Muslim French students refuse to stand in memory of victims

I wouldn't call Mac right wing. Cry baby? Eh. Right wing? Nah. :D

I'm neither!

I'm a dancer!


Awwwwwww! How cute! The forum hall monitor wants to play like he's fun! That Mac! Always the cut up!
"Just a minority supports the attack": Muslim students refuse to stand in "A minute of silence", in memory of murdered victims, so it appears.

Some teachers prefered to not ask that of the school-studints, "to avoid problems".

Teacher, whose in class 80% of the students refused to respect the victims, said some of them believed any sort of conspiracy theories, at the end he succeeded persuating only half of them to stand.

Some say the students are simply ignorant to what really happened, and parents don't share with them the Charlie Hebdo incident.

In other cases, teachers said the students supported the actions, saying the "victims had it coming"

In some cases, the student refused to stand out of shame. One Muslim student was bullied by classmates after he stood in memory of Charlie Hebdo.

Charlie Hebdo ces minutes de silence qui ont d rap dans les coles
Why do you expect the French muslim student's to stand in support of a magazine that continually attacked their family, culture, and religion? .... :cool:

I don't think anyone really did expect them to.
This is why I judge all muslims. A large majority secretly supports the extremist assholes.
That's a dangerous assumption to make, and not because it might be true, but because you haven't talked to any of them yourself.

The reasons some have given, shown in the article, don't name "disrespect" as part of those reasons.

So what you've decided from the safety of your unbridled outrage is that you know how they "really" feel.

I want justice and would love to see every last one of the Muslims in France that openly support terrorism die...but you shouldn't punish people based on your unsupported judgmental reaction. History is replete with horrible things happening as a result of gross generalizations made out of anger.

In my experience...angry, fearful, and morally outraged people don't always do the most sound thinking

Again, you're a fucking moron.

In other cases, teachers said the students supported the actions, saying the "victims had it coming"
What part of the above didn't you understand? These people are murderous savages. They belong in cages, not walking on the streets. Send them all back where they came from. They can spend their time killing each other rather than us.
The terrorists would love you for being exactly what they need to legitimize their cause with other Muslims

They don't need anyone to "legitimize" their cause. They already view it as legitimate, and they don't give a flying fuck what Westerners think about it.

Don't you get it?
Then why did you attack Obama for not calling it "Islamic terrorism" if it doesn't matter what Westerners say or think? Didn't people like you say that emboldens them?

Which is it?

It doesn't matter to them, numskull. They will continue their attacks on us regardless.

America’s 10 worst terror attacks by Christian fundamentalists and far-right extremists
Most of the terrorist activity in the US in recent years has not come from Muslims, but from radical Christianists, white supremacists and far-right militia groups.

And the predictable deflection in support of the PC-protected religion, right on cue.

and the predictable "cognitive dissonance" at finding out everyone is not a Right wing douche....cry baby wingers ...suffer ...

I wouldn't call Mac right wing. Cry baby? Eh. Right wing? Nah. :D
That is why I did it so you do not have to
"Just a minority supports the attack": Muslim students refuse to stand in "A minute of silence", in memory of murdered victims, so it appears.

Some teachers prefered to not ask that of the school-studints, "to avoid problems".

Teacher, whose in class 80% of the students refused to respect the victims, said some of them believed any sort of conspiracy theories, at the end he succeeded persuating only half of them to stand.

Some say the students are simply ignorant to what really happened, and parents don't share with them the Charlie Hebdo incident.

In other cases, teachers said the students supported the actions, saying the "victims had it coming"

In some cases, the student refused to stand out of shame. One Muslim student was bullied by classmates after he stood in memory of Charlie Hebdo.

Charlie Hebdo ces minutes de silence qui ont d rap dans les coles
Why do you expect the French muslim student's to stand in support of a magazine that continually attacked their family, culture, and religion? .... :cool:

The magazine does not satirize only Muslims.

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