Muslim Silence Amid ISIS atrocities.

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dildo said "it's been proven that there ARE Muslims who stand against ISIS."

so? of course there are muslims who stand against
"ISIS" ----isis is a specifically sunni organization and does
things according to the agendae of the specific sunnis
who run it. . Muslims who do not like sunnis ---or more
specifically THOSE sunnis-----"stand against them" ---
THE REAL QUESTION--- is----muslim leaders who "stand
against" the creation of a CALIPHATE and even more
specifically the use of shariah law as a civil code------
over to you dilldoduck
It's quite ludicrous for a zionist jew to point out the alleged atrocities of other people after the brutal murder of hundreds of innocent women and children by the IDF savages recently in Gaza. ..... :cool:
What a pile of horse shit.
You Muslim pieces of shit are murdering each other (a GOOD) thing and others like a dog in heat.
What truly gives you away as a piece of shit is that you have the gall to compare Jews to your murderous co-religionists and overtly don't give a shit about "your fellow Muslims".

By the way, did I express what a piece of shit you are?
You are a
Here we come to think again about the hypocrisy goes around the ISIS, I don't see anyone rushing to aid the poor victims of them, like 3 out of 5 Muslims here on the board [I won't state their name] remained silent or chose not to comment about ISIS, the horrors done in Syria, by ISIS or Assad, BH, and the rest of the Muslim terrorism going on the Middle East didn't cause the predictable noise as we expect, in fact they barely said anything against it - when most expected or should I say needed for them to say anything - against those baring the black flag and committing horrors in the name of their God, or do they agree?

If anyone had any doubts when ISIS is planning to stop..well I can provide evidence showing ISIS reached Jordan (Ma'an) and another unconfirmed video of ISIS launching rockets from Gaza to Israel.
This is a very large topic for itself so I don't really want to get into it..try to focus over the ISIS atrocities.

1.Killing Infidels and all non-Muslims (Sunnis)
2.Conquering the world.

Did I miss anything?

1. Death to Followers of Other Religions

Whoever sacrifices to any god, except the Lord alone, shall be doomed. (Exodus 22:19 NAB)

Mass Murder

The men of Israel withdrew through the territory of the Benjaminites, putting to the sword the inhabitants of the city, the livestock, and all they chanced upon. Moreover they destroyed by fire all the cities they came upon. (Judges 20:48 NAB)

Kill Followers of Other Religions

While the Israelites were camped at Acacia, some of the men defiled themselves by sleeping with the local Moabite women. These women invited them to attend sacrifices to their gods, and soon the Israelites were feasting with them and worshiping the gods of Moab. Before long Israel was joining in the worship of Baal of Peor, causing the LORD's anger to blaze against his people. The LORD issued the following command to Moses: "Seize all the ringleaders and execute them before the LORD in broad daylight, so his fierce anger will turn away from the people of Israel." So Moses ordered Israel's judges to execute everyone who had joined in worshiping Baal of Peor. Just then one of the Israelite men brought a Midianite woman into the camp, right before the eyes of Moses and all the people, as they were weeping at the entrance of the Tabernacle. When Phinehas son of Eleazar and grandson of Aaron the priest saw this, he jumped up and left the assembly. Then he took a spear and rushed after the man into his tent. Phinehas thrust the spear all the way through the man's body and into the woman's stomach. So the plague against the Israelites was stopped, but not before 24,000 people had died. (Numbers 25:1-9 NLT)

Gee, wonder where Islam got the idea mass murder and genocide was ok?
Murder in the Bible

Since this thread is about the silence of less rabid Muslims, less rabid Jews staying silent would only be hypocritical.

You are a complete fucking idiot on this topic as you have quoted EVERYTHING OUT OF CONTEXT.
You lack of Torah knowledge is embarrassing.
Yeah, yeah, I know, you served in the military so you have the right to be a complete fucking idiot.
Hypocrites, this is all Allah's will isn't it? well then..Sorry Israel is winning so bad .. :finger3:
You don't know that the Syrian gov't is secular and works against islamization. You need to get the required information before you open such a thread.
Zionist jews are taught to hate muslims and anyone else who questions their warped ideology. ... :cool:
There's no greater teacher of hate for muslims, than muslims themselves.
So now we have some Arab Countries condemning the moves of ultra extremist ISIS but how much blood have they been willing to shed to stop them?

Why are there no Arab armies mobilizing to stop them? Why is Iran not mobilizing and asking Egypt to join a coalition to stop ISIS?

Finally some of the Arab countries act... by speaking with only words while as in Egypt, their young flock to Syria and Iraq to fight with ISIS.

What do they expect? They expect the U.S to form coalitions in order to send more of its precious life treasure fighting radical Islam. For what? So that the Arab countries can then later condemn the West for it. Then they can attack the US and the coalitions and blame them when more Muslims start killing more people.

Not a single American life should be wasted trying to do anything else in the Middle East. Let Israel handle what needs to be done to protect themselves and imho? The US needs to stay out of it. Period. Not one more drop of American blood wasted fighting what no Arab really wants to see destroyed.

Where's the Arab countries and their action?
I think that the topic of this thread is----a discussion about
the reaction of muslims to the actions of ISIS---specifically
the violent actions of Isis. I checked back----I think I have
correctly described the OP topic. I am not a stickler from
GOING BACK to the OP-----but I believe that it is CONVENIENT -
rule ---for CONTROL. There is a natural tendency for
conversation to FLOW------MOVE ALONG as people respond to
the MOST immediate thoughts expressed. BE NOT TRAPPEDED by control freaks who can easily cite you for
forgetting the OP as the conversation flows along
It's quite ludicrous for a zionist jew to point out the alleged atrocities of other people after the brutal murder of hundreds of innocent women and children by the IDF savages recently in Gaza. ..... :cool:

So do you support ISIS? It really seems like that's what you're trying to say. Regardless of what Israel has done, are the actions taken by ISIS Islamic, in your opinion?
So now we have some Arab Countries condemning the moves of ultra extremist ISIS but how much blood have they been willing to shed to stop them?

Why are there no Arab armies mobilizing to stop them? Why is Iran not mobilizing and asking Egypt to join a coalition to stop ISIS?

Finally some of the Arab countries act... by speaking with only words while as in Egypt, their young flock to Syria and Iraq to fight with ISIS.

What do they expect? They expect the U.S to form coalitions in order to send more of its precious life treasure fighting radical Islam. For what? So that the Arab countries can then later condemn the West for it. Then they can attack the US and the coalitions and blame them when more Muslims start killing more people.

Not a single American life should be wasted trying to do anything else in the Middle East. Let Israel handle what needs to be done to protect themselves and imho? The US needs to stay out of it. Period. Not one more drop of American blood wasted fighting what no Arab really wants to see destroyed.

Where's the Arab countries and their action?

Syria has offered to take out ISIS if the US helps their with arms and US bombing by drone or plane. US should inform Syria where they are about to bomb first and ask permission from syria.
Assad wants to make FSA irrelevant and get regions backing as the state authority.

............and in the beginning Assad and ISIS were cooperating and syria was supplying their with fuel. Now Assad thinks he can become the hero and remove the ISIS threat.
"Israel crosses the border with Syria very often, and interferes in Syria's border villages at an unimaginable rate, and these interferences include assistance and aid (to the rebel and terrorist groups) in various logistic, military and medical grounds," the Austrian officer, who asked to remain anonymous, said in an interview with the Palestinian weekly, al-Manar. "



^Check the date.

That was when Assad was playing his games with Israel. He's too busy with Isis now.

Isis is on his mind and not Israel. So, Israel can just sit back and watch the Muslim on Muslim slaughter.

I know, you really want Israel involved.
Israel has already been involved. Who are you kidding ?
"Israel crosses the border with Syria very often, and interferes in Syria's border villages at an unimaginable rate, and these interferences include assistance and aid (to the rebel and terrorist groups) in various logistic, military and medical grounds," the Austrian officer, who asked to remain anonymous, said in an interview with the Palestinian weekly, al-Manar. "



^Check the date.

That was when Assad was playing his games with Israel. He's too busy with Isis now.

Isis is on his mind and not Israel. So, Israel can just sit back and watch the Muslim on Muslim slaughter.

I know, you really want Israel involved.
Israel has already been involved. Who are you kidding ?

Check the date I said.

You use information that has nothing to do with supporting the events in the moment.

That's a fail.

I know the Shia would love to see Israel get involved. The Arabs, not so much.

Why do you want to see this and use old information about issues with Syria and Israel pre-ISIS.

You attempt to include Israel as a hijack to the OP.

Again, why?

So now we have some Arab Countries condemning the moves of ultra extremist ISIS but how much blood have they been willing to shed to stop them?

Why are there no Arab armies mobilizing to stop them? Why is Iran not mobilizing and asking Egypt to join a coalition to stop ISIS?

Finally some of the Arab countries act... by speaking with only words while as in Egypt, their young flock to Syria and Iraq to fight with ISIS.

What do they expect? They expect the U.S to form coalitions in order to send more of its precious life treasure fighting radical Islam. For what? So that the Arab countries can then later condemn the West for it. Then they can attack the US and the coalitions and blame them when more Muslims start killing more people.

Not a single American life should be wasted trying to do anything else in the Middle East. Let Israel handle what needs to be done to protect themselves and imho? The US needs to stay out of it. Period. Not one more drop of American blood wasted fighting what no Arab really wants to see destroyed.

Where's the Arab countries and their action?

No response to this?
What actions has the Muslim community taken against the LARGE radical element within their ranks?

Muslim Americans Foil Terror Threats
A new report on violent extremists in the United States finds that terrorism plots by non-Muslims greatly outnumber those attempted by Muslims, and that Muslim-American communities helped foil close to a third of al Qaeda-related terror plots threatening the country since Sep. 11, 2001.

Terror plot Toronto Muslim leader tipped off RCMP CBC Toronto Star
A “prominent community leader” among Toronto Muslims tipped off the RCMP to possible terror suspects, the CBC reports.

And the Mounties gave GTA’s imams a “special briefing” Monday before announcing the arrest of two men in an alleged plot to derail a VIA passenger train, one community leader told the CBC Tuesday morning.

Iraqi Baath Party declares war against ISIS informazione dal medio oriente information from middle east vs-1
The banned Iraq Baath party has declared war against the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS) group due to their violent dismissal of the Christians of Mosul.

In a statement released by the Baath party this week, claims are made that the crimes of ISIS are becoming far too numerous and there should be a limit put on them, especially after they threatened and forced Christians in Mosul to leave the city.

Maliki confirms Syrian planes have bombed Isis positions World news
The Iraqi prime minister, Nouri al-Maliki, said on Thursday that he welcomed a Syrian air strike on Sunni militant positions as it left both countries "winners".

The Syrian warplanes struck near the border crossing in the town of Qaim on Tuesday, hitting the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isis), which seeks to carve out a purist Islamic enclave across the Syria-Iraq border.

As you can see, individual Muslims have been doing their part to prevent domestic terror attacks within the U.S., and Muslim governments (and non-governmental entities) have been fighting terror groups like ISIS.

The real question is, what's the U.S. been doing about radical Muslims?

John McCain Photographed With ISIS Terrorists Last Year -
This situation caught the eye of NATO and the US government, who are now pushing for a new invasion of Iraq. Interestingly enough though, just a year ago John McCain was seen taking photos with members of ISIS, and he was also quoted calling them freedom fighters in the media.

“It was a very moving experience to meet these fighters who have been struggling now for over two years. And they’re very aware of the battlefield situation and they’re very disturbed about the dramatic influx of Hezbollah fighters, more Iranians, and of course, stepped-up activities of Bashar Assad,McCain told CNN reporters.

McCain made this statement while the US was in support of ISIS, because they had a common enemy in the Syrian regime.

Obama to seek more aid for moderate rebels in Syria -
The Obama administration says it will seek $500 million from Congress to help "train and equip appropriately vetted elements of the moderate Syrian armed opposition," funding that, if approved, would deepen U.S. involvement in that country's civil war.

National Security Council spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden announced on Thursday that the administration would seek the money that she said would build on "longstanding efforts" by the United States "to empower the moderate Syrian opposition."

The $500 million request would be part of a $1.5 billion so-called regional stabilization initiative, which would involve partnering with Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey and Iraq -- Syria's neighbors.

US Terrorism Prosecutions Often An Illusion Human Rights Watch
The 214-page report, “Illusion of Justice: Human Rights Abuses in US Terrorism Prosecutions,” examines 27 federal terrorism cases from initiation of the investigations to sentencing and post-conviction conditions of confinement. It documents the significant human cost of certain counterterrorism practices, such as overly aggressive sting operations and unnecessarily restrictive conditions of confinement.

“Americans have been told that their government is keeping them safe by preventing and prosecuting terrorism inside the US,” said Andrea Prasow, deputy Washington director at Human Rights Watch and one of the authors of the report. “But take a closer look and you realize that many of these people would never have committed a crime if not for law enforcement encouraging, pressuring, and sometimes paying them to commit terrorist acts.”

OH RIGHT. The very same terrorists that Muslims are fighting now were created, funded, equipped, and trained by the U.S. government itself--in between the government hatching "terror plots" that continue to be outed by American Muslims. Whoops.
So now we have some Arab Countries condemning the moves of ultra extremist ISIS but how much blood have they been willing to shed to stop them?

Why are there no Arab armies mobilizing to stop them? Why is Iran not mobilizing and asking Egypt to join a coalition to stop ISIS?

Finally some of the Arab countries act... by speaking with only words while as in Egypt, their young flock to Syria and Iraq to fight with ISIS.

What do they expect? They expect the U.S to form coalitions in order to send more of its precious life treasure fighting radical Islam. For what? So that the Arab countries can then later condemn the West for it. Then they can attack the US and the coalitions and blame them when more Muslims start killing more people.

Not a single American life should be wasted trying to do anything else in the Middle East. Let Israel handle what needs to be done to protect themselves and imho? The US needs to stay out of it. Period. Not one more drop of American blood wasted fighting what no Arab really wants to see destroyed.

Where's the Arab countries and their action?

The ones that will act--Iran, Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq--have done so already. Other countries, such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Bahrain, have two things in common: The first, they are U.S. allies; the second, they joined the U.S. in backing ISIS.

Five More Hezbollah Fighters Killed in Syria - Middle East - News - Arutz Sheva
Five more Hezbollah fighters were killed fighting in Syria, according to a statement by the Shia terrorist group Friday.

The Iranian-backed Hezbollah has come under considerable strain; the group has committed thousands of fighters to Syria where it is fighting to defend Tehran's ally President Bashar al-Assad against Sunni rebels.

Hezbollah's involvement in Syria has proved crucial pushing rebels from regions near the border with Lebanon, but the group has sustained heavy casualties in the process. And it has also made it the target of Sunni jihadis inside Lebanon itself, with terrorist groups linked to both Al Qaeda and, more recently, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), claiming responsibility for a string of bombing and rocket attacks on Hezbollah strongholds in Lebanon.

Al-Qaeda and ISIS are on one side of this war, with Iran, Hezbollah, Syria, and Iraq on the other. One of these groups is not an enemy unless we go out of our way to make them one. The members of the other have already killed American citizens and have stated their intent to do so again.
So now we have some Arab Countries condemning the moves of ultra extremist ISIS but how much blood have they been willing to shed to stop them?

Why are there no Arab armies mobilizing to stop them? Why is Iran not mobilizing and asking Egypt to join a coalition to stop ISIS?

Finally some of the Arab countries act... by speaking with only words while as in Egypt, their young flock to Syria and Iraq to fight with ISIS.

What do they expect? They expect the U.S to form coalitions in order to send more of its precious life treasure fighting radical Islam. For what? So that the Arab countries can then later condemn the West for it. Then they can attack the US and the coalitions and blame them when more Muslims start killing more people.

Not a single American life should be wasted trying to do anything else in the Middle East. Let Israel handle what needs to be done to protect themselves and imho? The US needs to stay out of it. Period. Not one more drop of American blood wasted fighting what no Arab really wants to see destroyed.

Where's the Arab countries and their action?

The ones that will act--Iran, Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq--have done so already. Other countries, such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Bahrain, have two things in common: The first, they are U.S. allies; the second, they joined the U.S. in backing ISIS.

Five More Hezbollah Fighters Killed in Syria - Middle East - News - Arutz Sheva
Five more Hezbollah fighters were killed fighting in Syria, according to a statement by the Shia terrorist group Friday.

The Iranian-backed Hezbollah has come under considerable strain; the group has committed thousands of fighters to Syria where it is fighting to defend Tehran's ally President Bashar al-Assad against Sunni rebels.

Hezbollah's involvement in Syria has proved crucial pushing rebels from regions near the border with Lebanon, but the group has sustained heavy casualties in the process. And it has also made it the target of Sunni jihadis inside Lebanon itself, with terrorist groups linked to both Al Qaeda and, more recently, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), claiming responsibility for a string of bombing and rocket attacks on Hezbollah strongholds in Lebanon.

Al-Qaeda and ISIS are on one side of this war, with Iran, Hezbollah, Syria, and Iraq on the other. One of these groups is not an enemy unless we go out of our way to make them one. The members of the other have already killed American citizens and have stated their intent to do so again.

So, they are all proxies of the Muslim countries who won't put boots on the ground because...

...they already have boots on the ground.

Via their proxy fighters in Syria and Iraq.

ISIS, Al-Qaeda and the Shia Hezbolla and their many offshoots. Even the Palestinians are fighting there.

OK, that's why there's some words from the countries but no action.

I can see that.

Still, Shia supporting Sunni in Gaza while fighting and killing them in Syria is a strange occurence.
So now we have some Arab Countries condemning the moves of ultra extremist ISIS but how much blood have they been willing to shed to stop them?

Why are there no Arab armies mobilizing to stop them? Why is Iran not mobilizing and asking Egypt to join a coalition to stop ISIS?

Finally some of the Arab countries act... by speaking with only words while as in Egypt, their young flock to Syria and Iraq to fight with ISIS.

What do they expect? They expect the U.S to form coalitions in order to send more of its precious life treasure fighting radical Islam. For what? So that the Arab countries can then later condemn the West for it. Then they can attack the US and the coalitions and blame them when more Muslims start killing more people.

Not a single American life should be wasted trying to do anything else in the Middle East. Let Israel handle what needs to be done to protect themselves and imho? The US needs to stay out of it. Period. Not one more drop of American blood wasted fighting what no Arab really wants to see destroyed.

Where's the Arab countries and their action?

The ones that will act--Iran, Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq--have done so already. Other countries, such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Bahrain, have two things in common: The first, they are U.S. allies; the second, they joined the U.S. in backing ISIS.

Five More Hezbollah Fighters Killed in Syria - Middle East - News - Arutz Sheva
Five more Hezbollah fighters were killed fighting in Syria, according to a statement by the Shia terrorist group Friday.

The Iranian-backed Hezbollah has come under considerable strain; the group has committed thousands of fighters to Syria where it is fighting to defend Tehran's ally President Bashar al-Assad against Sunni rebels.

Hezbollah's involvement in Syria has proved crucial pushing rebels from regions near the border with Lebanon, but the group has sustained heavy casualties in the process. And it has also made it the target of Sunni jihadis inside Lebanon itself, with terrorist groups linked to both Al Qaeda and, more recently, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), claiming responsibility for a string of bombing and rocket attacks on Hezbollah strongholds in Lebanon.

Al-Qaeda and ISIS are on one side of this war, with Iran, Hezbollah, Syria, and Iraq on the other. One of these groups is not an enemy unless we go out of our way to make them one. The members of the other have already killed American citizens and have stated their intent to do so again.

So, they are all proxies of the Muslim countries who won't put boots on the ground because...

...they already have boots on the ground.

Via their proxy fighters in Syria and Iraq.

ISIS, Al-Qaeda and the Shia Hezbolla and their many offshoots. Even the Palestinians are fighting there.

OK, that's why there's some words from the countries but no action.

I can see that.

As I noted in the post immediately above the one you quoted, there is direct action from the governments of Syria and Iraq. Iran occupies a special place in international politics, because as you know, the moment they do anything in their own name, they're blasted as an evil imperialistic rogue state looking to invade the entirety of the Middle East and destroy Israel. It makes sense that they would allow Hezbollah to do much of their own fighting in and around Lebanon.

U.S. proxies in the area--Saudia Arabia et al.--won't take direct action because they, like the U.S., want ISIS to continue to attack Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon.
a RESPONSE which would indicate sincerity would be for those countries that CLAIM that they abhor the actions of the ISIS pigs------would be to sanction the people who JOIN UP.
It will not happen. Caliphate is an Islamic ideal. That some
person issues DIPLOMATIC FARTS with a wimper "we hate
violence" is not at all impressive. Anyone who wants to
really know------find a young muslim ----uhm ----late teens.
Get make friends and discuss islam and its FINE
CONTRIBUTIONS to the world and the history of its
"system" -----I can tell you what you will discover if
you do it well------"ISLAM IS PERFECT ----ISLAMIC LAW IS
a RESPONSE which would indicate sincerity would be for those countries that CLAIM that they abhor the actions of the ISIS pigs------would be to sanction the people who JOIN UP.
It will not happen. Caliphate is an Islamic ideal. That some
person issues DIPLOMATIC FARTS with a wimper "we hate
violence" is not at all impressive.

Hezbollah has sanctioned ISIS. With bullets. Do you now support the Islamic terror group Hezbollah?
So now we have some Arab Countries condemning the moves of ultra extremist ISIS but how much blood have they been willing to shed to stop them?

Why are there no Arab armies mobilizing to stop them? Why is Iran not mobilizing and asking Egypt to join a coalition to stop ISIS?

Finally some of the Arab countries act... by speaking with only words while as in Egypt, their young flock to Syria and Iraq to fight with ISIS.

What do they expect? They expect the U.S to form coalitions in order to send more of its precious life treasure fighting radical Islam. For what? So that the Arab countries can then later condemn the West for it. Then they can attack the US and the coalitions and blame them when more Muslims start killing more people.

Not a single American life should be wasted trying to do anything else in the Middle East. Let Israel handle what needs to be done to protect themselves and imho? The US needs to stay out of it. Period. Not one more drop of American blood wasted fighting what no Arab really wants to see destroyed.

Where's the Arab countries and their action?

The ones that will act--Iran, Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq--have done so already. Other countries, such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Bahrain, have two things in common: The first, they are U.S. allies; the second, they joined the U.S. in backing ISIS.

Five More Hezbollah Fighters Killed in Syria - Middle East - News - Arutz Sheva
Five more Hezbollah fighters were killed fighting in Syria, according to a statement by the Shia terrorist group Friday.

The Iranian-backed Hezbollah has come under considerable strain; the group has committed thousands of fighters to Syria where it is fighting to defend Tehran's ally President Bashar al-Assad against Sunni rebels.

Hezbollah's involvement in Syria has proved crucial pushing rebels from regions near the border with Lebanon, but the group has sustained heavy casualties in the process. And it has also made it the target of Sunni jihadis inside Lebanon itself, with terrorist groups linked to both Al Qaeda and, more recently, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), claiming responsibility for a string of bombing and rocket attacks on Hezbollah strongholds in Lebanon.

Al-Qaeda and ISIS are on one side of this war, with Iran, Hezbollah, Syria, and Iraq on the other. One of these groups is not an enemy unless we go out of our way to make them one. The members of the other have already killed American citizens and have stated their intent to do so again.

So, they are all proxies of the Muslim countries who won't put boots on the ground because...

...they already have boots on the ground.

Via their proxy fighters in Syria and Iraq.

ISIS, Al-Qaeda and the Shia Hezbolla and their many offshoots. Even the Palestinians are fighting there.

OK, that's why there's some words from the countries but no action.

I can see that.

As I noted in the post immediately above the one you quoted, there is direct action from the governments of Syria and Iraq. Iran occupies a special place in international politics, because as you know, the moment they do anything in their own name, they're blasted as an evil imperialistic rogue state looking to invade the entirety of the Middle East and destroy Israel. It makes sense that they would allow Hezbollah to do much of their own fighting in and around Lebanon.

U.S. proxies in the area--Saudia Arabia et al.--won't take direct action because they, like the U.S., want ISIS to continue to attack Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon.

They won't take direct action because they want to stand back and watch their proxies fight? OK, that makes sense. That's what proxies do.

You just said that's what the US proxies (Arab Countries) are doing while they do it with their Al-Qaeda/ISIS and other militias fighting in the arena.


So, that's why the Arab countries are not fighting. They're watching their proxy fighters fight.

That's a good clarification and the comparisons are valid.
So now we have some Arab Countries condemning the moves of ultra extremist ISIS but how much blood have they been willing to shed to stop them?

Why are there no Arab armies mobilizing to stop them? Why is Iran not mobilizing and asking Egypt to join a coalition to stop ISIS?

Finally some of the Arab countries act... by speaking with only words while as in Egypt, their young flock to Syria and Iraq to fight with ISIS.

What do they expect? They expect the U.S to form coalitions in order to send more of its precious life treasure fighting radical Islam. For what? So that the Arab countries can then later condemn the West for it. Then they can attack the US and the coalitions and blame them when more Muslims start killing more people.

Not a single American life should be wasted trying to do anything else in the Middle East. Let Israel handle what needs to be done to protect themselves and imho? The US needs to stay out of it. Period. Not one more drop of American blood wasted fighting what no Arab really wants to see destroyed.

Where's the Arab countries and their action?

The ones that will act--Iran, Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq--have done so already. Other countries, such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Bahrain, have two things in common: The first, they are U.S. allies; the second, they joined the U.S. in backing ISIS.

Five More Hezbollah Fighters Killed in Syria - Middle East - News - Arutz Sheva
Five more Hezbollah fighters were killed fighting in Syria, according to a statement by the Shia terrorist group Friday.

The Iranian-backed Hezbollah has come under considerable strain; the group has committed thousands of fighters to Syria where it is fighting to defend Tehran's ally President Bashar al-Assad against Sunni rebels.

Hezbollah's involvement in Syria has proved crucial pushing rebels from regions near the border with Lebanon, but the group has sustained heavy casualties in the process. And it has also made it the target of Sunni jihadis inside Lebanon itself, with terrorist groups linked to both Al Qaeda and, more recently, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), claiming responsibility for a string of bombing and rocket attacks on Hezbollah strongholds in Lebanon.

Al-Qaeda and ISIS are on one side of this war, with Iran, Hezbollah, Syria, and Iraq on the other. One of these groups is not an enemy unless we go out of our way to make them one. The members of the other have already killed American citizens and have stated their intent to do so again.

So, they are all proxies of the Muslim countries who won't put boots on the ground because...

...they already have boots on the ground.

Via their proxy fighters in Syria and Iraq.

ISIS, Al-Qaeda and the Shia Hezbolla and their many offshoots. Even the Palestinians are fighting there.

OK, that's why there's some words from the countries but no action.

I can see that.

As I noted in the post immediately above the one you quoted, there is direct action from the governments of Syria and Iraq. Iran occupies a special place in international politics, because as you know, the moment they do anything in their own name, they're blasted as an evil imperialistic rogue state looking to invade the entirety of the Middle East and destroy Israel. It makes sense that they would allow Hezbollah to do much of their own fighting in and around Lebanon.

U.S. proxies in the area--Saudia Arabia et al.--won't take direct action because they, like the U.S., want ISIS to continue to attack Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon.

WRONG AGAIN----US military is simply not getting involved
in the INTERNECINE battles of the UMMAH -----that the US
is staying out of Islamic dog fights is not an endorsement of the ISIS shit. I do not have to WAIT FOR EXPERTS---I KNOW THAT THERE ARE LOTS OF "persons" and sluts
In Saudi Arabia supporting the ISIS dogs and imagining that
their "god" is about to make a big giant caliphate kennel
out of the Levant
a RESPONSE which would indicate sincerity would be for those countries that CLAIM that they abhor the actions of the ISIS pigs------would be to sanction the people who JOIN UP.
It will not happen. Caliphate is an Islamic ideal. That some
person issues DIPLOMATIC FARTS with a wimper "we hate
violence" is not at all impressive.

Hezbollah has sanctioned ISIS. With bullets. Do you now support the Islamic terror group Hezbollah?

do you specialize in islamo filth every day? Hezbollah is Iran-----Iran does not like Isis-----Isis is sunni -----both Hezbollah and Isis are Islamic dung. ------they use the same
methods to attain their fascist goals-----The fact that they are
both fascist pigs does not make them allies or render either
any less odious than the other. That they are killing each other is a good thing I hope the USA stays out of it.

I will add---that there are circumstances under which the ISIS strain of canines are LIKELY to ally with the Hezbollah strain
of canine. Both seek to invade Saudi Arabia and set up shop as LEADERS OF THE firggin' UMMAH
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