Muslim migrants in Macedonia refuse Red Cross parcels because of... the red cross


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
I don't know about the rest of you, but if someone were kind enough to feed me I certainly wouldn't be complaining about the box the food came in.

Muslim migrants in Macedonia refuse Red Cross parcels because of... the red cross

Watch video at:

They are headed for the shores of America.

Be afraid... be very afraid...
If anyone takes the time to look at the second film you can see these people only want Halal. That is they are refusing to take any food that does not have the 2.5 percent tax on it. That tax supports their agenda......

Refugees Throwing Away Food - They Want Halal

This video explains more what Halal is

The Truth About Halal Four Corners
Published on Sep 7, 2015
"What do Vegemite, Cadbury's chocolate, Bega cheese and Kellogg's cereals have in common? They are all Halal certified. Like many products on our supermarket shelves, they've been given the tick of approval for Muslim consumers to buy.

For food producers and exporters it's a straightforward pragmatic business practice. The manufacturer pays for an inspection to gain Halal certification, which in turn opens up lucrative markets.

"Halal certification is a ticket to play." Export Business Advisor

To the growing anti-Halal movement it's the thin edge of the wedge, a sign of the Islamification of Australia.

"I do not want religious practices imposed upon me and I do not want to fund these practices with my everyday grocery purchases." Anti-Halal Campaigner

It's become a touchstone issue for groups like Reclaim Australia, that label it a 'religious tax' foisted on consumers.

Claims about corruption and links to terrorism light up the blogosphere and provide fodder for anti-Islam rallies."

Dick Smith Foods has refused to pay the Islamic food tax as have many other Australian food producers .
The Lindt Chocolate Company also refuses to pay the Islamic food Tax many say that is why it was chosen by Muslim Sex crimes perp and ISIS supporter , Sydney based Terrorist Man Monis for his deadly siege at the Sydney Lindt Cafe on December 15 and 16 2014

The Truth About Halal, reported by Geoff Thompson and presented by Kerry O'Brien, ABC TV Australia

Muslim Consumer Group: Your Source for Halal Foods Information | MCG Halal Certification

Culture Watch

Excerpt................Incredibly all sort of foods and products you would think have nothing to do with halal certification are being dragged in anyway, showing what a money-making racket this is. He continues:......

Halal mainly involves meat. Much of the non-meat food supply is intrinsically halal, and thus does not require certification, including milk, honey, fish, vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts and grains. Yet many producers and suppliers of such products pay for halal certification….
White milk does not need to be certified. They don’t mark their labels and now they have removed the certificates from their website because of negative feedback. ”Purina Fancy Feast cat food is now on the list of halal-certified foods. Are cats becoming Muslim? Or is a lot of this just a money-making scheme?”

Just how widespread this all is now is nicely laid out in a new article by Larry Pickering. He begins his article this way:.........cont...

They should be glad just to be alive and that anyone wants to help.

I'm with you on that, Aris. If I found myself in a place away from a terrible war, I would be grateful for whatever was given me. There are things I normally wouldn't eat (like Sushi or octopus), but if I were hungry, I would just eat it and not complain. Even if the food given out freely is against your religion, there must be some sort of dispensation in circumstance like this so you can eat it.
They should be glad just to be alive and that anyone wants to help.

I'm with you on that, Aris. If I found myself in a place away from a terrible war, I would be grateful for whatever was given me. There are things I normally wouldn't eat (like Sushi or octopus), but if I were hungry, I would just eat it and not complain. Even if the food given out freely is against your religion, there must be some sort of dispensation in circumstance like this so you can eat it.

I get frustrated when muslims don't even know their own quran.

>>Sura 2:173 in the Koran allows for exceptions for mercy’s sake if no halal food is available.<<

They can take bread, water, fruit, vegetables, etc. Sorry but if rations have only spam, eat or starve.
If they wanted halal, they should have stayed in a country with a large muslims population.
What if they get put in camps or towns with no halal store? They going to go on a hunger strike instead of making do?
They expected catered halal food van with wide variety at every few miles along the route they take? They should be thankful they are alive and anyone is trying to help them.

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