Muslim in Chief Says Nohing About ISIL Slaughtering Christians in Iraq

As awful as this is, Family Research Council President Tony Perkins, explains on The Kelly File that something just as fundamentally wrong is happening in the Oval Office:

This administration has been silent continuously when Christians have been persecuted… [it] is more concerned about offending Islamic states and Islamic nations than they are of defending the long standing policy that America has always had — that religious freedom is a human right, not just an American right… I’m not sure what’s more shocking, the atrocities of ISIS or the silence of the Obama administration.”

And when the bastard starts having USA Christians that wont go along with his dictates, he will have them put in camps to re-educate and leave the Bible or they will stay till they die like in Vietnam.

Oblama really put Christians into re-education camps to die during Nam??

showing your ass again :up:

In killing Christians, the muslims and the American left are on the same side. There's no reason for obama to do or even say anything.
The White House has condemned ISIS repeatedly:

Syrian warplanes bombed Sunni militants’ positions inside Iraq, military officials have confirmed, deepening the concerns that the extremist insurgency that spans the two neighbouring countries could morph into an even wider regional conflict. US secretary of state John Kerry warned against the threat and said other nations should stay out.
Meanwhile, a new insurgent artillery offensive against Christian villages in the north of Iraq sent thousands of Christians fleeing from their homes, seeking sanctuary in Kurdish-controlled territory, Associated Press reporters who witnessed the scene said.
The United States government and a senior Iraqi military official confirmed that Syrian warplanes bombed militants’ positions Tuesday in and near the border crossing in the town of Qaim. Iraq’s other neighbours – Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Turkey – were all bolstering flights just inside their airspace to monitor the situation, said the Iraqi official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorised to speak to the media.
American officials said the target was the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, the Sunni extremist group that has seized large swathes of Iraq and seeks to carve out a purist Islamic enclave across both sides of the Syria-Iraq border.
“We’ve made it clear to everyone in the region that we don’t need anything to take place that might exacerbate the sectarian divisions that are already at a heightened level of tension,” Kerry said, speaking in Brussels at a meeting of diplomats from Nato nations. “It’s already important that nothing take place that contributes to the extremism or could act as a flash point with respect to the sectarian divide.”
In killing Christians, the muslims and the American left are on the same side. There's no reason for obama to do or even say anything.

Your moral compass is broken if you think we should stand aside and do nothing. There are a plethora of options ranging from a public denunciation to supplying enough arms to the enemies of ISIL that they lose that city.

Anything is better than standing around with your dick up your own ass.
The White House has condemned ISIS repeatedly:

Syrian warplanes bombed Sunni militants’ positions inside Iraq, military officials have confirmed, deepening the concerns that the extremist insurgency that spans the two neighbouring countries could morph into an even wider regional conflict. US secretary of state John Kerry warned against the threat and said other nations should stay out.
Meanwhile, a new insurgent artillery offensive against Christian villages in the north of Iraq sent thousands of Christians fleeing from their homes, seeking sanctuary in Kurdish-controlled territory, Associated Press reporters who witnessed the scene said.
The United States government and a senior Iraqi military official confirmed that Syrian warplanes bombed militants’ positions Tuesday in and near the border crossing in the town of Qaim. Iraq’s other neighbours – Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Turkey – were all bolstering flights just inside their airspace to monitor the situation, said the Iraqi official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorised to speak to the media.
American officials said the target was the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, the Sunni extremist group that has seized large swathes of Iraq and seeks to carve out a purist Islamic enclave across both sides of the Syria-Iraq border.
“We’ve made it clear to everyone in the region that we don’t need anything to take place that might exacerbate the sectarian divisions that are already at a heightened level of tension,” Kerry said, speaking in Brussels at a meeting of diplomats from Nato nations. “It’s already important that nothing take place that contributes to the extremism or could act as a flash point with respect to the sectarian divide.”

So all the past denunciations kind of roll over to the new atrocities?

OR does it highlight this regimes disdain and lack of concern?
The White House has condemned ISIS repeatedly:

Syrian warplanes bombed Sunni militants’ positions inside Iraq, military officials have confirmed, deepening the concerns that the extremist insurgency that spans the two neighbouring countries could morph into an even wider regional conflict. US secretary of state John Kerry warned against the threat and said other nations should stay out.
Meanwhile, a new insurgent artillery offensive against Christian villages in the north of Iraq sent thousands of Christians fleeing from their homes, seeking sanctuary in Kurdish-controlled territory, Associated Press reporters who witnessed the scene said.
The United States government and a senior Iraqi military official confirmed that Syrian warplanes bombed militants’ positions Tuesday in and near the border crossing in the town of Qaim. Iraq’s other neighbours – Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Turkey – were all bolstering flights just inside their airspace to monitor the situation, said the Iraqi official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorised to speak to the media.
American officials said the target was the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, the Sunni extremist group that has seized large swathes of Iraq and seeks to carve out a purist Islamic enclave across both sides of the Syria-Iraq border.
“We’ve made it clear to everyone in the region that we don’t need anything to take place that might exacerbate the sectarian divisions that are already at a heightened level of tension,” Kerry said, speaking in Brussels at a meeting of diplomats from Nato nations. “It’s already important that nothing take place that contributes to the extremism or could act as a flash point with respect to the sectarian divide.”

So all the past denunciations kind of roll over to the new atrocities?

OR does it highlight this regimes disdain and lack of concern?

No "either/or" false dichotomy; still, BOTH the White House AND Congress need to get on this ASAP.
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The White House has condemned ISIS repeatedly:

Syrian warplanes bombed Sunni militants’ positions inside Iraq, military officials have confirmed, deepening the concerns that the extremist insurgency that spans the two neighbouring countries could morph into an even wider regional conflict. US secretary of state John Kerry warned against the threat and said other nations should stay out.
Meanwhile, a new insurgent artillery offensive against Christian villages in the north of Iraq sent thousands of Christians fleeing from their homes, seeking sanctuary in Kurdish-controlled territory, Associated Press reporters who witnessed the scene said.
The United States government and a senior Iraqi military official confirmed that Syrian warplanes bombed militants’ positions Tuesday in and near the border crossing in the town of Qaim. Iraq’s other neighbours – Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Turkey – were all bolstering flights just inside their airspace to monitor the situation, said the Iraqi official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorised to speak to the media.
American officials said the target was the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, the Sunni extremist group that has seized large swathes of Iraq and seeks to carve out a purist Islamic enclave across both sides of the Syria-Iraq border.
“We’ve made it clear to everyone in the region that we don’t need anything to take place that might exacerbate the sectarian divisions that are already at a heightened level of tension,” Kerry said, speaking in Brussels at a meeting of diplomats from Nato nations. “It’s already important that nothing take place that contributes to the extremism or could act as a flash point with respect to the sectarian divide.”

Condemnations...i'm sure they are really scared! Just like Boko Haram was scared of the useless hashtaging.
Kerry is in Israel NOW:

The aims of his surprise visit seemed to be to get a better sense of the Israelis’ bottom line, support the U.N. effort and enhance the stature of Abbas, whose influence among Palestinians is being eclipsed by that of Hamas.

Kerry’s plane touched down at Ben-Gurion International Airport, just a day after the Federal Aviation Administration instructed U.S. carriers to suspend flights to Israel. The landing was uneventful, and there were no missile attacks or air raid sirens during Kerry’s first few hours in Israel.

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