Muslim world: Science, Environment, Standardization.

why did turkey vote against iranian sanctions?

Because Obama sent letter to Mr. Lula of Brazil and Mr. Erdogan to convince Iran of uranium swap deal. Lula and Erdogan delivered, with Iran agreeing to ship its uranium to Turkey. And Iran for first time signing a legal binding document, a commitment to ship its uranium to Turkey.

Because of November elections and Obama's appeasement to pro-Israel Congress, Obama backed down from whole uranium swap issue. Peace is not a kindergarten issue.
Both Brazil and Turkey are no idiot countries with no self-respect. Consequently, both countries voted against sanctions. Against US aggression where a viable option (uranium swap) was within grasp.

Obama's Letter to Lula Exposes White House Forked Tongue On Iran | Between the Lines
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so the uranium-swap deal is going to stop/slow iran from seeking a nuclear weapon?
Also, to ridiculate once and for all, that Turkish Science or Education would not be contemporary, like rdean tried to imply with Darwin thingy:

Science chapter in EU-Accession has already been closed.
Opened --- succesfully closed
12.6.2006 12.6.2006
Accession of Turkey to the European Union - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Education/Culture chapter has not been opened so far in accession talks.
Here is the prelimenary screening report by EU:

Your information is incorrect. We can discuss this issue via PM if you like.

If you wonder, where all money comes from you can read economical thread about Turkey on
Turkey witnesses in new millenium an economical miracle like post-WW2 Germany.
All projections say it will continue to stay so, with Turkey being 2nd fastest growing economy in world by 2017 of the major economies. Leaving India behind in growth.

That projections have already been invalidated due to the world-crises.
Turkey is today already 2nd fastest grwoing economy after China in G-20 group:

Financial Times:
Turkey: the record-breaker
The Istanbul stock market today hit a new record high
12 per cent increase in gross domestic product in the first quarter, the world’s highest among larger economies except for China.
Turkish bank profits rose 14 per cent in the first five months of 2010
Turkey (...) has not been lionised like China, Brazil and India, but it is not far behind .
By European standards its prospects look stellar.

Financial Times
Turkey: the record-breaker | beyondbrics |

Are you afraid to debate rdean in public?
Turkey would'nt be shit without American help....

So go blow it out of your Arab ass!

Now get back to talking to yourself.... :cuckoo:
Are you afraid to debate rdean in public?

I'm not afraid of rdean, allthough I suppose he could well be challenging. After all, he is of 94% group and not the classical province American I'm used to deal with here.

I answered rdean already in public. He just made some non-sense accusations.
Allah is going to strike him dead for looking at your avatar too long Syrenn.... :lol:

I do not let me blend by an artificial outer packing.
I think in reality she's a withered flower, she compensates that by lokking to her own attractive avatar. Online identity.

If it keeps her happy, why not? It's not my business.
I respect every woman, even if they've already passed their climax.
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Are you afraid to debate rdean in public?

I'm not afraid of rdean, allthough I suppose he could well be challenging. After all, he is of 94% group and not the classical province American I'm used to deal with here.

I answered rdean already in public. He just made some non-sense accusations.

If you knew anything at all about rdean you would know he never makes anything but nonsense accusations. Debating him in public is fun for anyone with any intelligence.

That probably explains why you do not want to do it.
Advice to ekrem, if you have to carry around a sign saying who or what or where you are, you aren't!
Talk to yourself much?

You can not silence me. That time is gone and will never come again.


If no one listens to you, you are, in effect, silenced.
If no one listens to you, you are, in effect, silenced.

The thread has currently 314 views. Probably 50 of them are by search-engines.
What are you doing in this thread, if you're not listening to me?
Link to English version
[ame=] The Second World: How Emerging Powers Are Redefining Global Competition in the Twenty-first Century (9780812979848): Parag Khanna: Books[/ame]

In German Edition, page 83 (might differ with English version) it says:
Turkey is mightiest, most democratic and most secular State within Islam world.

You can not silence me.
The opposite. Still I rise.
If no one listens to you, you are, in effect, silenced.

The thread has currently 314 views. Probably 50 of them are by search-engines.
What are you doing in this thread, if you're not listening to me?

I took one look at your first 7 or 8 unanswered posts and thought i'd let you know that I didn't read them and I'm willing to bet not too many others did.

So for all that noise, you might as well have been silent as far as I and many of the other people who viewed this thread are concerned.
I took one look at your first 7 or 8 unanswered posts and thought i'd let you know that I didn't read them and I'm willing to bet not too many others did.

So for all that noise, you might as well have been silent as far as I and many of the other people who viewed this thread are concerned.

It does not matter for me if you read my posts or not. It's a neutral statement from me.
You say you do not read my posts, yet you're answering to my post.
The best decisions are the made decisions.
FWIW, I'm reading these announcements.

Ekrem is, I suppose, trying to educate the board about the reality that Turkey is not a backward nation, but is, in fact, quite progressive.

The man is proud of his nation and its accomplisments. What's wrong with that?

Do bear in mind, folks, that Turkey once ruled most of the Islamic world.

It has, much as Iran has, a long history of being a world power. A world power that it would behoove all of us to take seriously.

And while that power waned over time as the Ottoman Empire became corrupted and ultimately fell apart, it also rose out of the ashes to once again become a nation to be taken seriously.

For those here seeking to understand our world and the geopolitical realities we face, this thread is a public service.

For those who come here to beat their chests and pretend to be internet warriors and super American patriots, I suppose his actions can be seen as somewhat threatening.

Let's remember, shall we, that Turkey has been an ally of the United States our entire lives.

Let try to remember, shall we, that Turkey was one of the nations that allowed the USA to put nuclear missles in their land (until 1963)when we were caging the Soviet bear?

My Uncle, who fought in the Korean conflict fought along side Turkish troops, folks.

They, on behalf of the United Nations, fielded quite a formitable army for that conflict.

According to my Uncle (a Major in the artillary) the Chinese/NK avoiding attacking the Turkish lines precisely because they were so formitable.

Yeah, That's right, kids, Turkey (a nation of Islam) was our ally in that conflict, too.

Turkey has been an ally of the US YOUR ENTIRE LIFE.

S. perhaps a little respect given to an allied nation of the USA's wouldn't be a bad idea, know what I mean?

Well, I know some of you will understand my point.

Turkey is NOT the enemy.

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