Muslim Extremists Force Jews From Temple Mount

their behaviour.

Why is that Muslims can demand respect and honor but refuse to give it to others?

What behavior exactly makes them "extremists".

As to your question - well, I would say that it's for the same reason Jews and Christians demand respect and honor but refuse to give it to others.

Pig headed human nature maybe.

Israel respects the freedom of religion far more then the Palestinians.

Will you kindly cut the crap, Coyote? If it was up to them to decide, we would not even have had the ability to visit Jerusalem!

They lie through their teeth about EVERYTHING concerning Jerusalem,! EVERYTHING! do they need people to make price tags THERE so they will learn to respect the Jewish worshippers?

Because at some point, they will get seriously fed up, and they will start doing what they know how to do! speak in the same language they are spoken with!

And then whose fault is that gonna be?

And seal, the Temple Mount BELONGS to the Jews.

It may not be PC to say it out loud, but that is what Israelis and Jews believe. That is the ethnic and religious thinking and wishing.
What makes them Muslim "extremists"? The media?

I could ask you the very same question about the settlers.

I can point out specific behavior - assaulting Palestinians with serious injuries, killing them, burning down their homes, vehicles, farms in defiance of the laws and on behalf of their particular doctrine?

So, back to the OP rather than attempting to redirect this - can you point out any instances where this crowd caused injuries, killed anyone, burned anything down? I can't find it in the article. They didn't even behead anyone. So...what makes them "extremists" by any conventional definition?

this crowd (Not this specific one, but this crowd in General, the same crows which 'protest' when Jews come to the Temple Mount) Are throwing stones at Jews at a regular basis.

That makes them extremists.

The settlers are nothing but learning the launguage of the Arabs.

throwing stones, btw, was never a Jewish thing. They nothing but learned it.

There is a saying in the Talmud, "And the student has mastered his Rabbi."

Something to think about, eh?
throwing stones, btw, was never a Jewish thing. They nothing but learned it.
LOL, the Jews practically invented throwing stones. .. :cool:

The Torah sentences death by stoning for the following:

Touching Mount Sinai while God was giving Moses the Ten Commandments (Exodus 19:13)
An ox that gores someone to death should be stoned (Exodus 21:28)
Breaking Sabbath (Numbers 15:32-36)
A girl who has been raped should be stoned if she did not cry out (Deuteronomy 22:24)
Giving one's "seed" (presumably one's offspring) "to Molech" (Leviticus 20:2-5)
Having a "familiar spirit" (or being a necromancer) or being a "wizard" (Lev. 20:27)
Cursing God (Lev. 24:10-16)
Engaging in idolatry (Deuteronomy 17:2-7) or seducing others to do so (Deut. 13:7-12)
"Rebellion" against parents (Deut. 21,18-21)
Getting married as though a virgin, when not a virgin (Deut. 22:13-21)
Sexual intercourse between a man and a woman engaged to another man (both should be stoned, Deut. 22:23-24)

Stoning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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throwing stones, btw, was never a Jewish thing. They nothing but learned it.
LOL, the Jews practically invented throwing stones. .. :cool:

The Torah sentences death by stoning for the following:

Touching Mount Sinai while God was giving Moses the Ten Commandments (Exodus 19:13)
An ox that gores someone to death should be stoned (Exodus 21:28)
Breaking Sabbath (Numbers 15:32-36)
A girl who has been raped should be stoned if she did not cry out (Deuteronomy 22:24)
Giving one's "seed" (presumably one's offspring) "to Molech" (Leviticus 20:2-5)
Having a "familiar spirit" (or being a necromancer) or being a "wizard" (Lev. 20:27)
Cursing God (Lev. 24:10-16)
Engaging in idolatry (Deuteronomy 17:2-7) or seducing others to do so (Deut. 13:7-12)
"Rebellion" against parents (Deut. 21,18-21)
Getting married as though a virgin, when not a virgin (Deut. 22:13-21)
Sexual intercourse between a man and a woman engaged to another man (both should be stoned, Deut. 22:23-24)

Stoning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and the Islamists have taken it to a whole new level ?

What religion throws stones at tanks and soldiers?
What religion stones woman (in some countries) for crimes like adultery ??
throwing stones, btw, was never a Jewish thing. They nothing but learned it.
LOL, the Jews practically invented throwing stones. .. :cool:

The Torah sentences death by stoning for the following:

Touching Mount Sinai while God was giving Moses the Ten Commandments (Exodus 19:13)
An ox that gores someone to death should be stoned (Exodus 21:28)
Breaking Sabbath (Numbers 15:32-36)
A girl who has been raped should be stoned if she did not cry out (Deuteronomy 22:24)
Giving one's "seed" (presumably one's offspring) "to Molech" (Leviticus 20:2-5)
Having a "familiar spirit" (or being a necromancer) or being a "wizard" (Lev. 20:27)
Cursing God (Lev. 24:10-16)
Engaging in idolatry (Deuteronomy 17:2-7) or seducing others to do so (Deut. 13:7-12)
"Rebellion" against parents (Deut. 21,18-21)
Getting married as though a virgin, when not a virgin (Deut. 22:13-21)
Sexual intercourse between a man and a woman engaged to another man (both should be stoned, Deut. 22:23-24)

Stoning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You don't see any of those happen with us to day.

That is more common with our kind cousins.
The OP is a pretty biased article, talking about Jews faced with "draconian" measures preventing them for worshipping while Muslims are unchecked. It uses questionable language (draconian, "mob", extremists) that usually red flags an article. It's very one sided. No one seemed to interview any of these "muslim extremists" to get their view point. I find that interesting.

When I think of rreligious extremists I think of uinbending ideologues, violent behavior, terrorism etc.

What we have in the OP is a region that is rife with religious tension, and where Israeli security must walk a fine line in preventing the rise of violence whether it's from Israeli activists or Muslim activists and legitimate worshippers who likely do not care for each other.

Too bad we can't find an unbiased accounting of what happened.
Get used to it Coyote, soon the'll be calling you an anti-Semite and a Terrorist...
their behaviour.

Why is that Muslims can demand respect and honor but refuse to give it to others?

What behavior exactly makes them "extremists".

As to your question - well, I would say that it's for the same reason Jews and Christians demand respect and honor but refuse to give it to others.

Pig headed human nature maybe.

Israel respects the freedom of religion far more then the Palestinians.

Will you kindly cut the crap, Coyote? If it was up to them to decide, we would not even have had the ability to visit Jerusalem!

They lie through their teeth about EVERYTHING concerning Jerusalem,! EVERYTHING! do they need people to make price tags THERE so they will learn to respect the Jewish worshippers?

Because at some point, they will get seriously fed up, and they will start doing what they know how to do! speak in the same language they are spoken with!

And then whose fault is that gonna be?


You have your extremists too.

You just keep excusing them.
What behavior exactly makes them "extremists".

As to your question - well, I would say that it's for the same reason Jews and Christians demand respect and honor but refuse to give it to others.

Pig headed human nature maybe.

Israel respects the freedom of religion far more then the Palestinians.

Will you kindly cut the crap, Coyote? If it was up to them to decide, we would not even have had the ability to visit Jerusalem!

They lie through their teeth about EVERYTHING concerning Jerusalem,! EVERYTHING! do they need people to make price tags THERE so they will learn to respect the Jewish worshippers?

Because at some point, they will get seriously fed up, and they will start doing what they know how to do! speak in the same language they are spoken with!

And then whose fault is that gonna be?


You have your extremists too.

You just keep excusing them.

The most hardcore Jewish extremist does not even compare to the most hardcore Muslim extremist
Israel respects the freedom of religion far more then the Palestinians.

Will you kindly cut the crap, Coyote? If it was up to them to decide, we would not even have had the ability to visit Jerusalem!

They lie through their teeth about EVERYTHING concerning Jerusalem,! EVERYTHING! do they need people to make price tags THERE so they will learn to respect the Jewish worshippers?

Because at some point, they will get seriously fed up, and they will start doing what they know how to do! speak in the same language they are spoken with!

And then whose fault is that gonna be?


You have your extremists too.

You just keep excusing them.

The most hardcore Jewish extremist does not even compare to the most hardcore Muslim extremist

That doesn't excuse them - they still kill, injure people, destroy property and destroy lives.
Israel respects the freedom of religion far more then the Palestinians.

Will you kindly cut the crap, Coyote? If it was up to them to decide, we would not even have had the ability to visit Jerusalem!

They lie through their teeth about EVERYTHING concerning Jerusalem,! EVERYTHING! do they need people to make price tags THERE so they will learn to respect the Jewish worshippers?

Because at some point, they will get seriously fed up, and they will start doing what they know how to do! speak in the same language they are spoken with!

And then whose fault is that gonna be?


You have your extremists too.

You just keep excusing them.

The most hardcore Jewish extremist does not even compare to the most hardcore Muslim extremist

are you going to follow that up with "baruch goldstein is my hero."
You have your extremists too.

You just keep excusing them.

The most hardcore Jewish extremist does not even compare to the most hardcore Muslim extremist

are you going to follow that up with "baruch goldstein is my hero."

Toast is actually fair in condemning Israeli extremism particularly Goldstein.

In terms of the OP, I don't think an angry group of worshippers can be called extremists for no other reason than they acted in anger towards a group of Jewish worshippers. People need to learn to be more tolerant and that applies to both sides. It's a tense and volatile place and religion makes people anything but rational sometimes. I truly don't get it :dunno:
Lets get back on topic kiddos - Temple mount, Jewish worshippers, Muslim worshippers....
Seems strange that Jews allow that Mosque to remain on their most holy of holys.

That would be like building a Jewish Temple right smack dab in the middle of Mecca.

It's like a big steaming pile of crap smelling up their place of worship.
The most hardcore Jewish extremist does not even compare to the most hardcore Muslim extremist

are you going to follow that up with "baruch goldstein is my hero."
And if he does happen to say that (which of course he won't), are you going to follow up and say Osama Bin Laden is your hero?

i took an oath to protect and defend the constitution of the united states against all enemies, foreign and domestic...and i didn't break it.

as the punch line goes..."and the color speaks for itself, cav dude."
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