Muslim files lawsuit against Dearborn Heights for making her remove headscarf


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Because, you know, Muslims have every intention of assimilating into America, it's laws culture and traditions.

Muslim woman says police made her remove Islamic scarf

A Muslim woman filed a lawsuit Thursday accusing Dearborn Heights police of violating her constitutional rights by making her remove her Islamic headscarf after they arrested her for driving on a suspended license.

The lawsuit, filed in federal court in Detroit, asks for Dearborn Heights to “modify its current policy” so that Muslim women can wear Islamic headscarves during booking procedures.

Malak Kazan of Dearborn Heights was pulled over by police in July on a traffic violation and then taken into custody on a traffic misdemeanor because of her suspended license, according to the lawsuit. The male police officer then asked Kazan to remove her headscarf to take her booking photo, which usually requires no head coverings or hats.

Kazan objected, saying her Islamic faith required her to cover her hair and neck in the presence of men who are not part of her immediate family, the lawsuit said.

For Kazan, “wearing a headscarf is a reminder of her faith, the importance of modesty in her religion ... as well as a symbol of her own control over who may see the more intimate parts of her body,” the lawsuit said. “To have her hair and neck uncovered in public ... is ... deeply humiliating, violating, and defiling experience.”

Kazan said she asked to have a female officer take her photo, which he refused to do, said the lawsuit. The officer talked to a supervisor, who told him to proceed as usual.

The lawsuit says that wearing hijab is rooted in Islam, “based on...the Koran, the primary holy book of the Muslim religion; the hadith, oral traditions coming from the era of the Prophet Mohamed. ... The word hijab comes from the Arabic word ‘hajaba,’ which means to hide or screen from view or to cover.”

The lawsuit was filed against the city of Dearborn Heights, its police department and police chief, saying that Kazan’s constitutional rights to free expression of religion were violated. It claims the First, Fourth and 14th amendments were violated.

MORE: A Muslim woman sues Dearborn Heights police for removing her Islamic headscarf after arrest
No one's stopping them from practicing their crazyass faith, but they should not expect special treatment when it comes to a situation like this.

we make special treatments for religion all the time. And usually when it something like the adulterous owners of Hobby Lobby saying they won't pay for birth control because they are too piss ignorant to understand the difference between contraception and abortion, you guys on the right are all for it.

This woman asking to keep her scarf on for a booking photo wasn't really asking that much. It wasn't like anyone but her husband was ever going to see her without it.
It's almost fun to watch you in the various threads do back flips for Muslims.
Does some mosque here have you on their payroll ?

It's fun to watch you pretend Muslims are making your life miserable, while you continue to vote against your own economic interests.

Sorry, man, Muslims have never done anything bad to me. I have been jerked around by Jews, MOrmons and Fundi-Christians.
Because, you know, Muslims have every intention of assimilating into America, it's laws culture and traditions.

Muslim woman says police made her remove Islamic scarf

A Muslim woman filed a lawsuit Thursday accusing Dearborn Heights police of violating her constitutional rights by making her remove her Islamic headscarf after they arrested her for driving on a suspended license.

The lawsuit, filed in federal court in Detroit, asks for Dearborn Heights to “modify its current policy” so that Muslim women can wear Islamic headscarves during booking procedures.

Malak Kazan of Dearborn Heights was pulled over by police in July on a traffic violation and then taken into custody on a traffic misdemeanor because of her suspended license, according to the lawsuit. The male police officer then asked Kazan to remove her headscarf to take her booking photo, which usually requires no head coverings or hats.

Kazan objected, saying her Islamic faith required her to cover her hair and neck in the presence of men who are not part of her immediate family, the lawsuit said.

For Kazan, “wearing a headscarf is a reminder of her faith, the importance of modesty in her religion ... as well as a symbol of her own control over who may see the more intimate parts of her body,” the lawsuit said. “To have her hair and neck uncovered in public ... is ... deeply humiliating, violating, and defiling experience.”

Kazan said she asked to have a female officer take her photo, which he refused to do, said the lawsuit. The officer talked to a supervisor, who told him to proceed as usual.

The lawsuit says that wearing hijab is rooted in Islam, “based on...the Koran, the primary holy book of the Muslim religion; the hadith, oral traditions coming from the era of the Prophet Mohamed. ... The word hijab comes from the Arabic word ‘hajaba,’ which means to hide or screen from view or to cover.”

The lawsuit was filed against the city of Dearborn Heights, its police department and police chief, saying that Kazan’s constitutional rights to free expression of religion were violated. It claims the First, Fourth and 14th amendments were violated.

MORE: A Muslim woman sues Dearborn Heights police for removing her Islamic headscarf after arrest

I remember a lawsuit - possibly Florida - in which a Muslim woman tried to sue for being forced to take off her veil for a drivers license photograph. She didn't win that case.
No one's stopping them from practicing their crazyass faith, but they should not expect special treatment when it comes to a situation like this.

Hey! Take that yarmulke off! And you over there -- that crucifix necklace has gotta go!
And you back there with the dot on your forehead, wipe it off! And don't let me see you Catholics out here on Ash Wednesday!

Any questions?
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It boggles the mind how a reasonable woman can willingly be a Muslim.

They are not permitted to reason or use logic according to Islam. To think is to question Allah and it is not permitted.
Or maybe because they were clipped and have no idea what it is like to enjoy womanhood.

Islam doesn't do that. It's not even a religious custom, so in fact no religion does that.
The only thing more entertaining than ignorance is ignorance splashed on a public message board.
Because, you know, Muslims have every intention of assimilating into America, it's laws culture and traditions.

Muslim woman says police made her remove Islamic scarf

A Muslim woman filed a lawsuit Thursday accusing Dearborn Heights police of violating her constitutional rights by making her remove her Islamic headscarf after they arrested her for driving on a suspended license.

The lawsuit, filed in federal court in Detroit, asks for Dearborn Heights to “modify its current policy” so that Muslim women can wear Islamic headscarves during booking procedures.

Malak Kazan of Dearborn Heights was pulled over by police in July on a traffic violation and then taken into custody on a traffic misdemeanor because of her suspended license, according to the lawsuit. The male police officer then asked Kazan to remove her headscarf to take her booking photo, which usually requires no head coverings or hats.

Kazan objected, saying her Islamic faith required her to cover her hair and neck in the presence of men who are not part of her immediate family, the lawsuit said.

For Kazan, “wearing a headscarf is a reminder of her faith, the importance of modesty in her religion ... as well as a symbol of her own control over who may see the more intimate parts of her body,” the lawsuit said. “To have her hair and neck uncovered in public ... is ... deeply humiliating, violating, and defiling experience.”

Kazan said she asked to have a female officer take her photo, which he refused to do, said the lawsuit. The officer talked to a supervisor, who told him to proceed as usual.

The lawsuit says that wearing hijab is rooted in Islam, “based on...the Koran, the primary holy book of the Muslim religion; the hadith, oral traditions coming from the era of the Prophet Mohamed. ... The word hijab comes from the Arabic word ‘hajaba,’ which means to hide or screen from view or to cover.”

The lawsuit was filed against the city of Dearborn Heights, its police department and police chief, saying that Kazan’s constitutional rights to free expression of religion were violated. It claims the First, Fourth and 14th amendments were violated.

MORE: A Muslim woman sues Dearborn Heights police for removing her Islamic headscarf after arrest

I remember a lawsuit - possibly Florida - in which a Muslim woman tried to sue for being forced to take off her veil for a drivers license photograph. She didn't win that case.

I remember that case, but not the outcome.
Because, you know, Muslims have every intention of assimilating into America, it's laws culture and traditions.

Muslim woman says police made her remove Islamic scarf

A Muslim woman filed a lawsuit Thursday accusing Dearborn Heights police of violating her constitutional rights by making her remove her Islamic headscarf after they arrested her for driving on a suspended license.

The lawsuit, filed in federal court in Detroit, asks for Dearborn Heights to “modify its current policy” so that Muslim women can wear Islamic headscarves during booking procedures.

Malak Kazan of Dearborn Heights was pulled over by police in July on a traffic violation and then taken into custody on a traffic misdemeanor because of her suspended license, according to the lawsuit. The male police officer then asked Kazan to remove her headscarf to take her booking photo, which usually requires no head coverings or hats.

Kazan objected, saying her Islamic faith required her to cover her hair and neck in the presence of men who are not part of her immediate family, the lawsuit said.

For Kazan, “wearing a headscarf is a reminder of her faith, the importance of modesty in her religion ... as well as a symbol of her own control over who may see the more intimate parts of her body,” the lawsuit said. “To have her hair and neck uncovered in public ... is ... deeply humiliating, violating, and defiling experience.”

Kazan said she asked to have a female officer take her photo, which he refused to do, said the lawsuit. The officer talked to a supervisor, who told him to proceed as usual.

The lawsuit says that wearing hijab is rooted in Islam, “based on...the Koran, the primary holy book of the Muslim religion; the hadith, oral traditions coming from the era of the Prophet Mohamed. ... The word hijab comes from the Arabic word ‘hajaba,’ which means to hide or screen from view or to cover.”

The lawsuit was filed against the city of Dearborn Heights, its police department and police chief, saying that Kazan’s constitutional rights to free expression of religion were violated. It claims the First, Fourth and 14th amendments were violated.

MORE: A Muslim woman sues Dearborn Heights police for removing her Islamic headscarf after arrest

I remember a lawsuit - possibly Florida - in which a Muslim woman tried to sue for being forced to take off her veil for a drivers license photograph. She didn't win that case.

I remember that case, but not the outcome.

She lost.
It boggles the mind how a reasonable woman can willingly be a Muslim.

They are not permitted to reason or use logic according to Islam. To think is to question Allah and it is not permitted.
Or maybe because they were clipped and have no idea what it is like to enjoy womanhood.

I believe they have no idea what it is to enjoy God. (true liberty is in Jesus Christ) Were they to ever find out? They'd leave Islam forever.
Why does the right hate the Constitution?

If indeed this violates the Constitution, then I've got no problem with her lawsuit.
The main problem I have is that it's just more evidence that immigrating Muslims do not intend to abide by the laws, customs, regulations, etc., of America.
They want us to bend our rules to their liking.
Because, you know, Muslims have every intention of assimilating into America, it's laws culture and traditions.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion...."

Oh sorry -- who was it you said has every intention of assimilating into it's [sic] laws? Not to mention spelling, which is part of language, which is part of culture?

And speaking of language --
Because they are brainwashed baffoons.

I'm sure that the Jewish are required to remove their Yamuka(sp) and Amish their hats.
Yes you are free to exercise your religion. Just not while you're being booked. Just as you don't have a right to bear arms during the booking process.

Common sense isn't so common anymore

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