Muslim Refugees In Colorado: "We Can't Assimilate Without A Mosque"

We don't mind if you worship your pedophile prophet who was slain by a Jewish woman, just find some shit-hole ending in Stan and keep your fucked up religion out of our communities.
It starts with a mosque. Then it isn't big enough and they need another. Then they need muslim schools and Muslim study centres, halal slaughterers, Adnans, sharia courts and whatnot. They are given all this in Europe. Have they assimilated? Mostly not. They get what they want, self-ghettoise, disguise themselves in black sheets, conduct rape jihad and just continue to expand and demand. Oh, and some of them bomb and hack the heads off men and women in ikea and on the streets.
Yeah. Follow the European example. What could go wrong?
No Catholics, Lutherans, Calvinists, pagans, Wikkans, Unitarians, Presbitarians, Jews or whatever faith new immigrants adhered to, EVER made the outrageous claim that they can not assimilate if they did not have their particular house of worship of their particular god.
That's why we are deal with it fag boy. ..... :lol: :lol:
Alternatively, you could follow Italy's example:

You are here: HomeFeaturedGeneral › Italy Makes New Law: Muslims Will Not Be Allowed To Build Any New Mosques

Italy Makes New Law: Muslims Will Not Be Allowed To Build Any New Mosques
by Ted on January 29, 2015 in Featured, General
By Theodore Shoebat

The Italian government in the state of Northern Lombardy has made a new law: no new mosques will be allowed to be built.

Italy Makes New Law: Muslims Will Not Be Allowed To Build Any New Mosques
No Catholics, Lutherans, Calvinists, pagans, Wikkans, Unitarians, Presbitarians, Jews or whatever faith new immigrants adhered to, EVER made the outrageous claim that they can not assimilate if they did not have their particular house of worship of their particular god.
That's why we are deal with it fag boy. ..... :lol: :lol:

None of the groups of people I mentioned flew airplanes into skyscrapers, blasted trains and subways, sniper attacked innocent people or refused to respect the flag of the country as your ilk does.

And THAT is why you are special, and THAT is why nobody should ever lose sight of the fact of what makes you who you are.

Sunni or whatever Muslim, the difference is like the difference between shot, stabbed or poisoned. Muslim is Muslim.
Yes you can, and you won't assimilate anyway, even after you get a mosque. Mosque are nothing more than “safe havens” and base camps for terrorist, to stockpile weapons, munitions, explosives and intelligence gathering.

Somalis in Ft. Morgan, CO say they can’t assimilate without a mosque

They dont need a mosque, they can have a place to assemble and practice their religion but your right, a mosque is unnecessary. While in Mombassa I saw several congregations of muslims in outdoor services, they seemed to be doing just fine. of coure they had mosques evrywhere over there as well, but maybe being "open" might also be a key to being ACCEPTED, which goes a long way towards assimilation.
We are currently building mosques all over the country.

And becoming woven deeply into the fabric called America. ...... :thup:
Muslim Americans are citizens the same as you.

But that doesn't mean we want to be you. ....... :cool:
The practice of Islam should be banned in the US and Europe. That might sound radical now, but it won't after a few more terrorist attacks with massive casualties. Mosques have been proven to be a source of spreading hatred and incitement of and harboring of terror. So why would any sane, civilized people want more mosques?
Muslim Americans are citizens the same as you.

But that doesn't mean we want to be you. ....... :cool:
Japanese Americans were citizens as well. Like I said, keep attacking and we will see what happens. IMO many of us are getting tired of the lack of loud condemnation and zero action to reform by so called moderates causing us to conclude there is tacit support. A moderate muslim would be considered an evangelical fundamentalist if they were Christian and neither are compatible with liberty.
Well, they can always go back to Somalia where the mosques are.

Oh and where would they get the money to build a mosque??

Last I heard these refugee's are all being supported by we the taxpayer and my tax dollars don't need to be used to build a damned mosque or a church either.
Well, they can always go back to Somalia where the mosques are.

Oh and where would they get the money to build a mosque??

Last I heard these refugee's are all being supported by we the taxpayer and my tax dollars don't need to be used to build a damned mosque or a church either.
Probably from Saudi, to ensure Wahhabism is installed. This is what happens in Europe. Saudi is incredibly wiling to fund the building of mosques everywhere, and does so.

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