreme reaction but thank Y-HW-H jews are benevolent, the heart of the world, and shine their light onto these muslim gentiles and do not engage in such infuriating behaviour.

you guys are just swell.

One lunatic's words do not compare to the masses of hooligans calling to drive Jews away and keep them from the Temple Mount.

One day, though, the situation will change. The good Jewish believers will get fed up and then we will see if they'll have the power to scare them off.

And whether the Israeli police will back the Jewish believers up, or be frightened of yet another intifada starting as a result. A chance worth taking, in my opinion.

lipush, meet one of the lunatics.

lunatic caaroline, meet lipush. i am sure you have a lot in common.

shock...lipush, are you calling the haredim "hooligans". don't be such an antisemite.

like you exxpect us to leave the administration of the temple mount to jews. LOLOLOLOL. man, you cats won't even let your own peeps worship there unless they take a chromosome test and are certifiably XY.
One lunatic's words do not compare to the masses of hooligans calling to drive Jews away and keep them from the Temple Mount.

One day, though, the situation will change. The good Jewish believers will get fed up and then we will see if they'll have the power to scare them off.

And whether the Israeli police will back the Jewish believers up, or be frightened of yet another intifada starting as a result. A chance worth taking, in my opinion.

lipush, meet one of the lunatics.

lunatic caaroline, meet lipush. i am sure you have a lot in common.

shock...lipush, are you calling the haredim "hooligans". don't be such an antisemite.

like you exxpect us to leave the administration of the temple mount to jews. LOLOLOLOL. man, you cats won't even let your own peeps worship there unless they take a chromosome test and are certifiably XY.

How confused are you!!! Is it the heat? Perhaps go and lie down in a darkened room.
their behaviour.

Why is that Muslims can demand respect and honor but refuse to give it to others?

What behavior exactly makes them "extremists".

As to your question - well, I would say that it's for the same reason Jews and Christians demand respect and honor but refuse to give it to others.

Pig headed human nature maybe.
What makes them Muslim "extremists"? The media?

I could ask you the very same question about the settlers.

I can point out specific behavior - assaulting Palestinians with serious injuries, killing them, burning down their homes, vehicles, farms in defiance of the laws and on behalf of their particular doctrine?

So, back to the OP rather than attempting to redirect this - can you point out any instances where this crowd caused injuries, killed anyone, burned anything down? I can't find it in the article. They didn't even behead anyone. So...what makes them "extremists" by any conventional definition?
What makes them Muslim "extremists"? The media?

How are people anything BUT extremists for refusing to allow others to pray in peace? The Jewish worshippers weren't trying to go inside the mosque OR to interfere with Muslims praying........

That doesn't make them extremists - it just makes them angry.
The OP is a pretty biased article, talking about Jews faced with "draconian" measures preventing them for worshipping while Muslims are unchecked. It uses questionable language (draconian, "mob", extremists) that usually red flags an article. It's very one sided. No one seemed to interview any of these "muslim extremists" to get their view point. I find that interesting.

When I think of rreligious extremists I think of uinbending ideologues, violent behavior, terrorism etc.

What we have in the OP is a region that is rife with religious tension, and where Israeli security must walk a fine line in preventing the rise of violence whether it's from Israeli activists or Muslim activists and legitimate worshippers who likely do not care for each other.

Too bad we can't find an unbiased accounting of what happened.
Here's another article, from Reuters, giving a view into the tensions. Note - he does not use the term "Jewish Extremists" but rather "far-right Israeli's" nor does he refer to them as "Jewish mobs"

Far-right Israelis are pressing for an end to an effective ban on holding Jewish prayers at a Jerusalem holy compound once dominated by Biblical temples and now home to al-Aqsa mosque, one of Islam’s most revered sites.

Palestinians oppose Jewish worship at the vast stone plaza overlooking Judaism’s Western Wall as a potential threat to access for Muslims.

Aware of the volatile mix of politics and religion, Israel has largely stymied such prayer for 46 years by having its police prevent Jewish worship at the site on grounds it could cause a public disturbance.

Palestinian concerns have been heightened, however, by the fact that allies of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are among the most vocal advocates of Jewish prayer at the 35-acre site that is revered by Jews as the Temple Mount and by Muslims as the Noble Sanctuary.

This month alone, Israeli police have hauled away half a dozen Israelis from the site. A Jewish Israeli and an Arab citizen were held in connection with a brawl that injured a Muslim official and four other Jewish men were detained for prostrating themselves on the holy ground.

Several other Israelis have been questioned in the past two months for trying to pray at the compound during police-escorted sightseeing tours. A lamb was seized from another Israeli who had plans to slaughter it in ritual sacrifice.

What you have is an area that extremely extremely sensitive and important to two religions. Access is important to both. So is respect.

Should the group of Muslims acted as they did? No. Should they be called "extremists" as a result of their behavior? No. Should the Israeli's be acting as they do in this? No. Would you call them "extremists"? The guy who was going to slaughter a lamb - maybe.

According to Wikipedia:
The Temple Mount, known in Hebrew (and in Judaism) as Har haBáyit (Hebrew: הַר הַבַּיִת*) and in Arabic (and in Islam) as the Haram Ash-Sharif (Arabic: الحرم القدسي الشريف*, al-haram al-qudsī ash-sharīf, Noble Sanctuary), is one of the most important religious sites in the Old City of Jerusalem. It has been used as a religious site for thousands of years. At least four religions are known to have used the Temple Mount: Judaism, Christianity, Roman religion, and Islam.

In light of the dual claims of both Judaism and Islam, it is one of the most contested religious sites in the world. Since the Crusades, the Muslim community of Jerusalem has managed the site as a Waqf, without interruption.[5] As part of the Old City, controlled by Israel since 1967, both Israel and the Palestinian Authority claim sovereignty over the site, which remains a major focal point of the Arab-Israeli conflict.[6] In an attempt to keep the status quo, the Israeli government enforces a controversial ban on prayer by non-Muslim visitors.

The same Wikipedia article discusses the reasoning for the ban on prayer and entry: Temple Mount - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia which appears to be not just because of Jewish-Muslim tensions but also comes from Rabbinical rulings.

It also states:
An Islamic Waqf has managed the Temple Mount continuously since the Muslim reconquest of the Kingdom of Jerusalem in 1187. On June 7, 1967, soon after Israel had taken control of the area during the Six-Day War, Prime Minister Levi Eshkol assured that "no harm whatsoever shall come to the places sacred to all religions". Together with the extension of Israeli jurisdiction and administration over east Jerusalem, the Knesset passed the Preservation of the Holy Places Law,[29] ensuring protection of the Holy Places against desecration, as well as freedom of access thereto.[30] Israel agreed to leave administration of the site in the hands of the Waqf.

Although freedom of access was enshrined in the law, as a security measure, the Israeli government currently enforces a ban on non-Muslim prayer on the site. Non-Muslims who are observed praying on the site are subject to expulsion by the police.[31] At various times, when there is fear of Arab rioting upon the mount resulting in throwing stones from above towards the Western Wall Plaza, Israel has prevented Muslim men under 45 from praying in the compound, citing these concerns.[32] Sometimes such restrictions have coincided with Friday prayers during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan.[33] Normally, West Bank Palestinians are allowed access to Jerusalem only during Islamic holidays, with access usually restricted to men over 35 and women of any age eligible for permits to enter the city.[34] Palestinian residents of Jerusalem, which because of Israel's annexation of Jerusalem, hold Israeli permanent residency cards, and Israeli Arabs, are permitted unrestricted access to the Temple Mount.

All in all, it's clearly a very very sensitive volatile area and religion is seldom rational when it comes to what is holy. I think the Israeli government is wise in it's restrictions and in avoiding inflammatary confrontations that could endanger security, and it certainly has to walk a tightrope to avoid escalating tensions. With sites like these there is no "ownership", only a care-taker responsibility.
There are also Rabbinic opinions that Jews aren't permitted to tread on the Temple Mount, because we are ritually impure these days, and only the High Priest may enter the Holy of Holies, a section of what was once the Temple.
There are also Rabbinic opinions that Jews aren't permitted to tread on the Temple Mount, because we are ritually impure these days, and only the High Priest may enter the Holy of Holies, a section of what was once the Temple.
Although, no one knows the exact spot where the Holy of Holies was originally located. .. :cool:
The Shadow knows.
Unitarians are Deists in nature, like our founding fathers...We preach Peace always and leave alone whatever gods maybe!
Well then, Phillip, you are the perfect fellow to hop around and teach the Muslims to be tolerant of the religious beliefs of others. I am sure that you, as a civilized guy, must twinge when you read about them killing others because of their beliefs. If you can get your message through, many people in several countries will breathe a sigh of relief. By the way, you might find this interesting.
The Founding Fathers Were Not Deists
I preach it every day to my fellow Muslims and Jews...We're all in the same boat as we sail through space together!
I think you have to go preach it in other places than the U.S., Phillip.. After all, we don't see Muslims blowing up other Muslims here in the U.S., but we do hear about it happening in other places where you will have to preach your message of peace. Think about which country you can preach your message of peace to first. There have been an awful lot of bombings recently in Iraq where Muslims are blowing each other up so maybe that should be your first stop.
Well then, Phillip, you are the perfect fellow to hop around and teach the Muslims to be tolerant of the religious beliefs of others. I am sure that you, as a civilized guy, must twinge when you read about them killing others because of their beliefs. If you can get your message through, many people in several countries will breathe a sigh of relief. By the way, you might find this interesting.
The Founding Fathers Were Not Deists
I preach it every day to my fellow Muslims and Jews...We're all in the same boat as we sail through space together!
By the way, the leading Founding Fathers were children of the Elightment...They seperated Religion from Governance. They thanked Voltaire's knowledge of Humanism, and that can be seen in our Constitution. Religious States are a hinderence to Human Development, especially when they influence Politics....
No doubt the founding fathers believed that religion should have no part in governance because they saw what was happening in the British Isles, but that doesn't mean that in their hearts many of them didn't think of themselves as good Christians and others were thought of themselves as deists or theists. However, since this is a free country, people like you and the author of that article are free to express yourself any way you want to. Now, Phillip, since you are so interested in this, there are religion forums on which to discuss this and argue or debate with those who think differently from you.
There are also Rabbinic opinions that Jews aren't permitted to tread on the Temple Mount, because we are ritually impure these days, and only the High Priest may enter the Holy of Holies, a section of what was once the Temple.
Although, no one knows the exact spot where the Holy of Holies was originally located. .. :cool:
Why, SuuniMan, other than the Muslims, I doubt the rest of the world's population believes that Abraham dragged that big rock all hundreds of miles all the way to Mecca. If the Muslims want to believe what is probably a meteorite is magically something to be worshipped, I don't think the other people really care one way or the other. However, you Muslims seem to have a big problem with anything in the Holy Land that pertains to the Jews, even though the Koran never mentions Jerusalem and Mohammed himself said the land is for the Jews.
There are also Rabbinic opinions that Jews aren't permitted to tread on the Temple Mount, because we are ritually impure these days, and only the High Priest may enter the Holy of Holies, a section of what was once the Temple.
Although, no one knows the exact spot where the Holy of Holies was originally located. .. :cool:

Why, SuuniMan, other than the Muslims, I doubt the rest of the world's population believes that Abraham dragged that big rock all hundreds of miles all the way to Mecca. If the Muslims want to believe what is probably a meteorite is magically something to be worshipped, I don't think the other people really care one way or the other. However, you Muslims seem to have a big problem with anything in the Holy Land that pertains to the Jews, even though the Koran never mentions Jerusalem and Mohammed himself said the land is for the Jews.
Obviously, Hossfly you have No idea what the 'Holy of Holies' refers to.

And yet you claim to be a big time supporter of all things Jewish.

Read and learn nitwit:
Although, no one knows the exact spot where the Holy of Holies was originally located. .. :cool:

Why, SuuniMan, other than the Muslims, I doubt the rest of the world's population believes that Abraham dragged that big rock all hundreds of miles all the way to Mecca. If the Muslims want to believe what is probably a meteorite is magically something to be worshipped, I don't think the other people really care one way or the other. However, you Muslims seem to have a big problem with anything in the Holy Land that pertains to the Jews, even though the Koran never mentions Jerusalem and Mohammed himself said the land is for the Jews.
Obviously, Hossfly you have No idea what the 'Holy of Holies' refers to.

And yet you claim to be a big time supporter of all things Jewish.

Read and learn nitwit:
Thanks! I was born yesterday y'know.
One lunatic's words do not compare to the masses of hooligans calling to drive Jews away and keep them from the Temple Mount.

One day, though, the situation will change. The good Jewish believers will get fed up and then we will see if they'll have the power to scare them off.

And whether the Israeli police will back the Jewish believers up, or be frightened of yet another intifada starting as a result. A chance worth taking, in my opinion.

lipush, meet one of the lunatics.

lunatic caaroline, meet lipush. i am sure you have a lot in common.

shock...lipush, are you calling the haredim "hooligans". don't be such an antisemite.

like you exxpect us to leave the administration of the temple mount to jews. LOLOLOLOL. man, you cats won't even let your own peeps worship there unless they take a chromosome test and are certifiably XY.

Some Hareidi people are hooligans, and no better than many of the Barbarics on the Palestinian side.

However, that is not the issue, the issue is freedom of religion, being demanded by Muslims but not kindly enough being returned.

Can't you see the problem in that?

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