Muslims Everywhere Are Celebrating After What Just Came Out About Obama’s BIGGEST Act Of Treason


Gold Member
Aug 5, 2016
Obama is guilty of treason!

For the past 8 years, Barack Hussein Obama wiped his backside with our Constitution while emboldening our enemies and alienating our allies. Obama made it no secret whose side he was on, as he hollowed out our military to pre-world war II capabilities while making it virtually impossible for our troops to defend themselves by re-writing our longstanding ROE (Rules Of Engagement). As Obama ironically continues to tout himself as America’s “scandal free president,” his biggest act of treason against our country was just solidified yesterday, in one “accomplishment” that has Muslims around the world patting him on the back.

We all remember the nauseating scenes from the White House rose garden shortly after learning that unbelievable news Hussein Obama had traded deserter-traitor Bowe Bergdahl for 5 of the deadliest Muslim terrorist masterminds on planet earth. After proudly announcing Bowe Bergdahl’s release by the Taliban, Hussein Obama then invited Bergdahl’s dad in to speak, where the dad got up and praised Allah saying, “Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim” —which means “In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Compassionate.”

To cover his butt, Obama stuck to the narrative that Bergdahl wasn’t a traitor, but had simply wandered off base and somehow got lost. But Obama’s little cover story came crashing down on Monday, after Bergdahl pleaded guilty on Monday to desertion and misbehavior before the enemy, solidifying Obama’s blatant act of treason against the United States of America. Keep in mind that the definition of treason is “aiding and abetting the enemy of the United States,” which is exactly what Obama did.


In addition to treason, another part of Obama’s presidential “legacy” was the fact that most of the terrorists he released returned to to terrorism, where they’re now actively plotting more massacres against the West.

“Breitbart also noted more than a year ago that a House of Representatives report stated that at ‘least three of the five Taliban leaders have tried to plug back into their old terror network’ and there were indications then that Qatar was eager to have the Taliban Five depart their country,” Conservative Figthers reported.

What’s even more sick, that in addition to swapping these 5 terrorists for his little traitor, Obama also gave the Taliban an ADDITIONAL 5 BILLION DOLLARS! Via Conservative Fighters:

“The Taliban Five – Mohammad Fazl, Mohammed Nabi, Abdul Haq Wasiq, Mullah Norullah Nori, and Khairullah Khairkhwa – were freed from Guantánamo in exchange for Bergdahl.”


Mohammed Fazl is one of the first freed Guantanamo detainees to be retained from Afghanistan, accused by the UN of committing war crimes, and suspected of taking part in the slaughter of thousands of Shiite Muslims.

Mohammad Nabi, the former chief of Taliban security, arranged cooperative offenses with Al Qaeda, according to declassified files.

Abdul Haq Wasiq, a deputy to the deceased Taliban chief, Mullah Omar, was one of the top intelligence officials for the jihadi leader. He arranged training with top Al Qaeda operatives.

Mullah Norullah Nori is a senior Taliban commander who is also wanted by the UN for war crimes, and also took part in the suspected mass killing campaign against Shiites.

Khairullah Khairkhwa, a Taliban commander, has ties to the Ayatollah’s regime in Tehran. He was reportedly trusted by Taliban chief Mullah Omar to negotiate ties with Iran.

It’s actually pretty amazing when you consider that a Muslim terrorist was able to deceive most Americans into believing he was a “good guy,” and then go on to infiltrate our government and become President of the United States.

Hussein Obama was able to then pull of blatant acts of treason against this country, with no one even batting an eye or looking for ways to impeach him.

GITMO terrorist swaps, launching Iran on a path to nuclear weapons, putting Muslim Brotherhood terrorists within the highest levels of our government, to include Homeland Security, and creating ISIS with his gun running scheme in Libya was just a fraction of the things this invader domestic terrorist committed to bring this country down.

The next time a brain-dead moron tries to tout Hussein Obama’s “accomplishments,” make sure to remind them of all the acts of treason this President committed against our country.
Obama is guilty of treason!

For the past 8 years, Barack Hussein Obama wiped his backside with our Constitution while emboldening our enemies and alienating our allies. Obama made it no secret whose side he was on, as he hollowed out our military to pre-world war II capabilities while making it virtually impossible for our troops to defend themselves by re-writing our longstanding ROE (Rules Of Engagement). As Obama ironically continues to tout himself as America’s “scandal free president,” his biggest act of treason against our country was just solidified yesterday, in one “accomplishment” that has Muslims around the world patting him on the back.

We all remember the nauseating scenes from the White House rose garden shortly after learning that unbelievable news Hussein Obama had traded deserter-traitor Bowe Bergdahl for 5 of the deadliest Muslim terrorist masterminds on planet earth. After proudly announcing Bowe Bergdahl’s release by the Taliban, Hussein Obama then invited Bergdahl’s dad in to speak, where the dad got up and praised Allah saying, “Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim” —which means “In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Compassionate.”

To cover his butt, Obama stuck to the narrative that Bergdahl wasn’t a traitor, but had simply wandered off base and somehow got lost. But Obama’s little cover story came crashing down on Monday, after Bergdahl pleaded guilty on Monday to desertion and misbehavior before the enemy, solidifying Obama’s blatant act of treason against the United States of America. Keep in mind that the definition of treason is “aiding and abetting the enemy of the United States,” which is exactly what Obama did.


In addition to treason, another part of Obama’s presidential “legacy” was the fact that most of the terrorists he released returned to to terrorism, where they’re now actively plotting more massacres against the West.

“Breitbart also noted more than a year ago that a House of Representatives report stated that at ‘least three of the five Taliban leaders have tried to plug back into their old terror network’ and there were indications then that Qatar was eager to have the Taliban Five depart their country,” Conservative Figthers reported.

What’s even more sick, that in addition to swapping these 5 terrorists for his little traitor, Obama also gave the Taliban an ADDITIONAL 5 BILLION DOLLARS! Via Conservative Fighters:

“The Taliban Five – Mohammad Fazl, Mohammed Nabi, Abdul Haq Wasiq, Mullah Norullah Nori, and Khairullah Khairkhwa – were freed from Guantánamo in exchange for Bergdahl.”


Mohammed Fazl is one of the first freed Guantanamo detainees to be retained from Afghanistan, accused by the UN of committing war crimes, and suspected of taking part in the slaughter of thousands of Shiite Muslims.

Mohammad Nabi, the former chief of Taliban security, arranged cooperative offenses with Al Qaeda, according to declassified files.

Abdul Haq Wasiq, a deputy to the deceased Taliban chief, Mullah Omar, was one of the top intelligence officials for the jihadi leader. He arranged training with top Al Qaeda operatives.

Mullah Norullah Nori is a senior Taliban commander who is also wanted by the UN for war crimes, and also took part in the suspected mass killing campaign against Shiites.

Khairullah Khairkhwa, a Taliban commander, has ties to the Ayatollah’s regime in Tehran. He was reportedly trusted by Taliban chief Mullah Omar to negotiate ties with Iran.

It’s actually pretty amazing when you consider that a Muslim terrorist was able to deceive most Americans into believing he was a “good guy,” and then go on to infiltrate our government and become President of the United States.

Hussein Obama was able to then pull of blatant acts of treason against this country, with no one even batting an eye or looking for ways to impeach him.

GITMO terrorist swaps, launching Iran on a path to nuclear weapons, putting Muslim Brotherhood terrorists within the highest levels of our government, to include Homeland Security, and creating ISIS with his gun running scheme in Libya was just a fraction of the things this invader domestic terrorist committed to bring this country down.

The next time a brain-dead moron tries to tout Hussein Obama’s “accomplishments,” make sure to remind them of all the acts of treason this President committed against our country.
^ this lunatic should be investigated
Obama is guilty of treason!

For the past 8 years, Barack Hussein Obama wiped his backside with our Constitution while emboldening our enemies and alienating our allies. Obama made it no secret whose side he was on, as he hollowed out our military to pre-world war II capabilities while making it virtually impossible for our troops to defend themselves by re-writing our longstanding ROE (Rules Of Engagement). As Obama ironically continues to tout himself as America’s “scandal free president,” his biggest act of treason against our country was just solidified yesterday, in one “accomplishment” that has Muslims around the world patting him on the back.

We all remember the nauseating scenes from the White House rose garden shortly after learning that unbelievable news Hussein Obama had traded deserter-traitor Bowe Bergdahl for 5 of the deadliest Muslim terrorist masterminds on planet earth. After proudly announcing Bowe Bergdahl’s release by the Taliban, Hussein Obama then invited Bergdahl’s dad in to speak, where the dad got up and praised Allah saying, “Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim” —which means “In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Compassionate.”

To cover his butt, Obama stuck to the narrative that Bergdahl wasn’t a traitor, but had simply wandered off base and somehow got lost. But Obama’s little cover story came crashing down on Monday, after Bergdahl pleaded guilty on Monday to desertion and misbehavior before the enemy, solidifying Obama’s blatant act of treason against the United States of America. Keep in mind that the definition of treason is “aiding and abetting the enemy of the United States,” which is exactly what Obama did.


In addition to treason, another part of Obama’s presidential “legacy” was the fact that most of the terrorists he released returned to to terrorism, where they’re now actively plotting more massacres against the West.

“Breitbart also noted more than a year ago that a House of Representatives report stated that at ‘least three of the five Taliban leaders have tried to plug back into their old terror network’ and there were indications then that Qatar was eager to have the Taliban Five depart their country,” Conservative Figthers reported.

What’s even more sick, that in addition to swapping these 5 terrorists for his little traitor, Obama also gave the Taliban an ADDITIONAL 5 BILLION DOLLARS! Via Conservative Fighters:

“The Taliban Five – Mohammad Fazl, Mohammed Nabi, Abdul Haq Wasiq, Mullah Norullah Nori, and Khairullah Khairkhwa – were freed from Guantánamo in exchange for Bergdahl.”


Mohammed Fazl is one of the first freed Guantanamo detainees to be retained from Afghanistan, accused by the UN of committing war crimes, and suspected of taking part in the slaughter of thousands of Shiite Muslims.

Mohammad Nabi, the former chief of Taliban security, arranged cooperative offenses with Al Qaeda, according to declassified files.

Abdul Haq Wasiq, a deputy to the deceased Taliban chief, Mullah Omar, was one of the top intelligence officials for the jihadi leader. He arranged training with top Al Qaeda operatives.

Mullah Norullah Nori is a senior Taliban commander who is also wanted by the UN for war crimes, and also took part in the suspected mass killing campaign against Shiites.

Khairullah Khairkhwa, a Taliban commander, has ties to the Ayatollah’s regime in Tehran. He was reportedly trusted by Taliban chief Mullah Omar to negotiate ties with Iran.

It’s actually pretty amazing when you consider that a Muslim terrorist was able to deceive most Americans into believing he was a “good guy,” and then go on to infiltrate our government and become President of the United States.

Hussein Obama was able to then pull of blatant acts of treason against this country, with no one even batting an eye or looking for ways to impeach him.

GITMO terrorist swaps, launching Iran on a path to nuclear weapons, putting Muslim Brotherhood terrorists within the highest levels of our government, to include Homeland Security, and creating ISIS with his gun running scheme in Libya was just a fraction of the things this invader domestic terrorist committed to bring this country down.

The next time a brain-dead moron tries to tout Hussein Obama’s “accomplishments,” make sure to remind them of all the acts of treason this President committed against our country.

Oh, come off it.

Muslims are the enemy? But there are 2.6 million US Muslims. Are they the enemy?

The right has been setting this up for ages.

If Obama is treasonous then Trump is too


And Trump sold the Saudis weapons

Donald Trump approves selling weapons to Saudi Arabia blocked by Obama

Donald Trump's State Department approves Saudi Arabia weapons sales blocked by Barack Obama"

Yep, if Trump is treasonous, Trump's going to hang.
Obama is guilty of treason!

For the past 8 years, Barack Hussein Obama wiped his backside with our Constitution while emboldening our enemies and alienating our allies. Obama made it no secret whose side he was on, as he hollowed out our military to pre-world war II capabilities while making it virtually impossible for our troops to defend themselves by re-writing our longstanding ROE (Rules Of Engagement). As Obama ironically continues to tout himself as America’s “scandal free president,” his biggest act of treason against our country was just solidified yesterday, in one “accomplishment” that has Muslims around the world patting him on the back.

We all remember the nauseating scenes from the White House rose garden shortly after learning that unbelievable news Hussein Obama had traded deserter-traitor Bowe Bergdahl for 5 of the deadliest Muslim terrorist masterminds on planet earth. After proudly announcing Bowe Bergdahl’s release by the Taliban, Hussein Obama then invited Bergdahl’s dad in to speak, where the dad got up and praised Allah saying, “Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim” —which means “In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Compassionate.”

To cover his butt, Obama stuck to the narrative that Bergdahl wasn’t a traitor, but had simply wandered off base and somehow got lost. But Obama’s little cover story came crashing down on Monday, after Bergdahl pleaded guilty on Monday to desertion and misbehavior before the enemy, solidifying Obama’s blatant act of treason against the United States of America. Keep in mind that the definition of treason is “aiding and abetting the enemy of the United States,” which is exactly what Obama did.


In addition to treason, another part of Obama’s presidential “legacy” was the fact that most of the terrorists he released returned to to terrorism, where they’re now actively plotting more massacres against the West.

“Breitbart also noted more than a year ago that a House of Representatives report stated that at ‘least three of the five Taliban leaders have tried to plug back into their old terror network’ and there were indications then that Qatar was eager to have the Taliban Five depart their country,” Conservative Figthers reported.

What’s even more sick, that in addition to swapping these 5 terrorists for his little traitor, Obama also gave the Taliban an ADDITIONAL 5 BILLION DOLLARS! Via Conservative Fighters:

“The Taliban Five – Mohammad Fazl, Mohammed Nabi, Abdul Haq Wasiq, Mullah Norullah Nori, and Khairullah Khairkhwa – were freed from Guantánamo in exchange for Bergdahl.”


Mohammed Fazl is one of the first freed Guantanamo detainees to be retained from Afghanistan, accused by the UN of committing war crimes, and suspected of taking part in the slaughter of thousands of Shiite Muslims.

Mohammad Nabi, the former chief of Taliban security, arranged cooperative offenses with Al Qaeda, according to declassified files.

Abdul Haq Wasiq, a deputy to the deceased Taliban chief, Mullah Omar, was one of the top intelligence officials for the jihadi leader. He arranged training with top Al Qaeda operatives.

Mullah Norullah Nori is a senior Taliban commander who is also wanted by the UN for war crimes, and also took part in the suspected mass killing campaign against Shiites.

Khairullah Khairkhwa, a Taliban commander, has ties to the Ayatollah’s regime in Tehran. He was reportedly trusted by Taliban chief Mullah Omar to negotiate ties with Iran.

It’s actually pretty amazing when you consider that a Muslim terrorist was able to deceive most Americans into believing he was a “good guy,” and then go on to infiltrate our government and become President of the United States.

Hussein Obama was able to then pull of blatant acts of treason against this country, with no one even batting an eye or looking for ways to impeach him.

GITMO terrorist swaps, launching Iran on a path to nuclear weapons, putting Muslim Brotherhood terrorists within the highest levels of our government, to include Homeland Security, and creating ISIS with his gun running scheme in Libya was just a fraction of the things this invader domestic terrorist committed to bring this country down.

The next time a brain-dead moron tries to tout Hussein Obama’s “accomplishments,” make sure to remind them of all the acts of treason this President committed against our country.

You left out Obama's Iranian Nuke Deal.
IMHO -----BERGHDAHL is a schmuck who should be forgotten-------he did his thing-----and maybe he can make a life for himself
doing odd jobs------he is an outcast. If he is ignored he will not
transform his miserable self into a celebrity
Obama is guilty of treason!

For the past 8 years, Barack Hussein Obama wiped his backside with our Constitution while emboldening our enemies and alienating our allies. Obama made it no secret whose side he was on, as he hollowed out our military to pre-world war II capabilities while making it virtually impossible for our troops to defend themselves by re-writing our longstanding ROE (Rules Of Engagement). As Obama ironically continues to tout himself as America’s “scandal free president,” his biggest act of treason against our country was just solidified yesterday, in one “accomplishment” that has Muslims around the world patting him on the back.

We all remember the nauseating scenes from the White House rose garden shortly after learning that unbelievable news Hussein Obama had traded deserter-traitor Bowe Bergdahl for 5 of the deadliest Muslim terrorist masterminds on planet earth. After proudly announcing Bowe Bergdahl’s release by the Taliban, Hussein Obama then invited Bergdahl’s dad in to speak, where the dad got up and praised Allah saying, “Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim” —which means “In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Compassionate.”

To cover his butt, Obama stuck to the narrative that Bergdahl wasn’t a traitor, but had simply wandered off base and somehow got lost. But Obama’s little cover story came crashing down on Monday, after Bergdahl pleaded guilty on Monday to desertion and misbehavior before the enemy, solidifying Obama’s blatant act of treason against the United States of America. Keep in mind that the definition of treason is “aiding and abetting the enemy of the United States,” which is exactly what Obama did.


In addition to treason, another part of Obama’s presidential “legacy” was the fact that most of the terrorists he released returned to to terrorism, where they’re now actively plotting more massacres against the West.

“Breitbart also noted more than a year ago that a House of Representatives report stated that at ‘least three of the five Taliban leaders have tried to plug back into their old terror network’ and there were indications then that Qatar was eager to have the Taliban Five depart their country,” Conservative Figthers reported.

What’s even more sick, that in addition to swapping these 5 terrorists for his little traitor, Obama also gave the Taliban an ADDITIONAL 5 BILLION DOLLARS! Via Conservative Fighters:

“The Taliban Five – Mohammad Fazl, Mohammed Nabi, Abdul Haq Wasiq, Mullah Norullah Nori, and Khairullah Khairkhwa – were freed from Guantánamo in exchange for Bergdahl.”


Mohammed Fazl is one of the first freed Guantanamo detainees to be retained from Afghanistan, accused by the UN of committing war crimes, and suspected of taking part in the slaughter of thousands of Shiite Muslims.

Mohammad Nabi, the former chief of Taliban security, arranged cooperative offenses with Al Qaeda, according to declassified files.

Abdul Haq Wasiq, a deputy to the deceased Taliban chief, Mullah Omar, was one of the top intelligence officials for the jihadi leader. He arranged training with top Al Qaeda operatives.

Mullah Norullah Nori is a senior Taliban commander who is also wanted by the UN for war crimes, and also took part in the suspected mass killing campaign against Shiites.

Khairullah Khairkhwa, a Taliban commander, has ties to the Ayatollah’s regime in Tehran. He was reportedly trusted by Taliban chief Mullah Omar to negotiate ties with Iran.

It’s actually pretty amazing when you consider that a Muslim terrorist was able to deceive most Americans into believing he was a “good guy,” and then go on to infiltrate our government and become President of the United States.

Hussein Obama was able to then pull of blatant acts of treason against this country, with no one even batting an eye or looking for ways to impeach him.

GITMO terrorist swaps, launching Iran on a path to nuclear weapons, putting Muslim Brotherhood terrorists within the highest levels of our government, to include Homeland Security, and creating ISIS with his gun running scheme in Libya was just a fraction of the things this invader domestic terrorist committed to bring this country down.

The next time a brain-dead moron tries to tout Hussein Obama’s “accomplishments,” make sure to remind them of all the acts of treason this President committed against our country.

the animals released should have been tagged with homing devices. Everyone who comes into contact with them should
be considered a "person of interest"
IMHO -----BERGHDAHL is a schmuck who should be forgotten-------he did his thing-----and maybe he can make a life for himself
doing odd jobs------he is an outcast. If he is ignored he will not
transform his miserable self into a celebrity

He should be 'EddieSlovik'd'

Eddie Slovik - Wikipedia
Eddie Slovik - Wikipedia
Edward Donald "Eddie" Slovik (February 18, 1920 – January 31, 1945) was a United States Army soldier during World War II and the only American soldier to be court-martialled and executed for desertion ...
IMHO -----BERGHDAHL is a schmuck who should be forgotten-------he did his thing-----and maybe he can make a life for himself
doing odd jobs------he is an outcast. If he is ignored he will not
transform his miserable self into a celebrity

He should be 'EddieSlovik'd'

Eddie Slovik - Wikipedia
Eddie Slovik - Wikipedia
Edward Donald "Eddie" Slovik (February 18, 1920 – January 31, 1945) was a United States Army soldier during World War II and the only American soldier to be court-martialled and executed for desertion ...

I read that very sad tragic book "THE EXECUTION OF PRIVATE SLOVIK" when I was 14-----I cried. He was just
a sad little schlemiel-----who should have been given a general discharge after two weeks of basic
IMHO -----BERGHDAHL is a schmuck who should be forgotten-------he did his thing-----and maybe he can make a life for himself
doing odd jobs------he is an outcast. If he is ignored he will not
transform his miserable self into a celebrity

He should be 'EddieSlovik'd'

Eddie Slovik - Wikipedia
Eddie Slovik - Wikipedia
Edward Donald "Eddie" Slovik (February 18, 1920 – January 31, 1945) was a United States Army soldier during World War II and the only American soldier to be court-martialled and executed for desertion ...

I read that very sad tragic book "THE EXECUTION OF PRIVATE SLOVIK" when I was 14-----I cried. He was just
a sad little schlemiel-----who should have been given a general discharge after two weeks of basic

I've read it too.

Actions have consequences..... this:


Eight American soldiers were killed in the following weeks after Bergdahl’s desertion as they looked for him.
Eight American Soldiers Died Because Of Bowe Bergdahl's Desertion [VIDEO] - Victory Girls Blog

BTW.....I favor the death penalty for convicted killers... about you?
IMHO -----BERGHDAHL is a schmuck who should be forgotten-------he did his thing-----and maybe he can make a life for himself
doing odd jobs------he is an outcast. If he is ignored he will not
transform his miserable self into a celebrity

He should be 'EddieSlovik'd'

Eddie Slovik - Wikipedia
Eddie Slovik - Wikipedia
Edward Donald "Eddie" Slovik (February 18, 1920 – January 31, 1945) was a United States Army soldier during World War II and the only American soldier to be court-martialled and executed for desertion ...

I read that very sad tragic book "THE EXECUTION OF PRIVATE SLOVIK" when I was 14-----I cried. He was just
a sad little schlemiel-----who should have been given a general discharge after two weeks of basic

I've read it too.

Actions have consequences..... this:


Eight American soldiers were killed in the following weeks after Bergdahl’s desertion as they looked for him.
Eight American Soldiers Died Because Of Bowe Bergdahl's Desertion [VIDEO] - Victory Girls Blog

BTW.....I favor the death penalty for convicted killers... about you?

for murder------

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