Muslim Silence Amid ISIS atrocities.

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Syria 4 killed 9 wounded in Israeli airstrikes Fox News

From given link:

The Syrian government said Monday a series of Israeli airstrikes targeting its troops in retaliation for a deadly cross-border attack killed four people and wounded nine others, in its first comment on the overnight incident.

Retaliatory strikes can occur at any time with countries that are still in a state of acknowledged war with Israel.

Syria is one of those countries.
So don't try to tell me this isn't about Israel....

Obviously you want it to be about Israel. And so what if Israel does retaliate every now and again. I say, good on them. :D
What actions has the Muslim community taken against the LARGE radical element within their ranks?

Muslim Americans Foil Terror Threats
A new report on violent extremists in the United States finds that terrorism plots by non-Muslims greatly outnumber those attempted by Muslims, and that Muslim-American communities helped foil close to a third of al Qaeda-related terror plots threatening the country since Sep. 11, 2001.

Terror plot Toronto Muslim leader tipped off RCMP CBC Toronto Star
A “prominent community leader” among Toronto Muslims tipped off the RCMP to possible terror suspects, the CBC reports.

And the Mounties gave GTA’s imams a “special briefing” Monday before announcing the arrest of two men in an alleged plot to derail a VIA passenger train, one community leader told the CBC Tuesday morning.

Iraqi Baath Party declares war against ISIS informazione dal medio oriente information from middle east vs-1
The banned Iraq Baath party has declared war against the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS) group due to their violent dismissal of the Christians of Mosul.

In a statement released by the Baath party this week, claims are made that the crimes of ISIS are becoming far too numerous and there should be a limit put on them, especially after they threatened and forced Christians in Mosul to leave the city.

Maliki confirms Syrian planes have bombed Isis positions World news
The Iraqi prime minister, Nouri al-Maliki, said on Thursday that he welcomed a Syrian air strike on Sunni militant positions as it left both countries "winners".

The Syrian warplanes struck near the border crossing in the town of Qaim on Tuesday, hitting the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isis), which seeks to carve out a purist Islamic enclave across the Syria-Iraq border.

As you can see, individual Muslims have been doing their part to prevent domestic terror attacks within the U.S., and Muslim governments (and non-governmental entities) have been fighting terror groups like ISIS.

The real question is, what's the U.S. been doing about radical Muslims?

John McCain Photographed With ISIS Terrorists Last Year -
This situation caught the eye of NATO and the US government, who are now pushing for a new invasion of Iraq. Interestingly enough though, just a year ago John McCain was seen taking photos with members of ISIS, and he was also quoted calling them freedom fighters in the media.

“It was a very moving experience to meet these fighters who have been struggling now for over two years. And they’re very aware of the battlefield situation and they’re very disturbed about the dramatic influx of Hezbollah fighters, more Iranians, and of course, stepped-up activities of Bashar Assad,McCain told CNN reporters.

McCain made this statement while the US was in support of ISIS, because they had a common enemy in the Syrian regime.

Obama to seek more aid for moderate rebels in Syria -
The Obama administration says it will seek $500 million from Congress to help "train and equip appropriately vetted elements of the moderate Syrian armed opposition," funding that, if approved, would deepen U.S. involvement in that country's civil war.

National Security Council spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden announced on Thursday that the administration would seek the money that she said would build on "longstanding efforts" by the United States "to empower the moderate Syrian opposition."

The $500 million request would be part of a $1.5 billion so-called regional stabilization initiative, which would involve partnering with Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey and Iraq -- Syria's neighbors.

US Terrorism Prosecutions Often An Illusion Human Rights Watch
The 214-page report, “Illusion of Justice: Human Rights Abuses in US Terrorism Prosecutions,” examines 27 federal terrorism cases from initiation of the investigations to sentencing and post-conviction conditions of confinement. It documents the significant human cost of certain counterterrorism practices, such as overly aggressive sting operations and unnecessarily restrictive conditions of confinement.

“Americans have been told that their government is keeping them safe by preventing and prosecuting terrorism inside the US,” said Andrea Prasow, deputy Washington director at Human Rights Watch and one of the authors of the report. “But take a closer look and you realize that many of these people would never have committed a crime if not for law enforcement encouraging, pressuring, and sometimes paying them to commit terrorist acts.”

OH RIGHT. The very same terrorists that Muslims are fighting now were created, funded, equipped, and trained by the U.S. government itself--in between the government hatching "terror plots" that continue to be outed by American Muslims. Whoops.

That's because anyone that you try to team up with over there turns out to be a lunatic. Of course we get involved for our own benefit. We can't have a dictator who is not willing to work with us after all. If there is one who happens to be stubborn, we have to try and remove him from power in exchange for one who is more cooperative.
Syria 4 killed 9 wounded in Israeli airstrikes Fox News

From given link:

The Syrian government said Monday a series of Israeli airstrikes targeting its troops in retaliation for a deadly cross-border attack killed four people and wounded nine others, in its first comment on the overnight incident.

Retaliatory strikes can occur at any time with countries that are still in a state of acknowledged war with Israel.

Syria is one of those countries.
So don't try to tell me this isn't about Israel....

It isn't. Assad attacked and Israel responded.

You're backwards. It's not about Israel when they attack Israel, because Israel defends itself.

Therefore it's not about Israel. It's about Assad attacking Israel, while he fights with Isis.

Why not try and bring the Jews deeper into it.

But that's not about Israel, that's about Assad trying to bring Israeli into it.

.......................^^ Typical zionist jew double talk............ :cool:
What didn't you understand. It's cause and effect. It's a response to an attack, not an attack itself.

I know, that's enough for Sunni Man to take a slight from. It's an attack and call victimization in one fell whoop.
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