Muslims go berserk when Koran is ripped up

Those people were being assholes, and they hardly went berserk.

Yeah the muzzies were berserk assholes. They have no problem burning our flag, they better learn to deal....or pound sand
No, they were hardly berserk, you honestly think christians would stand still if a asshole was ripping up the bible right in front of them?
Well, as long as it wasn't their copy of the Bible....I don't think so.

I'm sure they wouldn't cheer the person.....but they wouldn't try to beat the fuck out of him.
Sorry but this is America, land of freedom and expression. Go back to your third world paradise if you don't like it...and stop cutting people's heads off.

College Chaos: Muslims Go Nuts When Protester Rips Up Koran

Angry crowd clashes with a protester who is seen ripping pages out of the Koran at Wright State University.


Read more at (Video) College Chaos: Muslims Go Nuts When Protester Rips Up Koran »

This coming from a group who goes beserk when their teams lose championships and you want us to get excited over this shit???? Pot meet kettle
Not so long ago the sewers in Saudi Arabia were found to contain copies of the Quran
A couple of years ago a rumor went around that U.S. Marines intentionally mishandled the Koran at the Gitmo facility aka the R&R retreat for muslem maniacs. When the liberal media caught wind of it they cranked out the outrage agenda and sure as shit the radical liberals took up the chant. The Koran thing never happened but the liberals made their point, "don't mess with Allah's address". Meanwhile the feds smashed the Ten Commandments off a court house wall with sledge hammers, ordered the bulldozing of a 50 year old Korean War monument because an agnostic was offended by a Cross and informed a generation of kids that they would be expelled from school if they mentioned a Christian God, wore a Christian Cross, had a Christian God on their T shirts or carried a Bible to class.
Yeah the muzzies were berserk assholes. They have no problem burning our flag, they better learn to deal....or pound sand
No, they were hardly berserk, you honestly think christians would stand still if a asshole was ripping up the bible right in front of them?


I've ripped up one myself before during a speech to make a point, in front of a room full of Christians.
Yeah, sure. :hmpf:

Shrug. True story.

It's just a book. Paper and leather. It doesn't matter.

It's the words inside that matter.
It's the words inside that have caused misery, war, death, and suffering for 13 centuries.

Is it words, or people?
Sorry but this is America, land of freedom and expression. Go back to your third world paradise if you don't like it...and stop cutting people's heads off.

College Chaos: Muslims Go Nuts When Protester Rips Up Koran

Angry crowd clashes with a protester who is seen ripping pages out of the Koran at Wright State University.

Read more at (Video) College Chaos: Muslims Go Nuts When Protester Rips Up Koran »

Just like conservatives respond when the stars and stripes are burned or they get a " happy holidays".

can you give examples with links of conservatives becoming violent when they get a happy holiday? Unless you consider it violent to give the cashier one chance to get it right before you walk out and leave your cart full of stuff for them to put away.

The OP is what I replied to and does not show any violence. Your reaction to cashier who wishes you a happy holiday makes my point very clearly. Thank you for the example of conservative douchery I spoke of.
Those people were being assholes, and they hardly went berserk.

Bet you would cheer them if the book they shred was the Bible.

It is a printed book. Every library has a copy and is online for free on many sites. So what is a book is shredded, it is ink, paper and binding.

Not like the book is the last copy in existence

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