Muslims just suck - Killing a Girl for Getting an Education!!! WTF!!!

Cash may restrict the quality of education but is no excuse to refuse to educate girls.
Besides that - it's a piss poor excuse anyway.
Afghanistan is a much different story than Indonesia.

The Afghan people have been in war for over 3 decades with no end in sight.

There are very few jobs in a country that is dirt poor.

So educating girls for non existant jobs is a total was of resources and money.

First the boys need to be educated in order to help build a stable economic base for the country.

Only then should girls start to be educated. :cool:
Cash may restrict the quality of education but is no excuse to refuse to educate girls.
Besides that - it's a piss poor excuse anyway.
Afghanistan is a much different story than Indonesia.

The Afghan people have been in war for over 3 decades with no end in sight.

There are very few jobs in a country that is dirt poor.

So educating girls for non existant jobs is a total was of resources and money.

First the boys need to be educated in order to help build a stable economic base for the country.

Only then should girls start to be educated. :cool:

Sadly, while that may well have some truth in it, the extremists will profit from such excuses.
Perhaps the US should send cash to run and protect schools.
I don't know about Afghanistan, but the cost of one smart bomb would build a school out here and run it for a couple of years.
Sorry bout that,

1. Well the answer to this is, 'Muslims all in all are stupid', really, we are talking just a tad above a monkey in IQ.
2. Well maybe a tad lower than a monkey, even a monkey won't murder their own child, for whatever reason.
3. Muslims are knuckle dragging morons.
4. And Muslims have a hard time understanding simple words, and they also put some sort of huge weight in their tiny little minds of what words mean, like honor, is just about the most important word for most of them.
5. They think that their honor, is something to be protected, like at all costs, even to the killing of their children.
6. A Muslims will argue about a word for hours, and if you don't agree with them about that word at some point, they just cut your fucking throat!
7. Its a Muslim thing, I don't really know anyone like Muslims.
8. Just how Muslim parents can take their children and murder them is beyond me, they really need to stop doing that, the word HONOR isn't all that important.

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Sorry bout that,

1. Well the answer to this is, 'Muslims all in all are stupid', really, we are talking just a tad above a monkey in IQ.
2. Well maybe a tad lower than a monley, even a monkey won't murder their own child, for whatever reason.
3. Muslims are knuckle dragging morons.
4. And Muslims have a hard time understanding simple words, and they also put some sort of huge weight in their tiny little minds of what words mean, like honor, is just about the most important word for most of them.
5. They think that their honor, is something to be protected, like at all costs, even to the killing of their children.
6. A Muslims will argue about a word for hours, and if you don't agree with them about that word at some point, they just cut your fucking throat!
7. Its a Muslim thing, I don't really know anyone like Muslims.
8. Just how Muslim parents can take their children and murder them is beyond me, they really need to stop doing that, the word HONOR isn't all that important.


What a pile of bollocks.
It was claimed, Jews ate children. Daft but people believed it because they hated Jews.
Eat my dick,

1. People who start every post with the same fucking stupid phrase are dumb.
2. People who have to make every single post they make into a dumb fucking list are dumb
3. That guy is the worst fucking poster in the history of posting.
4. See 1 through 3.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Well the answer to this is, 'Muslims all in all are stupid', really, we are talking just a tad above a monkey in IQ.
2. Well maybe a tad lower than a monkey, even a monkey won't murder their own child, for whatever reason.
3. Muslims are knuckle dragging morons.
4. And Muslims have a hard time understanding simple words, and they also put some sort of huge weight in their tiny little minds of what words mean, like honor, is just about the most important word for most of them.
5. They think that their honor, is something to be protected, like at all costs, even to the killing of their children.
6. A Muslims will argue about a word for hours, and if you don't agree with them about that word at some point, they just cut your fucking throat!
7. Its a Muslim thing, I don't really know anyone like Muslims.
8. Just how Muslim parents can take their children and murder them is beyond me, they really need to stop doing that, the word HONOR isn't all that important.


What a pile of bollocks.
It was claimed, Jews ate children. Daft but people believed it because they hated Jews.

1. I don't think so.
2. And I am not talking about all Muslims, some Muslims are educated, but, still a educated fool is still a fool and a moron, willing to murder their own children.
3. Hell they will fly planes into buildings, for no just reason.
4. Look I am not really trying to attack Muslims, I feel for them as humans, well kinda humans.
5. I wonder why they have to be so sub-human, and its amazing to me, I have to conclude some of the fault has to be their religion, really.
6. I wish all of what I said wasn't true, but sadly it is.

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Sorry bout that,

Eat my dick,

1. People who start every post with the same fucking stupid phrase are dumb.
2. People who have to make every single post they make into a dumb fucking list are dumb
3. That guy is the worst fucking poster in the history of posting.
4. See 1 through 3.

1. ^^^^^Shit for brains.:badgrin:

Sorry bout that,

Eat my dick,

1. People who start every post with the same fucking stupid phrase are dumb.
2. People who have to make every single post they make into a dumb fucking list are dumb
3. That guy is the worst fucking poster in the history of posting.
4. See 1 through 3.

1. ^^^^^^^For sure a Homo!:badgrin:

Remember that great Christian outreach program, The Inquisition? Man, those guys sure did know how to commit murder on a mass scale, didn't they? And torture?

Lest we forget.
The Inquistion was a horrible period and a scar on Christianity.
Remember that great Christian outreach program, The Inquisition? Man, those guys sure did know how to commit murder on a mass scale, didn't they? And torture?


Well those were catholics, and it's been awhile since the did that....they've kinda grown up in 500 years...but others *cough* muslims have not
I thought Islam was the Religion of Peace..

There is nothing wrong with Islam as a religion. The problem is with the idiots who misinterpret the Quran and decide that murder is justified.

There is no excuse for killing innocent children simply for going to school. When they die, I am sure that their Allah will send them to the fiery pits of Hell.
I thought Islam was the Religion of Peace..

There is nothing wrong with Islam as a religion. The problem is with the idiots who misinterpret the Quran and decide that murder is justified.

There is no excuse for killing innocent children simply for going to school. When they die, I am sure that their Allah will send them to the fiery pits of Hell.

Precisely correct. The same people who generalize about Islam and Muslim people would hate it if we started condemning all Christians because of the various sex scandals, the connection to the KKK and Timothy McVeigh.
It's pretty scary what people will stoop to when they think their god wants it done.

As twisted as their religion is, the poor treatment of women in Muslim society has very little to do with religion; it is strictly a cultural thing being carried out by very sick men.
It's pretty scary what people will stoop to when they think their god wants it done.

As twisted as their religion is, the poor treatment of women in Muslim society has very little to do with religion; it is strictly a cultural thing being carried out by very sick men.

It depends on what area of the country they are from. Some parts of the country are governed by very strict Sharia Law, other parts give women more freedom.
To be honest, someone who was truly a Christian would not have done those things. Using a name for their group did not make them true to the principles.
A bit like Hitler calling his party 'socialist'.
Gernade attacks, acid attacks and poisoning the water well as because a young girl wants to get an education! WTF is wrong with Muslims! This cult needs to go!

Acid attacks, poison: What Afghan girls risk by going to school -
"People are crazy," said Razia Jan, founder of a girls' school outside Kabul. "The day we opened the school, (on) the other side of town, they threw hand grenades in a girls' school, and 100 girls were killed.

"People are so much against girls getting educated," Jan said. "So we have to do these precautions."

When these same assholes were killing the Russians occuppying Afghanistan and trying to teach Girls how to read, Reagan gave them a shitload of weapons and money and called them "Freedom Fighters".

Now they are killing Americans occuppying their country and trying to teach girls how to read, and we call them "Terrorists".

Please spare me your "selective" outrage.

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