Muslims have raised over $120,000 for Synagogue survivors of White Nationalist massacre .

Muslim Americans raise more than $120,000 for those affected by Pittsburgh synagogue shooting
A Muslim American group has raised more than $125,000 through an online crowdfunding campaign to help families affected by Saturday's mass shooting at a synagogue in Pittsburgh, which killed at least 11.
CelebrateMercy, one of the organizers of the campaign, told NBC News that the money will assist families with medical bills, funeral expenses and other immediate and short-term needs.
Tarek El-Messidi, the group’s founding director, says his hope through the fundraiser is "to respond to evil with good.”
"We’re really hoping to help the community that’s suffering," El-Messidi said. “We’re hoping to inspire more interfaith collaboration and peace.”
Muslim Americans raise more than $120,000 for those affected by synagogue shooting

This demonstration of unity is an example of what this country needs, These are two ancient enemies, sharing one country.
We keep on hearing/seeing all these claims that one group or another is the enemy of the people. When in fact, both sides want what is best for their country, which happens to be everyone's country. No one is the enemy of the people/country, who wants the United States to continue to be the greatest country in the world, for all it's citizens, no matter the skin color, religion, gender or political beliefs. This is what made America great.
The jews in Squirrel Hill don't need a fucking dime from the sand monkeys.
BTW, how many Islamists live in Squirrel Hill?
About as many as the number of Jews living in Dearborn.
Name a Muslim controlled country that tolerates any other thinking? ........Crickets … Because there is none.
in actual shariah LAW------the money raising for bereaved jewish families
is VERBOTEN. In the filth of shariah-----a muslim is cautioned to
NEVER WALK behind a coffin with a jew in it (as is customary in small town
funerals) or even ATTEND a jewish funeral (too much "respect" for a kaffir
dog) The money thing now is an attempt by muslims to seem almost
Name a Muslim controlled country that tolerates any other thinking? ........Crickets … Because there is none.
So we must be like them?

who is "we" It is important to understand the utter hypocrisy. In Egypt---several years ago-----a muslim mob went wild because a Christian child walked
in front of a muslim funeral procession
Muslim Americans raise more than $120,000 for those affected by Pittsburgh synagogue shooting
A Muslim American group has raised more than $125,000 through an online crowdfunding campaign to help families affected by Saturday's mass shooting at a synagogue in Pittsburgh, which killed at least 11.
CelebrateMercy, one of the organizers of the campaign, told NBC News that the money will assist families with medical bills, funeral expenses and other immediate and short-term needs.
Tarek El-Messidi, the group’s founding director, says his hope through the fundraiser is "to respond to evil with good.”
"We’re really hoping to help the community that’s suffering," El-Messidi said. “We’re hoping to inspire more interfaith collaboration and peace.”
Muslim Americans raise more than $120,000 for those affected by synagogue shooting

This demonstration of unity is an example of what this country needs, These are two ancient enemies, sharing one country.
We keep on hearing/seeing all these claims that one group or another is the enemy of the people. When in fact, both sides want what is best for their country, which happens to be everyone's country. No one is the enemy of the people/country, who wants the United States to continue to be the greatest country in the world, for all it's citizens, no matter the skin color, religion, gender or political beliefs. This is what made America great.
Kavanaughs accuser made 5 times that amount in a couple days. Dems apparently care less about dead jews than making a professor even richer.
Muslim Americans raise more than $120,000 for those affected by Pittsburgh synagogue shooting
A Muslim American group has raised more than $125,000 through an online crowdfunding campaign to help families affected by Saturday's mass shooting at a synagogue in Pittsburgh, which killed at least 11.
CelebrateMercy, one of the organizers of the campaign, told NBC News that the money will assist families with medical bills, funeral expenses and other immediate and short-term needs.
Tarek El-Messidi, the group’s founding director, says his hope through the fundraiser is "to respond to evil with good.”
"We’re really hoping to help the community that’s suffering," El-Messidi said. “We’re hoping to inspire more interfaith collaboration and peace.”
Muslim Americans raise more than $120,000 for those affected by synagogue shooting

This demonstration of unity is an example of what this country needs, These are two ancient enemies, sharing one country.
We keep on hearing/seeing all these claims that one group or another is the enemy of the people. When in fact, both sides want what is best for their country, which happens to be everyone's country. No one is the enemy of the people/country, who wants the United States to continue to be the greatest country in the world, for all it's citizens, no matter the skin color, religion, gender or political beliefs. This is what made America great.
Kavanaughs accuser made 5 times that amount in a couple days. Dems apparently care less about dead jews than making a professor even richer.

ABU MAZEN vowed to reward the murderers of Israeli infants and their
families down to the LAST penny that he extorts from the USA---and
the rest of the civilized world. I hope someone challenges that bag of
shit------to donate some of that LOOT to jewish orphans (do not bother
to tell me that the shooter is not a muslim or an arab------I know)
It appears, that we have haters that hate American citizens who's religion isn't Christian.
These Muslims the haters point to, are tax paying US citizens. They are moderate Muslims, unlike those who are fundamental Muslims. I have seen Jews come to the aid of America Muslims, when they were attacked by haters. Obviously, they can see beyond there noses. Do the haters condemn the Jews who support the Muslims right to worship?
It seems, the same posters who were enraged by the American Muslim's support the the Jewish victims/survivors of the White Nationalist's attack, are the same ones who hate anyone, who disagrees with their agenda.
This what divides America and weakens America.
Name a Muslim controlled country that tolerates any other thinking? ........Crickets … Because there is none.
So we must be like them?
Muslims are never going to change because they are all about hate...

no no no----you are too simplistic. --------the problem is the concept
of "EMULATE DA PROFFET" My cure advice is----GET RID OF
THE EMULATE DA PROFFET. An actual teaching of islam is NO ONE
IS PERFECT but the religion does render muhummad "god-like"
According to Islamic "teachers"-----he is better than "JESUSCHRIST"---
ethically and as role model. Sharia itself is DETERMINED by what that
thief, slave trader, murderer and rapist did. Someday muslims MAY begin
to RE-EVALUATE ----da hero. Muhummad need not have been a "hater"
himself-----but that HERO worship leads to "HATING" everyone who does not consider him to be PERFECT
Muslim Americans raise more than $120,000 for those affected by Pittsburgh synagogue shooting
A Muslim American group has raised more than $125,000 through an online crowdfunding campaign to help families affected by Saturday's mass shooting at a synagogue in Pittsburgh, which killed at least 11.
CelebrateMercy, one of the organizers of the campaign, told NBC News that the money will assist families with medical bills, funeral expenses and other immediate and short-term needs.
Tarek El-Messidi, the group’s founding director, says his hope through the fundraiser is "to respond to evil with good.”
"We’re really hoping to help the community that’s suffering," El-Messidi said. “We’re hoping to inspire more interfaith collaboration and peace.”
Muslim Americans raise more than $120,000 for those affected by synagogue shooting

This demonstration of unity is an example of what this country needs, These are two ancient enemies, sharing one country.
We keep on hearing/seeing all these claims that one group or another is the enemy of the people. When in fact, both sides want what is best for their country, which happens to be everyone's country. No one is the enemy of the people/country, who wants the United States to continue to be the greatest country in the world, for all it's citizens, no matter the skin color, religion, gender or political beliefs. This is what made America great.
Oh, have they paid 9/11 off already?
What did they do ?
Muslim Americans raise more than $120,000 for those affected by Pittsburgh synagogue shooting
A Muslim American group has raised more than $125,000 through an online crowdfunding campaign to help families affected by Saturday's mass shooting at a synagogue in Pittsburgh, which killed at least 11.
CelebrateMercy, one of the organizers of the campaign, told NBC News that the money will assist families with medical bills, funeral expenses and other immediate and short-term needs.
Tarek El-Messidi, the group’s founding director, says his hope through the fundraiser is "to respond to evil with good.”
"We’re really hoping to help the community that’s suffering," El-Messidi said. “We’re hoping to inspire more interfaith collaboration and peace.”
Muslim Americans raise more than $120,000 for those affected by synagogue shooting

This demonstration of unity is an example of what this country needs, These are two ancient enemies, sharing one country.
We keep on hearing/seeing all these claims that one group or another is the enemy of the people. When in fact, both sides want what is best for their country, which happens to be everyone's country. No one is the enemy of the people/country, who wants the United States to continue to be the greatest country in the world, for all it's citizens, no matter the skin color, religion, gender or political beliefs. This is what made America great.

bs bs bs bs bs
Muslim Americans raise more than $120,000 for those affected by Pittsburgh synagogue shooting
A Muslim American group has raised more than $125,000 through an online crowdfunding campaign to help families affected by Saturday's mass shooting at a synagogue in Pittsburgh, which killed at least 11.
CelebrateMercy, one of the organizers of the campaign, told NBC News that the money will assist families with medical bills, funeral expenses and other immediate and short-term needs.
Tarek El-Messidi, the group’s founding director, says his hope through the fundraiser is "to respond to evil with good.”
"We’re really hoping to help the community that’s suffering," El-Messidi said. “We’re hoping to inspire more interfaith collaboration and peace.”
Muslim Americans raise more than $120,000 for those affected by synagogue shooting

This demonstration of unity is an example of what this country needs, These are two ancient enemies, sharing one country.
We keep on hearing/seeing all these claims that one group or another is the enemy of the people. When in fact, both sides want what is best for their country, which happens to be everyone's country. No one is the enemy of the people/country, who wants the United States to continue to be the greatest country in the world, for all it's citizens, no matter the skin color, religion, gender or political beliefs. This is what made America great.
Oh, have they paid 9/11 off already?
What did they do ?
Muslims? You haven't heard?
Muslim Americans raise more than $120,000 for those affected by Pittsburgh synagogue shooting
A Muslim American group has raised more than $125,000 through an online crowdfunding campaign to help families affected by Saturday's mass shooting at a synagogue in Pittsburgh, which killed at least 11.
CelebrateMercy, one of the organizers of the campaign, told NBC News that the money will assist families with medical bills, funeral expenses and other immediate and short-term needs.
Tarek El-Messidi, the group’s founding director, says his hope through the fundraiser is "to respond to evil with good.”
"We’re really hoping to help the community that’s suffering," El-Messidi said. “We’re hoping to inspire more interfaith collaboration and peace.”
Muslim Americans raise more than $120,000 for those affected by synagogue shooting

This demonstration of unity is an example of what this country needs, These are two ancient enemies, sharing one country.
We keep on hearing/seeing all these claims that one group or another is the enemy of the people. When in fact, both sides want what is best for their country, which happens to be everyone's country. No one is the enemy of the people/country, who wants the United States to continue to be the greatest country in the world, for all it's citizens, no matter the skin color, religion, gender or political beliefs. This is what made America great.
Oh, have they paid 9/11 off already?
What did they do ?
Muslims? You haven't heard?

the houris are constantly whispering in his ears-----and the jinns reside
therein (and one jinn in each nostril)
Last edited:
Muslim Americans raise more than $120,000 for those affected by Pittsburgh synagogue shooting
A Muslim American group has raised more than $125,000 through an online crowdfunding campaign to help families affected by Saturday's mass shooting at a synagogue in Pittsburgh, which killed at least 11.
CelebrateMercy, one of the organizers of the campaign, told NBC News that the money will assist families with medical bills, funeral expenses and other immediate and short-term needs.
Tarek El-Messidi, the group’s founding director, says his hope through the fundraiser is "to respond to evil with good.”
"We’re really hoping to help the community that’s suffering," El-Messidi said. “We’re hoping to inspire more interfaith collaboration and peace.”
Muslim Americans raise more than $120,000 for those affected by synagogue shooting

This demonstration of unity is an example of what this country needs, These are two ancient enemies, sharing one country.
We keep on hearing/seeing all these claims that one group or another is the enemy of the people. When in fact, both sides want what is best for their country, which happens to be everyone's country. No one is the enemy of the people/country, who wants the United States to continue to be the greatest country in the world, for all it's citizens, no matter the skin color, religion, gender or political beliefs. This is what made America great.
Oh, have they paid 9/11 off already?
What did they do ?
Muslims? You haven't heard?
The ones who did it died in the crash. What atrocities do you take responsibility for ya racist **** ?
Muslim Americans raise more than $120,000 for those affected by Pittsburgh synagogue shooting
A Muslim American group has raised more than $125,000 through an online crowdfunding campaign to help families affected by Saturday's mass shooting at a synagogue in Pittsburgh, which killed at least 11.
CelebrateMercy, one of the organizers of the campaign, told NBC News that the money will assist families with medical bills, funeral expenses and other immediate and short-term needs.
Tarek El-Messidi, the group’s founding director, says his hope through the fundraiser is "to respond to evil with good.”
"We’re really hoping to help the community that’s suffering," El-Messidi said. “We’re hoping to inspire more interfaith collaboration and peace.”
Muslim Americans raise more than $120,000 for those affected by synagogue shooting

This demonstration of unity is an example of what this country needs, These are two ancient enemies, sharing one country.
We keep on hearing/seeing all these claims that one group or another is the enemy of the people. When in fact, both sides want what is best for their country, which happens to be everyone's country. No one is the enemy of the people/country, who wants the United States to continue to be the greatest country in the world, for all it's citizens, no matter the skin color, religion, gender or political beliefs. This is what made America great.

No, this isn't possible. All Muslims are terrorists who want to convert us into Sharia Islamic State. Trump Tards said so.
How many sticks of incense and Final Call newspapers had to be sold to raise $120,000 from the Islamo community? Personally, I think its bullshit. Someone like Soros is ponying up this money and saying it is from the muslims to rehabilitate liberal islamic leaders like Calypso Louie.
You are way off base.

The cult group Nation of Islam has zero to do with the $120,000 raised by the Muslim community and donated to the Jewish victims. ... :cool:
Muslim Americans raise more than $120,000 for those affected by Pittsburgh synagogue shooting
A Muslim American group has raised more than $125,000 through an online crowdfunding campaign to help families affected by Saturday's mass shooting at a synagogue in Pittsburgh, which killed at least 11.
CelebrateMercy, one of the organizers of the campaign, told NBC News that the money will assist families with medical bills, funeral expenses and other immediate and short-term needs.
Tarek El-Messidi, the group’s founding director, says his hope through the fundraiser is "to respond to evil with good.”
"We’re really hoping to help the community that’s suffering," El-Messidi said. “We’re hoping to inspire more interfaith collaboration and peace.”
Muslim Americans raise more than $120,000 for those affected by synagogue shooting

This demonstration of unity is an example of what this country needs, These are two ancient enemies, sharing one country.
We keep on hearing/seeing all these claims that one group or another is the enemy of the people. When in fact, both sides want what is best for their country, which happens to be everyone's country. No one is the enemy of the people/country, who wants the United States to continue to be the greatest country in the world, for all it's citizens, no matter the skin color, religion, gender or political beliefs. This is what made America great.
Oh, have they paid 9/11 off already?
Ask the trumps who are doing all that business with the Saudis.

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