Muslim Silence Amid ISIS atrocities.

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It's quite ludicrous for a zionist jew to point out the alleged atrocities of other people after the brutal murder of hundreds of innocent women and children by the IDF savages recently in Gaza. ..... :cool:

I'm an atheist who went with the "Islam is a religion of peace" theme for a long time. Now I'm kind of on the fence waiting for the chorus of Islamic condemnation of this horror right out of the dark ages. I've condemned Christian atrocities from centuries past and ancient and relatively modern Christian dogma that birthed anti-semetism. Modern Christianity I only consider an ideological throwback, relatively benign.

I have spoken out against Israel's treatment of the Palestinians, as have many Christians and Jews.

These monsters behind IS though are exponentially more dangerous, more evil than anything I have seen in my lifetime, on par with Hitler's Nazis, if not worse. I'm waiting for the rest of the muslim world to rise up and condemn this movement and in unity to defeat it. It's time they prove they are a "Religion of Peace".
It's quite ludicrous for a zionist jew to point out the alleged atrocities of other people after the brutal murder of hundreds of innocent women and children by the IDF savages recently in Gaza. ..... :cool:

I'm an atheist who went with the "Islam is a religion of peace" theme for a long time. Now I'm kind of on the fence waiting for the chorus of Islamic condemnation of this horror right out of the dark ages. I've condemned Christian atrocities from centuries past and ancient and relatively modern Christian dogma that birthed anti-semetism. Modern Christianity I only consider an ideological throwback, relatively benign.

I have spoken out against Israel's treatment of the Palestinians, as have many Christians and Jews.

These monsters behind IS though are exponentially more dangerous, more evil than anything I have seen in my lifetime, on par with Hitler's Nazis, if not worse. I'm waiting for the rest of the muslim world to rise up and condemn this movement and in unity to defeat it. It's time they prove they are a "Religion of Peace".

With regard to what you have just written, just a few minutes ago I read this article.

Muslim Silence Amid ISIS Atrocities
It's quite ludicrous for a zionist jew to point out the alleged atrocities of other people after the brutal murder of hundreds of innocent women and children by the IDF savages recently in Gaza. ..... :cool:

I'm an atheist who went with the "Islam is a religion of peace" theme for a long time. Now I'm kind of on the fence waiting for the chorus of Islamic condemnation of this horror right out of the dark ages. I've condemned Christian atrocities from centuries past and ancient and relatively modern Christian dogma that birthed anti-semetism. Modern Christianity I only consider an ideological throwback, relatively benign.

I have spoken out against Israel's treatment of the Palestinians, as have many Christians and Jews.

These monsters behind IS though are exponentially more dangerous, more evil than anything I have seen in my lifetime, on par with Hitler's Nazis, if not worse. I'm waiting for the rest of the muslim world to rise up and condemn this movement and in unity to defeat it. It's time they prove they are a "Religion of Peace".
Islam also teaches self defense against foreign occupiers and invaders.

After 200 years of western colonialism and the installing of brutal puppet dictators by the U.S. and European powers.

The average citizen is totally feed up with the situation and looking to follow any leader who will stand up to the west and help reclaim the land and culture.
It's quite ludicrous for a zionist jew to point out the alleged atrocities of other people after the brutal murder of hundreds of innocent women and children by the IDF savages recently in Gaza. ..... :cool:

I'm an atheist who went with the "Islam is a religion of peace" theme for a long time. Now I'm kind of on the fence waiting for the chorus of Islamic condemnation of this horror right out of the dark ages. I've condemned Christian atrocities from centuries past and ancient and relatively modern Christian dogma that birthed anti-semetism. Modern Christianity I only consider an ideological throwback, relatively benign.

I have spoken out against Israel's treatment of the Palestinians, as have many Christians and Jews.

These monsters behind IS though are exponentially more dangerous, more evil than anything I have seen in my lifetime, on par with Hitler's Nazis, if not worse. I'm waiting for the rest of the muslim world to rise up and condemn this movement and in unity to defeat it. It's time they prove they are a "Religion of Peace".
Islam also teaches self defense against foreign occupiers and invaders.

After 200 years of western colonialism and the installing of brutal puppet dictators by the U.S. and European powers.

The average citizen is totally feed up with the situation and looking to follow any leader who will stand up to the west and help reclaim the land and culture.
Again you people miss the difference I've explain in detail to Delta4Embassy in the earlier posts.
The problem is not with Islam, its with Muslims.
The same way you protect your religion, It is expected of you to go against these lunatics spreading horrors under the name of YOUR RELIGION, My problem is with you - not Islam.
The fact Muslims can be united under certain agendas including religion it is even expected of Muslims to go fight AGAINST the Islamic State to even honor Islam, but none of this happen, in reality we have roughly 10% of the expected reaction.
Yea, tell us all about it jew boy. ... :cool:
You seem fine with that, sorry.. I guess I should not even expect you to say something against them.
Islam also teaches self defense against foreign occupiers and invaders.

After 200 years of western colonialism and the installing of brutal puppet dictators by the U.S. and European powers.

The average citizen is totally feed up with the situation and looking to follow any leader who will stand up to the west and help reclaim the land and culture.[/QUOTE]

*********SUNNI ********* that new stand up comic----
beats robin Williams in the realm of the comedy of utter
nonsense. sunni the muslim mork

After 1400 years of unbridled barbarity-----during which time the dogs of mecca invaded, raped, murdered, pillaged and enslaved------in a rampage that took them from the
deserts of Arabia all the way to the Islands of the
pacific -----and even to the shores of the Americas------
muslims seek to "reclaim" -----I am all for the dogs of
mecca ---RECLAIMING themselves-----in mecca and its
precincts -------the land upon which their progenitor---
the rapist thief, murder, rapist------accomplished the
only COMPRHENSIVE genocide in recorded history
Yea, tell us all about it jew boy. ... :cool:

what does the muzzie rapist worshipper want to know?---
muzzies I have known told me everything they need to
know is in the Koran------I read that book---its all about
rape and pillage and murder and a whole pile of
barbaric pseudo laws. The protagonist is so
discusting that I was waiting for a HERO to stick
a spear in his black heart
irosie91 said "After 1400 years of unbridled barbarity-----during which time the dogs of mecca invaded, raped, murdered, pillaged and enslaved------in a rampage that took them from the
deserts of Arabia all the way to the Islands of the
pacific -----and even to the shores of the Americas------
muslims seek to "reclaim" -----I am all for the dogs of
mecca ---RECLAIMING themselves-----in mecca and its
precincts -------the land upon which their progenitor---
the rapist thief, murder, rapist------accomplished the
only COMPRHENSIVE genocide in recorded history.."

Your ignorance of history and obvious racist attitude towards Muslims is part of the problem not the solution. There were centuries in the past when Islam as a governing force was considerably more tolerant of other religions than was Christianity. Examples of Christian religious atrocities are legion from the Crusades to the extermination of the Cathars to the Inquisition and on and on. The "Christian" European invasion of the Americas alone was responsible for the deaths of up to 20 million indigenous peoples. In Africa and Australia the story was much the same. European imperial designs on and colonization in the Middle East has been a source of turmoil for at least 100 years.

We in the West and you in particular if you are a Christian have no "God given" right to much of a holier-than-thou attitude based on history. I think we do have a right to expect Muslims throw off centuries old hatreds as the more enlightened in the rest of the world have attempted to do in the modern era.


"During the High Middle Ages in Europe there was full-scale persecution in many places, with blood libels, expulsions, forced conversions and massacres. An underlying source of prejudice against Jews in Europe was religious. Jews were frequently massacred and exiled from various European countries. The persecution hit its first peak during the Crusades. In the First Crusade (1096) flourishing communities on the Rhine and the Danube were utterly destroyed; see German Crusade, 1096. In the Second Crusade (1147) the Jews in France were subject to frequent massacres. The Jews were also subjected to attacks by the Shepherds' Crusades of 1251 and 1320. The Crusades were followed by expulsions, including in, 1290, the banishing of all English Jews; in 1396, 100,000 Jews were expelled from France; and, in 1421 thousands were expelled from Austria. Many of the expelled Jews fled to Poland.[3]"

"Native Peoples - In average two thirds of the native population were killed by colonist-imported smallpox before violence began. This was a great sign of "the marvelous goodness and providence of God" to the Christians of course, e.g. the Governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony wrote in 1634, as "for the natives, they are near all dead of the smallpox, so as the Lord hath cleared our title to what we possess." Hispaniola The "island's population of about eight million people at the time of Columbus's arrival in 1492 already had declined by a third to a half before the year 1496 was out." Eventually all the island's natives were exterminated, so the Spaniards were "forced" to import slaves from other caribbean islands, who soon suffered the same fate. Thus "the Caribbean's millions of native people [were] thereby effectively liquidated in barely a quarter of a century". [SH72-73] "In less than the normal lifetime of a single human being, an entire culture of millions of people, thousands of years resident in their homeland, had been exterminated." "And then the Spanish turned their attention to the mainland of Mexico and Central America. The slaughter had barely begun. The exquisite city of Tenochtitln [Mexico city] was next." [SH75]

Contemporary Historian Raymond of Agiles describing the capture of Jerusalem by the Crusaders in 1099:
"Some of our men cut off the heads of their enemies; others shot them with arrows, so that they fell from the towers; others tortured them longer by casting them into the flames. Piles of heads, hands and feet were to be seen in the streets of the city. It was necessary to pick one's way over the bodies of men and horses. But these were small matters compared to what happened at the temple of Solomon, a place where religious services ware ordinarily chanted. What happened there? If I tell the truth, it will exceed your powers of belief. So let it suffice to say this much at least, that in the temple and portico of Solomon, men rode in blood up to their knees and bridle reins".
It's quite ludicrous for a zionist jew to point out the alleged atrocities of other people after the brutal murder of hundreds of innocent women and children by the IDF savages recently in Gaza. ..... :cool:

I'm an atheist who went with the "Islam is a religion of peace" theme for a long time. Now I'm kind of on the fence waiting for the chorus of Islamic condemnation of this horror right out of the dark ages. I've condemned Christian atrocities from centuries past and ancient and relatively modern Christian dogma that birthed anti-semetism. Modern Christianity I only consider an ideological throwback, relatively benign.

I have spoken out against Israel's treatment of the Palestinians, as have many Christians and Jews.

These monsters behind IS though are exponentially more dangerous, more evil than anything I have seen in my lifetime, on par with Hitler's Nazis, if not worse. I'm waiting for the rest of the muslim world to rise up and condemn this movement and in unity to defeat it. It's time they prove they are a "Religion of Peace".
Islam also teaches self defense against foreign occupiers and invaders.

After 200 years of western colonialism and the installing of brutal puppet dictators by the U.S. and European powers.

The average citizen is totally feed up with the situation and looking to follow any leader who will stand up to the west and help reclaim the land and culture.
Again you people miss the difference I've explain in detail to Delta4Embassy in the earlier posts.
The problem is not with Islam, its with Muslims.
The same way you protect your religion, It is expected of you to go against these lunatics spreading horrors under the name of YOUR RELIGION, My problem is with you - not Islam.
The fact Muslims can be united under certain agendas including religion it is even expected of Muslims to go fight AGAINST the Islamic State to even honor Islam, but none of this happen, in reality we have roughly 10% of the expected reaction.

If the problem is Muslims and not Islam then I can assume there will no more quoting the Koran to denigrate them ?
"Israel crosses the border with Syria very often, and interferes in Syria's border villages at an unimaginable rate, and these interferences include assistance and aid (to the rebel and terrorist groups) in various logistic, military and medical grounds," the Austrian officer, who asked to remain anonymous, said in an interview with the Palestinian weekly, al-Manar. "



^Check the date.

That was when Assad was playing his games with Israel. He's too busy with Isis now.

Isis is on his mind and not Israel. So, Israel can just sit back and watch the Muslim on Muslim slaughter.

I know, you really want Israel involved.
Israel has already been involved. Who are you kidding ?

Check the date I said.

You use information that has nothing to do with supporting the events in the moment.

That's a fail.

I know the Shia would love to see Israel get involved. The Arabs, not so much.

Why do you want to see this and use old information about issues with Syria and Israel pre-ISIS.

You attempt to include Israel as a hijack to the OP.

Again, why?

So now we have some Arab Countries condemning the moves of ultra extremist ISIS but how much blood have they been willing to shed to stop them?

Why are there no Arab armies mobilizing to stop them? Why is Iran not mobilizing and asking Egypt to join a coalition to stop ISIS?

Finally some of the Arab countries act... by speaking with only words while as in Egypt, their young flock to Syria and Iraq to fight with ISIS.

What do they expect? They expect the U.S to form coalitions in order to send more of its precious life treasure fighting radical Islam. For what? So that the Arab countries can then later condemn the West for it. Then they can attack the US and the coalitions and blame them when more Muslims start killing more people.

Not a single American life should be wasted trying to do anything else in the Middle East. Let Israel handle what needs to be done to protect themselves and imho? The US needs to stay out of it. Period. Not one more drop of American blood wasted fighting what no Arab really wants to see destroyed.

Where's the Arab countries and their action?

No response to this?

Sure When was the last time Israel made a bombing run and where was it ?
Religion of Peace, my ass.

Muhammed himself (Peanut Butter and Jelly Be Upon Him) was a blood-soaked tyrant.

Why should we expect anything better from the slapped-together, plagiaristic, hallucinogenic commentaries and simple-minded warrior's belief-system that he left behind?

We're not going to see a lot of effective vocalization against ISIS from the Muslim community.

After all, a resurrected Caliphate is what soooooo many of them actually want, and many of the rest would be deathly-afraid to voice opposition to such a long-standing pipe dream.
It's quite ludicrous for a zionist jew to point out the alleged atrocities of other people after the brutal murder of hundreds of innocent women and children by the IDF savages recently in Gaza. ..... :cool:

I'm an atheist who went with the "Islam is a religion of peace" theme for a long time. Now I'm kind of on the fence waiting for the chorus of Islamic condemnation of this horror right out of the dark ages. I've condemned Christian atrocities from centuries past and ancient and relatively modern Christian dogma that birthed anti-semetism. Modern Christianity I only consider an ideological throwback, relatively benign.

I have spoken out against Israel's treatment of the Palestinians, as have many Christians and Jews.

These monsters behind IS though are exponentially more dangerous, more evil than anything I have seen in my lifetime, on par with Hitler's Nazis, if not worse. I'm waiting for the rest of the muslim world to rise up and condemn this movement and in unity to defeat it. It's time they prove they are a "Religion of Peace".
Islam also teaches self defense against foreign occupiers and invaders.

After 200 years of western colonialism and the installing of brutal puppet dictators by the U.S. and European powers.

The average citizen is totally feed up with the situation and looking to follow any leader who will stand up to the west and help reclaim the land and culture.
Again you people miss the difference I've explain in detail to Delta4Embassy in the earlier posts.
The problem is not with Islam, its with Muslims.
The same way you protect your religion, It is expected of you to go against these lunatics spreading horrors under the name of YOUR RELIGION, My problem is with you - not Islam.
The fact Muslims can be united under certain agendas including religion it is even expected of Muslims to go fight AGAINST the Islamic State to even honor Islam, but none of this happen, in reality we have roughly 10% of the expected reaction.

If the problem is Muslims and not Islam then I can assume there will no more quoting the Koran to denigrate them ?
Remind me when I quoted the Koran again?
It's quite ludicrous for a zionist jew to point out the alleged atrocities of other people after the brutal murder of hundreds of innocent women and children by the IDF savages recently in Gaza. ..... :cool:

I'm an atheist who went with the "Islam is a religion of peace" theme for a long time. Now I'm kind of on the fence waiting for the chorus of Islamic condemnation of this horror right out of the dark ages. I've condemned Christian atrocities from centuries past and ancient and relatively modern Christian dogma that birthed anti-semetism. Modern Christianity I only consider an ideological throwback, relatively benign.

I have spoken out against Israel's treatment of the Palestinians, as have many Christians and Jews.

These monsters behind IS though are exponentially more dangerous, more evil than anything I have seen in my lifetime, on par with Hitler's Nazis, if not worse. I'm waiting for the rest of the muslim world to rise up and condemn this movement and in unity to defeat it. It's time they prove they are a "Religion of Peace".
Islam also teaches self defense against foreign occupiers and invaders.

After 200 years of western colonialism and the installing of brutal puppet dictators by the U.S. and European powers.

The average citizen is totally feed up with the situation and looking to follow any leader who will stand up to the west and help reclaim the land and culture.
Again you people miss the difference I've explain in detail to Delta4Embassy in the earlier posts.
The problem is not with Islam, its with Muslims.
The same way you protect your religion, It is expected of you to go against these lunatics spreading horrors under the name of YOUR RELIGION, My problem is with you - not Islam.
The fact Muslims can be united under certain agendas including religion it is even expected of Muslims to go fight AGAINST the Islamic State to even honor Islam, but none of this happen, in reality we have roughly 10% of the expected reaction.

If the problem is Muslims and not Islam then I can assume there will no more quoting the Koran to denigrate them ?
Remind me when I quoted the Koran again?

not just you----anyone. Do you intend to condemn those that use the Koran to denigrate Muslims or will you sit idly by when it happens ?
It's quite ludicrous for a zionist jew to point out the alleged atrocities of other people after the brutal murder of hundreds of innocent women and children by the IDF savages recently in Gaza. ..... :cool:

I'm an atheist who went with the "Islam is a religion of peace" theme for a long time. Now I'm kind of on the fence waiting for the chorus of Islamic condemnation of this horror right out of the dark ages. I've condemned Christian atrocities from centuries past and ancient and relatively modern Christian dogma that birthed anti-semetism. Modern Christianity I only consider an ideological throwback, relatively benign.

I have spoken out against Israel's treatment of the Palestinians, as have many Christians and Jews.

These monsters behind IS though are exponentially more dangerous, more evil than anything I have seen in my lifetime, on par with Hitler's Nazis, if not worse. I'm waiting for the rest of the muslim world to rise up and condemn this movement and in unity to defeat it. It's time they prove they are a "Religion of Peace".
Islam also teaches self defense against foreign occupiers and invaders.

After 200 years of western colonialism and the installing of brutal puppet dictators by the U.S. and European powers.

The average citizen is totally feed up with the situation and looking to follow any leader who will stand up to the west and help reclaim the land and culture.
Again you people miss the difference I've explain in detail to Delta4Embassy in the earlier posts.
The problem is not with Islam, its with Muslims.
The same way you protect your religion, It is expected of you to go against these lunatics spreading horrors under the name of YOUR RELIGION, My problem is with you - not Islam.
The fact Muslims can be united under certain agendas including religion it is even expected of Muslims to go fight AGAINST the Islamic State to even honor Islam, but none of this happen, in reality we have roughly 10% of the expected reaction.

If the problem is Muslims and not Islam then I can assume there will no more quoting the Koran to denigrate them ?
Remind me when I quoted the Koran again?

not just you----anyone. Do you intend to condemn those that use the Koran to denigrate Muslims or will you sit idly by when it happens ?

quoting the Koran denigrates muslims? why? ---I never
quote the Koran-----there Is nothing I the Koran that I
consider worth quoting. I am always annoyed when people
quote a book they never read-------the reason I do not quote
the Koran is because I DID READ IT. Therefore I am in
a position to render an opinion------it's not worth quoting.
Lots of people quote the bible too------most of them never
read the book either
Syria 4 killed 9 wounded in Israeli airstrikes Fox News

From given link:

The Syrian government said Monday a series of Israeli airstrikes targeting its troops in retaliation for a deadly cross-border attack killed four people and wounded nine others, in its first comment on the overnight incident.

Retaliatory strikes can occur at any time with countries that are still in a state of acknowledged war with Israel.

Syria is one of those countries.

This is the business as usual and not ISIS. Assad seems to have some more time on his hands.
Syria 4 killed 9 wounded in Israeli airstrikes Fox News

From given link:

The Syrian government said Monday a series of Israeli airstrikes targeting its troops in retaliation for a deadly cross-border attack killed four people and wounded nine others, in its first comment on the overnight incident.

Retaliatory strikes can occur at any time with countries that are still in a state of acknowledged war with Israel.

Syria is one of those countries.
So don't try to tell me this isn't about Israel....
Syria 4 killed 9 wounded in Israeli airstrikes Fox News

From given link:

The Syrian government said Monday a series of Israeli airstrikes targeting its troops in retaliation for a deadly cross-border attack killed four people and wounded nine others, in its first comment on the overnight incident.

Retaliatory strikes can occur at any time with countries that are still in a state of acknowledged war with Israel.

Syria is one of those countries.
So don't try to tell me this isn't about Israel....

It isn't. Assad attacked and Israel responded.

You're backwards. It's not about Israel when they attack Israel, because Israel defends itself.

Therefore it's not about Israel. It's about Assad attacking Israel, while he fights with Isis.

Why not try and bring the Jews deeper into it.

But that's not about Israel, that's about Assad trying to bring Israeli into it.

Like some on this forum would like to see.
It's quite ludicrous for a zionist jew to point out the alleged atrocities of other people after the brutal murder of hundreds of innocent women and children by the IDF savages recently in Gaza. ..... :cool:

I'm an atheist who went with the "Islam is a religion of peace" theme for a long time. Now I'm kind of on the fence waiting for the chorus of Islamic condemnation of this horror right out of the dark ages. I've condemned Christian atrocities from centuries past and ancient and relatively modern Christian dogma that birthed anti-semetism. Modern Christianity I only consider an ideological throwback, relatively benign.

I have spoken out against Israel's treatment of the Palestinians, as have many Christians and Jews.

These monsters behind IS though are exponentially more dangerous, more evil than anything I have seen in my lifetime, on par with Hitler's Nazis, if not worse. I'm waiting for the rest of the muslim world to rise up and condemn this movement and in unity to defeat it. It's time they prove they are a "Religion of Peace".
Islam also teaches self defense against foreign occupiers and invaders.

After 200 years of western colonialism and the installing of brutal puppet dictators by the U.S. and European powers.

The average citizen is totally feed up with the situation and looking to follow any leader who will stand up to the west and help reclaim the land and culture.
Again you people miss the difference I've explain in detail to Delta4Embassy in the earlier posts.
The problem is not with Islam, its with Muslims.
The same way you protect your religion, It is expected of you to go against these lunatics spreading horrors under the name of YOUR RELIGION, My problem is with you - not Islam.
The fact Muslims can be united under certain agendas including religion it is even expected of Muslims to go fight AGAINST the Islamic State to even honor Islam, but none of this happen, in reality we have roughly 10% of the expected reaction.

If the problem is Muslims and not Islam then I can assume there will no more quoting the Koran to denigrate them ?
Remind me when I quoted the Koran again?

not just you----anyone. Do you intend to condemn those that use the Koran to denigrate Muslims or will you sit idly by when it happens ?
As far as I remember nobody quoted the Koran, taking responsibility for your mistakes the more reliable and serious people would evaluate you.
I'm not a Muslim and not a victim of IS which is why I'm on the observing and neutral side to judge the case.
The Muslims are not on the observing side and stating their position is the very least they can do to respond, therefore it is up to them to state they are not part of Islam or they are - like IS claim.
Taking action is the next part, and we still haven't reach this part yet.
Syria 4 killed 9 wounded in Israeli airstrikes Fox News

From given link:

The Syrian government said Monday a series of Israeli airstrikes targeting its troops in retaliation for a deadly cross-border attack killed four people and wounded nine others, in its first comment on the overnight incident.

Retaliatory strikes can occur at any time with countries that are still in a state of acknowledged war with Israel.

Syria is one of those countries.
So don't try to tell me this isn't about Israel....

It isn't. Assad attacked and Israel responded.

You're backwards. It's not about Israel when they attack Israel, because Israel defends itself.

Therefore it's not about Israel. It's about Assad attacking Israel, while he fights with Isis.

Why not try and bring the Jews deeper into it.

But that's not about Israel, that's about Assad trying to bring Israeli into it.

.......................^^ Typical zionist jew double talk............ :cool:
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