Muslim Who Rigged a 1980's Radio Shack Clock to Look Like a Bomb Has Court Cases Dropped


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
Who is financing these Muslim terrorist wannabe turds? Their friend Obama?


Even though a Texas district judge threw out a defamation lawsuit filed by “Clock Boy” dad Mohamed Mohamed, the family patriarch vows to appeal the case, according to his attorney.

'Clock Boy' Dad Vows to Appeal Tossed Case
AHHHHH payday denied.........guess they believe Trump is going to set up a ban from terrorist countries.....why hurry back all a sudden
The teacher kept the clock in her classroom for two hours.

Once notified about the clock, the principle did not evacuate the building.

The cop put the clock in his car. No bomb squad was called.

NOBODY believed it was a bomb, except all the usual internet tards.
Remember when the usual internet tards got their panties in a bunch when a kid who made his Pop-Tart into the shape of a gun got into trouble?


But this clock kid was MUSLIM. And so all the usual internet tards let loose their inner bigots.

White kid makes a gun, gets into trouble. OH MY GOD WE MUST SAVE THE CONSTITUTION FROM THESE LIBTARDS!

Darkie makes a clock, gets into trouble. OH MY GOD WE MUST THROW OUT THE CONSTITUTION AND BAN MUSLIMS!!!

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