Muslims Define Their Religion


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Fake story about a Koran being flushed down a toilet and millions of Muslims riot around the world.

Children tortured to death in the name of Islam, not a peep of protest or attempt to stop the daily atrocities.

Facts are facts, Muslims have defined their religion as a cult of evil.

Damn, this guy can multitask....


Damn, this guy can multitask....

I don't have a link to the sun rising in the east either. Crawl back under your rock if you need a link to world events.

:eusa_clap: Excellent. Strawman followed by the old "Everybody Knows" fallacy. My, this thread is progressing swimmingly.
If you're unaware of the Koran flushing issue or what Isis is doing, I suggest you go back to your Legos.

Damn, this guy can multitask....

I don't have a link to the sun rising in the east either. Crawl back under your rock if you need a link to world events.

:eusa_clap: Excellent. Strawman followed by the old "Everybody Knows" fallacy. My, this thread is progressing swimmingly.
If you're unaware of the Koran flushing issue or what Isis is doing, I suggest you go back to your Legos.

Strawman > Argumentum ad Populum > Ad hominem....

Place yer bets on what's next. Collect the whole set.

Damn, this guy can multitask....

I don't have a link to the sun rising in the east either. Crawl back under your rock if you need a link to world events.

:eusa_clap: Excellent. Strawman followed by the old "Everybody Knows" fallacy. My, this thread is progressing swimmingly.
If you're unaware of the Koran flushing issue or what Isis is doing, I suggest you go back to your Legos.

Strawman > Argumentum ad Populum > Ad hominem....

Place yer bets on what's next. Collect the whole set.
Says the moonbat who never knew about the Koran flushing story.

Damn, this guy can multitask....

I don't have a link to the sun rising in the east either. Crawl back under your rock if you need a link to world events.

:eusa_clap: Excellent. Strawman followed by the old "Everybody Knows" fallacy. My, this thread is progressing swimmingly.
If you're unaware of the Koran flushing issue or what Isis is doing, I suggest you go back to your Legos.

Strawman > Argumentum ad Populum > Ad hominem....

Place yer bets on what's next. Collect the whole set.
Says the moonbat who never knew about the Koran flushing story.

You already did Ad Hom. You've got Spotlight, Appeal to Belief, implied Hasty Generalization/Composition, and Strawman. See if you can work in Red Herring. You know, mix it up.
Children tortured in the name of Islam? Wow! This I'd like to see!! Got a link? :popcorn:
I wonder if liberals will enjoy the Muslim dominated world they are trying to create.

If liberals were sane, they would do everything they could to oppose Islam.

How many beheadings and honor killings do Muslims have to do before liberals wake up to reality?
I wonder if liberals will enjoy the Muslim dominated world they are trying to create.

If liberals were sane, they would do everything they could to oppose Islam.

How many beheadings and honor killings do Muslims have to do before liberals wake up to reality?

Neither of those is "Islamic". See if you can pull your head out of your ass under your own power.
I wonder if liberals will enjoy the Muslim dominated world they are trying to create.

If liberals were sane, they would do everything they could to oppose Islam.

How many beheadings and honor killings do Muslims have to do before liberals wake up to reality?

Neither of those is "Islamic". See if you can pull your head out of your ass under your own power.
Honor killings and beheadings aren't Islamic? On what planet?
I wonder if liberals will enjoy the Muslim dominated world they are trying to create.

If liberals were sane, they would do everything they could to oppose Islam.

How many beheadings and honor killings do Muslims have to do before liberals wake up to reality?

Neither of those is "Islamic". See if you can pull your head out of your ass under your own power.
Honor killings and beheadings aren't Islamic? On what planet?

On every planet. Duh.
We've done this myth to death. These are cultural artifacts far older than Islam, Christianism, Hinduism, Sikhism or any other faiths coincident with them, and you can toss female genital mutilation in the same bag. They have nothing to do with any of these religions and everything to do with ancient social structures related to social status. Correlation is not causation.

-- and they're geography-specific anyway.

It's like declaring "the Grand Canyon is in the United States, therefore it's a Christian Canyon".
-- Actually it's more like declaring "therefore all canyons are Christian canyons -- even if they're in India".

The fatal flaw in this thread, from the beginning, has been it starts out claiming "Muslims define their religion" and then immediately proceeds to define it FOR them based on a gaggle of fallacious causation fallacies, none of which are even documented. He's in fact saying "myths and memes that we make up from a distance define their religion".

It's no different from the "Jews are evil / Blacks are rapists / Hispanics are lazy / Irish are drunks / Italians are greasy" myths and memes. Tales told by idiots, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. Proving once again that bigotry is based on wilful ignorance.
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How many are in Israel? In Italy that are not done by muslims?

YOU have links to find now to justify the assertion that any other religion practices this kind of barbarity.
How many are in Israel? In Italy that are not done by muslims?

YOU have links to find now to justify the assertion that any other religion practices this kind of barbarity.

Funny you should bring up Italy. They found it necessary to have a law against honor killing as recently as the 1980s. Does that make honor killing "Catholic"? It's rampant in India among Hindus, Moslems and Sikhs. Does that make it Hindu, Muslim or Sikh? Minnesota Viking fans wear purple. Does that make the color purple "Lutheran"?

There IS NO link to "any other religion practicing this kind of brutality" because IT'S NOT DONE BY RELIGIONS IN THE FIRST PLACE. It's not even permitted by them.

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