Muslims just suck - Killing a Girl for Getting an Education!!! WTF!!!

I thought Islam was the Religion of Peace..

How many atrocities were committed by those who follow The Prince of Peace? Ever look at those who follow Christian Identity beliefs?

The terrorists who did this are low life scum, but I refuse to bash an entire religion because of the acts of religious fundamentalist extremists.

oh bullshit you low life piece of shit, you wouldn't hesitate a nano second to bash Christians.
The Japanese blew up an American gun boat in 1937 or 38 on a Chinese River yet. The Germans sank American destroyers while this country was still a declared neutral. Aggressors don't really care, they know war is coming and they're going to have to kill these people sooner or later so why bother refraining from killing them now? Islam is the same way. Didn't the Taliban blow up those historic Afghan statues a few days before 9/11, despite almost the entire world protesting against it? The people in charge of blowing up the statues knew full well bin laden's attacks against America were coming and fully believed bin Laden when he predicted that by commandeering a few plans and crashing them into a few American buildings he could bring about the collapse of the American Government. So why bother stopping? Its a subconscious preview from the heart of Islam of what they desire for coming attractions. Two billion people, eh? "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time."

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I think that's enough to allow people to get the point. Of course the WhiteHouse's Hillary-Huma- National Security Advisor James Brennan axis will just label them all as secular progressives in beards.
I thought Islam was the Religion of Peace..

How many atrocities were committed by those who follow The Prince of Peace? Ever look at those who follow Christian Identity beliefs?

The terrorists who did this are low life scum, but I refuse to bash an entire religion because of the acts of religious fundamentalist extremists.

Here we go the usual American liberal response, always attacking your own cultures main religion, and refusing to say anything negative about Islam.
Typical, so fucking typical.
Here's another one in the news today:

OMG, she wanted to talk to boys !!!

Pakistani parents jailed for 'honour killing' of daughter

A Pakistani-born couple were jailed for life by a British court Friday for murdering their "westernised" teenage daughter in an apparent honour killing.

Iftikhar Ahmed, 52, and his wife Farzana, 49, were told at Chester Crown Court in Cheshire, north-west England, that they would serve a minimum of 25 years each after suffocating their 17-year-old daughter Shafilea in 2003.

In a high-profile case, Shafilea's sister Alesha had told the jury that her mother had said, "Just finish it here," as they forced a plastic bag into Shafilea's mouth in front of their other children.

Prosecutors said the Ahmeds, who lived in the town of Warrington, near Chester, killed their daughter because they felt her "western" habits such as wearing make-up and talking to boys brought shame on the family.

Passing sentence, judge Roderick Evans told the pair: "Your concern about being shamed in your community was greater than the love of your child.

"Shafilea was a determined, able and ambitious girl who wanted to live a life which was normal in the country and in the town in which you had chosen to live," he said.

Pakistani parents jailed for 'honour killing' of daughter - Yahoo! News
white people did the same thing lol

Yet black people still do this! Funny as long as there are African nations, at least the people of Afghanistan maintain a higher standard of living than someone else!

I wouldn't go that far, maybe Somalia but not much else.

Just hitting back on Duck's ignorant comments. There are probably some countries in Africa better than Afghanistan. Afghanis really lower the bar!
Yet black people still do this! Funny as long as there are African nations, at least the people of Afghanistan maintain a higher standard of living than someone else!

I wouldn't go that far, maybe Somalia but not much else.

Just hitting back on Duck's ignorant comments. There are probably some countries in Africa better than Afghanistan. Afghanis really lower the bar!

Afghanistan actually wasn't that bad in the 1970's, but when the Soviets invaded and Islamic radicals flooded that country it pretty much fucked everything up.
I thought Islam was the Religion of Peace..

How many atrocities were committed by those who follow The Prince of Peace? Ever look at those who follow Christian Identity beliefs?

The terrorists who did this are low life scum, but I refuse to bash an entire religion because of the acts of religious fundamentalist extremists.

oh bullshit you low life piece of shit, you wouldn't hesitate a nano second to bash Christians.

Since you have no problem bashing the religions of others, why should you be bothered by the fact that yes, Christians have committed their share of atrocities over time?
Strange how throughout the ages, women have had to undergo this kind of thing. Accused means guilty and a sadistic crowd gathers to watch the witch or whatever burned or hanged or stoned or worse.
What do you think it is?
I thought Islam was the Religion of Peace..

How many atrocities were committed by those who follow The Prince of Peace? Ever look at those who follow Christian Identity beliefs?

The terrorists who did this are low life scum, but I refuse to bash an entire religion because of the acts of religious fundamentalist extremists.

Here we go the usual American liberal response, always attacking your own cultures main religion, and refusing to say anything negative about Islam.
Typical, so fucking typical.

Here's the difference. My view doesn't bash an entire Religion because of the act of extremists. You do. In doing so, you show yourself to be a bigoted moron, and the fact that you can't handle looking at your own religion's atrocities, shows what a petty little person you are.

What you don't seem to get is that a liberal mind is open to those grey areas of culture, and seeks to honestly evaluate societies collective beliefs and values. The conservative mind, seeks to follow a dogmatic rule set, and put symbols and cliches over rational thought and constantly questioning.

So if you choose to hate entire cultures and religions because of your ignorance, you need to have some perspective thrown in you hateful face.

I hope that clears up your confusion.
This is the world we live in and the only answer is not negoitation but annilation. They will not change but as long as they stay in their own cess pool I don't really care. If you come over here and spread that crap I think we should arrange a meeting.
40 years of islamic terrorism, muslim on mulim violence, beheadings, child homicide bombers, slaughtering of innocents, and folks are still "shocked" by the acts of these depraved, sub-human neanderthals....... Please......

I think you'll find most Muslims are equally shocked at the daft bastard extremists.
Here in Indonesia, where there more Muslims than anywhere else in the world, it's illegal for girls not to go to school and Kartini, the mother of girls' education, is a national heroine with a national holiday in her name.

Perhaps the thread title is erroneous.
gernade attacks, acid attacks and poisoning the water well as because a young girl wants to get an education! Wtf is wrong with muslims! This cult needs to go!

acid attacks, poison: What afghan girls risk by going to school -
"people are crazy," said razia jan, founder of a girls' school outside kabul. "the day we opened the school, (on) the other side of town, they threw hand grenades in a girls' school, and 100 girls were killed.

"every day, you hear that somebody's thrown acid at a girl's face ... Or they poison their water."

there were at least 185 documented attacks on schools and hospitals in afghanistan last year, according to the united nations. The majority were attributed to armed groups opposed to girls' education.

"it is heartbreaking to see the way these terrorists treat ... Women," said jan, 68. "in their eyes, a women is an object that they can control. They are scared that when these girls get an education, they will become aware of their rights as women and as a human being."

"most of the (local) men and women are illiterate," jan said. "most of our students are the first generation of girls to get educated."

seven small villages make up deh'subz, where the school is located. Though deh'subz is not taliban-controlled, jan has still found it difficult to change the deep-rooted stigma against women's education.

The zabuli education center teaches kindergarten through eighth grade. Without her school, jan says, many of the students would not be able to receive an education.

"when we opened the school in 2008 and i had these students coming to register, 90% of them could not write their name. And they were 12- and 14-year-old girls," jan said. "now, they all can read and write."

to shield the students from attacks, jan has built a new stone wall to surround the school. She also employs staff and guards who serve as human guinea pigs of sorts.

"the principal and the guard, they test the water every day," jan said. "they will drink from the well. If it's ok, they'll wait. ... Then they'll fill (the) coolers and bring it to the classroom."

jan says she is so scared of poisoning that school staff members accompany children to the bathroom and make sure the children don't drink water from the faucet. Additionally, the day guard arrives early each morning to check for any gas or poison that might be leaked inside the classrooms. The guard opens doors and windows and checks the air quality before any children are allowed to enter.

"people are so much against girls getting educated," jan said. "so we have to do these precautions."

but the people speaking against it and running the school are muslims are they not ??
I talked to an Afghan muslim about this issue.

He said the problem is that the boys need to be educated first.

Because they are the ones who need to be able to get the jobs when they are adults in order to feed their family.

Once there is enough schools to educate all of the boys.

Only then should girls be allowed to go to school and get an education.
Remember that great Christian outreach program, The Inquisition? Man, those guys sure did know how to commit murder on a mass scale, didn't they? And torture?

gernade attacks, acid attacks and poisoning the water well as because a young girl wants to get an education! Wtf is wrong with muslims! This cult needs to go!

acid attacks, poison: What afghan girls risk by going to school -
"people are crazy," said razia jan, founder of a girls' school outside kabul. "the day we opened the school, (on) the other side of town, they threw hand grenades in a girls' school, and 100 girls were killed.

"every day, you hear that somebody's thrown acid at a girl's face ... Or they poison their water."

there were at least 185 documented attacks on schools and hospitals in afghanistan last year, according to the united nations. The majority were attributed to armed groups opposed to girls' education.

"it is heartbreaking to see the way these terrorists treat ... Women," said jan, 68. "in their eyes, a women is an object that they can control. They are scared that when these girls get an education, they will become aware of their rights as women and as a human being."

"most of the (local) men and women are illiterate," jan said. "most of our students are the first generation of girls to get educated."

seven small villages make up deh'subz, where the school is located. Though deh'subz is not taliban-controlled, jan has still found it difficult to change the deep-rooted stigma against women's education.

The zabuli education center teaches kindergarten through eighth grade. Without her school, jan says, many of the students would not be able to receive an education.

"when we opened the school in 2008 and i had these students coming to register, 90% of them could not write their name. And they were 12- and 14-year-old girls," jan said. "now, they all can read and write."

to shield the students from attacks, jan has built a new stone wall to surround the school. She also employs staff and guards who serve as human guinea pigs of sorts.

"the principal and the guard, they test the water every day," jan said. "they will drink from the well. If it's ok, they'll wait. ... Then they'll fill (the) coolers and bring it to the classroom."

jan says she is so scared of poisoning that school staff members accompany children to the bathroom and make sure the children don't drink water from the faucet. Additionally, the day guard arrives early each morning to check for any gas or poison that might be leaked inside the classrooms. The guard opens doors and windows and checks the air quality before any children are allowed to enter.

"people are so much against girls getting educated," jan said. "so we have to do these precautions."

but the people speaking against it and running the school are muslims are they not ??

Stop telling the truth.
It ruins perfectly crap lies.
I talked to an Afghan muslim about this issue.

He said the problem is that the boys need to be educated first.

Because they are the ones who need to be able to get the jobs when they are adults in order to feed their family.

Once there is enough schools to educate all of the boys.

Only then should girls be allowed to go to school and get an education.

Same conditions in Indonesia but it's illegal to refuse to educate a girl for any reason.
I've just bought a bunch of tables for a small village school. They have shit all but they still educate girls because it would cause a fucking riot if they some daft bastard refused to do so.
In poor villages, it's common for the local mosque to run schools for ALL the local children.

Cash may restrict the quality of education but is no excuse to refuse to educate girls.
Besides that - it's a piss poor excuse anyway.

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